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55.95% Yandere girls surround me / Chapter 47: CH 10-First day at the Academy.

Chương 47: CH 10-First day at the Academy.

Third Person's POV.

TV-" Breaking News, Ava Sun and Agatha Gunn were found dead this morning, the body was recovered from the park just behind the Academy right next to the Academy student's building, their heads were blown, and it is assumed that someone implanted mana-infused explosives inside her head, all students are advised to not go out of the Academy premises at all cost, a fleet of soldiers have been dispatched for the student's protection, The headmistress assures the parent to not panic and co-operate with the Academy."



Two days earlier





Sun is still sweet and chilly, and the soft breeze is just good enough to tickle the skin, As it still red-ish light graced the apartment, the boys who, didn't sleep and whole night decided to watch the three-season drama are sleeping on the floor like newborn puppies, it wasn't cold at night but the morning makes one question the seasons.

Now when one is cold and without a blanket, they tend to get disturbed by the call of nature, and the first one to answer this call was




He picked up the call but didn't answer it..., now the floor is wet.

The second one to receive this call was.

Eric-" Uh?..... *yyyaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn*...…"

Eric woke up and went straight to the bathroom.




*Flushing noise*

Came back, and went back to sleep in the same spot where he was, he was sleeping on top of Ethan and Rain, Glenn was sleeping a little to the side, So his....leakage wasn't detected, nor by them, and neither by him.

The next person to wake up was Rain, but he didn't receive any calls, using Eric as a blanket, he and Ethan had a good night's sleep.

But now, he was awake and thirsty, dragging himself in a half-asleep state he first brushed his teeth and then went to the kitchen and started making his morning tea.

(I don't know what you people drink, whether it's coffee or Boba and whatnot, but I can't function without Tea in the morning)

5 minutes later.

Rain returned with a tray in his hand and four cups of Tea, only to find the trio cuddled up to each other like a cotton ball.

Rain-"....Cute..., But sus..., Oi! wake up!"

Yelling out to his buddies, he placed the tray on the table.

Eric-"...*notices the tea*.. thanks...., this honeyed?"

Rain-"Simple red Berry."

Eric-" You seriously drink that? no wonder your taste buds are so weird up."

Rain-" Uhm! honeyed tea tastes like rotten apples mashed into sugar, it's way too sweet for my taste."

Glenn-" You two can try snow lime, it's refreshing and energetic."

Rain&Eric-" Good morning."

Glenn-" Good morning, .....*feels wet*.... fuck.."

Eric-" What happened?"

Ethan-" He wet his pants..."

Rain-" *Spits tea* the hell?"

Glenn-" Imma get The mop, then I need a shower."

Rain&Eric&Ethan-" *Stare at each other*"

Eric-" how the hell is he so calm?"

Rain-" I don't know..., and I have no wish to inquire any further..., I'm going to my room, call me when you guys wanna leave for the academy."

Ethan&Eric-" Me too."





It's 9 in the morning, Rain and the boys are walking towards their classroom, and Fluffy has been left in the room.

As they went to their class many students glanced at Rain from the distance, trying not to be obvious, but certainly, he was the center of attention.

Rain-" Why are they staring at me?"

Eric-" Ice Prince.


Glenn-"Story villain...., recall something?"

Rain-" ohhhhhhhhhh..., so I'm thr current villain here....? are they scared of me?"

Eric-" More or less, I suggest you keep the characters."

Ethan-"Yeah man! it sounds so cool! that way we can make up some respect here for ourselves."

Rain-" You guys sure it's not gonna backfire?"

Glenn-" Absolutely, Not sure....., but this... This! sounds way too tempting to ignore."

Rain-" Ok.... but I swear I'll chew you people's ass if this thing me into any trouble."

Glenn-"You won't like Dwarven ass."


Glenn-" Believe me *taps Rain's shoulder* "

Entering the class they were greeted by the sight of all thr students looking at them with suspicion.

Rain-" *Hushing* I don't like this!!!!"

Ethan-" *hushing* Just act cool"

Eric&Glenn-" *Thumbs up*"

Getting to his seat he pretended to put up an arrogant air around him.

The classroom was a big semicircular room with the teacher being in the center and the students around them.

