It has better typing and has been more competitively viable than the other birds. Bulky zapdos is pretty terrifying in terms of usage.
"Which of the legendary birds should I choose?"
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
I thought that because he's the god of spears, he could innately recall/summon his spear?
Movies · Stingleese
Isn't the move called "Hydro Canon"?
[Received the item TM Water Cannon (one-time use). Water Cannon: A powerful water stream attack with massive power.]
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
I mean it is the end of a season, and the author is taking a break/hiatus. (Which I hope isn't too long.)
Honestly, the fake harem vibes are kinda disappointing .
is this actually no-harem?
shouldn't kondo recognize Equinox?
I'd imagine "Incarnation" would work better than reincarnation
Description: The Hell Storm Homunculus has rebelled and absorbed the boss of the Hell Storm Paradise dungeon and evolved into a being that transcends both. It is a powerful monster that can control the stormy weather itself and is said to bring salvation or calamity on a whim. It has a personality that looks down on others and treats itself as if it is the reincarnation of the storms.
Games · XiaoKongxu
Meh, so far fooled 3 gods thinking he's the son of hephaestus. (Can't quite blame them considering blacksmith powers, red hair, and etc.)
Shirou did not explicitly reveal anything, as he was a terrible liar, but he simply showed his worth and let others come to their own conclusion.
Anime & Comics · Parcasious
Honestly, I really hope he unlocks Kamen Rider Knight and has a Spiderman moment with batman while the rest of the league laugh their butts off.
Kamen Rider in DC
Anime & Comics · Najicablitz626