The girl could not give out any rebuttal as a scene of passion fell in the grand room. No matter what, it was going to be a long night.
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Toki closed her eyes as Damien met her with a kiss to seal the deal, finally losing the final few chains that locked his heart away.
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The only thing Damien found odd was that Toki and he were placed in the same room.
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"..." Damien blanked at the assassin who matched his eyes with newfound determination, almost as if having acquired some forbidden information.
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'Black Arm Zephyr lost his prized arm… Do I call him Black Stump Zephyr now?' Garp thought to himself.
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The woman had short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards and, casually smoking a cigarette.
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It was a dark-coloured sword in the shape of a katana. A purple electricity pattern was printed on its blade.
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The 5-meter-long leaves were from the 'thriving elephant trees'. They had strong preservative properties, credit to Damien's {Natural Conscience} for finding them.
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What happened next was forever hidden under the veil of the night.
One Piece: Path to Power
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