Rain's seat was in the middle of class with Ethan on right, Glenn on left, and Eric in the front.

Behind him was a Gnoll girl, being just a little taller than Rain, she was a bullied kid with neither wealth nor the magic to wield, her only redeeming quality was being smart, thanks to which she got accepted at the academy.

Being unlucky was something she was used to, so even the small things were enough to make her happy.

And having Rain sit near her was enough to brighten her day, and it seems like Rain too, was in the mood to socialize.

Soon the teacher arrived, It was a female fairy teacher, standing only 3 feet tall she appeared like a normal human child but was a full-fledged adult, her name's Alexandra Smith.

Alexandra-"Good morning students! my name is Alexandra Smith, I'm going to be your homeroom teacher, *Snaps fingers* *A hologram of her adventure during her days plays*, as you can all see I've been an adventure During my days, I was a damage-dealer and was good at leading people into the dungeons, and thanks to it I got an offer from this place to be a teacher, so the only reason I'm telling you all this is so that you do not go around taking me lightly..., cuz I can and will bury you if need be, and there won't be anyone to stop me...."


Alexandra-" I think my point has been delivered...., great! So introductions are already done! the first thing I'll like to do is to appoint two class heads, one boy and one girl, anyone?"

The first ones to raise their hands were the Prince and the third Princes, seeing them some lowered their hands out of fear of offending the royalty.

Alexandra-"...Hmm, anyone else?..... None?...., fine~ then you two, from now on are the class heads, good luck."

And thus, soon the class begins, students of all standards were seated in their respective seats and all the seats were tagged with students' names on them, and a private locker with a mana lock was installed in it for students' personal use.

The first class was literature nothing much more than just small poems and stories based on drama and history.

and so like this, the class went continued.










Third Person's POV.

While Rain continued with his class, a Halfling student that looked like a 12-year-old human child was running for her life, she was being chased by some older students, that belonged to the wealthy class.

Running into a dead end, she was cornered in the bathroom.

Older student#1 -" Nowhere to run now runt, just accept your place and leave this Academy quietly and we won't beat you, much that is."

Halfling Student-" Fuck you! the hell did I ever do to you people!!, why can't you just leave me alone!!, *Sob*, I just.. wanna..... JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"

Older Student#2-" Offense No 1."

The older student approached the Halfling student and grabbed her by her scalp, raising her to eye level then.


Older Student#2- Is to dirty our environment by bringing your disgusting kind to this place, Offense No 2."


Older Student#2-" Is to waste the precious air that could have been used by someone else, offense No 3."


Older Student#2-"... eh...Hnmmmmm, I don't know, maybe you just shouldn't have been born, I mean look at your face, just what kind of retarded Father carries the seed for a garbage lik-."


Before she could complete her sentence a kick landed on her face, the halfling student had used all her might and managed a critical hit, but sadly, for her...., she neither has the strength nor the endurance to continue what she started.

Older Student#2-" You....YOU... ROTTEN DICK BORN BITCH!!!!!!"

The older Student threw The halfling student like a bag of meat, blood splattered her head as she fell headfirst on the hard floor.


Older Student#2-" YOU FUCKING SON OF WHORE!!"

The Older students circled her and bombarded her with kicks until her body couldn't move anymore.

Older Student #1-" Ok Ok! stop now! it's enough!!"

Older Student#2-" FUCK NO!, I'll KILL HER!!"

Older Student-" Stop now!!, aye you gals take this bitch and throw her inside a toilet!, I'll take her outta here, JUST STOP NOW!!!"

Dragging her to the side the other students hid thr body of Halfling in the bathroom, they don't know whether she was alive or not, but they just needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

The body remained there...

It did not move...

Hours went by.


It was the bell of the Academy closing, and students who wish to go home can go and students who wanna remain at school can stay.

But the body did not move..., soon the night came, the moon was resting high in the sky, but soon was covered by clouds. a small flickering red light emerged from the floor, it radiated violently and was very bright to the point of blinding, with a swift motion it entered the body, and as soon as it did the body began to glow in red, soon Devil arrived there too.





Kana's POV.

I slowly lifted my body, covered in blood and bruises my whole body felt numb, but every single movement was painful beyond explanation.

Devil-" Just as I promised, you are now in the same world as your brother, he is also in this Academy but finding him is up to you, that's all I can offer."

