Vulkan is going around the battlefield smashing the heads of Kabalite Warriors with his immense strength. They were not ready for a Primarch at all. For the Drukhari this was supposed to be like going to a supermarket, taking as much as their bags could carry, throwing everything else on the ground and not paying at the end.
The Drukhari realised that this was not your usual Mon'keih but a deadly murder machine that they had to focus most of their attention on. This in turn was good for Nubix who could focus on taking out strays and deal with far fewer Eldar warriors than he might have to if they took him seriously. Nubix had the mentality of a perfect warrior now, with the unyielding willpower to tackle any challenge no matter how impossible. And fighting against Drukhari in his first-ever battle in this life was as impossible as it got. Their physiques, intellects and technology were just so far above anything he had, that it was ridiculous.
And yet, he hadn't stopped and instead was running towards the battle. He was a warrior now and nothing but his complete and utter decimation would change that. Another brilliant part of the Essence was that he gained the insight to read the flow of battle, deduce the steps to victory/success, and discern the opponents' powers, skills, and abilities. This is not limited to just their strengths but also their weaknesses. It was for that reason that he managed to know the weakness of the Kabalite armour and use the Kabalite Warrior's arrogance against him as well as his own regenerative powers.
Each time he goes through a cycle of injury and regeneration, he gains an overall boost in all physical attributes, energy capacity and output. The energy in this universe could only mean one thing ... the Warp. That's right, the moment he consumed the Essence, he had gained the ability to use the Warp, even if at its weakest stage.
The fact that he grew over time, coupled with his limitless potential, meant that Nubix would either die or become the strongest. It just took time, blood, sweat and a whole lot of pain.
Nubix raises his Splinter Rifle at a Drukhari that is about to attack Vulkan from the left and fires. His aim is bad though and he misses, warning the Kabalite Warrior of his presence. Nubix doesn't curse though and simply fires again and again.
*Pew Pew Pew*
The Kabalite Warrior dodges to the side and uses his immense speed to throw off Nubix's aim. Then he raises his own Splinter Rifle and shoots back. Nubix's senses go haywire and he throws himself on the ground as fast as he can.
The shot flies over his head. He doesn't have any time to take a breather as he suddenly feels another attack coming. His position is terrible though. He pushes himself off and rolls to the side.
A large gash appears on the ground next to him. Standing in front of him is a female Drukhari holding a strange sword in her hands called a Razorflail.
Nubix recognises this woman. She is one of the deadly Drukhari Wych's.
The Wych Cults or Hekatarii of Commorragh are second in prestige in Drukhari society only to the Kabals that sponsor them. The Drukhari thrive upon expert displays of bloodletting, and in the pursuit of murder, the Wyches are talented Aeldari indeed.
All Wyches are skilled knife-fighters who can kill a foe many times their size with the smallest of blades.
Nubix observes the woman and watches for any sort of movement. His mind already working and telling him the details he has to know. The path to victory is filled with one thing. Pain ... that's what's coming.
*Swing Shing Slash Woosh*
The Wych suddenly moves. Using her short knife in one of her hands instead of her Razorflail in the other, she flashes towards Nubix and cuts him all over his body. Using his reflexes, Nubix manages to doge the very first strike and then block using the Splinter Rifle at the second attack, but that's it. He is not strong or fast enough to block or dodge any more strikes and is cut all over.
She cuts him on his arms, legs, stomach, chest, and throat and then even stabs him, drawing a lot of blood. Nubix ignores the pain running through his entire body, continues following his intuition and desperately tries to dodge instinctively. But the damage continues to pile up and as it does, he loses more and more of his ability to move.
*Swish swish*
Timing it just right, Nubix suddenly feels a stab incoming. He overrules his body's instinct to move out of the way since he realises that it would be useless and allows it to happen.
The Wyche's knife stabs deep into his side. Blood drips out and instead of doing it quickly, she slowly pushes it in.
Nubix suddenly grabs her arm and pulls her closer, causing the knife to be pushed deeper inside of him. The Wyche is taken aback at this move and wasn't expecting it to happen. That is her mistake, Nubix ignoring all of his body, snapps forward. His mouth open, his teeth bared he shoots towards the neck of the Wyche which is open and bites down hard ...
