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81.25% Villain in Pokemon world / Chapter 13: Chapter 13. Travels in the Viridian Forest ( Part 2)

Chương 13: Chapter 13. Travels in the Viridian Forest ( Part 2)

Gray stood quietly and waited for his pokémon to start saying something. Beedrill carefully raised his head and glared at his parents, who were now very angry with him. He gestured to show that he had flown to training, and that was why he was in such a battered and weak state. Gray used the AI chip and checked his pokémon's condition.


Pokémon: Beedrill (Shiny)

Type: Bug/Poison.

Level 11

Character: Adamant

Potential: Light Indigo


Health: 27/36 (IVs: 12) (EVs: 0).

Attack: S (IVs - 31) (EVs - 2) = 38 (+8)

Defense: B (IVs - 22) (EVs - 0) = 19(+3)

Special Attack: C (IVs - 16) (EVs - 0) = 15 (+1)

Special Defense: B- (IVs - 20) (EVs - 0) = 27 (+3)

Speed: A (IVs - 28) (EVs - 3) = 34 (+10)

Skill: Sniper (hidden ability)

Movements: Bug bite (Level 3), String Shot (Level 4), Poison Sting (Level 4), Electroweb (Level 2), Harden (Level 1), Fury Attack (Level 3), Twineedle (Level 2).


"He's really been practicing. Although that doesn't change the fact that he flew off without warning me, But his impulse to get stronger pleases me. In that case, the punishment shouldn't be too severe. I'll double his training load so he doesn't have to fly for his own training. I have my own plan for how and when he should train. Right now the main thing is to increase his speed as much as possible so he can dodge and attack sharply, and then we'll work on his attack." Gray had softened a bit, but he was still frowning at Beedrill. He walked over to him and said,

"Beedrill, I appreciate your determination to get stronger, but you left me here and gave me no warning that you were flying away. What if the pokémon had pounced on me while I was sleeping, or you had met a strong pokémon that would have killed you? Didn't you think of that? The state of your body after training was terrible. Not only would you not improve your score this way, you'd make it worse. ( That wasn't actually true because Pokémon bodies are different from human bodies. They are able to repair very serious wounds as long as they are not deprived of life. Some pokémon can even regrow their limbs, but those are mostly bug-type or grass-type pokémon. But Gray was saying this to make Beedrill feel guilty about his behavior. Gray didn't need an independent pokémon. Not Beedrill. He needed a slave. A pokémon that would obey his every demand in order to move up. Other pokémon, stronger and more capable than Beedrill, would be waiting for him there.. Gray spoke and thought, looking into his pokémon's eyes. Beedrill bowed his head. He was ashamed in front of his parents. Tears accumulated in his eyes. He had only wanted to please his parents, but instead had put both him and himself in danger. Unable to cope with his feelings, he sobbed.

"Bid, Beedrill, Beedrill," the huge pokémon cried, hugging his parents. No matter how big he was, in his mind, Gray would always be his parent, which meant he was obligated to obey him. Therefore, it pained him greatly to listen to him reprimand him. Gray patted him on the head.

"It's all right, Beedrill. I realize you only wanted what was best for you, but you made a mistake and must be punished. Your training will be doubled. If you ever fly away from me without asking again, You may not come back again," the trainer said in a harsh voice. Beedrill pressed his huge body harder against Gray. In his mind, he realized that it was better to never leave his coach. He doesn't know how to live without his parents.

A couple of hours had passed.

Beedrill had already calmed down and was guarding the area while Gray went to sleep. Beedrill's body had already fully recovered, so he didn't feel any pain. His wings had gotten a little bigger and thicker. The missing stinger on one arm had also grown back and looked sharper than the other. Beedrill was in some contemplation on how to please his trainer to make it up to him. His musings were interrupted by a sweet odor coming from relatively nearby. Though he had never smelled it before, he knew on a genetic level where the odor came from. Beedrill honey. A very useful and delicious substance that only the queen of the beedrill swarm could produce. The pokémon overpowered his desire to go there, as he didn't want to make the same mistake in front of his parents again. He would take him there in the morning, and then Gray would definitely forgive him completely.

