When Damien had taken Penny's hand in his, ready to apparate from here to the land of Valeria so that they could go back to Delcrov's mansion, she had expected to be back in the mansion. In the room. But when their bodies halted in the middle of the forest, it was obvious to know that this was not Valeria.
"Where are we?" Penny asked, wondering if Damien had a last-second change in the plan of going to the Lord Alexander's mansion.
"I actually have no clue," Damien answered her. His eyes moving left and right, 'Ah, that bastard of Warden. How cheap!" his eyes narrowed as he figured out what happened, "The blood wasn't pure but probably an artificial thickener which was used to increase its quantity."
"Master Damien got conned," Penny noted.
Damien's eyes narrowed looking at her, "I didn't. Who knew they could be stingy enough to serve artificial blood for a pureblooded vampire."
"Is that why we weren't able to reach the mansion?"
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