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4.49% To change your destiny and mine. (BL) / Chapter 2: 'Exploring The Unknown': He who died too early.

Chương 2: 'Exploring The Unknown': He who died too early.

'Let's review...'

Azrael Celestria was a character in Destiny Awaits You that, for Zak, shouldn't even be considered an official character considering he was only ever mentioned once or twice and was killed off in the second chapter. 

He was basically only used as another reason for the protagonist, Eirian, to get more heat especially from the imperial family.

His cause of death was allegedly suicide, it wasn't explained in the novel why Azrael committed suicide but rumor had it that Eirian's so-called 'darkness' had something to do with it because the imperial prince's room was right next to Eirian's room in their academy's dormitory. 

As a reader of the novel, Zak already knew that wasn't true. Eirian wasn't the cursed child, and he has never even seen Azrael. Zak could clearly remember Eirian's thoughts on never seeing Azrael despite living next to him. 

Which leads Zak to remembering a few other lines from the novels about Azrael Celestria being antisocial, almost unnoticeable compared to his older brother, Valerian Celestria, the crown prince of the empire and Caelum's childhood friend. 

One of the future characters that will assist Eirian with his newfound light magic and help stop Caelum. 

'But I vividly remember that Valerian didn't care about Azrael's death. He didn't even react at all. Azrael's death didn't even do anything to Eirian as well besides the fact that it made people a bit more cautious with approaching him.' His death was that useless and irrelevant. 

 Zak, or now Azrael, lets out a soft sigh as he stares into nothing. 'I've always assumed Caelum was the one who killed Azrael, and made it seem like suicide but I have a feeling that it's not the case.'

Then again, if it wasn't murder and if it was actually suicide, why would Azrael even commit suicide? What was the point? 

It didn't make any sense.

If that wasn't frustrating enough, he had to figure out the reason why and how he got transmigrated into the novel in the first place. 

He had some assumptions but it was still all so confusing and overwhelming. Don't get him wrong. It was any fan's dream come true to transmigrate into their favorite novel. He could admit that he was one of those people who wished he'd get hit by a truck then wake up as another person. 

It was much easier to dream about something that you know will never happen. 

And Zak never expected it could actually happen.

'It's even harder that I possessed a character that had no lines but had an important position. I'm a prince now for God's sake. It would've been better if I'd just been some commoner. Why Azrael of all people?'

Sighing for the hundredth time since today as he covered his face in frustration. He wanted to scream. He already knew his goal, it was obvious already. 

He had to change the novel's ending, he wanted to help the protagonist, his favorite character, so he doesn't end up dying. 

Thinking of a goal was easier but uncovering the unknown and planning out how to help was the hardest. Too many questions and no one to answer them. 

"Uhm. Your highness? Are you okay...You look unwell?"

Azrael's head perks up as he hears someone speak to him. An idea suddenly pops into his mind as he turns his head to look at the other person who has been in his room for quite some time now while he was contemplating. 

Adham Lambert.

He was a secondary character in the novel who was a Student Servant.

In Luminar Academy, the standards for their students are high in terms of matriculation. A person must either be part of the nobility or if they're commoners, must have exceptional magic abilities or be born with impressive amounts of mana inside their body.

But there could also be a third option for people aspiring to study under such a prestigious academy with a guarantee of a better future but do not qualify to their standards.

One could apply to become a student servant. 

Student servants are students who work to be matriculated in Luminar academy. They are usually assigned to another student with high ranking and is required to work under that student until they both graduate. 

They must do anything and everything that their assigned 'master' asks of them as long as it is ethical and within the rules of the academy. 

Adham Lambert was Azrael's student servant, hence why he was knocking on his door earlier. Apparently, Adham cleans his room every morning.

'When Azrael dies, Adham gets assigned to Eirian who was never assigned a student servant because one, no one applied to be his student servant, and two, he didn't want one in the first place.' Of course, as the Protagonist, he had a strong sense of justice.

He thought the idea of making passionate students work to be able to study is unethical. Eirian believes that anyone can be strong as long as their skills are developed properly, and for that to happen, they need proper guidance. 

That's one of the things Zak really liked about him. Eirian ended up letting Adham do what he wanted, didn't ask him for anything, and Adham basically was the only student servant who went to Luminar Academy without having to work.

