Sycrice - Profile


male LV 6

lurking cultivator

2018-01-01 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 16


so every generation they effectively half their population?

"When a Divine Beast mates with an ordinary magical beast, the baby will always be a Divine Beast, but we can only have one child in our lifetime." Grandpa Lan explained to him.

Cultivation Online

Cultivation Online

Games · MyLittleBrother

Replied to MaitreRahl

it's his sole focus on the research topic on hand (the awakening process and the changes it induces on a person) while ignoring all the gory parts (which made the other two sister puke despite having experience their on share of gruesome sights) as well as the torment his ex-lover had to go through

"This is very interesting. During the organs' refining process, I noticed a sudden increase of her mana flow, as if they developed properties similar to Adamant. For a few moments, instead of just channeling the mana coming from the core, they drew the world energy themselves." Lith cleaned Phloria's body from the traces of bones, blood, and impurities left.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


it could also be Lith's "Sister" and older apprentice of Medion who "killed" Solus

"I told you. You can either follow me or die. It will not be at my hand, but you'll die nonetheless. It's never polite to make your host wait." The minotaur said.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


pure gold 😂👍

"He grabbed the interest of Belle, a Delphi. Really lucky he only had to be in there for an hour that boy." Richard said making absolutely nothing clearer.

Tales of the Legendary Magus

Tales of the Legendary Magus

Fantasy · Belg4r

Replied to Daoist395120

maybe darkness and something else?

The Shadow of the Colossus spell granted Balkor perfect attack and defense at the same time. The energy the titan was made of could be used to perform physical attacks or be instantly converted into any other spell, even tier five.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to Beastwolf

they share one amniotic sac. so once that breaks he could get the other ones out. but the problematic one would not be swimming in water in the womb anymore. not a state you want an unborn child to be left in for too long

'If I expel the impurities, I'll contaminate the amniotic fluid and endanger the lives of the healthy kids. I could destroy the impurities as soon as they come out, but I don't know how Rena and her children will react to darkness magic.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


*This engagement "is" her future*

"You see? In the blink of an eye, she could be mine. Your sister might not think of this engagement as much, but this is her only pillar to rely on. She might think that she can rely on herself alone, but she will soon find that she can't. This engagement her future and I can find any girl I wish. She better remember that." Evan coldly remarked. He was simply too materialistic, viewing women as objects and love as lust. For a 16 year old child, he was just to arrogant.

Mastermind: Genderbent Villainess

Mastermind: Genderbent Villainess

Fantasy · Oscillating_Sine


taught to *him

'Worst case scenario, it's a trap that we might trigger by trying to remove the scarring.' After his meeting with Faluel, Lith had practiced the meditation techniques she had taught to her, enhancing his willpower perception.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Either "I have access to" or "I can access"

"If he succeeds, he will become more powerful than any Sovereign of Laruel has ever been. I can only access to the Sapling's mana, whereas he would be able to access its mind as well.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


making *up* his mind

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Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

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