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Love reincarnation Light Novels

2017-09-12 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 22

Moments 226


Don’t you need the Uzumaki bloodline too? Ashura’s bloodline broke into Senju and Uzumaki…

From now on, what he needed to do was to further stimulate the potential of his own body and develop the abilities of the three bloodlines in his body to their limits.

Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

Anime & Comics · Read_and_Chill


Hoowwwww??? They remained at the same age when they lost their power according to the chapter when they lost their power

Using his powers, they got in a small spaceship and were on their way. They flew far from home and eventually picked up their mother, Layla. Just like Minny, she too was wearing a completely black dress and a veil that covered her face. Her hands and face were covered in wrinkles. She had grown a lot older, and she was close to that of a 70-year-old woman; the Qi in her body wasn't doing much to help her. It seemed that her time as Hannya had an effect on her. It wasn't just her, but this was the same for other vampires. Those that had young appearances but had already lived a long time were close to their end as a vampire, and the same thing was happening to Layla.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Umm not gonna wait till Layla is old at least? I mean it’s only 21 years since they lost their power…she lived for over 1000 years but still she’s gonna die in a few decades and he’ll wake up knowing he couldn’t even say goodbye in her deathbed? Like what?

Fifteen years had passed since the day Quinn had said his farewells to his family. The sun was shining brightly on the large university campus, where students bustled from one area to the next. At the very top of the campus, there was a black-haired young boy with curly hair, lying back and staring up at the sky while tapping his feet to the rhythm of his music.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Werewolves are from him too?? No wayyy

Even Chris, as he looked at his own body, he could feel his own blood didn't pump in the same way as it did around his body. The alterations that had been made, they were gone.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga



"I did not chose this form." Mundus replied. "It is simply based on the good looks I already had when I turned myself into a human version of myself, and besides, even if I was uglier, you would still stand out. Anyway, hurry up and just take one of these people's blood and be done with it."

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I thought only 1 a year?

'It's been a while since I swallowed a new talent. Let's hope I find a good one among these assassins.'

Talent Swallowing System

Talent Swallowing System

Fantasy · vinayraj


Father? Lol

'That face… why does it feel familiar?' Vorden said, as he looked at the scene in front of him through Shiro's eyes.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I see what you did there.

Soon, Bert got into John's car and set off. While driving, John showed off to Bert: "This time, you should be able to see Quinn, the right hand of Boss Deacon, if it weren't for me, a vampire like you would have no chance to see him!"

Marvel God of Blood

Marvel God of Blood

Anime & Comics · Atrox_H

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