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35.18% Winter's Promise / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Young Wolf

Chương 19: Chapter 19: Young Wolf

4th Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell

Robb Stark

He was the Stark in Winterfell, he had always known that this day would come soon enough, when his father would head south and leave him in charge for the time being. He had been the Stark in Winterfell once or twice before, but then he had been a child, unable to truly understand anything or do anything of importance. Now was different, now he could pass judgement on cases brought before him, and he could have a say in how his lands were run, it felt odd, and it felt good at the same time. Robb was not quite sure he knew how to explain it truly, he just knew that there was something about all of it that made him feel happy and good about it all, and that was something that was pleasing to him. Over the past month he had come to appreciate just how much work his father put into ensuring the north ran smoothly, there was a lot that needed to be done to keep a kingdom as big as the north running smoothly, and Robb had learned some of it through observing his father over the years, the rest he was now learning and he would like to think he was doing well.

Robb was also learning how to be a husband as well. He loved Wynafryd he really did, the thought of waking up without her there next to him terrified him, and he really did enjoy the time they spent together in the morning before he held court, or before he trained and had his lessons, and then there were the times they spent together at night. Those times were his favourite, and he really looked forward to them. That he was going to be a father was something as well, something he was truly looking forward to, the fact that he and Wynafryd had created a life that was now growing inside her was something he marvelled at, and it was truly something special. Of course, outside of his marriage life there were other things that were happening. Jon-or was it King Aegon- was slowly changing, becoming more brooding but also more confident at the same time, Robb was not sure how to explain it to himself let alone aloud, but his cousin was growing more confident but also more withdrawn as if there was some great secret that he was keeping, Robb did not know what was happening there for his cousin did not explain it to him. Arya was wild as always, but there seemed to be even more of a wildness to her as of late, and Robb did not know how to explain it really either. He was thankful Rickon was happy to play with mother when she had the time, and that he was peaceful, that was a boon.

And now, well now Robb was in his father's solar, discussing the running of the north, and it was getting colder, quite noticeably so, that was something. "Has Lord Bolton had anything more to say since I gave the order for the construction of the fort?" Robb asks.

"He has asked why the need for the fort, and why it needs to be built on his land and not somewhere else." Maester Luwin responds.

Robb feels frustration bloom. "He is aware that I have explained this to him in numerous letters as has my father. We need a place where we can keep some provisions come the winter, and Bolton's land is the perfect place for it."

"I think it is more the fact that he suspects that there is an ulterior reason for having the fort built. And he is not wrong my lord." Luwin responds.

"Well yes, but I can hardly tell him that the fort is being built so we might keep a better eye on him, because we do not believe his bastard is really dead. There have been too many odd things occurring within Dreadfort lands as of late for it to be anything else. Hells Domeric has even said he does not think his bastard brother is dead." Robb responds.

"It could well be that Domeric was shaken by that letter he received Robb." mother says. "After all that was quite something in its tone and ferocity."

"I don't know, I can see why you might think that mother, but Domeric does not easily get shaken, after all he was not shaken when we questioned him about Jojen or about the girl, he merely said that he was not serious about whatever it was that they were discussing." Robb responds.

"The fact that he still has not told us what it was they were discussing is cause enough for concern." mother says.

Robb looks at his mother and asks. "What do you think they were discussing then? What could it be that it would necessitate this much secrecy?"

His mother looks at him then, and Robb feels his gut sink. "You know what I think Robb. It cannot be a surprise that this has happened when the royal party was here of all times."

Robb tries to keep the memories of the girl out of his mind, but they keep coming back something fierce, swallowing and he merely nods. "Alright, I shall see what can be done about Domeric, but there is something odd going on within the Dreadfort and its surrounding lands. Daryn told me that when he returned to Hornwood there were armed patrols going on there. His father was worried about something."

"We received proof that the bastard was slain, his head was sent here." Mother states. "I do not know how else one might explain this other than there is someone else following the example of the bastard."

Robb considers this and then says. "I still think those forts need to be built. Tell Bolton we shall cover around two percent of the cost if it will make him feel better, but there is not another word to be said to him about it."

"Of course my lord." Luwin responds.

Robb then turns their attention to another matter. "What word has there been on the woman who did what she did before the royal court? Has there been any more information on who she was, and where she came from?"

