hope your father get well soon
Hey guys, just wanted to update you, I'm have some IRL issues (My father had a stroke), so I couldn't release, but hopefully I can soon.
Anime & Comics · INeedRest
i try to read at first but i advise you try open it at computer for comfort, because at phone this horrible
5 Star because so far i enjoy the story so much, and hope you don't plan droping this halfway thank you very much for presenting such interesting story
Sách này đã bị xóa
really, some last chapter paragraphs is misplaced,
maybe he mean , that she is powerful enough to withstand five chidlren childbirth simultaneously ,like you know saying that pain mother giving birth is so painful and she endure it five times
"Madam is very powerful, this is the first time I have seen the Quintuplets."
Anime & Comics · Takamiya_Shin
gws bang
Chương này đã bị xóa
Anime & Comics · akikan40
my life is bleak..😂😂
Hey there author .can i ask for book's cover picture link and your cover as well?
For the next week Alex bounced his attention between the academy where he was still a teacher, and the new Yuuki-Onna settlement that had yet to be named(A.N. Hint hint). At the academy they were finishing up finals and exams before the start of the summer break, which Mikogami didn't quite appreciate Alex taking off with a dropout female student in the middle of them. Though he had been understanding of course when Alex mentioned that he intended to keep the Yuuki-Onna from being drafted into the ranks of Fairy Tale's army.
Others · Harry_Dresden
get well soon brother
Miracle Summoner
Anime & Comics · TypicalFicEnjoyer6