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Anna's POV:

I switched the bathroom light off on my way out and entered Edward's and mine bedroom. It was late at night or early in the morning however one wanted to look at it. The prom that had taken place in a luxury hotel near Kingsten didn't end until two o'clock in the morning.

Things were definitely different at private schools.

Edward and I had been showering together but since I needed some serious cleaning to get all the hair spray out of my tresses and the make-up off my face I threw him out of the bathroom at some point because he just couldn't behave himself.

Edward's head snapped in my direction when he heard the light switch being used. A small pout occupied his features as he gazed at me. He was sitting on the edge of our bed wearing only his pyjama pants.

His bare, well toned chest slightly glowed in the moon light that was streaming through the panorama window. The only other light source consisted of several tea candles that were spread all over the room, creating a romantic atmosphere.

I stooped and crossed my arms over my chest looking suspicious at him though I was barely able to hide the smirk that threatened to show on my face.

"What are you trying to pull?"

"Nothing," he said innocently too innocently.

"Uh-huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he was in front of me in an instance.

His arms encircled my body and his hands touched my back pressing me into his board front. I let out a small giggle before composing myself again but that had been in vain because when I raised my head to look up at him his lips came crashing down on mine.

The kiss started out innocent and sweet but quickly grew determined, demanding and unrelenting. His kiss made me feel worshipped and loved and when I felt the hot pursuit of his edger lips my head started to spin slightly.

A warm feeling spread over my body while my skin tingled because of his touch. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy as they always did when Edward lips were touching any part of my body.

My hands brushed against his bare torso and I could feel him tremble slightly under my touch. I loved the fact that I had the same kind of power over him that he had over me.

Edward pulled me closer into him as my finger inched over his impressive pectoral muscles to his shoulders, circuited his neck and finally found their destination in his soft silky hair before I lightly tugged at his locks.

He purred against my mouth in respond before we both broke the kiss breathing heavily and desperately gasping for air.

"What was that for?" I asked while catching my breath.

"I just needed to kiss you." He shrugged before he scooped me up bridal style and carried me over to our bed.

I was partly lying on his chest while he stroked my wet hair with his right hand as his left hand was brushing circles over my hip while the finger of my left hand gently drummed on his chest.

No one spoke for while we just enjoyed the moment.

"I spoke to Seth before we went to prom as you were chasing Emmett through the woods. Actually what was that about," I murmured interrupting the comfortable silence.

Edward sighed heavily.

"He wouldn't stop to sing that annoying song over and over in his head. He did it on purpose betting with Jasper how long he would need before I lost it."

"Who won?" I laughed amused by their brotherly interaction.


"Aww….poor you," I cooed.

"You are not sorry for me at all," I could clearly hear the pout in his voice.

"But I do still love you," I mumbled before I lifted myself up to place a kiss on his lips.

"Better?" I asked after pulling away from his mouth. Edward gave me a tiny crocked grin and nodded.

"Where was I…..oh right Seth," I murmured as I laid back down on his chest.

"Mhm," Edward made an acknowledging sound waving his long pianist fingers through my hair.

"He spoke to Jake who decided not to meet Marli until she would be older."

Edward was silent.

"That may be a wise decision." He offered after a while.

I cranked my neck to be able to look into his face. His honey coloured eyes starred curiously into my own.

"I really feel sorry for Jake, if he imprints on Marli all hell will break loose." I sighed heavily thinking about Bella's reaction to such a happening.

Somewhere deep inside I did feel slightly guilty because it weren't for me then Jake would have been together with Renesmee but I didn't dwell on that feeling or subject too long. What done was done and there was no point in crying over spilled milk.

"It won't be easy but look at us we also made it," he tightened his embrace on me, hugging me a little closer to his body.

"Would you be able to do that?"

"Do what?"

"If I originally existed in this world and Alice would have seen me. Would you have been able to stay away if I would only have been a child?"

Edward pressed his lips into a thin line and considered this question seriously.

"I suppose I would have tried to stay away trying to convince myself that you were better off without me, not wanting to interfere with your life…"

"Am I hearing a "but"?" I teased.

He sighed then.

"You know that I can't stay away from you," he rubbed his nose against my own, "but it must have been you and not a version of you." He stated sternly while his melted gold burned into my hazel eyes.

"You are cute," I whispered while I lifted myself up again so I could place another kiss on his mouth.

