hmm a tough choice this could fix his issue with having to constantly having kids but it should come with some kind of limit like can only be there for x amount of days. additionally cant bring anything too op back to naruto world but can learn new stuff etc.
the biggest inconsistency is chakra. There is no way e level chakra can make 5 shadow clones he shouldn't even be able to make 1.
loving this book so far look forward to next chapters 👍
I basically skipped this chapter.... I'm here for naruto related chapters....
the uchiha lived in the centre of the village and o ly moved after the 9 tails attack..
Sách này đã bị xóa
is this ment to be a fictional addition Tsnuade would know kushina was a jinjuriki as she was in the loop being that her grandmother was the first jinjuriki.
I have been reading this novel, and I have truly enjoyed it. It's has clear flowing dialogue and great character definition. I look forward to future releases.
he is already going to be op later on with training why bother add something non naruto related.
keep up the good work.👍
there is no such thing as all in in black Jack 🤣
My SSS-Rank Kingdom-Building System
Fantasy · Sit_Down_Son