Morning came

Gray woke up and went for a swim in the river to get rid of the bad odor coming from his body from traveling through the forest. Beedrill flew up to his parents and watched him do some weird things in the water. Since his parents do that, he should too. The pokémon landed and walked into the water. The pokémon's feet felt cold, but looking at its parent, who was in the water without any problems, it steadily walked forward, despite the coldness of the water. Gray turned around and saw his pokémon shaking from the cold water while mimicking his movements. The sight of Beedrill made him laugh. The pokémon looked at Gray and was glad that he had stopped being angry and was now laughing. He got out of the water and flew up to him.

"Do you want something?" Gray asked.

Beedrill began pointing in some direction with his stinger, indicating that something of value was there. The trainer realized that the pokémon was drawn there by something and decided to go after it. They traveled quite far from their original location until they noticed a large tree towering above the others. There were holes in it, from which you could sometimes see something moving. Beedrill quickly flew up to the tree, smelling a so-called pleasant odor very close by.

"Beedrill, stand still! It could be dangerous out there!" yelled Gray. He didn't like that tree. He had prepared a shadow ball and was ready to fire it at any moment. Beedrill stopped for a second, but the smell of honey was too inviting. He quickly flew upwards, and after looking around a bit, he found an opening from which Honey was visible.

The pokémon turned back to his trainer and pointed upward, taking the latter in his arms and lifting him into the air. He flew up to that opening. Gray looked there and saw the honey flowing out.

"Beedrill honey?" Gray wondered, but quickly pulled out bottles and poured all the water out of them. Into them, he instantly began pouring honey. It was a very useful and quite rare food for pokémon. If it was of good quality, it could even increase a pokémon's potential a bit if enough of it was eaten. But Gray quickly came to his senses from such a find. Where there is honey, there must also be a queen. And she's a minimum of a mid-level pokémon. He looked down and saw a pack of bees flying out of the holes in the tree. One of them was much larger. Gray ordered him to assess it.


Pokémon: Beedrill (Queen).

Type: Bug/Poison

Level 19

Character: Adamant

Potential: Green


Health (53/53)

Attack: D

Defense: C

Special Attack: C

Special Defense: C+

Speed: B-

Skill: Swarm

Movements: Bug bite (Level 2), String Shot (Level 5), Poison Sting (Level 3), Harden (Level 4), Fury Attack (Level 2), Twineedle (Level 4), Rage (Level 2), Pursuit (Level 1).


"Quickly fly out of here!" Gray shouted. All the pokémon buzzed loudly and flew at them with an angry expression on their faces. The queen was quickly approaching them. Gray's beedrill instantly disappeared from its spot; it flew deep into the forest. The other beedrill flew after him, but they couldn't catch up with him. All except the queen, who gradually reduced the distance between them and used String Shot, trying to catch the pokémon and the human. Gray, carried by Beedrill, was launching Shadow Ball at the queen, but she was dodging. Soon she got close enough and used a fury attack, impaling Beedrill Gray's body. The pokémon somehow tried to dodge, but with Gray in her arms, it was quite difficult. The queen's sting turned a dark color, and she attacked Gray's pokémon again. Pursuit is a dark type of attack that deals double damage to a fleeing target. Gray's Beedrill cried out in pain. This attack had done serious damage to him. His back was impaled, and blood was pouring out of it. The Queen used her stinger and pierced Beedrill's wing. He lost his balance and started spinning in the air; his body dynamics were broken. Gray tried to weaken the Queen somehow, but she was too close, and the blast would have hit them too.

"It's all because of me again." Tears flowed from Beedrill's eyes as he tried to regain his balance in the air with a torn wing.

"I'm the one who failed my parents and brought us here. I wanted to do better; I wanted to please him, but instead I put us in danger again. It's my fault again. Always disappointing my dad. I won't let you! No one's going to kill my parents! NO ONE!" Beedrill's body became covered in pink energy, and he accelerated hard, bouncing off the queen in an instant.