"I'm serious," he laughed against my mouth, "and don't call me cute." He added in a more serious voice.

He groaned all of the sudden and I pulled away looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"You as a four year old, as a child in general," he shook his head while his face twisted into a pained mask.

"It was hard enough for me to have to hear from you about your childhood, how you ranted and raved with the boys,….." he nearly growled the last word out. Sometimes like in this moment his passiveness was endearing but mostly annoying, "…in your neighbourhood when you were a child…"

"To my defence I was the only girl my age in my neighbourhood when I was little," I interrupted him, still he gave me cute pout.

"But having to watch you race around, climb trees and fences, falling down, getting injured," Edward closed his eyes and shook his head, "it would have driven me out of my mind." His smouldering gold looked intensely into my eyes.

"Overprotective much?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know I am. I'm trying because you are an adult person but with the child version of you all bets would be off."

I exhaled, rolled my eyes and placed my mouth over his while lying on his chest. The first kiss was a brief touch of our lips but soon the baby kisses grew more heated and serious.

I sighed contently after our little make out session and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"That was a beautiful night prom king."

Edward scowled at me. He was not happy having been selected prom king.

"What did you expect with the girls voting for the prom king and the guys voting for the prom queen?" I laughed while he pouted at me. And he looked so adorable when he did that.

I admit that sometimes I made him purposely pout so I could see that adorable look on his handsome face.

"At least Rose was happy about the attention when they put the tiara on her head." He grumped.

"By the huge grin that Emmett had on his face I would say he gets pretty lucky tonight," I giggled.

Edward groaned. "Don't remind me I had to block his thoughts all of the time after the pointless selection." His body shivered in disgust while I chuckled quietly.

Seeing his in mild horror twisted face I decided to help him out and change the subject.

"On Monday we are going to get our diploma in that official ceremony."

"And then only twenty four days to our big day." Edward murmured into my hair while a smile broke out on my face.

"Uhm," I hummed.

He nudged me and I looked up into his amused pools.

"You seem to enjoy this."

"The wedding?"

"That too but I meant High School more specifically graduation."

I shrugged.

"It is my first time graduating which is why it is exciting and new and yeah I like the traditions that this school has and the Hollywood like procedure of the whole thing. I'm extremely girly sometimes. Live with it!"

His chuckling shook his entire body as he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead, his lips lingered against my skin.

"I love you no matter how annoyingly girly you are."

"Heyyyy," I pulled back and swatted his chest giving him a little pout of my own.

His eyes danced in amusement as he laughed before kissing my lips and encircling me with his body, creating a cocoon in which I felt safe, protected and loved.

"Anna?" He asked quietly.

"Uhm," I hummed lying on his chest while my eyes were slowly falling shut.

"I know I mentioned this before," he began as his fingers were playing with the locks on my head lulling me further into sleep.

"But I really don't want us to have a regular live for the next twenty or so years. No obligations or responsibilities that would hold us back," my eyes opened and I cranked my neck to look up at him.

Edward looked down at me with love and longing shining in his beautiful orbs.

"Edward I have no problem with playing it by ear and besides as much fun senior year had been for me, I have no desire to return to school any time soon." I said while I yawned.

"Good," I could feel Edward's board smile against my forehead.

"Goodnight," I mumbled snuggling further into him.

"Goodnight my love," he whispered into my hair as I was drifting off to sleep.


"The appointment with the hair dresser to find the perfect hair style for the wedding is coming up." Alice reminded me once against while she finished writing an e-mail.

"And take good care of my raw material," she said in a threatening voice suddenly standing in front of me as she held my hands in hers and looked down at my finger nails.

"I should make a spa appointment to perfect those," she mumbled to herself and was already on her cell.

"Should the flours girls wear a hair wreaths made out of roses or should they have cute hair combs that are decorated with those adorable looking arrangements," Esme asked me as she shoved a magazine in my face showing me the two objects in question.

"The combs," I managed to decide before Rose called for my attention.


I let out a huge gust of air as I walked up to Edward's and mine king bed and let myself fall into the soft mattress, burring my face in the silky comforter.

"Shoot me please," I mumbled into the fabrics.

Immediately I felt the bed under me shift as Edward's body was leaning over me and his hand stroke tenderly through my long, wary hair.

"What is it my love," he asked as he placed kisses along the flesh of my exposed shoulders. The spaghetti strapped top I was wearing gave him a lot access to my skin.

