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31.57% Yu-Gi-Oh!...Wait What? / Chapter 6: Back to school…Again?!

Chương 6: Back to school…Again?!

"Ugh" yep, that was me, the handsome, probably a little high, I dunno how, that's something the boys always used to say when I was happy or something, and actually not from this world, the guy that took his loses like a champ, it's a game bruh :P; Kirihara Asuto, yayyyyyyy.


Now I regret writing that considering all the shit I had to go through just after this entry was made


And today it's a really special day do you know why? Do you?!! Because…today…is Monday, I hate Monday, with a passion, not even praising the sun or my prayer to the true God Solaire would get me in a good mood, no, and worst of all, of fucking all, excuse me my French, it's a school day, yes, quite obvious huh? Let me rephrase it, its school Monday, my two most hated things in the world in one single day, or the rest of my life or existence, whatever is in between, the point, I don't want to go to school again, I don't want to live my teenage years again, someone get me out here asap please!


I am already too old for this shit, my old body plus this new one literally makes me be in my sixties, I can't call gramps an old man anymore, I mean I too am an old man in my own right, of course only I know that.




You know what; let's face the music, not going to achieve anything just staying in my bed looking at the ceiling of my tiny apartment, with that said I can only tell you dear reader that sighing became my new favorite activity that, with that said let's not dwindle with my morning routine and lets start already when I finally arrived in school.



It's so hooooooooooooooot, geez, that day was wrong in many ways, if I remember correctly, Domino High was literally and hour from where I lived, meaning legs time to work, the day was hot and humid at the same time, I was sweating buckets and running at my max speed, something that I wouldn't have been able to do in my old body, my new it's kind of OP regarding my physical stats or at least I would like to think that, yeah let's just go back to how I came to my misfortune, running at max speed it's no joke, taking turns it's a pain in the ass, I almost crashed against a baby carriage, with said a baby inside obviously, so I had to jump over it, I think I scared the baby for life, the mother chased after me with pan in hand, the hell did she took that from?! stepped on dog shit, not funny, and finally arrived to the school entrance, with five minutes left so I hit the metaphorical pedal to the max and, this time yes, crashed against a mountain of a man with arm band that depicted being part of the disciplinary committee and steam rolled him over, got detention thanks to that, and finally arrived at my classroom, which surprise! It's the same classroom where the main cast its located, I mean, like okay that's normal in this kind of situations I guess.



So pretty sure will have some fun regarding my misfortune or just plain said, "Dude stop whining about everything" and I would say my journal and I can write whatever I want in it, thank you very much.


"Kirihara" the teacher, can't remember his name, never did after all these years, said with a deadpan voice, I dint cringe at that nor I felt like I did something wrong, just calmly waited for him to say the typical you are late and blahblah, you know the stuff, besides, college teachers in exam weeks are way worse, though this is Japan so I wouldn't know how truly strict they are, pretty sure anime it's not a reliable source regarding school life.



"Yes, teacher?" did I forget to say that I was an honor student? Well, yeah, pretty sure my system personal info said that I was a nerd, still am though and proud of it! "Go and take your seat, so we may continue the class" I nodded and when to, guess what? The seat just right in the corner and closest to the window, the protagonist seat…OMFG, yeah, no, just a seat, well a high school seat but aha, pretty sure by winter they are going to change it, they did, so ignoring the usual giggling and whispers around me, I just pretended to pay attention and focused myself on some, well, glaring thing I guess, more like other changes that I wasn't ready for, though let me explain a couple of things before trying to shoot into the mouth at the obvious elephant in the room.


1st.I am Kirihara Asuto, seventeen years old, I am a High school teenager coursing the second grade of Domino High alongside the main cast of DM.


2nd.I am an orphan, already knew that, and my parents plus some distant relatives which I have never spoken with or well I don't remember speaking with them, still can't access this body memories, left quite a generous sum of money, enough to live after college when I could finally get a job, again.


3rd.Apparently, I am a delinquent, I guess, the moment that I arrived at the classroom, I saw too many faces losing their colors once they knew I was the one opening the door, that and the mix between exasperation and badly concealed annoyance directed at me by the teacher the moment he called to take my seat.


4th.I have some, kind of, fan club, I don't know how nor I want to know, anime people are weirdos, all of them.


5th. I already met the main cast, or well, half of it, you know what does that mean? It's Flashback Time!



-Flashback weyyyyyyyyyyy-


Finding myself looking at my deck after losing against gramps, wasn't exactly so out of the ordinary, as I said before I was overconfident, acting like if was some chosen one or something, I ignored the possibility that this DM version wouldn't or couldn't be more challenging or dangerous than the original one, still have to look out for Pegasus, Marik, Dartz and any other possible villain in the near future, if I can find a way to eliminate Yami Bakura soone than latter the better, doubt very much a Mafuba will work though.



