Dat Cliff tho
He might assume she's a captain marvel situation- in which case he's SOL. Marvel ain't going to act against Gwen without a dang good reason.
She's an automaton- So, she should be able to lift it like vision right? Idk if she could actually use Thor's power though.
Shouldn't Aoko be capable of saving him with time bullshit?
🙄 He knows, he's just trolling her lol.
For some reason I find it funny to imagine Ai expecting him to be like Lucifer from the TV show 😂. Maybe she's just a little bit disappointed- he didn't follow the script XD.
??? So... No Magic circuits I guess? Well the Harry Potter magic system is still open to him. Calling it a mage system while giving him a muggle template seems kinda meh though. You'd have been better off giving him some useless magic if you wanted to troll him... Like Kazumas steal or something.
Sách này đã bị xóa
How someone dresses is a major part of interaction though? I wouldn't consider the NPC human-like; if attire didn't have some effect on standing. A soldier should be expected to wear his uniform on duty- Just as a civilian should be arrested for streaking in public.
Agreed, I'd be disappointed if he didn't go full Eldritch Horror on Kiri. Especially with the Jinchuriki being walking Nukes often mistreated and casually used. This is also arguably the best moment to reveal that he's a legit god- building up his following.
I'm a God, Ok? (Naruto/God-SI)
Anime & Comics · ValeronWriter