it was jabba
yeah he modified theirs bloodlines.... did he put some self detonation technique 😅
("Hey… If you want to survive, retreat now or take cover away from the Great Serpent Empire's army. I'll give you ten seconds. After that, don't blame me for what happens next.")
War · TruthTeller
hahaha we have a little mental breakdown 😍😍
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
War · TruthTeller
thx mate !! for a good while it's my nr one novel 🤩😁
yay thx !!! 🤩😍🤩😁
eye for eye/ invasion for invasion
Harus advanced with quick steps, not caring about any protocol, then shouted at the top of his voice, "Your Majesty, the True Beginning Empire attacked me on planet Gudah, we have lost the planet."
War · TruthTeller
any chance for double chapter because of the birthday of your fan ?? 🤣😜😁🤣😅
Any new information or chapters ? 😉
woohoo 🎉🎉🎉
good idea but the price will be astronomical 😅
Lord of the Truth
War · TruthTeller