imagined eating a parts similar to yours hahaha
Naoki knew this particular Zapdos was just a wild Pokémon, not the legendary Thunder God referenced in myths or the one featured in The Power of One. Its strength likely didn't compare to the Zapdos guarding the thunderous skies near Shamouti Island in the movie. But with the Lightning Bun, it could grow closer to that level.
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
more author please just once
thank you, Happy New Year 🎊🕛
when will they learn that Saitama is the strongest there in terms of physically
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well considering he already know 6 legendary pokemon, hoping Mewtwo will come soon
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ash is good considering violet and powder is a flower or color theme
the Chinese shit is resurfacing now, the chapter 1 to 79 is good but why only now it's good but we don't care about Chinese shit
Zhili was a disgusting insect native to Ionia, used as an insult implying foolishness and disgust. Li Lin understood Ionian, knowing the meaning of the term.
Video Games · TurdTranslations
more please
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you mean fire right
She paused for effect, her tone softening as if addressing a close friend. "Some of you may recall this incredible Pokémon from earlier this year when it revived an entire forest, bringing it back to life after a devastating drought. Truly a magnificent Pokémon."
Pokemon: A New Path
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29