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LV 13
2018-02-01 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 336


Wow, truly a racist, both him and Gandalf it would seem. 🤯

"But they are humans! No matter how wild or depraved they are, they are still humans! We can change them!"

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos



Madara didn't care as he returned, being booed by the entire place at that moment.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague



ch 22 Chapter 22 - King Joffrey, The Schemer I

GOT: The Golden Lion

GOT: The Golden Lion

Book&Literature · MrPlotThickens


Too bad Zuko is with his uncle… His body would be optimal with similar potential to Azula maybe even a good fit cuz they’re siblings🤗🤯🥳

Through experimentation, it turned out that mages are more resistant to my obsession. They were better mediums, so to speak, and I could stay in their bodies much longer than I could in the bodies of non-magically gifted humans. This meant that the genes and quality energy of the mages influenced the psychic's powers. I was sure Azula's body would be a real ideal for me in terms of energy. But I was not satisfied with a woman's body, even if I had solved the other problems, and now I had no doubt that I could easily pass myself off as a brilliant princess.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Spirit

Avatar The Last Airbender: Spirit

Anime & Comics · FanFictionForge

Replied to KindaHard42069

So it takes Orochimaru like intelligence to experiment? I personally don’t know, given that I myself do not have chakra, but logic dictates that you would notice a ‘new muscle’ or heck even a ‘metaphysical force’ all of a sudden added to your body, specifically in this story this too was mentioned when mc gets chakra from one second to another. You wouldn’t need to be a genius to basically just try to move this new muscle or whatever. I honestly think your reaction to my comment was kind of juvenile and I barely bothered responding to this because I really do not care that much about this argument or even strongly lol. But it does bother me enough that the thought of you seemingly have so little content in your life that you feel the need to put another person down seemingly for just giving their opinion. Granted you too are allowed to air your own opinions and reasons, yet you don’t have to put others down while doing it. Your opinion is that in this story the system is MC’s plot armor, which I don’t necessarily disagree with, however as I pointed out my opinion/complaint was that mc doesn’t seem to use chakra itself as plot armor and my point was that it was sort of stupid not to use and or research an ability as much as you can, especially in a world based on this same power. Especially since there are like thousands of System stories where the MC’s actually does manage to use and experiment with the powers the system grants them. Ergo my comment tried to point out that it was silly for an MC to ignore the potential of the biggest weapon in his arsenal aka Chakra. So I feel my complaint was a lot more valid than yours (seeing as yours was that I was stupid for having the reasons I did, despite the many points I have now written down on this huge a*s comment lol) given that this story is one of thousands of its kind and can of course get compared to all the others. All in all; I too think less of your opinion given that you delivered it with a judgement on my opinion, while your point was valid your judgement of what I said was completely irrelevant to your own argument. Ugh this gto way too out of hand 🤯😮‍💨🤯😮‍💨😓⛈️🤣😑

Compared with that jutsu, the transformation jutsu can be placed in the second rank for jutsu's to buy. The Rasengan is very powerful, but in the face of the pressure of reality, the little cat shed tears and placed it in the third rank.

Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Anime & Comics · Un1que


Haha mine too! 🥰🤣

The boy was weird. Kakashi didn't know anyone else whose favorite snack would be walnuts. It just didn't make sense. Especially children his age. Well, Kakashi didn't like sweet things either, so maybe it wasn't that weird. And walnuts were quite nutritious and healthy. But still, who eats bags upon bags of walnuts? Nobody likes them as much as Yamato.

Will of embers

Will of embers

Anime & Comics · Ironwolf852


He has chakra but he apparently can’t learn or do anything with it on his own? So he can only ever get jutsu from buying it? Another system slave story.. Why even bother giving him chakra then?

Compared with that jutsu, the transformation jutsu can be placed in the second rank for jutsu's to buy. The Rasengan is very powerful, but in the face of the pressure of reality, the little cat shed tears and placed it in the third rank.

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Anime & Comics · 8Ashes8


Apparently Witcher senses ain’t worth nothin’, if he can’t find his target inches away from him.. 🤯🤔🤣

Roy kept the arrow and progressed carefully. He turned his witcher senses on and captured all the clues related to Ciri. Her scent, for example. However, the forest was a complicated maze, and there were more obstacles in his way than he first imagined. Even if he and Ciri might be inches away from each other, he still could miss her because of the plants that were in his line of sight.

The Witcher: The Divine Hunter

The Witcher: The Divine Hunter

Video Games · Leohart


Yet. 🤗

Seriously, fuck you Los Angeles… you're not that many steps away from being a real-life version of Gotham fuckin' City, and unfortunately, we don't have a Batman.

Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Movies · Archonstine


As if that excuses her non involvement in his life? What a twit 🤯🤣😮‍💨

"Your mother wanted to 'take a stand' rather than taking her rightful place by my side. She chose to trust in her friends and Dumbledore. You see Harry, your mother was what most people would term as someone with a 'good heart'. But here is the thing most people don't tell you about these good-hearted people." Perenelle leaned down looking into Harry's eyes while placing her hand on his shoulder. "Good-hearted people seldom live their lives to the fullest. Your mother chose the path of Dumbledore and therefore you were also put on the same path. When you decided to break away from that path, I helped you by pushing Damien and my allies to your side. So, a thank you would be nice."

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

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