*Beedrill learned a new move called "Agility".*

Beedrill's speed was enough to get rid of the Queen's pursuit, but his physical condition was terrible. Up ahead, Gray spotted a familiar cave; he had found it before. There was no choice; either they would fly and hide there, or Beedrill would fall from exhaustion and wounds, and the queen would catch up with them.

"Beedrill, fly to that cave over there." Gray pointed to the passage while his pokémon still had bits of its power. The pokémon flew there. Its wing couldn't handle the speed and broke off. The pokémon flew into the wall of the cave and hit it. Until the end, the pokémon clutched Gray tightly and even flipped its body over before the impact so that its parent wouldn't get hurt. Beedrill was unconscious. Gray had placed him in a pokeball. Now was not the time to berate him for bringing them there. The man carefully examined the cave. It was the same one where Gray had found Nidoking. He was confused by the strong odor of iron coming from the depths of the cave. He went forward with quiet steps. Suddenly, his foot stepped on something sticky. He bent over.

"It's... blood," Gray marveled. The cave was surprisingly quiet, which was strange for a pokémon like Nidoran. Gray felt a sharp pain in his arm. Someone had bitten him. Ghost energy traveled to his eyes, and he began to see perfectly in the dark. He noticed a small bat sucking a croai from his hand.

"Zubat? What's he doing here?" Gray shook his hand. The pokémon was startled and flew away from him. He looked around at the stalwarts. Nidoran corpses lay not far from the cave entrance, with a few Zubats still sucking the blood from their bodies. They didn't seem to find him any tastier than the bodies of these Nidorans, or they would have swarmed him and sucked his blood by now. Gray was frightened at the thought: Just how strong would a pokémon have to be to defeat that Nidoking? It seems this place belongs to the catfish now. He can't leave the cave; now the beedrills will be flying all over the forest looking for him. He can't stay here either; once all the Nidorans have been bled out, he'll be next in line. Gray had no choice but to make his way forward. Along the way, he encountered more and more powerful Nidorans and their evolution, the Nidorino. At the top of the cave, the Golbats, an evolution of Zubat, could be spotted. To Gray's surprise, these Pokémon didn't attack him either, though they were known for their bad temper. In general, each evolution of Zubat changed his character a lot. In the Pokémon world, he was even given the nickname "Many-Faced." His first form, Zubat, is one of the most fearful pokémon, hunting only weak pokémon at night and attacking humans only in packs or dark places, as their bodies are relatively weak even by human standards. Its first form has very low innate characteristics (base statistics). Golbat: Zubat Evolution. Golbat is a pokémon with one of the most aggressive personalities, attacking any pokémon indiscriminately. If it sees a human, it immediately pounces on them and drinks their blood. The second form is much stronger, as the base stats almost double. The last and rarest form of Zubat is Crobat. It is one of the very rare pokémon. Crobat is a pokémon with a quiet nature. It attacks silently and kills its victims quickly. It is very attached to its trainer, and it will never leave him. He has one of the highest speed parameters in the Pokémon world. His base stats are also very high, making him a very strong pokémon. For quite some time, people couldn't figure out exactly how he evolved in the wild. If Golbat had a strong emotional connection with his trainer (the happiness parameter in games), then he would evolve into Krobat on his own after leveling up. But what about in the wild? It's more complicated than that. There's a second way to evolve a Krobat. Gray learned about it in the library. There was a book that described the ancient times of the Pokémon world, when there was no such thing as a Pokémon trainer and people could not defend themselves against them but only hid. Then Golbat had to drink a lot of blood—it would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole ocean—and then he turned into Krobat. That was the method in ancient times. Although it is much more complicated, the Krobat that resulted from evolution was much stronger than its current relatives. At the end of the book, it was mentioned that some of the people of that time saw another form of Krobat, but this is just a rumor.

(If we raise 10 dollars, I'm releasing another chapter today.)


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