Penny bit into the apple as it was the only edible food she could have while she tried to not look at the other plate that was in front of her.
"It appears to look as if you are her slave more than she being yours. Has she wrapped you around your finger?" Grace asked Damien without looking up at him, smiling to herself, "Father you should be careful with brother Dami. You never know what he might do if he falls in love with her." It wasn't foreign for an owner to take care of their pets but it wasn't exactly appreciated in the society. Penny wasn't a slave who bared no mark of the slave establishment but it was something people didn't know of. Right now, she was a girl who was being cared for by Damien though not directly.
"Always so interested in what I do. I wonder if you have something to do apart from picking on your siblings. Oh, wait I forgot you didn't have a life of your own," Damien retorted back cooly.
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