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Chapter 21): Before The Game!

Chapter 21): Before The Game!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

(10+ Advanced Chapters on buy/meacoffee/Flaminglines)


(A/N: Last one here until the end of March.)

The crowds made the gym seem overly packed and loud, Ryan was not liking it at all and was thinking of getting high, but he didn't want someone else to catch him and then report him as it wouldn't look good for the school. Instead he carried his duffle and passed the people walking to the gym, he caught sight of the Cullens who had walked passed him, Rosalie giving him a small smile of encouragement while Alice was carrying a sign supporting him.

Going into the locker room he heard music playing as everyone was getting ready, some were off to the side joking but he just walked to his locker and began to change into his green and white uniform. When he finished their coach walked into the room, he looked at all of them before he spoke.

"Today is the first game of the season. I preached all I needed to earlier today to you about what needed to be done so I won't waste my breath here again. Let's get out there and show them what this team is made of." He said clapping his clipboard against the lockers before walking off.

Mike led everyone in the middle of the room to a group huddle, "Spartans on three...1..2..3."

"Spartans!" They all shouted before whooping and walking out the locker room.

Entering the gym they walked into cheers from their own side with them pounding their feet against the stands as they did so, Ryan took a look and with his enhanced seeing her easily spotted everyone he knew. On the right side were; Leah, Seth, Sue, Harry, Billy Black, Jake and Charlie Swan

On the Left was the whole Cullen clan, well minus Carlisle who most likely had to work tonight, Alice though was holding up a sign with his name in big sparkly letters making him shake his head. He had given her the cold shoulder multiple times but the girl didn't see it that way at all, instead she and kept trying to be his friend despite it, and he wasn't going to lie she was wearing him down some.

"Ryan! Get over here!" Coach called as they were all at the bench as he was just standing there. He walked and the man grabbed his shoulder, "You loose? You ready to play? Because if I am being honest I have a bet with their coach, the loser has to shave his head, Ryan I can't lose what little hair I have left."

Ryan chuckled some as his coach was basically bald as his head had a giant bald spot in the middle of it, "Don't worry coach I am ready."

"Good. Good. Then go warm up, game starts in ten." Coach patted his back then went over to talk to the other coach.

Ryan shrugged and went to where the rest of his team was practicing at the moment, the assistant coach threw him a ball as he stood at the three point line, he dribbled a few times before going inside and laying up with a euro step. He took the ball when it was passed to him again as he made his way to the half court where a Spartan was painted on it.

Dribbling he took the half court shot letting the ball sail from his hands, he could feel people watching him as the shot was released from his hand, he did not pay them any mind though. The ball flew with a beautiful arch before it went straight in without touching the rim what so ever.

[+1 Level to Basketball]

[Basketball Level 8

Description: Your Skill set is basically at the league where only NBA professional can stop you. 80% chance of making a Lay-Up, 80% Chance of making a mid-range shot, 75% chance of making three pointer. All skills leveled up.]

Ryan nodded hearing that ring in his ear, he was actually happy about it, he resumed doing warm ups as the time went down for their practice shoot around.


(Rez people POV)

"Yeah, this is going to be a win." Seth said with certainty as he saw Ryan make three more shots from half court.

"Oh? Why is that?" Billy asked his first time coming to a game as he never really crossed the treaty line unless it was to meet Charlie for a game.

"Because Ryan is on fire and the game hasn't even started. Did you see those shots." Seth said practically bouncing in his seat.

Leah nodded in agreement, she knew that the team had been playing a lot better since Ryan joined them, he showed that last year when he played and they made it to the playoffs, of course they lost as he did not play his best. Mike had made a comment which resulted in Ryan basically throwing the game, he had told her one night when they were hanging out.

"He keeps looking over here, wonder what that is about?" Harry said as he saw Ryan look to them again for about the tenth time.

"Oh! I can probably guess why!" Seth said with a grin as he looked to his sister, everyone but Leah, Sue and Jake did not get way he meant.

Sue's eyes widen, there was also a sens of hope in her eyes as she looked to her daughter, "Did it finally happen? Are you two dating?" She whispered so Harry wouldn't overhear the man still not ready to accept that his daughter was old enough, plus the whole Sam thing.

Leah blushed but shook her head, "No, not yet. He wants to do it 'properly' and ask Dad first before we can date, says he can't without his acceptance of it."

Sue giggled as she could hear the whine in her daughters voice as she talked about it, it was clear to her that her daughter did not like it at all, but she was also using how flattered she was. Sue was already giving her stamp.of approval and knew her husband would too, Ryan was already basically family.

"You should have seen them kissing, like oxygen didn't matter or something." Seth teased poking his head between the two of them.


"SETH!!" Leah practically scream while trying to strangle her brother, their mother looked on smiling while the men besides Jake were confused.


(Cullen Clan POV)

"....Sorry Rosalie." Alice pouted patting her sisters arm along with their mother.

"Oh, I don't think she is all that mad. Did you see her riding on the back of his motorcycle today, she looked quiet happy." Emmett said with a smile while getting a elbow to the stomach from Edythe.

Rosalie sent him a glare too but she had to admit that he was right about to, her thoughts though were obviously read by Edward who sent her a look, but she ignored it. Honestly she was tired of his self righteous attitude, the guy was a drag, had been the entire time they have known one another.

That just earned her another glare.

"He looks good." Esme said trying to bring her families attention back to the court where they were just finishing warming up.

Rosalie nodded along as she watched Ryan huddle up with the rest they all put their hands in before breaking and he walked to the right getting set up, a soft smile made a way on yo her face. She couldn't help her feelings for Ryan and if she could she would have made them stop, just because she can see that he was happy with Leah.

As the whistle blew she wished him luck anticipating his first game.


(Ryan POV)

Ryan clapped his hands ready to start the game, he didn't listen to his coach as he planned out how they would play it, he honestly only listened in crunch times if it wasn't crunch time he did not listen. All they did was run around anyway, most of the time he did not even see the reason for a coach, especially when the players ended up playing like it was an all-star game half the time.

Walking on to the court he sent a look to Leah, who waved noticing him looking at her, which he returned with a wink and smile making Harry look between the two of them with a confused face. He also turned to look at Rosalie who threw him a hesitant small wave with a little smile, he smiled back slightly before paying attention to the jump ball.

The ref looked between both centers before the ball was thrown into the air, and the game began.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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