AkitaToyama - Profile



female LV 15

Mother of one Married to my best friend

2017-12-23 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 56

Moments 313

Replied to Jaywalker_Holmes

Welcome back!

ch 400 Chapter 396 – Grand Plans and Happy Thoughts

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


Yang*shocked* i am a met a human as well?

Feng Jue nodded his head, "Actually Big Sister, you too, it's just that your ability hasn't been fully developed."

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Urban · Mr. Jiuxi


Haha Rei and Rook have no idea that they are already a couple!

Rei was practically abducted by Crown Princess Pica and Rook back to the Obsidian Kingdom – although General Aquila did promise Head Sage Yue that he would send Rei back to the Pearl Kingdom in a week or so. King Corvus, too, was quite supportive of Rook and Rei's budding friendship and hoped for more - according to him, the faster these two boys developed their relationship, the faster the ancient magical guardian beast of the Obsidian Kingdom would appear! King Corvus hadn't been so excited in a long time!

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes

Replied to Snowraven

Snow we need to do something! Mars and Astra cannot get a mystical child! I dont want that!

Mars, on the other hand, was blissfully unaware of his parents' plans, and was instead thinking that he, too, would be the master of an ancient magical guardian beast soon. After all, he thought to himself, ancient magical guardian beasts had appeared in the Emerald Kingdom, Pearl Kingdom and Sapphire Kingdom – surely one would appear in the Amber Kingdom as well? And when it did, Mars, as the Crown Prince of the Amber Kingdom, would be the master of this beast! And the beast of the Amber Kingdom must definitely be powerful than those spoilt creatures from the other kingdoms, who knew nothing other than how to act cute with humans – really, King Jaren had pampered them too much. And to think these idiot royals of the other four kingdoms intended to even pass on their thrones to these beasts…! Mars shuddered and glanced at Astra, glad that his pretty fiancée didn't have such ridiculous ideas.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


Jin*in the back ground crqcking her knuckles *

"Sister Gu Yang is so kind. Of course, she can't understand some people's evil intentions," Feng Jue said warmly.

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Urban · Mr. Jiuxi


Chen*straight face* im sorry you have to leave. I dont think we can kepp you on this show anymore

Therefore, Director Chen said decisively, "Tang Qiaoqiao, please leave. The production team will transfer the penalty to your company later."

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Urban · Mr. Jiuxi

Replied to Snowraven

Then its settle! Anow and i will be her parents! Please Jay! Let our little Luna claim ys as her parents!


Besides, it was quite likely that the next baby – the ancient magical guardian beast of the Amber Kingdom – and Lucien's destined partner – would arrive in the Amber Kingdom when they visited. Mana and Raven had to be present in the Amber Kingdom if that happened, so after a brief discussion with King Jaren, both Head Sage Yue and King Corvus agreed to the matter.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes

Replied to Snowraven

Luna!!!! Our special Luna


Besides, it was quite likely that the next baby – the ancient magical guardian beast of the Amber Kingdom – and Lucien's destined partner – would arrive in the Amber Kingdom when they visited. Mana and Raven had to be present in the Amber Kingdom if that happened, so after a brief discussion with King Jaren, both Head Sage Yue and King Corvus agreed to the matter.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes

Replied to Snowraven

Yes yes! Snow and i will teach her right from wrong! *whispers* and teach her how to harm the two evil bratsAstra and Mars if they ever have any evil thought towards pur precious children * snow what should we name her?


Besides, it was quite likely that the next baby – the ancient magical guardian beast of the Amber Kingdom – and Lucien's destined partner – would arrive in the Amber Kingdom when they visited. Mana and Raven had to be present in the Amber Kingdom if that happened, so after a brief discussion with King Jaren, both Head Sage Yue and King Corvus agreed to the matter.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


Jin*losing her temper*: do you want me to tell Yang the truth? Jue*looking pitiful* she wont abandon me Yang* looking confused at the two*

The porcelain cup in Gu Jin's hand instantly shattered into pieces. She stood up, her eyes cold and frosty. She couldn't take it anymore. "Not only am I fierce to you, but I also want to hit you."

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Urban · Mr. Jiuxi


Jue*complaining like a child to Yang* Yang*raising an eyebrow*

A triumphant smile flashed across Feng Jue's eyes. Then, he pointed at Gu Jin and whispered to Gu Yang, "But Gu Jin was fierce to me."

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Urban · Mr. Jiuxi

Replied to Snowraven

True. Astra and her dumb boy toy needs to back off!

King Orion cursed Astra internally for not having enough influence on King Jaren – he really should have made Mars run after the younger daughter instead of the older one, he thought. This Astra was turning out to be as useless as her mother Sora. Meanwhile, both of Dora's kids were growing more and more outstanding each day!

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes

Replied to Snowraven

Yes! I can also see how concieted he is because of his mother as well

King Orion had no idea how wrong he was… and he wouldn't find out until the day of the banquet.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


Orion your son is really stupid!

King Orion had no idea how wrong he was… and he wouldn't find out until the day of the banquet.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


Jay ley me take Lucian’s partner! I dont want Astra or that child of hers to have her! Snow and i will have her!

Besides, it was quite likely that the next baby – the ancient magical guardian beast of the Amber Kingdom – and Lucien's destined partner – would arrive in the Amber Kingdom when they visited. Mana and Raven had to be present in the Amber Kingdom if that happened, so after a brief discussion with King Jaren, both Head Sage Yue and King Corvus agreed to the matter.

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes


* my eyes flashing with anger* DO NOT HAVE ANY IDEAS ABOUT MY SWEET LOVEABLE MANA!


King Orion cursed Astra internally for not having enough influence on King Jaren – he really should have made Mars run after the younger daughter instead of the older one, he thought. This Astra was turning out to be as useless as her mother Sora. Meanwhile, both of Dora's kids were growing more and more outstanding each day!

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Fantasy · Jaywalker_Holmes

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