Summon you? Hahahah you’re a simp. You may start a dialogue but you do not let her summon you.
But before that, I need to send Melisandre to Dragonstone to meet Daenerys and recount the events she has witnessed in the North. That should be enough to pique Daenerys' interest in Jon Snow and prompt her to summon me to Dragonstone. The sooner this happens, the better—arming our entire army with dragon glass weapons will require a significant supply, and securing it early will be crucial.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
Pretty weak for that spectacle.
[You're nearly at the level of Captain America from those Marvel Comics you used to read,] Aether remarked. [Almost. But unlike his serum, magic does not immediately tune your body. Give it time, and I advise you to master your strength now, lest you inadvertently injure an ally.] I took her words to heart and spent the day honing my swordsmanship and control over my newfound might.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
When it comes to leading Sansa beats her hands down. She’s built for conquest not leadership. Politics is Sansa’s forte. I’m not sure she would share her crown.
Beautiful. Powerful. A ruler in her own right. The last part might have been an exaggeration—her experience was limited—but compared to anyone else, she was unmatched.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
Interesting, tell me more hahah thanks!
"You don't want compensation because of what? Because of stupidity?"
Anime & Comics · Alex_002
Vampires are created by blood magic/ritual. Maybe he’s the first of his kind. lol would be cool hahah
She swore she had never seen Sanguinius close his eyes and go to sleep, but she knew it was impossible.
TV · TheGreatPrince
I wanna know the professors reaction to his wandless and chantless advanced magic. As a great magus I think he’s only second to dumbledore in terms of raw strength. Anyway, thanks for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter!
Why is he pretending to eat? No one’s around.
Axel took a sip of his coffee and answered. "I'm going to rest a bit. This morning's testimony was a little exhausting. Then maybe I'll go into town and take care of a few things."
Accelerator Vampire
Book&Literature · Talamoo