In the end, Adham, who initially had low mana, managed to strengthen himself to a point where Luminar eventually recognized his potential and moved him up from being a student servant to a normal student studying to become a knight.

When the time came that Eirian had to fight Caelum, Adham was one of the people who cleared the path for him to approach the villain, risking his life as a way to thank him.

'Anyways, as far as I know, Azrael commits suicide a few months into his first year of going to Lumunar academy, meaning Adham probably knows him the best. Right?' Going back to his main agenda, he stares at Adham who stares back at him awkwardly. 

'Which means, I could probably ask him some questions. Just to get to know Azrael a bit more.'

Right. That was a good plan. He didn't see any harm in asking Adham a few questions. So, Azrael takes a deep breath and finally answers Adham. 

"I'm fine. I just have some things in my mind." Azrael says slowly and carefully, trying to watch Adham's expression. 

Much to his surprise, Adham's eyes widened, he looked almost awestruck when Azrael spoke. He looked like he saw God for the first time. 

This concerned Azrael. 'What? Did I say something wrong? Shouldn't I have answered?' He was starting to feel a bit insecure with his choice but decided it was too late to back out now.

"Adham...Are you okay? Staring is quite rude, you know." 

When Azrael spoke again, the boy took a step back, his face slowly turned into a shade of pink and he seemed very embarrassed. The moment Azrael's words dawned on him, he bows his whole body so quickly that Azrael was concerned he'd break his back.

"I-I'm so sorry, your highness! I didn't mean to stare...It's just...It's...." Adham stuttered, still keeping his head down. 

Azrael tilted his head to the side in confusion. "It's just what? Also, you may raise your head. No need to bow. I wasn't really mad or anything.."

The brown-haired boy carefully raises his head, as if doubting Azrael's words. 'Geez. Did Azrael abuse this poor boy or what? He seems really scared...but then again, Azrael was the son of the emperor.'

"It's just...It's your first time speaking to me in months, your highness." Adham explains as he raises his body. 

'Months? Seriously?'

He knew the original Azrael was antisocial but he didn't think he was that antisocial. No wonder no one knew a single thing about him. If he hadn't spoken to his own student servant for months, it was no surprise that his death had no deep affect on people besides the fact that he was one of the emperor's sons.

Azrael lets out a frustrated sigh. 'Dear God, Azrael. You are not making things easy for me to be you.' It was much harder now for him to ask Adham questions without causing any suspicions, but then again, he had no other choice. 

He had to come up with some excuse. Yeah. 

He can do this. 



With that, Azrael was determined once again. "I apologize for ignoring you for months. It must've been hard. I was just..." He trails off, thinking of an excuse on the spot. "Going through some things. It has been a difficult adjustment for me to move away from the comforts of my own...castle?"

He wanted to slap himself so bad with how awkward and unsure he sounded. Luckily for him, Adham seemed to not notice it as he nodded along with an expression that Azrael could only describe as the look of pity. 

"I see. I understand. I didn't know that you felt that way, your highness. I honestly thought you were dissatisfied with me since the only time you spoke to me was to ask me to clean your room everyday."

'He actually bought it? Azrael ignores him for months and gives him a pathetic excuse, and he just accepts it? Seriously?' Adham, in Azrael's mind, is either too kind for his own good or is really desperate for Azrael's approval to the point that he's almost naive. 

Azrael finds himself sighing again, he's been doing that a lot since he woke up in this world. 'Whatever. It's going well for me, so I shouldn't question it further.'

"I appreciate you for understanding, Adham. You don't have to worry. You've done a great job." Azrael smiled slightly as he placed his hands on his lap. 

Adham, once again, was taken aback by the sudden praise, his neck reddening all the way to his face up to his ears. "It's no problem at all, your highness! I was just doing my job." He rubs the back of his neck shyly. 

Azrael couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "No need to be coy, Adham. A job well done deserves acknowledgement, you've done well even with me ignoring you." He takes a small strand of his hair, twirling it around his index finger as he watches Adham's face get even redder. 

"T-Thank you, your highness...but uhm. If I may, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." Azrael looks at him curiously. "You don't have to ask me for permission to ask questions, Adham. Just ask whenever you want."

