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100% Warlock of the Magus World – Redux / Chapter 132: Trials and Triumphs

Chương 132: Trials and Triumphs

"Alright, with that rude interruption out of the way, let's get back to work, everyone," Decarte declared, his voice cutting through the murmurs as he clapped his hands sharply. The sound echoed through the grand auditorium, drawing the attention of his subordinates away from the silent and enigmatic new member who had taken a seat in the far corner.

The magicians, caught mid-conversation and mid-bite, hastily set down their cups and plates, their focus snapping back to their leader. The room, once filled with the hum of casual chatter and the clinking of utensils, now fell into a disciplined silence.

"Miku! How's the progress on the Giant Dragon Strength Potion?" Decarte's gaze zeroed in on a voluptuous female magician with flowing black hair, her presence commanding attention even in the crowded hall.

Miku rose gracefully, her eyes meeting Decarte's with a mix of determination and frustration. "I am about 70% done with deducing the formula, but I've hit some crucial roadblocks. I need the third centrifuge and additional supplies from the fifth garden to proceed."

Decarte nodded thoughtfully, his mind already calculating the logistics. "Good. After this meeting, submit an application form for the resources you need. Make sure to detail every item; we can't afford any complications."

Turning his attention to another magician, he continued, "Martin, how is the brewing of the monthly 300 doses of Frost Potions coming along?"

Martin, a short and frail old man with inexplicably long gray hair that reached his back, stood up uneasily when his name was called.

"My-my lord, you know it. I am having a shortage of manpower… The last three of my acolytes died last week while foraging. Also, my apparatuses have been failing lately…"

"I don't care what your reasons are, Martin! Isn't this the third time already? You know how I feel about delays in our contracts!" Decarte's face twisted in fury, his short temper evident as he began yelling again.

"I know they are unacceptable, lord, but… Please… Please forgive me!" Martin's face darkened with fear and shame.

"It's timely that you're lacking in manpower. The new brat Leylin will be assigned to your team, and I will provide you with another three synthesizing machines. If you are still unable to complete your task by next month, your allowance for this year will be greatly reduced! And that goes for you too, Leylin!"

"Yes, my lord!" Martin wiped the sweat off his face.

Leylin, hearing his name, calmly stood up and sighed as he moved closer to the old man.

Every Magus he passed looked at him with a mix of envy and disdain. They felt no pity for him. Despite Reynold's attempts to sell him on the camaraderie of Four Seasons Garden, it was clear that no matter where he went, Leylin would always face the same hostile environment. This was natural. The weak would always unite against the strong, and the strong would always seek to protect themselves from other strong beings.

'Paired with the rotten bag of straws? Not as bad as I thought,' Leylin smirked inwardly. He had already calculated that reaching the quota would be a breeze. Frost Potions were child's play for him.

In fact, he didn't even need instruments; he could purify them using only his magic. However, demonstrating such abilities too early would make him appear as a spy from another Magisterium, hiding his true power. So, he had to feign gradual improvement and limit his results to acceptable levels.

Decarte then called on several other magicians, inquired about their progress, and made the necessary arrangements. Most of the time, he ended up reprimanding them just as he had done with Leylin and the geezer Martin.

After the assembly, Leylin slowed his steps to walk alongside Martin, observing the surroundings with a keen eye.

"I'm sorry our master assigned you to my team on your first day. I bet you didn't expect this, Lord Leylin," Martin apologized. Surprisingly, Leylin detected sincerity in his words. Perhaps he was just that good at acting. Still, Leylin would not let his guard down in front of anyone.

"It's not a problem. And I suggest you stop calling me 'Lord' around here, unless you wish to have your tongue cut out by that same master," Leylin said ironically, drawing a dry chuckle from the old man.

In any team, all newbies had to suffer at the beginning, and Leylin was well aware of this fact. But this was a punishment designed to crush his spirit and drain his resources. Naturally, he would not give Decarte, Caesar, or anyone else the satisfaction of seeing him fall.

"Alright, let's move on. I'll bring you to the labs and your room. There's also some other stuff you'll need to know."

Despite Martin's apparent ineptitude, he enthusiastically guided Leylin through the intricate registration processes. His eagerness stemmed from the prospect of having someone endorsed by one of the founding members as his new colleague. Martin's awareness of this detail was somewhat expected, given that most of Leylin's background had been made public to the staff. The fact that Decarte chose to believe Wade's lies regarding the trial was merely out of convenience.

"Take it. These are the keys to your room, as well as your identity token." The old geezer Martin brought Leylin to a tower constructed of black stones and handed over an old bronze key and an identity token.