Saying so She evaporated in thin air.

Kana-" Ranni....."

My brother's name was the first thing that came out of my mouth, looking at my body, I could see the blood over my clothes, and my head feels cold, Just as I was about to question my whereabouts my head was suddenly injected with the memory of the person who's the body I had claimed.

It hurt my head but I endured it, shaking my head I quietly walked out of the bathroom.

Penny Dust, that was the name of this body's previous owner, Family, died last year in a car crash, currently staying at Academy's discarded chemistry lab, why not at the Academy apartment? cuz it's full, they simply couldn't be bothered with a lowly halfling's living accommodations, but it's not my problem.

Getting this body and the memories, I also understood my situation and standing here in this world.

kana-" But it doesn't matter."

Raising my arm I could see a cut on my wrist, that woman said the closer I get to my brother the deeper this cut will be, I know he's in this Academy, but where... I don't know what he looks like now..., I don't know what kind of life he's been living.....

Kana-" Oh... My dear Ranni..., I hope you are safe..."

I kissed the cut on my wrist and continued to walk to the little garbage dump that they had provided me as the room.

I entered My room...., it was clear you could say this girl tried to clean it...., it was a big lab and still had many of its equipment and chemicals still in their place, they were refusing this girls entry due to them being full, but thanks ti her good grades and her begging they agreed...

I like this..., this place.... is just like me.... broken...., and lonely, not waiting anymore I just dropped my body on the mat that was placed on the corner of the, it was a little place that was surrounded by the tables and shelves and thus was very hidden,

No one except the headmistress knows about this place.

Kana-" I wanna go look for you right now...., but I can't.. not in this state...., do you still remember me? I wonder..., Please... please come and scold me...., just.. come to me."





Morning Came, I was still injured, but the pain had subdued to a great extent, waking up I just grabbed a spare change of clothes and cleaned myself in the bathroom inside the lab, ripped a piece of cloth, and tied it to my head for a huge rip on my head skin. it hurts but it's simply not the priority.

The orange light of the sun falls on the Academy windows, there are no students here yet, it's still too early in the morning, and few janitors could be seen cleaning.

My first location is the classrooms, gotta wait for classes to start, I need a disguise to walk around unbothered.

Kana-" Something.... something... *Looks at Janaitor*... *Tilts head to side*... something related to academy.."

An imp janitor of about my size was cleaning the locker rooms, I looked around, we are alone in this hallway.

Kana-" Excuse me."

Janitor-" Huh? what happened?"

Kana-" I think I found some Shota porn in that locker inside that room, could you please investigate it? I'm feeling kinda nervous due to it."

Janitor-" Shota POR-!?... is it like... uh.. colored?"

Kana-" *Monotone* Yup, high definition, fine quality paper prints."

Janitor-" Don't worry! I'll handle it! show me the way!"

Kana-" Follow me."





With her body stuffed inside the locker, and her uniform donned by me, I could now quietly walk around this place.

The first place to investigate was the Academy apartments for lower-class students, without wasting any time I began to search.

Lower class students, this girl was the one too, walking the apartment building I simply walked around with my hand on my other wrist, Nothing.

He's not here...., I'm anxious and feeling desperate, but I'm glad, now it means that he's either a magic-using student or the wealthy one, it means he's safe, at least currently.

Next is the magic users building, Those students are usually humble and so I can enter freely, walking around the building I met many students who just passed a glance at me and then returned to their business, boys and girls are in the same building just separated by a hallway, nothing here too, every time I searched one room and didn't found him my anxiety grew but each time I hope for his safety and betterment rose.

But it's time for the last building, the wealthy students, it's not gonna be easy, why? cuz they are arrogant idiots, not that I care, but entering that building as a halfling student plus from a lower class is like a reverse invitation.

Meaning I'm not welcome, so now the best options are classrooms, it'll soon be the time for classes too.

Going back to my lab-ish room I changed into students' uniforms and went to class.

To not overcrowd the class they are divided into three sections, students are mixed, and I just have to walk into each one.

The first one was in my own class, walking in I saw the same kids who assaulted this girl, they haven't seen me yet so I walked out cuz my wrist didn't signal anything.

