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Seriously I like this page !!!

2017-12-18 đã tham gia Venezuela

Huy hiệu 12

Moments 253


the second

Did a meteor come from space and hit this place? Has a nuclear bomb hit this place?

I Try To Enjoy My Life But This Woman Keep Calling Me Villain

I Try To Enjoy My Life But This Woman Keep Calling Me Villain

Fantasy · LuxVonDeux

Replied to DarkSlayer

Good poit😑

Daphe wanted to look in the library after Harry's extremly loud wake-up call about what the world really is. She decided she was going to work her ass off so she doesn't end up as a plaything to any mad, devil, fallen angel, god, or any number of psychopaths. She was going to ignore the irony that she had to marry a sociopath when she reached majority. 

HP/DxD: Raven

HP/DxD: Raven

Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda


El es estúpido, literalmente está pidiendo uno de los animes más peligrosos que existe! No va a sobrevivir ni el día!

"This is incredible; finally, I could be a soldier with the wings of freedom..." Alex murmured as he adjusted his glasses with much excitement.

Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Movies · SrCuervo


he is very forgettable

Dad, Richard, Valentina, as well as some other dude whose name I forgot, went up the stage and waited for the alliance representative. Everyone was surprised when the big man, Professor Oak himself appeared on the stage with an Alakazam by his side.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Is Gary

Dad, Richard, Valentina, as well as some other dude whose name I forgot, went up the stage and waited for the alliance representative. Everyone was surprised when the big man, Professor Oak himself appeared on the stage with an Alakazam by his side.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93



We took them down before the time was up, so we took their coins instead. Before that, we only had 181, but those four offered us 43 more points. If that had not happened you guys would have come in first." She explained with mirth and I somehow blamed Murphy for that. It may have made no sense, but I still did it.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93



Neither of us had any idea if she normally used some or not, but that was obviously a trick question. Not saying anything and seemingly agreeing with her was the safest bet in such a situation.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Two words, insect power.

"Nope, not that I know of. My family was just a normal one." She said and I nodded at that.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93



Especially, if one compared her progress to that of Optimus who was actually one of the prime members of the Butterfree species, which showed the vast difference between her and regular Butterfree.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Yo vengo de Venezuela un país con una tasa de criminalidad altísima, te puedo decir con franqueza que los violadores de niños no sobreviven la semana en las cárceles. Yo aún recuerdo el caso de que a un violador que metieron en una cárcel de Mérida que lo empataron y luego le cortaron la cabeza para luego jugar fútbol con ella!!! Ese es el destinó de los violadores de niños en Venezuela!!!

According to his parents, the guy would have a really hard time at the jail, because most people disliked people that abused their own Pokemon, a bit like with child molesters in his old world. Furthermore, his time at the border would probably be even harder until he caught new Pokemon and trained them while doing his service.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93



The little girl seemed quite excited by the fight they had just witnessed as she was visibly glowing.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


not paldea?

The regions located there are Kalos, Almia, Oblivia, Fiore and Orre.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

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