The ancient key was modeled in an old-fashioned way, with some characters inscribed on it.

As for the identity token, it was made of a translucent metal, with Leylin's name and other information carved onto it.

"With this token, you can go to the organization's marketplace and obtain a portion of precious ingredients, as well as some advanced information, for a price," Martin explained patiently.

"This token is extremely important as it grants you access to various areas within the complex and serves as a means to store and trade your contribution points. Losing it would cause significant inconvenience and could even lead to expulsion, depending on the circumstances. Therefore, it is crucial that you protect it diligently."

Seeing Leylin nod in understanding, Martin brought him to view the experiment labs and rooms. 

"The experiment lab, designated as DK-328, is a shared facility equipped with various apparatuses suitable for an official Magus. The equipment is decent and meets the standard requirements for most experiments. Additionally, if you have any special requests or need specific tools, you can apply for them. As long as you have accumulated enough contribution points, the order will strive to fulfill your needs and provide the necessary resources," Martin explained.

Leylin recalled Wade mentioning contribution points before. These points were a method used by the Four Seasons Garden to gauge the merits and contributions of individual Magi. After completing the required amount of work or tasks, an official Magus could earn contribution points. These points not only elevated the status of the team but could also be exchanged for essential resources, rare materials, and valuable knowledge. From Leylin's perspective, contribution points were the primary currency within the Four Seasons Garden, and they played a crucial role in the advancement and success of a Magus.

"Speaking of contribution points, since you've just joined, I'm sure you don't have any yet. How about accepting one or two acolytes from the new batch that arrived yesterday? These mentoring assignments offer the most contribution points," Martin suggested helpfully, hoping to assist Leylin in earning his first points.

"Actually, I don't plan on teaching anyone anytime soon. I find acolytes to be generally bothersome. However, if I ever need cannon fodder or a group of test subjects, I'll be sure to recruit some acolytes," Leylin replied with a kind smile, politely declining Martin's request.

"Hehe! You're a funny young man! But I should warn you, most people here wouldn't take that kind of humor well. They are mostly purists of the Light Magi way. But don't worry about me, I can appreciate a man who knows how to crack a good joke!" Martin said joyfully, patting Leylin's shoulder in a friendly manner.

Leylin's expression, however, turned emotionless for a moment. In truth, he wasn't joking at all. His words reflected his true intentions and pragmatic approach to his work as a Magus.


Over the past four months, Leylin had been tirelessly toiling under the demanding and often demeaning supervision of Lord Decarte. The grunt work assigned to him was relentless, and Decarte's frequent outbursts and attempts at humiliation were a constant challenge. Yet, Leylin faced these trials with unwavering determination and an unyielding spirit.

Despite the harsh conditions, Leylin's results were nothing short of impeccable. Each task he completed was a testament to his meticulous nature and prodigious talent, particularly in the field of Potioneering. His flawless work began to chip away at the skepticism of Decarte and others who doubted him. Gradually, Leylin earned a measure of leniency from his harsh overseer, who found himself speechless on more than one occasion by Leylin's extraordinary skills.

Chairman Reynold, observing from a distance, was increasingly impressed by Leylin's resilience and exceptional abilities. Reynold's initial approval grew into genuine respect as he witnessed Leylin's determination and willpower. Leylin's remarkable talent in Potioneering, which had repeatedly left his peers astounded, further solidified Reynold's high regard for him. In the end, Leylin's perseverance and brilliance not only earned him respect but also paved the way for greater opportunities and recognition within the organization.

Now, he was openly called Lord Leylin both in the Potioneering headquarters and the corridors of the Four Seasons Garden. Martin, who used to be his team leader, now served him, along with others. Leylin had not broken a sweat really, as every task they assigned him was too meager for him.

Nothing he ever did challenged him, and that obviously frustrated him to a degree, as even though his reputation and resources increased by leaps and bounds, his cultivation had stagnated almost completely. But that would soon change.

Currently, Leylin wore an elaborate white robe adorned with intricate green leaf patterns embroidered on the sleeves and collar, the distinctive uniform of the professors at the Four Seasons Garden. The robe's fine craftsmanship and elegant design reflected the high status accorded to those who wore it.

He was presently navigating the winding side roads within the mountain that housed the Four Seasons Garden's headquarters. The paths were narrow and often shrouded in mist, adding an air of mystery to the already enigmatic institution.