"I'm just tired. Organising a wedding is more stressful then I could have ever imagined."

"If you go by Alice's standards then yes, it is," the traitor chuckled lightly.

I turned my head around and gave him a weak glare.

"But you don't get exhausted that easily anymore Anna?" He noted with a slightly confused expression on his devilish handsome face.

"Physically not but mentally I'm beat." I groaned wanting to be a bit whiny for the moment.

"There is just so much a girl can take. Decisions over decisions over decisions ufffff…." I sighed again.

Planning the wedding with Alice, Esme and Rose was fun and I did love it but after over seven hours I definitely needed a break from all the tulle and silk and right china ware for the banquet.

The wedding would take place in a little over a week and according to Alice there were still last minute decisions to make.

I couldn't keep my mouth shut as a hug yawn overtook me. While I lay on the yielding mattress, snuggled up in the silky covers and with Edward at my side who was running his hand pleasurably slowly through my hair I suddenly couldn't keep my eyelids up anymore.

With my eyes closed I kicked my shoes off and brought my hands to the rim off my sweat pants, apparently Alice was not bouncing off the walls in horror if the sweat pants cost a small fortune and were from some designer label.

"What are you doing?" Edward murmured curiously.

"Getting my clothes off. I'm sleepy," I managed to say before another yawn tore my mouth open.

The next thing I knew were Edward's hands on me while my clothes were magically disappearing off my body. I hated it to sleep fully clothes, especially in bed.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I crawled up on the bed with my eyes closed, searching for the pillows.

Edward chuckled from behind me and was at my side in an instant guiding me to the pillows. The covers were thrown back. I dragged my eyes open when I noticed that and found Edward lying in front of me, only in his boxer briefs, with his arms wide open waiting for me while a lazy smile graced his handsome face.

I smiled back at him before I nestled into his side. The covers were thrown over us while his hand went into my locks continuing it's heavenly assault what had me out like a light in seconds.


I was still caught between sleep and waking when my subconscious noticed a torturously pleasant ticking sensation that went all over my body concentrating in my centre.

I felt my fingers cruel into the silk like sheets as a quiet moan escaped my mouth and my body was lightly trashing on the mattress. I was still not fully awake but I did notice that something or should I say someone was between my legs.

My eyes shot open, looking at the slightly shadowed ceiling. It had gotten late my mind noted before comprehend thoughts started to be quite a challenge for my pleasure drunk brain.

I directed my gaze down and saw my Vampire look up into my eyes while his mouth was still busy continuing it's mind blowing assault. I watched him as he hitched one of my legs over his shoulder while a cocky smirk graced his with my juice glistering lips.

"Welcome back sleeping beauty," he murmured in a breathy voice before his mouth attacked the inside of my thigh.

He was dragging his lips over my still soft flesh causing my skin to be cluttered with goose bumps. I couldn't help the little cry of ecstasy when he parted his talented lips and his cool tongue licked it's way slowly, ever so slowly down to where I ached for him the most.

My head was trashing against my pillow while I could see little twinkling stars behind my closed eyelids. Boy, he was driving me crazy.

He went down and down but just when he was where I wanted him his mouth travelled up my needing body. My head snapped off the pillow while my eyes shot open and I glared down at him as he was biting the flesh around my hipbone with his cool pillows, carefully covering his sharp venom coated teeth with his lips before he sucked a little of my flesh into his mouth.

"You are killing me here," I moaned out while my back arched off the mattress.

He chuckled against my flesh what wasn't helpful in any way. My head fell back against my pillow and I whimpered. I could just imagine his smug grin right then.

"I can't help myself you have no idea how unbelievably cute and sexy you look when you pout in your sleep." He murmured against my skin.

I squirmed and cried out when his lips brushed to my belly button and he pushed his tongue torturously slowly in before swirling it around.

"All I want to do is to kiss you and touch you and taste you for hours, for days," he hummed as his mouth travelled down my body again.

I bit my bottom lip to stifle a cry while my hands fisted the expensive fabrics underneath me. I swear he was going to be the death of me.

Suddenly I felt his cool finger slid between my heated, wet skin as his lips placed feather light kisses on my lower stomach. I gasped in surprise and bucked a little into him.