I was an idiot, and paid the price for it, gramps words still echoed in my head, "Not bad at all Sonny, but you sacrificed ability for power here and that will grant me my victory here, now I will activate the effects of the monsters in my graveyard" and boom, found myself not being able to do anything considering that one way or another I was going to be defeated



But, "I don't regret it", with age, comes wisdom, life and everything in it, it's an experience and it depends on us to know what to do with it, as always, you were right mom; "I am glad to know that Sonny, now come here and help me with this boxes would you, my back it's not what used to be you know" he laughed while trying to move a tower of boxes that in some way he was trying to move around at his advanced age.


Stubborn old man



"Hold it right there gramps, didn't I tell you to let me handle the heavy things to me?" at that I went and retrieved the boxes from his shaking arms, the thing that greeted me in return was his characteristic jovial laugh, don't know why, but it made me be at peace, like a bonfire or chimney in a cold night, that's the effect gramps had in me or at least I would like to think that it was like that.



Nonetheless, he didn't say anything in return; pretty sure he already knew what I was thinking and I knew what he would say in return, less bickering more helping, to give a little bit of context to the situation, after losing against gramps he asked if I could help to move some really old merchandise as well as helping clean the storage, of course the decision was all mine, we mainly dueled for fun and nothing more, but I wanted to help him, if not a little, for the duel as well for the waking up call from before, God knows I needed it.



"Grandpa, we are home" the sound of a bell store was not the first sign that warned of something or better said, someone, arriving to the store, but the slightly more mature voice alongside- "Hello, Mr. Muto we have arrived we the groceries" said a more feminine voice belonging to a cute brunet, and of the heroines of the DM anime.


In did, they were Yugi Muto and Tea Gardner, the protagonist and main heroines of the anime, but, what?! Again?! How many more changes are going to be there?!


The key difference wasn't their gender or something, but their design! They looked like their aged counterparts from DSOD, with Tea filling her original outfit of a yellow shirt, which flows like a skirt at her thighs, with a pink waistcoat over it, and a blue miniskirt. A pair of brown knee-high boots completed her ensemble, even more than in her first version, yeah you perverts I know you want and explicit explanation and everything, guess what, you won't, because I am scared of who may find this journal, and if its "her", then I will be worse than dead.



Of course that didn't stop me from appreciating the view I mean, but, as fast as it must be, I don't want to make a bad impression on any one, especially with a certain Pharaoh, nonetheless, back to the protagonist Yugo Muto was a little bit taller, closer to Yami in height, his voice was, his voice from DSOD and his mannerism was the same for what little I could see; while the rest seemed to be the same, and by that I mean that unnaturally spiky hair, don't have any right to comment though, after all mine is weird mix between mine and for some reason, especially after seeing the card better a little resemblance to Albaz, don't know why though.



Of course, the cherry on the top was none other than a certain gold pyramid like necklace that hung from his neck from what I assume is a leather cord, I am speaking about the millennium puzzle, one of the seven millennium items and the current abode of the legendary Pharaoh, that and now that I see it closer, I can only say, that Yugi may be has some kind of secret regiment or something, I mean that things is supposed to bade of different parts of gold, that has to weight something right? Can't imagine having that thing around my neck all the time, pretty sure I would end with my neck hurting instead of looking badass with some kind of ancient Egyptian jewelry.



Did I forget to say, that Yugi is currently on wearing the attire that wore during DSOD and not Domino High uniform? Feels weird seeing the protagonist without there iconic uniform, heck even Yusei the best protagonist literally went with his usual attire to high class party and no one said anything to that, respect.



"Aren't you…Asuto Kirihara?" the one that asked was Yugi himself looking like a startled deer at seeing someone that he didn't know not only at his house, but a total stranger accompanying his grandfather too.


"Asuto or Kirihara, whichever of the two you prefer, but yeah it's me, it's…something wrong with that?" I asked tilting my head to the side, while pondering if this body ever met the original cast at some point.


"More like, who wouldn't know you?" Tea added coming a little closer to Yugi, skeptical at my presence and not hiding a little bit of hostility towards me, though I don't know if I have ever wronged in some way or form to receive that glare, it wasn't some kind of I despise your whole existence glare it was more like I don't trust you glare, even now she still was as protective of Yugi like the anime, some things do not change I guess.


"Do they know you Sonny?" gramps asked looking at us with a very badly hidden intrigue, "Honestly? I don't know them, nor I do know what they are talking about" I said in confusion tryin to understand where did I go wrong in making a very first bad person.