After traversing a tunnel filled with tiny plant people, who bustled about their tasks with surprising efficiency, he arrived at an ancient square. The square, seemingly carved into the heart of the mountain, was vast and awe-inspiring. The ceiling was solid rock, and the walls were illuminated by countless everlasting light spells, casting a warm, golden glow that brightened the entire space.

This was the bustling marketplace of the Four Seasons Garden, where one could exchange contribution points for a myriad of resources. Here, both acolytes and Magi could use their hard-earned contribution points to obtain the rare materials and valuable information they desired. The marketplace was always buzzing with activity, a testament to the Garden's thriving community.

As a guest professor and a Lord who enjoyed the Chairman's favor, Leylin was entitled to a generous monthly allocation for completing his tasks. This allocation was a significant benefit, providing him with essential resources to further his research and experiments.

Countless magicians were irresistibly drawn to the Four Seasons Garden, enticed not only by its allure but also by the significant advantage of having a powerful backer. The promise of abundant resources and support made the Garden a highly coveted destination for those eager to advance their magical prowess. However, gaining entry was an entirely different matter, as the institution held a stringent policy of admitting only one, or at most two, new official Magi each year.

Leylin specifically approached an elite store designated for professors to redeem their contribution points. The counter was manned by a staff member who was also an official Magus. She had pale skin and ocean-blue hair that softly cascaded over her shoulders, giving her an ethereal appearance. Traces of gills were visible on the sides of her neck, hinting at her unique heritage.

She smiled brightly at Leylin, blushing lightly as she immediately recognized the man who had captured her heart. Unlike other Light Magi, Leylin did not show any disdain for her Dark Magi tendencies, such as using torture to extract emotional energy from test subjects. This acceptance had initially sparked her interest in him and had since grown into a deep infatuation.

"My, if it isn't Lord Leylin! What brings you here? Is there anything I can assist you with?" the female Magus asked in the common language of the South Coast, her voice gentle and pleasing to the ears. Her eyes sparkled with genuine interest and affection, making it clear that she was eager to help him in any way she could.

Leylin's expression remained indifferent as he looked at the woman and handed over his token. "I am here to retrieve some ingredients. Hand me the catalog."

"Ah, you will be pleasantly surprised today, my lord! Something you've been asking for has finally reached our shelves!" The female Magus said in a coquettish tone, her eyes sweeping over Leylin's token before lingering on his sculpted muscular figure. She seemed all too pleased as she ogled at him, then pretended it was not a big deal and handed over the catalog.

Leylin took the catalog and began to peruse the list of items in detail.

The list was extensive, containing not only many precious resources that were rare even in the Nightless City but also numerous pieces of high-grade information and the latest experimental results. Each item seemed more valuable than the last, showcasing the wealth of knowledge and resources available.

Furthermore, Leylin noticed some Spiritual Force potions intended for official Magi. These potions were highly coveted, but the contribution points required to obtain them were exorbitant, leaving Leylin to merely long for them. The catalog was a treasure trove of possibilities, each item a testament to the advancements and discoveries within the Garden's community.

'Sky Flower Welk Fruit, Dwarf Frost Runes, Elemental Crystals…'

Leylin's fingers paused as they traced the words 'elemental crystals' on the catalog. The previous backlash he had experienced from consuming these crystals had now dissipated, allowing him to once again obtain more crystallized Darkness energy particles to enhance his Elemental Essence Conversion.

Leylin fervently scanned the entry for the elemental crystals, his eyes darting through the list of energy particles. Finally, at the end of the extensive list, he found the name he had been searching for.


<Crystallized Darkness energy particles>

These particles possess the remarkable ability to significantly enhance the Elemental Essence Conversion rate of a Magus with the Darkness elemental affinity. However, they come with substantial residual effects. Caution is advised when using them.


1 contribution point per gram.

<Purchase Limit> 

Guest professors and those of lower rank are restricted to purchasing a maximum of 50 grams per month.

<Available Stock> 

Currently, there are 580 grams available.


"For this price?" Leylin frowned, clicking his tongue in dissatisfaction. The cost was steep, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. The price tag was far beyond what he had anticipated, and it gnawed at him.

Based on his calculations, he could purchase a maximum of 50 grams of elemental crystals, which would deplete his contribution points by about half. He had already used up 300 grams of these precious crystals, which had raised his elemental essence conversion to 35%. With another 50 grams, at best, he might be able to increase it to 40%, which still fell short of his high standards.

Leylin sighed deeply, contemplating his next move. The path to increasing his elemental essence conversion was proving to be more difficult and costly than he had initially thought. 

next chapter
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