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Never cross me

2018-01-15 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 7

Moments 59



"Get in there, maggot. Fight so your pitiful life as a worm at least has some meaning," Narzug could hear an orc roar. A few thunderous cracks of a whip later, a small orc, no taller than a hobbit, with a rusty dagger in his hand, staggered into the arena. Judging by the stain on his pants and his trembling knees, this orc was very eager to give his life some meaning. Nonetheless, Narzug sprinted forward. He swung his axe and split the orc from head to foot in two halves before the orc could even blink. Narzug grabbed the pieces and threw them onto a pile behind him. Then he stood motionless in his starting position again. For a few days now, the orcs no longer called him Narzug the Head-ripper. He had been given a new name. With voices filled with fear, the Misty Mountain orcs whispered his new name: Narzug the Mist Demon.

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos



"Screw you, you damn virgins reading this and hoping it would happen to you. I want to go back to my girlfriend," Jacob screamed into the void. But only his echo answered, mocking him from the corners of the cave.

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos



Katria laughed. "Adventure in Skyrim long enough and you'll learn better than to underestimate the couriers of this land. I've been found in the wild by them more than once. They've earned the title Kyne's breeze."

Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey

Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey

Video Games · ISpyExp



I used the last bits of my magic for a powerful telekinetic blast and blasted the ground and the centaurs close to where I was aiming to create a giant smokescreen of debris and dirt to distract the other centaurs while also knocking out two more centaurs before flying away in the ensuing confusion as fast as I could toward the edge of the forest. The last two centaurs pursued me, but I managed to evade them by zigzagging through the trees and using what little magic I had regenerated to cause small rifts in their way with telekinesis and putting obstacles in their path without even turning around to face them. Eventually, I made it to the edge of the forest and flew away to safety. As I flew away, I felt a sharp pain in my knee, realizing that I had taken an arrow in the knee of all places.

HP: A Ghostly Tale

HP: A Ghostly Tale

Book&Literature · Canos1337

Replied to Ethereal062

Stronger magic and soul likely offers great resistance to such things

The spider's body fell lifeless nearly instantly from the puncture wounds that exploded its brain from the velocity of the rocks.

HP: A Ghostly Tale

HP: A Ghostly Tale

Book&Literature · Canos1337



[Petty soul echo -> Lesser soul echo -> Common soul echo -> Greater soul echo -> Grand soul echo -> Black soul echo.]

HP: A Ghostly Tale

HP: A Ghostly Tale

Book&Literature · Canos1337

Replied to kessu91

Pretty sure he only cares about physically performing magic and only reads what he need to help perform said magic

But even if he knew how to get in the cheat like room, Ethan wasn't actually very interested in it. He really didn't like reading, and did only the bare minimum for his classes, relying more on his practical experience.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Book&Literature · SlyOW



The Dursleys' treatment of Harry was harsh and uncaring, yet Harry didn't label them as evil. They rarely harmed him physically and, out of fear of Dumbledore and other wizards, they allowed him to stay in their home. Despite these slight concessions, Harry couldn't find it in himself to forgive them for the years of neglect and emotional pain they inflicted on him. He harbored no desire for revenge, but he firmly believed in the principle that actions have consequences.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz



For a few years now too she had three tails, and seemed to not be too far from her fourth one. If she aged normally, she shouldn't even have her third tail yet, but for some reason she was growing faster than she was supposed to.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Book&Literature · SlyOW



"Sorry, Gideon, but I have better things to do than watch over you 24/7 after resetting you with The Memory Gun," I said, slicing off the sleeping child's head on the floor.

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Anime & Comics · Herohero

Replied to H_ell



Although I had many memories of Dipper being hugged by Mabel, this was my first hug with her personally.

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Anime & Comics · Herohero



His parents were happy for his progress and talent in magic, although concerned about the general magical society and their bigoted views. They would arrange everything for his non-magical education as fast as possible. Which happened to be already next week. With the reply to his second letter the send with the school owl, he got a parcel with all the necessary books and materials. Mastering the seventh-grade materials with the help of the AI Chip and the knowledge of his previous life was no challenge. All he had to do now was to complete and send the monthly homework back and succeed in his exams during summer break.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee



The other three occupants looked at each other before the dark-haired Roger Davies replied: "Hi, Roger Davies." Next, the Blonde-haired boy happily started to introduce himself: "Hello my name is Harold Dingle. Nice to meet you all!"

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee



There was no romance around us though, only a familial bond. I did not know if it was because she was so much younger or because of the memories of my past life as a human but I could not see Tigress that way.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn



She got into a stance. She lowered her centre of gravity and got on all fours, like she was meant to be.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn



I guess I can't go wrong with Martial Artist.

The Slayer Gamer

The Slayer Gamer

Video Games · TheOneThatRead

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