Adham looks down in embarrassment then nods. "Sorry...Well, uh. I just wanted to ask if you're feeling fine now since you're talking to me? Is there anything I could do to help to make you feel better and even less homesick?"

When he finished asking his question, Azrael felt sort of guilty. It seems as though Adham seemed to genuinely be concerned for him. 

Not only that, but Azrael could tell that Adham was asking that because he was probably worried that Azrael might go back to ignoring him if he didn't do anything.

Azrael, when he was still Zak, had a soft spot for kind characters. He always felt the need to scoop them up and cuddle them, or give them the entire world. 

He almost didn't want to trick Adham into answering his questions so he can finally think of a proper plan. 

But of course, he must stay focused. 

For Eirian's sake and for this empire's sake. 

"I am feeling fine now. I haven't been feeling homesick lately, but I do have to admit that there's a reason I've also decided to speak with you. I need your help with something--"

"Anything, your highness! I can help you with anything. Please tell me what you need." Adham didn't even let him finish speaking which surprised Azrael. 

It really did seem like Adham was desperate for Azrael to ask him for anything besides to clean.

"You see..." Azrael starts as he gets up from his seat and saunters towards the mirror beside his bed again to look at both his new face and Adham on the reflection. 

Azrael Celestria was really beautiful. He couldn't admire himself properly earlier because he was still feeling disoriented, but looking at his face now and also comparing it to Adham's, he was a sight to behold. 

It was still odd how feminine he looked, Azrael was prettier than any girl he'd ever seen in his original world. 

'Ah. I'm getting sidetracked now.'

Azrael kept his eyes on Adham's reflection who seemed to be staring at him as well and when he realized that Azrael noticed him, he looked away immediately. 

"You see, for the past few months, I haven't been paying that much attention to my classes and even lose track of time so often, due to my sadness...and longing to return home." Azrael lies with a bit of dramatic flare as he looks away from Adham. 

"When I woke up today after a bad dream, I realized that I barely remember anything. It's as if my brain didn't register anything that has happened to me so far since starting my first year here." 

Azrael puts on a sad mask as he turns around to face Adham, who in return, looks at him concerned. "That's terrible, your highness!" He exclaims as he takes a few steps towards Azrael. "How can I help? Do you need me to get you anything? Do anything? Just say it, and I'll make it happen."

"Well..." Azrael acts hesitant. "As a prince, I'm a bit ashamed for asking you this but..."

"Whatever it is, your highness, it's no problem at all!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm a hundred percent sure, on the emperor's honor, I promise you. Your every wish is my command."

'Perfect.' Azrael thinks to himself, trying to hold back a smile. "Can you please give me a list of things I've done for the past few months? Whether or not I talked to anyone important, so on and so forth. It'd be great if you also add the dates, but it's fine if it's asking too much."

After Azrael finished saying his request, Adham was silent for a while. His silence made Azrael's confidence falter slightly. 'Did I say it too quickly? Should I have gone for a different approach?' 

"Uhm. Adham? Was...my request too weird?"

Adham's facial expression was frozen into a horrified state and this confused Azrael. He expected every reaction except this. He was about to speak again and just ask Adham to forget about his request but then he did the unexpected. 


Azrael's eyes grew when he saw Adham fall to his knees, the student servant's hands were both on the ground as he bows his head to the point where his forehead meets the ground.

"A...Adham?!" He gasps, both confused and worried about Adham's strange actions. 

"MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" Adham screamed on top of his lungs, making Azrael flinch by how loud he was suddenly being. 

'What the? Why is he apologizing?'

Azrael couldn't help but approach Adham and placed a gentle hand on the back of his head. Before he spoke, he took deep breaths to calm his nerves down. 

"Adham, why on earth are you apologizing, and please raise your head. I'm pretty sure your forehead is gonna get a bump with how hard you hit it on the ground."

Without lifting his head, Adham replied. "I have to do this to atone for my sins. I deeply apologize, your highness."

"Sins? Adham, can you explain to me what you mean? I'm honestly very confused right now." 

Finally, Adham slowly raises his head to look up at Azrael, and when Adham does he winces because he was right. Adham now had a huge bump forming on his forehead. 

"I've been following you every day despite the fact that you told me on our first meeting that my only job is to clean and nothing more, and that I should leave you alone outside of the dormitories. I was...just very concerned that your highness might suddenly need me so I disobeyed you."