A punch hits Nubix on the head, in the absolute last moment before his teeth touch her skin. Nubix falls to the ground. Another Wyche has arrived and saved her brethren. Not because they are friends, it doesn't work like that. But because on the battlefield their rivalries are set aside for victory. The second Wyche starts to berate the first one for her recklessness and the fact that she had to save her from such a weak creature.
Nubix meanwhile slowly pushes his body back up. He is bleeding all over, but the wounds are healing. As he finally stands again, the two Drukhari Wyches look at him and then grin. The fact that he can heal only increases their pleasure and the pain they can inflict on him. Which is exactly what they will do.
*Swish Swish Swish Swish*
They both jump into action. They flip and pirouette around Nubix, slicing open his throat here and piercing an organ there. The Wyches flow through the elegant steps of battle, expressions of disdain twisting into savage smiles as they psychically feed upon each fresh scream of agony and pain.
But something is not right, they realise. Their 'prey' this time ... doesn't scream. Nubix despite all the pain he is going through and all the beating he has had to take today, has not cried out or screamed in pain once. One of them takes her Razorflail and begins to slash it across Nubix.
After a few minutes of torturing him like this, they finally decide that it has gone on for long enough. The one with the Razorflail suddenly swings it in earnest and slashes a large wound across Nubix's stomach, causing his innards to spill out.
The second one then suddenly appears before him and uses two knives to pierce his heart and lung and uses her strength to push him into the air, like a prize to be shown off.
On the other side of the battlefield, Vulkan is still running through the Drukhari and destroying them. His speed bellies his giant stature and his strength is beyond anything the Dark Eldar have to offer. Their armour is useless against his perfectly aimed and timed strikes and he dodges all their shots aimed at him.
A sudden realisation hits the giant though and he looks back to his brother Nubix to see how he is doing. He has caught his friend in a very bad time though and witnesses as the Wyche pierces his heart and lung and then pushes him above her head in a show of dominance and victory. Vulkan suddenly feels the pain of losing his brother.
As the Primarch tries to rush towards his brother, a powerful explosion interrupts the battle going on on the ground and cuts off his plans.
Without warning, the Splinter Raid arrives.
Normally the Splinter Raid is the very first wave, comprised of a single Archon and his bodyguard of Kabalite Trueborn on a Raider, 2 Reaver Jetbike squads and 3 other squads of Raiders attack the foe from out of the sky after emerging from a Webway portal, pinning the enemy troop that presents the gravest threat.
The shots they fired from their Raiders and Jetbikes explode in front of Vulkan and he is forced to concentrate on the task at hand. The two Wyche's however are also looking at the scene and smile cruelly. That is the moment that Nubix waited for.
In a show of inhuman strength, his arms suddenly come to life. He grabs his own intestines and wraps them around the Wyche's neck. One time, two times and then a third time, he does that and starts to pull. If the Drukhari was wearing armour or a helmet it wouldn't have been possible. Her strength and the armour would protect her, but this is different. Nubix pulls as hard as he can, the two knives still stuck in his chest.
Before the Wyche can react, he uses his knee to impact it with her face, disorienting her and stopping her from holding on to him this way. Her arms move instinctively to protect her and he falls down, right on top of her and starts to pull even harder. A fierce struggle for survival ensues and the second Wyche is woken up from her stupor by the arrival of the Archon and the Scourges.
The second Wyche swings her Razorflail towards Nubix, trying to get him off of the other. The weapon extends and is about to cut his neck, when he presses his body harder on the Wyche whom he is trying to suffocate. He grabs the intestine with his teeth and pulls as hard as he can. His hands now free, grab the Splinter Rifle he dropped and aims it in the general direction of the second Wyche.
*Pew Pew Pew*
The shots stop the Wyche from rushing forward and force her to defend. More and more, Nubix starts to heal, which gives him more strength, but also closes his own stomach. The contraction of the act, ironically makes his intestines contract on their own, quickening the suffocation of the Drukhari underneath him. But the Wyche is not helpless at all. She starts to stab wildly at Nubix in an attempt to stop him from moving and finally killing him.