With the fingertip of his thumb he massaged my throbbing nub with exactly the right pressure what made every muscle in my body tense especially the ones in my thighs and my bottom as well as the ones in my belly. I felt the pressure in the lower parts of my body building slowly, deliciously, agonizingly…

I panted helplessly when he showed a little mercy and let go of my sensitive spot. I felt his finger run down my womanhood and briefly pause at my entrance before he dipped his digit inside of me once more. The cool temperature of his flesh felt amazing inside of me. I couldn't help the strangled cry that left my mouth.

"Hmmm…I love it to hear you my love," he moved his finger in slow circles at my entrance where I was especially responsive while his lips were on the soft skin of my inner thigh again.

My head was trashing around on my pillow from one side to the other as his torturous assault was making me dizzy with pleasure but it was not enough yet to pull me over the edge.

He was such a tease.

"More please," my voice was filled with desperation while my body shook with ecstasy.

I felt his smile against my flesh as my body burned with the fire he awakened in me. It was a burn that set me on the edge demanding release that was within reach but so far away.

"Please," my voice was husky and pleading and it did the trick.

"God, you are so beautiful," his lips were planting soft kisses along my skin.

"The things I will do to you once we are married," his mouth was inching closer to where I wanted him.

My lids were heavy with pleasure brought on by his touch and his words. I was a panting, moaning mess that was on fire, needing his touch more then ever.

With a loud moan Edward pushed another finger inside of me, sliding both his digits further into me. I was trashing around, crying out certain of the fact that I would lose my mind before he graded me release.

Just as I though I wouldn't be able to take it anymore his mouth closed over my sensitive bud. His long index finger curled inside of me tickling and massaging all the right places.

I was helplessly caught in the agonizing pleasure he caused me, aware of his every move, of his every stroke while he tortured my inner walls in a delightful rhythm that had me moaning restlessly.

When I though I wouldn't be able to take it anymore he sucked hard on my nub and his now warm long finger stroked over my sweet spot what shattered me as I cried out his name over and over like a prayer.

I was trembling all over as air left me in huge but short gasps. I suddenly felt him right next to me and his fingers were slowly ghosting over my shaking flesh before he covered us both with a thin, white cotton sheet.

He kissed my forehead and then curled his body against mine, encircling my in the afterglow of my orgasm swimming frame before pulling me into him as much as he could.

He held me lovingly as he took my scent in. My heat rate was slowly coming down again. My breathing was going back to normal as well and the desire to return the favour enflamed inside me.

My head was resting on Edward's board chest and when I looked up at him I saw him grin to himself like a fool. His eyes were closed while he was facing the ceiling. A content expression was shadowing his face as his hand that he had around my body was stroking patterns across my back.

He was a picture of bliss in that moment.

I enjoyed the peaceful sight of him for a little while before my hand that was resting on his chest slowly brushed down the well toned muscles of his torso. His breathing picked up slightly but he didn't open his eyes.

I smirked to myself as I ran only my nails over his cool, hard flesh and heard him take a harp breath while his body tense next to mine. I loved the power I had over him, how his body would react to my every touch, how his breath would hitch with a smile or look from me…..

My nails ran down his generous six pack, taking time with each one of his hard perfect ripples. He was panting by then not able to keep still anymore. I smiled against his smooth, bare, hairless chest before placing a kiss over his still heart.

"Love what are you doing?" He asked me in a breathy voice.

"What does it look like?" I laughed as my hand reached the rim of his satin boxer briefs and stopped. I looked up at him and saw a pained and needy expression on his handsome face.

I could feel my face turning smug and he let himself fall back against his pillow groaning on the way.

"Please," an anguished and quiet pleading left his lips.

I kissed his chest once more before my hand drove under the expensive fabrics of his boxer briefs. Slowly I inched my way forward to his hard length which jerked as I reached it and was throbbing under my touch while a strangled cry left Edward's slightly opened mouth.

"Guess I wasn't the only one who just woke up," I quipped.

"Not…..just….now," his voice was strained and he was breathing heavily as he pushed the words out.

"Hmm….does that mean you want me to put you out of your misery?" I wondered out loud while I was rubbing him but I couldn't keep the light giggles in.

"God, please," he moaned when I took his tip between my thumb and my index finger. His back arched off the mattress when I squeezed him firmly.

Quickly I sat up and let go of his member what earned me a strangled whimper in protest and a confused scowl from him. I laughed and shook my head before I pushed the thin cotton sheet from us and hooked my fingers underneath the rim of his boxers.

I smirked up at him and he lifted his backside off the bed to assist me in undressing him. As slowly as I could I pulled the fabrics over his hips, he groaned and growled lowly, but I didn't speed up as I brushed his boxers down his thighs.

