Who wants to be president?
The next candidate for the post of head of the republic was the Minister of State Security Walter. Having received a message about the death of acting President Clement, he ordered the return of the plane with the rest of the delegation of government officials. And then, couldn't sleep all night. Despite all the facts and disbelief in the correctness of the theory of a directed electron beam, the Minister Walter cherished a faint hope that nothing would happen to Clement. This will allow him time to find out, what indeed happened, to locate and detain those responsible. Now the situation has changed drastically.
If the combustions of these people really occurred due to the massive burning of their own photographs, then it was impossible and useless to fight it. He, not without reason, believed that the attitude of the people of the country towards him was unfriendly. In the event of his election to the post of President, the chances of survival tended to absolute zero. Even without this, the danger remained. And if he refuses, the other ministers won't want to either, there are no more fools.
Furthermore, there was a problem with the «Pandora virus». For sure, there will be an international investigation. And his complicity in this crime will proven.
After much consideration, already in the morning, Minister Walter burned the documents that were in his office and went home.
Alexey Petrovich woke up, as usual in recent days, in a good mood. Immediately after breakfast, turning on the computer, he began to look for and read the news on the Internet.
He wanted to know, as soon as possible, if there had been any result after yesterday's fiery execution on his kitchen table of a stack of photographs of this swindler and embezzler Clement.
The priority topic of all discussions was the news of the unexpected return of the plane of acting President Clement because of a fire on board. There was no information about the condition of Clement himself and the details of the incident.
On a sudden, the doorbell rang. Seeing a familiar face through the peephole, Alexey Petrovich promptly opened it. It was his grandson Anton. Everyone was very delighted about his return. He said that this morning, without any warnings or explanations, almost all the prisoners, except for malicious criminals and those under investigation for robberies and murders, released from prison. As it said the same thing happens in all the prisons of the country. There, of course, they also knew about the events taking place in the Republic recently, so this was not a surprise for everyone.
Anton did not tell them about the torture and abuse of him and other prisoners. Despite the bruises and scratches on his face.
According to new reports, President Clement was no longer alive. Apparently, the government was in total chaos. In the media and on television, there were no official intelligible explanations from even any minister.
After lunch, Anton went to a general demonstration, demanding the resignation of the government and the holding of democratic elections.
There was no guidance from the Ministry of the Interior due to the lack heads of the Ministry. So most of the police officers decided to stay at home that day.
Feeling freedom and impunity, some supporters of radical measures even suggested burning photographs of all government members.
In all cities of the country, there were mass demonstrations in the utter absence of police cordons. However, there were no casualties; there were no broken windows, and no pogroms. Because people have realized, understood - the power has changed and is now in their hands.
Government officials and their relatives, members of parliament also guessed - their time for a calm, prosperous life in this country has expired. However, many were already prepared for this, having bought real estate abroad and opened foreign currency accounts there. Thus, now they were fleeing on planes, trains and cars.
For the next few days, the confusion in the country continued. Although nobody officially announced the resignation of the government, it no longer worked, in fact, it did not exist.
None of the ministers - members of the government wanted to take on the burden of responsibility and become President of the country in this Time of Troubles. They just disappeared somewhere. Only the guards remained in the parliament building, people's deputies also are gone. There was an absolute power vacuum.
But despite all this, life in the country continued almost as usual. Transport worked. People went to work. All corrupt politicians fled abroad or hid - but the end of the world did not come. Even vice versa. In fact, life got better. Life became more fun.
Opponents of the overthrown regime, those had not yet subjected to medical sterilization of memory, who had come out of prisons and camps, together with returning political emigrants, created new management committees throughout the country.
In the evening, after dinner, Alexey Petrovich decided to share with his wife and daughter-in-law the interesting news that he had collected over the past few days. Grandson Anton did not appear at home from morning to night. He energetically participated in various activities, aimed at the ultimate destruction of all the foundations of the overthrown political regime.
"Beyond doubt, soon it will be necessary to arrange a competition called –«Who wants to become president?» After all, now you need to think many times before putting forward your candidacy," said Alexey Petrovich.
"But I think that in the future, sooner or later, all states will refuse the position of the president as the head of the country. Because almost every president, having received or seized power, seeks to remain in this position as long as possible, using legal and illegal methods. And in fact he becomes a dictator. Here is what is written on the Internet on this topic."
"Dictatorial power, concentrated in one hand and deceptively promising stability and order, in fact leads to many problems rooted in the very essence of authoritarian governance. This is the suppression of freedom of speech, thought and political opposition, the violation of human rights, which makes public dialogue and criticism of the existing government impossible."