*Stab slash stab stab*
More wounds open up on Nubix's body and gore spills out again. But the movement of the Wyche finally slows down more and more, while his shots grow more precise, even if it feels like a snail's pace.
*Pew Pew Pew* x35
Many shots are fired from the sky without warning and hit Nubix as well as the Wyche who is lying underneath him, fighting for her life. Nubix's body is riddled with burning holes as the salve penetrates all of his body and turns him into a sieve.
Dropping from the sky are three Scourges. Clad in a form of porous body armour called Ghostplate, they descend from above, shrieking with sheer exhilaration as they ruthlessly scythe down and kill Nubix.
A Scourge is a genetically altered Drukhari mercenary who has had wings grafted onto their body and who now serves essentially as jump infantry in Drukhari raid forces.
If one were to trespass amongst the jutting spires of High Commorragh, one might just make out the winged figures soaring upon the hot thermals of the Dark City. If one looked carefully, these figures would be recognised as the Scourges, genetically and surgically altered avian Drukhari who have been refashioned into something far more deadly.
Scourges are an intrinsic part of the society of Commorragh. The omnipresent intrigues of the Dark City thrive on information, without which even the greatest of the Kabals is soon rendered impotent.
The most secure forms of vox transmission can always be intercepted and psychic communication is strictly forbidden to the Drukhari. Instead, the Drukhari aristocracy pays handsomely for the Scourges to take their missives to their destination by hand. Each communique is sealed with tailor-made toxins, the antidotes to which - usually - are only held by the recipient. The Scourges are so vital to the intrigues of the Dark City that to kill one is to invite a very painful death by his or her fellows.
It itches my finger to finally have him grow stronger and really compete with the Drukhari, but that is just not logical and I hope you understand. Soon though ... soon.
The Scoure did what he did best and blasted Nubix from the sky. Fast and lethal, that was what they did and it worked ... apparently at least.
As the Drukhari look at one another, they can't help but frown at the thought of needing help and not managing to kill this strange human. He had killed a Kabalite Warrior already, taken his Splinter Rifle and almost killed a Wyche just now, had it not been for the Scourge ... who ironically killed both the human and the Wyche.
"Your failure to kill this weak pathetic creature will be reported to the Archon when he is finished destroying the other black one. You will never find another-"
*Ting ting ting*
The Scourge's words are interrupted by the sound of metal hitting the ground a few times. They look to the ground and see a small object they recognise very well. A plasma grenade!
A Plasma Grenade is a grenade available to Imperial and Aeldari military forces that uses a deliberate plasma containment failure to unleash a blast of heat and light that bursts forth like a miniature sun. Plasma Grenades are highly lethal against almost all targets. The Asuryani and Drukhari use Plasma Grenades as their standard anti-personnel grenade. The blast blinds and damages the enemy and prevents them from properly utilising the terrain to defend their position against the rapidly advancing Aeldari forces, for whom speed is a primary tactical advantage.
The miniature sun expands and swallows everything in the vicinity, killing another Wyche and a Scourge who were closest and not fast enough to get away. They had underestimated Nubix time and time again. They knew that he was somehow able to heal, but didn't care about it, seeing him as an inferior creature. Surely he couldn't survive being turned into a sieve ... right? Wrong! The plasma grenade belongs to the Wyche's wargear, allowing Nubix to take one and surprise the Eldar fucks while they weren't paying attention.
Nubix stood back up once again. If he weren't so focused and in the mode, he might have thought the situation funny. Here he was, naked and only holding a Splinter Rifle and a knife from the Wyche, facing off against Scourges, Kabalite Warriors and Wyches, while his brother Vulkan was fighting the Archon and their Reavers up front. He used everything at his disposal, especially his healing to surprise the Drukhari over and over again.
Nubix drops to one knee and aims at the nearest Drukhari.
He fires at the Kabalite Warrior and hits his head, killing him as he is distracted. His aim shifts to another one and he fires again.
*Pew Pew*
His skill with the rifle has risen to serious degrees since the bloody fight started. He was abusing his Essence of the Warrior to the maximum. The more damage he gained and the closer to 'death' he got, the more his physical abilities would rise, making him stronger, faster, smarter, more skilled and overall deadlier.