Martyn Cassel, a man his father trusts implicitly and a man Robb has come to rely on speaks then. "It seems she came from somewhere near Widow's Watch my lord, and that her family had come from the Riverlands during the rebellion, when many small families fled toward other regions for protection. Her family as you can expect were Targaryen loyalists who hid their loyalty very well, so well that even my own eyes could not find them until after the fact."

"But you have found the family now yes?" Robb asks.

"Yes my lord, I found them and had them questioned. They claimed not to know what their daughter had done, or that she was even here. It seems they had no contact with her for some time. And yet when I searched their home I found correspondence with several undesirables." Martyn says.

"Undesirables?" Robb asks. "What do you mean undesirables?"

"People who your father termed suspicious or unworthy of consideration for friendship. Amongst them was a man in the south who has been asking for information for some time." Martyn responds.

"What sort of information was this man looking for?" Robb asks, looking at his mother for a moment wondering if this might perhaps be one of those people.

"He wanted information about travel habits of some of the lords, and considering the family had a daughter here, and a son working in White Harbour, they seemed primed for such a thing." Martyn responds.

"And what has been done about this family?" Robb asks, though he thinks he knows the answer.

"I had them killed. They were deemed too dangerous to continue living so they were slain. And their documents were taken and either destroyed or kept within my own personal space here." Martyn responds.

"I would see what documents you have left Martyn, and then destroy them." Robb says.

"Of course my lord," Martyn says. "I have them here with me." the man then puts three letters on the table before them.

Robb picks them up and reads them quickly, feeling anger grow within him and his heart beginning to twist slightly. These people had some detailed information, but not all of it is right. He looks at his mother and then at Martyn. "What did the other letters say?"

"Much the same my lord. That there was movement of goods and that your father toured his lands. They did not learn anything too valuable from their time here. But still they needed to be killed." Martyn responds.

Robb nods. "Aye, I see the point to that." Looking at his mother he asks. "Mother, you know that handmaiden of yours, what is her name? Ros? Where did she come from do you know?"

His mother thinks on it for a moment before responding. "She came north with my brother when he came here some time ago, as a gift I think. She does not speak too much but she is nice why?"

"I think we might need to speak with her. Do you still keep in contact with that person who fostered at Riverrun when you were a girl?" Robb asks.

"Who Petyr? I have not spoken to him for years Robb, why, what are you thinking?" his mother asks.

Robb looks at Martyn then. "Apart from this family, all the other spies that were here were destroyed were they not?"

"Yes your lord father and I made sure of that. We could not allow anyone else to know of the things that were going on here." Martyn says.

"You are certain of this?" Robb asks.

"Yes very much so." Martyn says.

"You would not mind making sure of that would you Martyn?" Robb asks.

"No, I would go out and do it again, when do you wish me to leave?" Martyn asks.

Robb thinks on it and then says. "Leave on the morrow. We must make sure there are no more spies here. Travel southward, and then look toward the east, and the west, but do not go near Bolton. I do not want him getting suspicious."

"Very well my lord." Martyn says.

Maester Luwin speaks then. "There has been word from the Wall my lord. It seems that the wildlings are growing bolder, Lord Commander Mormont had to fight off some three or four attacks by big bands of the wildlings some two or three weeks ago. They captured one or two survivors from the fighting and learned a few interesting things. It seems that the wildlings are being led by a man known was Mance Rayder, a former member of the Night's Watch, he has crowned himself King Beyond the Wall, and has begun rallying the wildlings in great numbers."

"It is odd for them to allow themselves to be captured is it not?" Robb asks thinking on all he knows of the wildlings. "They would rather be killed than give up their own plans. Why now then are these ones giving up information?"

"It might be that they are planting a false trail for the Lord Commander, if that is the case then they will soon be found out. Whatever it is, it seems they are looking for something." Luwin says.

"What makes you say that?" Robb asks.

"Lord Commander Mormont has written saying that they are looking for some sort of horn I believe, and one of the wildlings that they captured believed it to be in Winterfell. I do not know why but he believed it to be here." Luwin responds.

Robb looks at his mother and feels something akin to panic begin to grow within him. The sound of a horn echoing in his mind, the memories haunting him. He looks away and then says. "Make sure the defences of Winterfell are strengthened. I do not want anyone getting in without my say so."

"Yes my lord." Luwin says.

With that the meeting comes to an end and Robb watches as Luwin and Martyn walk out of the room, whilst his mother stays behind. He looks at her then and asks her. "When Uncle Brandon duelled Petyr Baelish what did you think mother?"

His mother looks at him slightly surprised. "I thought they were both fools, but Petyr most of all. Why do you ask?"