"Grandpa, we do not know him personally, but we have heard some rumors related to him" Yugi said while looking at me sheepishly, this guy still has own insecurities I see, well character development exist for a reason, "What rumors?" I asked lifting one of my eyebrows in curiosity, I didn't care about rumors at the end of the day, they were inconsequential to me, actions speak louder than words after all, that and image in Japanese high school were just as important as saying you whole youth depend on that, Might Guy may disagree but who cares he isn't even here, so bleh.



"Oh come on, who hasn't heard from the number one delinquent that ever arrived in Domino High School and his many misdeeds" said Tea while putting her hands on her waist, ignoring what said action did to two the prominent mounts on her chest, something that wasn't ignored by the male population in the store, a red faced purple and gold porcupine, the hohohoho muten Roshi, and fina-


"Wait, I am WHAT?!"


-Flashback ends bleh :p-


After that the rest is history,, Tea wasn't exactly too trusting of me while Yugi and gramps seemed to give me, well mostly Yugi, the benefit of doubt, gramps seemed to have no problem or doubt about me for what little reaction he got after knowing about my supposed delinquent past, meaning that they, Yugi again, weren't going to antagonize me or something, of course, neither were they going to be my friends form the get go, more like, silent observers, I guess, once again, only in high school, where rumors dictated the most stupid incidents to happen and may affect one social life like for forever.



Where was I? Oh Yeah! (I wasn't doing a Vector mind you)



6th. Seems like everything received the upgrade to DSOD, with not only Yugi but even Rikolino Face (Joey Wheeler) and Side Character 1 (Tristan Taylor) having their designs too from DSOD, and the rest of the mobs too, honestly this would have made me be a little on guard thinking that maybe I have arrived at the movie epilogue, but thanks to gramps, again, it seems like I really was close, like real close to the beginning of the anime.



I didn't know how or when though, my answer would arrive in no time, like at once the moment that the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the point that I still have detention, or well had. It seems they thought that losing lunch will be a good enough detention for me, once again, corporate slave buddy, losing a meal or two was nothing when the deadline was just in the next three days; yeah the boys and I had to pull some real shit from nowhere only to end in time. The pay was good though.



"See, my grandpa owns-" I have heard this particular line before, watching with interest how things developed word by word, to the point that Yugi will said aloud about gramps having a super duper rare card, I already knew that said ultra-rare card, funny considering that it was my first card, my very first one to have, directly from the beginner deck of Seto Kaiba itself, dammit dad, I still was salty that he throw away my cards that day, some things, you never forget, even if by now they would be considered stupid or unnecessary.

Yeah, as if, I still miss it even now, my Blue Eyes White Dragon



Holding back my sigh I looked to the utterly bluffing and interesting thing number seventh…







Unknown time later




An important change, one of the biggest to date, heck she wasn't even the same Kaiba I knew from the anime, she was different in many ways but for that, I had to destroy her, absolutely and totally, didn't care if she hated me or not after that initial duel months ago; I couldn't let her take the same actions like in the anime, so I toyed with things way bigger than me and by this moment, I am just preparing myself, for the duel that will define my future, I know my enemy, and my enemy knows me, and still; I arrived here knowing nothing, I didn't even know how I died, I build a completely insult of a deck facing against an elderly man that trashed me, giving me a lesson of humility and above all making me realize one thing, if I was going to be part of this world, then, I wasn't going to play nice, kids gloves are off, time to unleash my everything, time to survive and tell the tale, time to upgrade my deck and finally "I always pay my debts" I owed him that much, he was important to me, and to many others, but things has escalated too far, and now that damn serpent has been feeding nonstop, I wasn't going to lose, I wasn't going to let it feast, never.


Not happening, not while I am around.


I didn't care what was canon or not, I knew only one thing, I am here, to stay, so come forth Gods, Devils and Ghost long forgotten, I will carve my path to victory with my own hands and no one will stop me.


So, FEAST! Fairies and fiends bathed in crimson darkness


FULLFILL YOUR DUTY! Dragonoids of legend


REJOICE! Dragons that signal the end of an era


BEAR YOUR FANGS! Beasts of myths and tales of old


RISE! The nightmarish undead bathed in tainted gold


YOUR ANATHEMA…calls on your power, your rites and bows to rebel against destiny!

AzhelianTheEternal AzhelianTheEternal

IRL problems, solutions, you know the deal and well, i hate school chapter being stuck in this chapter since monday, annoying, but is finally out, and now i can rest a little from this stupid chapter, God i really hate this chapters one thing is reading the other is making one, i am going to concentrate on the plot and ignore anything related with school or something, just the typical after schoold enede and what not so as always.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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