
LV 5
2017-06-01 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 8

Moments 59
5 months ago

This is kinda bullshit. With multiple principles monitoring he can still just contact a participant, who has other teachers also onitoring him. This is simply just making the entire test harder for MC without any in-world logic

Damn it, Zack, what's taking you so long? I already told you that you should rush to Arcantor to destroy Adrian while he was still weak from the recent war, if you take any longer, Adrian might even become an Elemental God!

God of Internet

God of Internet

Video Games · NunuXD

1 years ago

honestly i'm going to stop here, thanks for the story so far, but it's kinda annoying to read a story where a supposedly prepared and powerful mc keeps getting the short end of the stick. It feels like no matter what he does it just does not matter. he might win a small fight here or there, but in the end it's simply useless if he loses every big fight that matters

1 years ago

A really good fic, already read it on ff, and i can hardly wait for updates. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Sách này đã bị xóa
1 years ago

This is really good. no problem with grammar, the story pulls you in, and the MC is very interesting, can hardly wait for next update.....................

1 years ago

This is really good. The writing quality is among the best on this site. The world pulls you in. The only problem I have is the repeated nerfs the MC goes through. At this point there have been at least 3 (The last one also goes against a what the author said when introducing the power). The first is an overall nerf to the star wars power system. There are records of force powers on the scale of planets, and even among the more normal ones smasshing a few spaceships and buildings isn't too hard. Our MC might be able to lift a tree or too. Also jedi need a student-master bond to progress in force or they are just fucked(MC does not have a master). The second was when it was just straight up claimed that the MC can't use the force for basically anything. Want to stop a war, well ok, but cut yourself off from the force first. want to fight someone, just don't use the force, otherwise bad things happen. The third not really a nerf, but kinda weird still. MC is speed focused, and so far everyone can match his speed. Everyone hits harder, lasts longer so on. This is with the MC having pulled the most powerful starter kit from all the reincarnators, and somehow still can 't keep up with others. The fourth is the most recent chapter(51 i think), where the ability he spends most of his time perfecting, splitting his mind into parallel processes, suddenly has a stacking fatigue drawback, which was specifically stated in the beginning that it doesn't. So all in all a really good story, just stop nerfing the MC, he is already on of the weakest people we have met so far, while having multiple advantages, and having trained the hardest and longest(both stated in story).

1 years ago

pretty sure it was said earlier that the main advantage of multiple wills is that there is no stacking fatigue. Like when the ability was introduced. So another nerf. at this rate he would be stronger if he just rolled a 5 and gone any other route.

Although there was no theoretical limit on how much one could use the Force, physical brains would feel the burden of accumulated stress from continued use of the Force. Usually, this would not happen for a while, but a side effect of Rayleigh's use of multiple Wills meant he accumulated mental fatigue and stress multiple times faster than normal. A seasoned and well-trained Jedi Knight could probably maintain a single use of the Force for several hours before reaching a fatigue limit. Rayleigh's limit while using nine Wills, was less than an hour.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

2 years ago

I mean it honestly doesn´t really matter if you kill him. he is a non-entity at this point, so weak he can´t fight back even if he wanted to.

2 years ago

Okay, so the story is about 4 stars actually, but I´m giving it 5 to counteract the bullshit 1stars. The writing quality is good, easily readable and the story is interesting. Pulling the MCU in will probably make it difficult, but that´s far down the line. The character is smart but still human, not one of those sociopathic MC-s. The power levels are a bit all over the place, but it´s still really early in the story so it might be that the MC just doesn´t know enough yet. All in all an interesting story, with challenges ahead, but far from ruined like other reviews say.

2 years ago

really hope yugito survives, always liked her

3 years ago

still thanks for trying