Robb considers this answer and then asks another question. "You asked Uncle Brandon to spare Petyr Baelish did you not? Why?"

"Because I did not see the honour in killing a boy, when Brandon was a man. Why do you ask Robb?" his mother asks.

Robb thinks over what his mother has said and then responds. "Because I think that whatever happened at that fight and later on during the rebellion, had a profound impact on all of our lives, and I think we are only now beginning to feel the true consequences of it all."

"You mean because of the king's presence? You think Petyr had something to do with this?" his mother asks.

"I do not know, but you have said it yourself, Petyr has power and has gotten it more quickly than anyone from his position has any right to, I do not know if I am right or not, but there is something going on here. That family did not come here by themselves." Robb says.

His mother looks troubled but merely nods before rising and bidding him farewell, she turns from the room and walks out, and leaving Robb alone in his father's solar. Robb sits there for a long moment just thinking, what he has learned today is troubling, if the wildlings think the horn is here then they will not stop before they get it, and how many more deaths will that bring? He does not want to think about that, but he knows that he might well not have a choice, not with everything that seems to be happening. He looks at the things on his father's table, and sighs, his father would know what to do in this situation, but Robb dare not ask him, none outside their family know what happened that fateful day, and he does not want to make his father relive it. Sighing, he stands up then, and with Greywind following he walks out of the solar, he continues walking until he comes to the rooms he shares with Wynafryd, he opens the door and walks in, smiling when he sees his wife there reading something. "What are you reading my love?" he asks.

His wife looks up at him and smiles. "Oh, just something from my father. It seems that there are some things happening within White Harbour that are quite amusing to him."

"Oh? And what might this thing be?" Robb asks.

"It seems Maester Theomore, the maester at White Harbour has been killed. The man was a deep Lannister man, a Lannister from Lannisport, and it seems he offended the wrong person whilst walking around White Harbour and was stabbed." Wynafryd responds.

Robb looks at his wife then, unsure of just how to respond. "And that is a good thing then I take it?"

"Oh most definitely." his wife replies nodding. "The man was many things but he was not loyal to my grandfather, and that he is now gone is as good a thing as any man could ask for I think. Hopefully this time we shall be given a maester who knows where to be loyal to."

"Well that is good then." Robb says smiling.

"Aye, now how was your meeting with your mother and the others?" his wife asks.

Robb sighs. "It was good, I found out where the woman's family came from and that they have been dealt with. But now I am worried that there might be more like them out there. I fear my father might have been a bit too generous when the rebellion ended, but now, well now I am not sure. And then the wildlings got into fights with the Night's Watch, but were defeated, though I am half convinced more will come soon. Bolton is going to build the fort, but he is suspicious."

"Well it is not all bad then, the northmen will do as you say Robb, you know that don't you?" she asks, and when he nods she continues. "As for Bolton, well he has no choice but to do as you ask, after all you hold his heir, and as long as you do he will listen and do as you ask. How has Domeric been anyway?"

"Surprisingly good considering the things that happened. But there are still some who are wondering why he spoke to the person who was playing Jojen. I do not even know myself, why someone might do that, other than for one of two reasons, either they were tricked or they knew and he is lying to us." Robb responds.

"Do you think he is lying to us?" Wynafryd asks.

"I do not know, I do not think he is. But I cannot be sure. Especially with the rumours about his brother." Robb says.

His wife nods and then says. "I'd keep an eye on him, but also make sure that he does not feel as if he is a prisoner. Otherwise he will do something odd, I know that much about him."

"Aye, of course." Robb responds smiling now, he moves toward his wife, and kisses her. She hums in contentment, and he deepens the kiss, and as they both groan with pleasure, there is a knock on the door. Cursing, Robb says. "Who is it?"

"My lord, sorry to disturb you, but you are being asked for." the man replies.

"By who?" Robb asks.

"By Lady Catelyn my lord." the man responds. "She says it is urgent."

Looking at his wife, he sighs and then says. "Alright, I am coming now." He turns from his wife and walks toward the door opening and nodding at the guard, who bows and walks off. Robb walks toward his mother's chambers, and knocks, upon being told to enter he does and is surprised by what he sees. There is a box on his mother's table, and his mother looks at it and then at him with utter horror. He looks at the box and his heart drops, he has seen that box once before. Dancing Wolves and a skull, it is them, they are back, gods help them they are back.

DravenShadefall DravenShadefall

If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com

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