"Get that damn thing off me before I go insane." He pushed out, his voice was a commanding growl.

I laughed again and showed some mercy on my poor Vampire.

"You are a horrible tease love."

"Well right back at you and besides you know you love it."

"I love you."

"You better," I giggled as I pounced at him, straddling his thighs with my legs and his torso with my hands.

The giggles got stuck in my throat when I looked down at his dark honey shadowed depths that were turning pitch black with lust. We were both breathing heavily while a powerful electric current was buzzing around us getting stronger by the second.

I could feel the atmosphere around us changing, sizzle with desire.

The way Edward looked at me made my body go up in flames as my heart was going crazy in my chest. I felt my cheeks flush before he lifted his hands and cupped my face into his palms guiding me down to his waiting lips.

The word around me stopped to exist when our mouths came together and hungrily relished one another. Lips touching, brushing on each other, feeling, enjoying, savouring….

When we broke our kiss we were both panting and desperately gasping for air. I rested my forehead against his neck and took his intoxicating scent in with each breath.

He was trembling underneath me and my lips started dancing across his skin over his firm chest down his hard stomach before I dipped my tongue into his belly button. His hips lifted up and his breath stuck in his throat when I swirled my tongue around in his navel.

Having tortured him enough I lifted myself up into sitting position, easing myself on his thighs before I took his thick, throbbing desire into my hand and started to stroke him firmly.

His body was trembling and trashing around on in the silky covers. His face was twisted in pleasure and lust as I sped up my movements. His groans, moans and strangled cries and my heavy breathing filled our bedroom.

Every time I reached his tip I stroked my thumb over his head causing his thigh to tense each time under me. Soon I felt his pre-cum between my fingertips and I used my other hand to massage his boys.

Edward was only able to emit incoherent noises as I felt him tense in my hands. I knew that he was close. He looked at me with heavily hooded eyes for a brief moment and I started to stroke him with purpose.

Only a few strokes later he fell over the edge, pushing screams of pleasure through his clenched teeth while he released into my hands until he was only a panting mess.

I reached over to the nightstand to get some Kleenex to clean him and myself up before he drew me into his arms and held me firmly to him placing a lingering kiss on my hair.

We were just enjoying being in one another arms, feeling the skin of the other when I lifted up my leg that rested lazily on his thighs to get into a more comfortable position for my still slightly human body.

Without expecting it I hit a hindrance. A throbbing, hard hindrance.

My eyes went wide and I looked down already assuming what I would see. Before I knew it I was lying on m back and Edward was hovering above me.

"Edward you're a machine," I exclaimed.

"I hope you believe me now when I say that I can't get enough of you." He stated seriously before he bend down to press his mouth on mine.

"Does that mean I will spend my first few years as a Vampire tied to a bed?" I quipped but Edward didn't even smile instead his face turned into a frown.

"I was thinking more along the first few decades." He stated again serious as a heart attack.

I just starred at him completely stunned and was waiting for his crocked grin that would show me that he indeed only joking but his face remained serious.

"Oh, lord help me." I shook my head half in amusement and half in stunned wonder.

"No, not going to happen. Your mine," he growled and bent down again to attack the sensitive skin on my neck…..


I sat on the desk that was located in the living room of Edward's and mine little apartment inside the mansion and I was trying to put the finishing touch to my wedding vows.

Finding the right words was harder then I thought it would be. I was sitting on that desk for about an hour writing and rewriting the vows but still they weren't perfect and I was slowly getting a headache.

Partly Vampire already and I still could get a headache. Sometimes life was just unfair.

I sighed heavily and annoyed for about the thousand time in that forever lasting hour and brushed my hands roughly over my face.

"Are you alright, love?" I heard Edward's voice from behind me.

I sighed again before I turned around and looked at my soon to be husband.

Just a few more days. I giggled joyfully in my head.

When my eyes met his from I couldn't help the small smile that crept on my face.

He just got freshly out of the shower and was wearing only a towel that rode low on his narrow hips, exposing that delicious V that leaded the way to Mr. Happy.

My eyes travelled over the well build muscles of his six-pack that were contracting with each of his movements to his bare well toned chest up to meet his hooded with mischief shining dark golden pools.

He smirked knowingly at me.

I draped my hands over the backrest of the antique chair I was sitting on and placed my chin on my hands.