The second classroom was the same although the students were a little skeptical upon seeing someone, not from their class enter, now, it's the last class.

As soon as I grabbed the door know my wrist twitched,

Kana-" *Gasp!*... Ranni"

My lips automatically curled up into a smile, entering the class, at first no one noticed me... my eyes fell on one boy.

Pale skin, and charcoal black hair, he looked like a perfect symmetry b/w adorable and breedable.

His Name... is.

Kana-" Ranni....., that's you...."

The moment those words escaped my mouth, my wrist exploded, and my hand blasted away into the classroom.


Blood gushed from my arm, and my head started to feel dizzy.

Students-" WHAT THE FUCK!!??"

Students began to panic, and some of them ran out of the class, but he froze there, ... brother is he scared?..., are you worried about me?, worry not..., I don't care about this, it's just a small price I paid to find you.

My eyes were slowly closing, and my legs were starting to feel sluggish, may I'm losing too much blood, but it doesn't matter.

It feels like time had halted, like the moment itself had been slowed for me to gaze upon you till satisfaction, my eyes teared up, not because of the pain from losing my hand, but from the happiness of finally finding, oh... heavens.....,

Brother....., oh my dear beloved brother you are beautiful as the day I lost you....., No you are even more pretty as if you have been polished, and cared for, were you waiting for me? were you waiting for me?

You were waiting for me, right? For me.. for me and me alone, my brother.. I missed you so much...., did you too?..

mine and mine alon-


Third Person's POV.

Kana fell on the spot as she had lost too much blood, from there she was taken to the nurse's office, where she was treated normally.




All while this was happening, Rain and his friends, who were in the classroom were stuck frozen due to what had just happened.

The class was dismissed and everyone was sent to their room.

Back in the apartment.

Rain-" What the hell was that!?"

Ethan-" I don't know..., Lord... holy HELL...., where's Glenn?"

Eric-" He's back in his room, said he's not feeling good after seeing that."

Rain-" No one would feel good..., I don't think I would even be conscious if anything like this happened to me...., and she... let alone shriek she didn't even raise a single voice..."

Ethan-" I'm... *gulp*... I think I'm gonna go to bed too...., call me at the time of lunch."

Eric-" Same here."

Rain-" Fine..., I've been called to the headmistress's office due to what fluffy did, so I'm gonna go there."

Ethan& Eric-" Ok."

*Knock knock knock*

Rain&Eric&Ethan-" Huh?"

Someone knocked at the door, it's unusual, cuz neither did they order something nor is someone was supposed to meet them, so who is it?

Rain-"....*Gulp*... Fluffy!, girl come here!"

Rain called Fluffy just to be safe, Ethan and Eric too grabbed onto Rain's shirt out of fear.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Rain-" Fluffy, if someone attacks me.... maul them"

Fluffy&Sara-" [You don't need to say it Darling] GRRRRR"

Rain stepped forward, grabbing the door handle he slowly opened the door.

Outside, was a tall woman in a black tuxedo, her skin was green and she looked decently buffed but not too much, wearing shades. she stood at the door with an alarming personality.

She was Avira, code name Wall.

Avira-" Good morning Sir, or should I say afternoon?"

Rain-" Good... a a afternoon.... uh how can I help you?"

Avira-" I'm the bodyguard your mother hired, I'm supposed to start my shift from now."

Avira, unlike her previous self, was now very slimmer and dignified, looking sharp and handsome she smiled at the boy who was weary of this known stranger.

Avira knew that Rain wouldn't remember her, not because she knew about the incident with his memory, but because she herself had altered her looks very much to stay under cover.

Ethan-" Rain, Who's that?"

Rain-" It... our bodyguard, I guess."

Eric-" Who...a *looks at Avira*... Rain come with me for a sec."

Flung back inside the house, Eric asked Rain if she was actually there bodyguard.

Eric-" I mean like are you sure she is?"

Rain- "She just said she is."

Ethan-" You can't just let anyone enter your house just because they say so!"

Avira-" I can hear you alright!, and I can call that lady that guided you to the academy, you can talk to her if you don't trust me"

Eric-" Stop eavesdropping you pervert!!"

Avira-" Wha!? No, I was not!"

Rain-" *Opens the door and pops head out* Call that lady first."

