- Seeing the MC get stronger
Video Games · Najicablitz626
- When MC creates simulations
Video Games · Najicablitz626
Warhammer 40K: I Don’t Want to Be a Tin Can! Author: Read_and_Chill same light novel...
I like option 3 and 5
Sách này đã bị xóa
the sword 2 attack...I mean...
Attack Power: 62 (Each Strength point corresponds to 2 Attack Power points)
Games · Nine Xuan
Hey un auteur Français ! Continu ton histoire, y a toujours des personne mécontente, tu peux prendre exemple sur de grande personne quand ils ont inventé de grande chose, la plus part du temps ils sont rejeté, leurs idées souvent déclaré inutile ou trop défectueuse...Je m'égare, ce que je veux dire c'est qu'il y aura toujours des personnes qui seront en désaccord avec ce que tu fais mais le bon côte c'est qu'il y en aura qui seront content de lire ce que tu écris. (Hey a French author! Continue your story, there are always dissatisfied people, you can take example on big person when they invented big thing, most of the time they are rejected, their ideas often declared useless or too defective... I am going astray, what I want to say is that there will always be people who disagree with what you are doing, but the good news is that there will be some who will be happy to read what you are writing.)
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Anime & Comics · SlyOW
This chapter tells me something, you wouldn’t have recycled a chapter?
Without explanation rather it is hard to understand but now yes it even seems extremely logical...
[Growth points: 324(2.2 * 100)]
Eastern · Sand Storm
- Exploring the world, lore, etc.
Becoming the Strongest as a Game Dev
Video Games · Najicablitz626