"You are definitely a sight for sore eyes," I murmured as I observed the water drops that were falling from his wet hair down on his shoulders and chest rolling down his milky, flawless skin.

"Hmmm….am I," he hummed amused lazily cracking a crocked grin at me.

I lifted my head off my hands and attempted to nod but had to wince when I left as slightly sharp pain in my neck.

"Love?" Edward questioned as he was immediately in front of me.

"It's fine. My shoulders are just a little tense," I waved him off while my hand massaged the spot that hurt.

"Let me," he moved behind me and lightly pushed my hand away with his.

His long, because of the shower slightly warm, fingers kneaded my sore muscles and were rubbing the tension out of my body.

"That feels good," I nearly purred, enjoying the massage greatly.

"I think we need a little break from all this wedding stress." He leaned in and purred against my ear letting his cool breath play across my skin.

I shivered under his assault.

"We can't leave it all up to Alice and Esme."

"They have everything under control," he said and came to kneel down in front of me, "as a matter of fact Alice wants us out of the house. She wants to check on the wedding and with me here she can't do as she wants to."

"Why exactly do I have to make so many decisions about anything and everything when they are keeping the most part of the wedding secret anyway?"

"Because they want to make sure we will like it and at the same time Esme and Alice want to surprise us." He murmured while taking my hands into his.

"More like Alice is having a blast with all of this," I shook my head smiling at him but that smile faded once I remembered something.

"Edward do you actually know that Alice charged Preston Bailey, one of Hollywood's top event designers, with the lights arrangement? And she is like having so many different top people in their departments for so many different things." I knew that we had money, yes I learnt to say we, but honestly some of the middle class girl that I had been until I arrived in Edward's world still was alive within me.

And my mom would have certainly swooned into a death faint if she knew how much money this wedding was costing.

"Alice loves it to work together with creative people. She does not often get the opportunity to life this passion of hers out to her hearts desire." He murmured quietly.

"Sorry I just earlier saw some of the bills for the wedding and…..oh my. I just got a little fright."

I knew that Alice was spending a fortune on Edward's and mine wedding but I didn't worry about the financial aspect of the event (I was becoming more of a Cullen with every passing day) until I actually saw some of the bills.

The slight shock I felt when I saw the amount zeros on the bill brought a smile on my face because it proved that I still was my mother's daughter. Mom hated spending money with passion though she wasn't stingy in any way.

It made me sad that she couldn't be a part of the happiest day of my life but luckily I could hide my heavy heart from Edward and Jasper didn't sell me out either.

Not that I wanted to hide my feelings from Edward but that was something that I had to deal with on my own.

"Once you will be able to control Alice's ability and see the stocks a bill will never frighten you again." Edward laughed lightly.

"Smart ass," I snorted but I knew it was true. Once I was able to control Alice's ability I would be able to actively contribute to the family finances.

Edward just grinned as we heard the door to our rooms open and sounds were coming from our walk in closet.

"Alice?" I wondered.

"I'm packing. Your flight is leaving in five hours."

"Flight?" I repeated stunned and confused.

Edward smiled up at me while his golden pools were shining happily. I leaned away from him and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Have you ever been to Hawaii before?"

"Hawaii?" I asked incredulous.

Edward grinned and nodded.


"Overcastted for the next three days." Alice called from our closet.

"Uhm….guess we are going to Hawaii then," I smiled at him not quiet being able to believe that we were really about to go to one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


"Wow Alice was really desperate to get rid of us." I shook my head as Edward and I sat in the first class on the flight to Kauai.

"Hmm," he hummed while his arm was slung around my shoulders as I laid my head on his chest and he nuzzled his face into my hair.

"Are you OK?" I wonder as I looked up into his burning gold.

He hadn't been able to not touch me every since he came out of the shower, not that I was complaining but it made me wonder about the intensity of his desire for me. I had this one brief moment where the Vampire in me took over after the horror with Lear the need I felt for him then consumed me entirely.

If he felt what I was feeling then I really wondered how he could control himself.

"I'm just happy that I will have you all for myself for the next three days," he smiled seductively at me before he brushed his lips over mine.

Arriving in Kauai I couldn't stop smiling. A warm comfortable breeze hit my skin as soon as we exited the plane. The small air port was located not far from the ocean and I could see the turquoise, blue and silver shimmering water.

Two strong and cool arms encircled my middle and pulled me into a hard and welcomed body before I left his lips brush over my ear.

