The artificial sun Ajuka created casted its golden rays across the clearing in the Familiar Forest, illuminating the scene of Emrys clashing with Tiamat both in their dragons forms creating slight shockwaves from the repeated impacts. His light red scales littered the ground, his body slowly becoming a patchwork with some barely clinging to his body. Tiamat herself looked unfazed not having a single scratch and if it wasn't for his blood clinging to her body no one would have been able to tell she was fighting.
Anime & Comics · ChineseChung
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Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_
"As long as this kid disappears, we can inherit all their wealth!"
Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
Warning; Some might not like this mc's personality.
TV · OriginalMaker
So question, if he were to kill and add a Spirit Master to his army, would that spirit master retain its martial soul and spirit rings? And if so could they still add more spirit rings as they grew in strength?
Love it! Shows he's happy to roll around in the dirt and have fun fighting like a real boy. Plus can joke around and have fun listening to music as well. Not just a brooding teen like his cousin.
Sounds a lot like REN GILL in my head...
Dude your last few chapters have been repeats. The Chapter names are new but then your using the content from like 25 chapters ago.
I would say Originals or Teen wolf would not throw off the feeling of being in the same world.
2. Have another franchise in the novel, and if so, what would you choose? (Y/N/Comment)
Movies · DumbedDown
I started working on the dough with my hands, stretching and shaping it into multiple perfect circles. My tails reached into the fridge, pulling out the other ingredients I needed. Tomatoes, onions, sausages, ham… and obviously not pineapple.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves