Webnovel Author: Noctua - Fanfic Collection


LV 5
2017-08-01 đã tham gia Ascension Island

Huy hiệu 7

Moments 27


OMFG! I'm the Chosen One. [Star Wars SI] Sorry, but I remember reading this story somewhere else. You don't seem to be the author as your grammar somehow got worse than the original, If you are going to copy someone else's work you should at least inform your readers of such and post a link to the original.

Sách này đã bị xóa

I will give it a try, but this worries me right at the head. I have no problem with the MC telling someone his secret, if it is for a good reason. The problem comes when the MC starts telling his secrets to half the other characters, the reason being, it's family, it's a mentor, it's a good friend or just a friend, etc... But, hey, it might be a nice story line he the MC is stupid enough to do it and gets backstabbed.

A major issue for some people is the MC was found out about being reincarnated and even explained their backstory to someone. Apparently that is taboo and for some people that completely destroys the story for them. So I just wanted to give a heads up before you read the story so you don't waste time on something you hate. Also more than the MC might be placed in this world/universe at some point. So just a heads up now, if it happens.

Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Anime & Comics · Pewpewcachoo



Replied to mark_kiple

You need me to elaborate? The tone and direction of the story went completely out of bounds. 1st he hides when his family is being threatened, then goes on a murder frenzy on innocent people and both dumbles and nick are fine with it? 2nd you said it yourself cringe romance 3rd non canon compliant, that daphne thing with parseltong and what are she and richard doing out of the feast? Only Harry can company should be as they were at the deathday party. 4th sudden jump into the blood curse theme? 5th grangers in danger? Its like you got a list of things you want in the story and you decided to bulldoze through it leaving holes left and right in both plot and common sense. I say that the previous chapters must have been written by another person, because they are much more well paced. The MC visit to beauxbatons could be written as a whole arc, in which he solidifies knowledge, escapes the canon and possibly plants some seeds for later when he decides canon should be thrown out the window.


This is going down hill from the black market chapter. I seriously want to ask: Did a different person write the first 24 chapters? Cause if yes please do point me in the real story's direction. If not, are the last chapters an attempt at trolling the readers? If so it is of bad taste.

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