This is honestly one of the few good Hp ff. I started to read/listen to this yesterday and when I went to continue this morning I was surprised and disappointed that I had actually caught up to current (60). The story is great its not a regression or a reincarnation but, more of a what if he just stopped being so timid. Without an over exaggeration the author gives a good reason, and properly explained why everything happened. I was honestly sitting on edge the whole time. Give it a read you won't be disappointed if your a hp fan.
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Ok when I first saw the cover for this ff I though "Harry squatter the boy who lifted!" and honistly gave it a shot. I have read up to chapter 30 and so far I am quite satisfied with the overall quality. That being said very little has ben changed from the overall story, yet at the same time quite a lot. Because of 1 changed event the story is quite interesting and I am looking forward to the development. WQ 5 StarsI SD 5 Stars CD 3 Stars simple because the story has not progressed enough to give this a fare judgment based on the original hp books. US 5 Stars i understand how hard it is to write a book of any form keep up the good work. WB 2 Stars as stated above the story has not progressed far enough for an accurate judgement. In fact there has been very little descriptions of the world itself lowering it to 2 star. Overall 4.2 star! Keep up the good work.
oh cool a worm fan fic. im gona place this in my library to read for later. im only on chapter 200ish for worm. I wana finish that before jumping into a fanfic to avoid spoilers. im looking forward to this.
even though yout posted new chapters a mounth ago and I only now found out I hope life is treating you well. I may not be reading the new chapters untill a few more are released but here are my stones for a few days.
its alive, its alive
ok im glad im not the only one who saw the patferns. well played author well played.
I honistly write very few reviews. The premise of this story is quite good. However the downsides to reading this overweigh the ups. Each chapter is VERY small, at the end of each chapter theirs an authors note pushing to his patreon. Withing the first 20 chapters or so 90% of them are just telling the audiance to fork over power stones for a new chapter, then the chapter right after that asked for even more. It's like getting back to back unskippable ads on youtube.
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I have about 200 books or more in my library and most of them I put on hold for more chapters and read like 200 chapters at a time. then leave my powers tones and put it back on hold. I love this fan fic so far keep it up.
I love this. Thanks for sharing.
? you got proof? you got actual proof? do you know the author personally? also since this is in the fan fic section the posted does not get paid in any form, nor are there any advertisements to join their patrion. all im seeing from you is a child throwing a tantrum looking for attention. oh well he took if from another website. well did you ever consider I dont give a shit. its a good read thats my review I suport the author and if the author pops on webnobel and files a comment and the book gets taken down. oh well, but untill that happens shut the fuck up.