"Dictators, seeking to retain power, tend to misallocate resources, artificially create conflicts and manipulate information. In dictatorial regimes, when power is concentrated in the hands of one person or a small group of people, there is a high level of corruption. And this leads to economic stagnation and crises that erode the structure of the state and create social tension. Suppression of the opposition and violation of human rights can lead to mass protests, civil unrest and even wars. Dictators can make ill-considered decisions, ignoring the opinions of experts and the needs of the population."
"Autocracy - dictatorial governance, will have devastating consequences for the country, hindering its development and the well-being of its citizens. Dictatorial regimes face international isolation, various sanctions, which aggravate economic problems and worsen people's lives. As a result, the dictator creates not just problems, but catastrophic consequences for the country, affecting its future and undermining the foundations of democracy, justice and equality. That's it."
Alexey Petrovich was silent for a moment and continued:
"And all deputies should sent to a special labor camp for five years. Along with their families. And after the confiscation of property. For corruption, for having riveted so many stupid anti-people laws."
"But you can't do it like that, without trial and investigation, without proof of guilt," his wife objected.
"Well... Maybe, indeed, someone is not to blame for something. Then let him write a statement. Will be investigated about him. If it turns out he is not guilty, which I doubt, one can allow him go with an apology. But if it proved he took part in the drafting of these foolish laws, and the value of his property is 100 times higher than his salary, then another five years of labor camps will added," said Alexey Petrovich.
"Hither is an interesting message," he continued, "they write a military coup, a revolution, has taken place in the West African Republic. The conspirators, led by their leader, Colonel Abubakar, lured the entire leadership of the Republic to the Palace - the residence of the President and the dictator Jelani. Then, on the orders of the colonel, his accomplices in the army bombed this palace. Along with everyone who was there. Moreover, for some reason then burned it with napalm. Such excessive cruelty caused resentment and outrage from the international community. Yet, the inhabitants of the republic have taken this event with jubilation. The leader of the Revolution, Colonel Abubakar, is carried by the people in their arms. The fiery reflections in the night sky above the blazing presidential palace have become a symbol of the revolutionary changes, taking place in the country. The 30-year authoritarian reign of the dictator President Jelani has come to an end."
"And here's some more news," Alexey Petrovich continued to tell. "They write here that in many states of South America, Asia and Africa stopped publishing and replicating pictures of the leaders of these countries. Moreover, even began to collect photographs already in the possession of the population. And in one republic, officials who collected photos and portraits of their beloved leader and received an order to liquidate those, without thinking twice, burned them down. And it seems like after that, the beloved leader ended up in the hospital with severe burns." He paused and added, "maybe, of course, everything this is lying. After all, information on the Internet cannot trusted."
"By the way, another dubious message from the Border Guard. Shortly after crossing the border with a neighboring country by car, a man disguised as a woman detained. The documents are genuine, the make-up is perfect. His clumsy gait in heels is betrayed him. They took x-rays and saw what you know. Of course, they sent him back. Now our border guards don't know what to do. Is he indeed a man dressed as a woman, or is she a female, who used to be a male, after a sex change. But most importantly, they write he looks like Minister of State Security Walter. Believe it or not. But it's for sure a mess on the border right now. Nobody controls anything. Almost everyone is released from our country. However, on the other side of the border, in neighboring countries, checks have been significantly increased. Many are not allowed through and turned back. From our country you can leave, but it has become difficult to enter somewhere."
"Among other things, today news came from distant Venezuela. Our former prime minister was detained and arrested there, along with his relatives. Because having arrived in the country, he did not declare, as it should be, foreign currency and other valuables. If they deport him back, a warm welcome will await him here," said Alexey Petrovich.
In view of the fact, that all recent events in his country and in the world connected, one way or another, with fire -- one of the four elements -- he collected information about this element on the Internet.
In ancient and medieval philosophy, there is a concept of the four fundamental principles of the world. About the four original substances. These are Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Fire is the most mysterious element of all four elements, it is intimidating and attractive. The one, who closely watches flames, feels awe.
Fire can save life, but it may also take it away. Fire can protect, but may also destroy everything. Fires devoured entire cities. This is the most aggressive element.
Fire has always considered sacred, it worshiped and feared.
Flame revered as a divine power that descended from heaven. It is acts fast and unpredictably.
Despite its destructive power, the Heavenly Fire also possessed purifying properties. With its light, radiance, blaze casts out darkness.
Nearly always, in order for something fresh, new and better to appear, it is necessary to destroy and burn the rotten old.
Fire is a symbol of transformation and regeneration.
The energy of fire associated with domination, control and power.
A sign of state stability and power is the Eternal Fire.
Great progress for humankind was the ability to control the element of Fire.
The fiery ocean of the Universe is the primary energy of the Cosmos.
The element of Fire functions in the center of all things that exists.
Everything came out of Fire, and everything will return to that.
The end.
copyright 23/03/2023
Alex Andelonard
From the movie Star Wars.
Luke: I can't. It's too big.
Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
May the Force be with You!
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