His shot hits the wing of a Scourge that tries to dodge his shots and retaliate but instead falls to the ground. The Drukharid does manage to shoot Nubix as he falls though, going for maximum damage and pain, as his twisted mind tells him to.
The Scourge lands on his feet and looks at Nubix with hate-filled eyes.
"Arrogant creature, you will pay for the insult of trying to force me to the ground. The mere thought of brushing my feet against the same dirt you tread sickens me. I will take your imminent screams of dying anguish as your crude attempt at an apology."
Nubix spits on the ground.
"Look at that ... a talking bird."
The Scourge raises his rifle and shoots Nubix, who does the same thing. They lock onto each other and unleash their deadly assault.
When the shooting stops, both fighters stand there with burning holes in their bodies. The anger of the Scourge made it blind to the reality of his situation. The Xenos falls to the ground, dead.
Sensing danger with his intuition, Nubix moves instinctively. A Razorflail whooshes towards him, almost hitting him, but he manages to dodge it. Instead of playing it safe, Nubix starts to use his regeneration to his advantage and fights more carelessly. He straightens his body and then takes the next hit.
The Razorflail impales him through his chest, causing him to spit out blood. His reaction is immediate. He grabs hold of the weapon and pulls as hard as he can, surprising the Wyche that attacked him and making her lose her balance slightly, before letting go of her weapon and instead using her immense dexterity and speed to attack Nubix with her knives.
*Swish slash woosh*
All over, the Wyche is no longer playing, but it is within her nature to want to deal the most pain instead of outright killing, which allows Nubix to retaliate. He blocks a stab with his forearm and then kicks the Wyche frontally while holding on to her arm. He then slashes his own knife, which he took from another Wyche and slashes at her arm.
The knife cuts through her armour and deeply into her flesh, almost severing it in the process. He moves in for another attack, but his arm suddenly flies off his body...
Another Wyche has arrived from a new squad and has sliced off his arm immediately using her Razorflail. Nubix dodges the next slice aimed at his neck and quickly turns around 360° using the Razorflal which is still impaled in his chest as a chainsaw in a way, attacking all the Drukhari around him.
Such unconventional fighting style and such brutal tactics are not something that the Drukhari are used to. The way this human doesn't care about his health is unnerving and frankly insulting to their deadly capabilities.
*Pew Pew Pew Pew*
Shots are fired from the sky as more Scourges dive down and strike Nubix. But our warrior doesn't stop. He keeps moving and attacking his adversaries at all times. His body is healing the damage dealt to him almost immediately which makes putting him down for good, very bothersome.
Rushing towards the Wyche closest to him, she surprises him with a weapon he hasn't seen today, a Splinter Pistol. Splinter Weapons like the Splinter Pistol fire shards of splintered crystal covered in incredibly potent toxins using a powerful magno-electric pulse.
The shot hits Nubix in the head, but that is not the end ... like the cockroach that he has become, Nubix's body seems to function on muscle memory at this point and his arms grab the Wyche, embracing her in a weird way.
*Pew Pew Pew Pew*
"Get off me you disgusting creat-*
Desperately wanting to get Nubix off of her, she continues to fire her Splinter Pistol, until a knife stabs her stomach. Seeing Nubix's regenerated face, the Wyche is in shock. Nubix continues to stab her over and over again, finally killing the bitch and getting jumped as soon as she drops dead.
*Pew Pew*
All over the battlefield, the Drukhari are not having a good time. In front, Vulkan the giant of a man is crushing head after head. The way he just storms through enemy lines and kills them all puts a lasting impression on the Drukhari and the Archon realises his mistake when planning this raid. But it is too late now, he has lost more than 100 of his fighters and continuing would be folly.
Therefore, he does the only thing he knows in this situation ... he outright leaves. Not caring about his troops or the fight any longer, the Archon of the Kabal disappears into the Webway, leaving Nocturne for the next raid which will surely be different from this one.
Nubix hasn't realised that the fight is practically over and is in the 'zone', so to speak. His missing arm has been recovered. Running and dodging the fire of a Scourge's fire, Nubix finally pulls out the Razorflail that is still impaled in his chest. His healing has recovered the flesh around the weapon, meaning he has to rip the thing out forcefully. And he does just that. His head moves around and he dodges the fire of a Kabalite Warrior. He starts running in a zigzag pattern and pulls out the Razorflail.
