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2017-06-28 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 16

Moments 237

Replied to JPNovelFan

Well if it wasn’t in this chapter it was within probably the last 5, I just can’t remember which one exactly but it was only one other time

As Lassim's confidence soared, so did his mastery of the [Storm Keeper] techniques. There was no room for the abyssal creatures to retaliate.

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Fantasy · JPNovelFan

Replied to JPNovelFan

No problem, also there was another storm keeper earlier in the chapter, I just didn’t mark it the first time.

As Lassim's confidence soared, so did his mastery of the [Storm Keeper] techniques. There was no room for the abyssal creatures to retaliate.

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Fantasy · JPNovelFan


Is it Storm Keeper or Storm Bringer?

As Lassim's confidence soared, so did his mastery of the [Storm Keeper] techniques. There was no room for the abyssal creatures to retaliate.

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Fantasy · JPNovelFan


I mean, it would be quite embarrassing if someone at SI9 lost to someone at SI1-2 like the rest of the kids are

Lassim, standing next to Lustria and Sirium, felt his determination rising. He would try and obtain the first tank again, and show off his hard work to his masters. He was determined to also honor his promise and save any students that might face harm so great that they couldn't activate their bracelet's teleportation beacons in time.

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

Fantasy · JPNovelFan


A maid* brought


Enemy* not energy



[Skill Master Rank 2 Activation] Flame Body skill advanced to Royal Rank by Hawk

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Wolv96

It’s head

He pointed towards a Phantump that was lying just two meters to his right. A Phantump that neither I nor one of the others had noticed until Thor literally pointed it out to us. It was as if Phantump was an inconspicuous and unimportant part of the background. It was interesting really since all of us had overlooked it until Thor literally pointed it out to us and even more interesting was the fact that I still could not detect Phantump even though I could see its presence with my very own eyes.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

Replied to The_archer1202


"But the events of yesterday, and especially last night, have changed plans. Now, more than ever, Kolar is in even greater need of heroes. As of right now, Kolar is entering a battle ready state. Curfew and states of emergency will be implemented across the country. A level 3 draft notice will be put into effect. Everyone, this ceremony is over. Return to your homes and report to your local enlistment office to determine if you are supposed to report for duty. All active war protocols are officially in effect as of yesterday."

The Eldrim Cards Legacy

The Eldrim Cards Legacy

Fantasy · lifesketcher



[I told you I was the healer now.] Thor declared, which made Remi giggle.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Os_0013

Well obviously it was put in his pocket discreetly for a reason, so he can’t just whip it out in the middle of lunch

When dessert arrived, Wolfe noticed a piece of paper discretely being slid into his pocket. He couldn't take it out at the moment, and the paper seemed to have been enchanted so that he was unable to read it with [Detect Hidden], so he knew it must be important.

Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Azrail93

Can’t forget ATLA either

We ended up watching another 10 episodes, leaving us with only 9 episodes for season 1, which left us pretty much halfway through the story since there were only 2 seasons in total. As a kid, I always thought the shows I watched had a lot of episodes, but I noticed that most kid shows have way fewer episodes than one would expect, including Lilo&Stitch.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

Replied to THANATOS_

Well he also failed because when he took the mock exam he didn’t have any memories, and as such got a zero. Now if he took the same exam he would at least get some points

His grades consistently ranked third from the bottom of the class, and in the previous month's mock exam, he had even improved to fourth from the bottom.

Beast Tamer : Start With Fire Dog

Beast Tamer : Start With Fire Dog

Fantasy · Snorlax777

Replied to Avyya_Aggarwal

The time traveling baltoy

Compared to those two, having Mothra/Butterfree focus on learning Imprison to make use of her massive move pool was child's play. It was unfortunate that the only member of our family who actually knew Imprison was still in a temporal coma, but with Baltoy unable to provide live demonstrations of the move for Mothra, she had to learn the move the classic way, through descriptions, video examples, and practical attempts. Still, despite that, I was sure that Mothra would be able to learn Imprison within a week. Besides, learning moves the classic way on occasion was good for Mothra since it gave her a much more fulfilling experience.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

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