Avira-" very well, *takes out her phone*."

*Ring~ Ring~*

Big B-" Huh? hello~ what happened?"

Avira-" the kids don't trust me yet, so your might wanna talk to them."

Big B-" Argh!...., ok fine give it to them.....*Avira passes the phone*. Uh hello? kids, what happened?"

Rain-" Un hello yeah..., are you the same lady that came with us that day?"

Big B-" Yeah I'm the one."

Rain-" How can I be sure of this?"

Big B-" Aaah..... ok wait I'm gonna video call you..*Phone rings for video call confirmation*... Yeah, see I'm the same lady~."

Eric-" Umm, well she looks the same."

Ethan-" Could it be a deep fake?"

Rain-" Ok Ok Ok I think that's enough....*Looks at Avira*... Ok.. so...*gulp*. you are our bodyguard from now on.....*whisper* Ey! what now?"

Eric-" *Whisper* I don't know...., Umm.. maybe tell her to...Ummm... Ok, I have no idea.."

Avira-" [Lord these kids are stupid....., Rain.. you've changed too] No need to fret, I'll handle things on my own, here take this."

Avira hands Rain four small boxes with a button on them.

Avira-" It's an emergency button, although I'll be watching over every one of you, but if a situation ever comes, just press it I'll be there in no minute."

Eric&Rain&Ethan-" What if we all pressed at the same time? *Look at each other* Huh?!"

Avira-"....*gulp* Then my nearby partner will come for you, they are hiding to not raise suspicion."

Rain-" Ummm fair enough....., so if that's all you have to say.. then... I....."

Avira-" Yeah Yeah I'm going.....*Looks back with a serious face* don't press that button for a giggle.., you won't like it."








Back in the nurse's office, Kana was laid down on the bed, she had not woken up since that incident, it was already almost midnight, and her condition was not very good.

At that time as the moon soared high above the clouds, a visitor came to meet Kana, it was The Devil.

Devil-" Tch~ tch~ tch~ tch~..., ah you sure are fucked up right here....., hm. you know I kinda didn't want to do this... but I guess you won't have much chance if you remained like this, here *Flicks finger* now that's all good"

And after saying so she dissolved into thin air.

Five minutes later, Kana woke up, she slowly opened her eyes and got off the bed without a second's hesitation, her body was still stiff but then again.... it wasn't her current center of attention.

Kana-" Ranni I'm coming."

These thoughts ran through her mind faster than the neurons in one's brain.

Walking to the highway she again went to the high-class student building, but on her way.



Agatha-" Haha! hell! you won't believe what I did last night!"

Ava-" What?"

Agatha-" You remember that club we went to during our first year? well, they got someone really good at cosplaying, and guess what? I had that boy cosplay as Rain and Holy fucking hell he looked almost the same and then we fucked like animals!"

Ava-" Hah!, cosplay is the only thing you can afford! cuz the real thing is mine!, oh I'm gonna fuck that dick to cosmos! just need to charm him right!"

Ava and Agatha, were out on a night walk, drunk and carefree they talked without a care for the world, Not knowing...., that their conversation..... was heard....by someone.... who wasn't very fond of the topic...

Kana stood there, frozen like a sculpture..., but burning with emotion that could rival a volcano itself.

She didn't say anything..., her eyes... they lost color, her hands twitched...

Her hand that had just exploded this morning, was not just back to normal, but her other wrist had the same, cut on it too...

Kana curled her both fists and Ran up to them.

She was bare feet and thus her steps were usually quiet, her blood was pumping more than a normal human her muscles were moving faster than they usually do, and her lungs were expanding more than they usually do...as if... as.. if... her limiter had been removed...

Ava-" Heh I'm gonna invite him to lunch tomorrow."

Agatha-" Heh~ Then I'll try the dinner with hi-"


Kana slammed both of her fists on the back of their head, and then her wrist exploded.

It was a small radius high-intensity blast that their heads... blasted away like a fruit left next to a TNT.

Kana... her both arms were gone... but she was awake..., her eyes did not close nor did her head start to feel dizzy...., she was losing a lethal amount of blood.

But ignoring it all..., she just laid on the ground..., covered in her own blood and tattered up muscles, slowly.... a smile was spread across her face.








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