"I take it you like it here." He stated amused.

I cranked my neck and smiled widely at him.

"You bet." I told him before I pressed a kiss on his mouth.

Once my lips were detached from his I looked up at the overcastted sky and send a little thanks to the heavy, grey clouds.

"We better get our luggage," I murmured and was about to step out of his embrace.

"That is already taken care of love." Edward chuckled making no attempts to let go of me.

"Look," he pointed with his head at the white Maybachs that were parked at the end of the run way and were being loaded with the luggage of the passengers of the flight we came with.

"You know some times I do not feel like I stranded in "Twilight" but rather in "Gossip Girl"." I shook my head as I watched the other passengers making their way to the Maybachs.

"Hey, stop kidding about that." He protested softly while his grip on me tightened possessively. I giggled lightly in respond.

"What hotel are we checking in?" I asked him while we also were making our way to our car.

"Not a hotel we are going to stay in a private bungalow."

"All to ourselves?"

"Yes," he murmured happily while his eyes danced with joy as they looked into my own.

"You seem so happy."

"I just love to spoil you," He smiled at me before we were greeted by our driver.

I leaned a little into him enjoying the joyful energy that he was sending out. Being able to spoil me meant a lot to him and that it brought him so much joy was the best thing about the whole thing.

We climbed into the back of the white luxury car that smelled as if it was new and where a bottle with crystal champagne was waiting for us. Edward opened the bottle and purred some of the bubbly liquid into one of the champagne flutes.

"Thank you," I smiled at him as he handed me the glass and took my free hand in his, stroking his thumb over my skin as the car roared to life and we back out smoothly out of the tiny air port.

The tasty, bubbly liquid was sliding down my throat while I eagerly took the scenery that we passed by in.

Once we left the road that was running along the golden coloured sandy coast where the clear blue, white waves broke on the shore an ocean of the most beautiful green colours waited for us.

It looked like a scene out of a painting as we were passing the lush exotic green of the nature in Kauai by. After about thirty minutes we arrived at a metal gate that opened automatically and we were brought to a bungalow that was made out of polished, dark brown wood.

The object was huge and was standing on pillars.

The driver came and opened my door. Once I was out I smelled the salty fresh scent of the ocean that was located only a few steps away from the house and had a private beach.

To the salty scent of the ocean mixed the rich green and earthy scent of the forest and the sweet and fruity scent of the exotic flours and fruits that were growing around me. The place was surrounded by the lush forest and protected from view. It truly was a little secure piece of tropical paradise.

Edward pulled me into him after a while and smiled expectantly down at me.

"Wow," was all I was able to say.

Edward pressed his lips against my cheek before guiding me into the bungalow where a Hawaiian was waiting for us.

"Mr. Cullen, Miss. Masen welcome in Kauai. My name is Lanaya and I'm your personal butler. If there is anything that you should need you just need to press the 1 on speed-dial. Have a beautiful stay," she said before she left.

Gazing after her I saw that the driver had already brought our luggage into the house that was made out of dark coloured wood and glass and was decorated mostly in warm brown, cream and a variation of orange colours with a little blue mixed in here and there.

The spaces were mostly open. To our right was the big living room with the slide-doors that leaded out on the patio and the huge green garden with the magazine worthy pond, a pool, a Jacuzzi and a swing hammock. Where the green of the soft looking grass ended the pale gold of the beach began.

On our left was the entrance to the kitchen and the dinning room and also the stairs to the second level where the bedroom and the bathroom where located.

Big, comfy looking beach chairs were scattered around the patio and the beach.

I giggled, looked up at Edward and kicked off the Christian Louboutins that Alice had forced me in before running out into the garden, feeling the rich, soft grass tickling my feet as a refreshing ocean breeze hit my skin.

"This is a dream," I whispered while My Vampire came up behind me and I leaned into his body.

I could feel him sake his head while he kissed my temple.

"No it is better then a dream. I'm here with you."

I cranked my neck to look into his joyful golden pools. He looked so young and free in this moment.

"It is kind of unfair that we are here enjoying this beautiful piece of paradise while the others have to work," I said feeling a little guilty about it.

Edward's eyes softened at my words and filed with even more love as he gazed at me before he shook his head a placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry they have already planned their own getaways once we are on our honeymoon."

That made me feel a little better.

Edward kissed my lips tenderly before he took my hand in his and we both strolled down to the beach.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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