With increased speed, Nubix rushes forward and swings the Razorflail in the same way he saw the Wyche do it. His tremendous talent is unquestionable and allows him to multitask. The Kabalite Warriors are still faster as their Eldar physique makes them the fastest race in the galaxy. However, the increase in Nubix's physical capabilities is tremendous. He goes from being as fast as a snail, to more than 70% of the speed of a Kabalite Warrior and it is continuously growing. This, despite how it might sound, is very impressive.
A Guardian is a member of the militia infantry of the Aeldari Craftworlds who serve multiple tactical roles as needed in defence of their homes and comprise the majority of the Asuryani's armed forces. In times of peace, the Guardians pursue their normal civilian roles. All adult Asuryani, however, are trained in the arts of warfare and can be called to arms if their Craftworld is threatened. But despite 'only' being a member of the militia infantry, the Eldar Guardians are still Eldar in the end and the Drukhari are physically a bit faster than the Asuryani. So this hard fight has brought Nubix tremendous gains.
In a burst of speed, Nubix throws himself at the Guardian and attacks him with the Razorflail and the Wyche's knife. The Splinter Rifle was thrown to the ground for now, since he is fighting this Drukhari in close quarters. Seeing the Mon'keigh attacking him with nothing but the weapons he stole from them, the Guardian does the same. This is a matter of pride for him, showing time and time again, that pride is one of the greatest weaknesses of any race.
Nubix has the instinctual knowledge of martial arts and throws everything he has at the Dark Eldar Guardian. But the latter is dressed in armour and is still much faster. The Guardian blocks an attack and delivers a series of blows in quick succession, leaving Nubix dazed. He pulls back and tries to slash the knife at the Guardian. But he only takes a step back and roundhouse-kicks Nubix in the neck, causing it to crack strongly and bend the head almost 90° to the left.
That might have killed anyone, but not Nubix. This time, the Guardian is ready for the fast healing of the human and delivers a frontkick.
Nubix falls to the ground, but not before stabbing the Drukhari in the leg. He doesn't manage to hit him fully, but there is a small gash visible. Noticing this, the Eldar is angered and uses his full speed to beat down Nubix and pummel him to bits. He breaks most bones in his body until nothing but a bloody, broken mess remains. But he doesn't stop. He stomps on Nubix's head and crushes it like a watermelon.
"Heal from that ..."
As he is about to turn around, the short knife which Nubix wielded up to this point, flies through the air and nearly hits him. Then to his surprise, the broken and bloody form of Nubix slowly starts to stand up ... again. The Drukhari Guardian is ... exasperated, to say the least. The tenacity of this human is unlike anything he has seen before. Nubix rushes forward again, throwing punches and kicks at the Eldar. The speed difference has only gotten slightly less and is still not enough to fight him equally, but the skill difference becomes apparent and manages to cover what Nubix lacks in terms of speed.
Nubix takes the damage and catches the Eldar's arm, twisting it and trying to break it. He uses his full body to kick and turn and finally manages to get the crack from the Drukhari's bones he was hoping for. He follows his intuition and instinctively dodges a swipe from the Guardian's combat knife. In a display of marvellous skill, he grabs the knife and redirects the arm to impale the Guardian with it.
"Mon'... keigh..."
Nubix looks forward and notices that the few remaining Drukhari have left Nocturne and all that remains is the dead of the ones who came here, and Vulkan. His giant brother approaches Nubix and then finally embraces him. The two brothers have survived the fight and while Nubix did practically nothing, both of their shows of courage, managed to inspire the people of Nocturne to stand up for themselves.
"You did good, brother," Vulkan says.
"Eh, I survived. You are the one to kill ... how many? 100?"
"Something like that. Come, it is time to celebrate our victory."
I have decided to go a bit hard with the Essence here. His gains from all that 'dying' or almost dying and then coming back are tremendous. He is roughly at 85-90% of an Eldar Guardian. And he is not yet an Astartes.
I am planning on making Nubix Vulkan's right-hand man in a way. Either that or he will become a Lord Commander/ Protector. Tell me your thoughts.
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