has potential , but there are some inconsistencys that arent that bad in the beginning but start to get on the nerfs later.
i understand that he is ahead of the curve of other students but fifth grade lvl on realy many subjects in two years seems little over the top . the wand has to come in to play sooner or later and bond with him . hes kinda a little OP alredy so dont push to much his superiority . thanks for the chapter loved it . keep up the good work XD
love this fanfiction!!! this is best hp FF i have read in a LOOOOONG time =) Keep going Creator!!!
haitus ? covid19 ? what happend ?
age 12 and already read all potter books and highly evolved in thoughts XD
Sách này đã bị xóa
Wonderful chapter
good start! Interesting but please get someone that can proofread and edit all the grammatik misstakes in the text. love the series so far keep going
cute meme doggie =)
first ^^ love this series!! best hp fiction out there !!
its a good series .. but with some small spelling mistakes . the character is in such a swing from childish to old . some inconsistensis with how powerful he is and then not . how he learns something like its nothing and then take forever for some other that are simpler to learn
HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
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