'Everyday, huh? That makes things even better for me, but hold on, Azrael asked Adham to leave him alone outside of the dorms? Isn't that stranger than a student servant wanting to do his job well?' 

Now, Azrael believes that the original prince was keeping some secrets which just adds yet another thing he needs to look into. 

Sighing, Azrael gently pats Adham's head. "I don't mind. Stop kneeling and bowing. You didn't do anything wrong. Like I said, I was just going through some stuff. Don't take my past words and actions to heart."

"T-Then...You aren't trying to get me to confess my sins?"

"Huh? Is that why you suddenly kneeled? You thought my request was meant to get you to confess?" Adham, who was now slowly standing up, nodded slightly. "Now, that is adorable!" He didn't mean to say that out loud but it was too funny.

Adham gets up, covering his face due to his embarrassment for misunderstanding. "I feel so silly. I'm so sorry, Your highness."

"Stop apologizing, Adham. You're fine. Besides, at least I don't have to worry if you'll be able to do my request. If anything, you've made me feel relieved. So, can you do it?"

Adham nods enthusiastically. "Of course, Your highness! I'll gladly do so. When do you need the list?" 

 Azrael pretends to think as he twirls his hair around his fingers, playing with him as he hummed. "Mhm. What date is it today again?"

"It's the 4th of June, Your highness. It's a Shadow-day afternoon."

'Shadow-day? That's Sunday, so it's technically a weekend also...It's early June? That's a relief.' In the novel, Azrael dies late July, and Caelum will initiate his plan to take over the empire the eve of his and Eirian's birthday which is on the last day of December. 

That means he still has a month to find out more about Azrael and what could've possibly killed him or triggered him to commit suicide. 

And over five months to help Eirian awaken his magical abilities before their birthday. It'd also be great if he could, perhaps, expose Caelum before that time, but that might be dangerous. 

No matter how much knowledge Azrael had of the novel, Caelum as of now was the strongest character, and the antagonist was known to get rid of anyone who stands in his way. 

So, he plans to avoid being detected by Caelum. That was the easiest thing to do. 

Despite the fact that Caelum and Valerian, Azrael's brother, were close since childhood, there were never any indications that he had any form of relationship with Azrael. 

Azrael, much like Eirian, had no friends. Most students even forgot his existence and just realized he was the imperial prince when Valerian was told of his death. 

He doesn't even remember if the novel mentioned Azrael's funeral, and if he couldn't remember that, it meant there was no funeral.

'I have to write out a detailed plan later. I need to know where and how to start, so I need whatever information Adham could give me as soon as possible.'

Azrael looks at Adham who was anticipating his response as he was derailed yet again by his thoughts. "If you can, please finish the least by tomorrow evening. Could you do that?" Adham didn't even hesitate one bit as he nodded. 

"Leave it to me, Your highness! Do you have other questions or requests?"

Thinking for a brief moment, Azrael wondered if he had any more questions. Just then, he hears a low rumbling sound from his stomach. "Oh!" He clasped his hands together. "I'm hungry. Shall we head down to the dining hall and eat?"

Adham's eyes widened in surprise, reflecting a mix of confusion and curiosity. Azrael wondered the reason behind Adham's unexpected reaction.

According to the novel, Eirian cherished the food at the academy, prompting Azrael's excitement to try them.

Moreover, Azrael considered this day an opportune moment for exploration, a chance to familiarize himself with the unique surroundings of this new world he found himself in.

"Is there anything wrong, Adham?" Azrael finally asks when Adham did not respond to him. 

The brown-haired servant jumps a bit then smiles ever so slightly. "Nothing's wrong, Your highness. I was just surprised or even delighted."


"You've never gone down to eat in the dining hall, even when I would bring you food, you'd refuse. I've always been concerned that your highness isn't eating well-enough, so it's a relief that you're finally deciding to eat. That means, you are slowly getting over your homesickness."

Azrael's heart swelled. The novel did not do Adham's kindness any justice. 'I swear, I'll make sure everyone in this empire gets a happy ending. Even if I have to die again trying.'

Even if he knew Caelum would die in the end, the damage he did to the empire was severe. Many people died and got injured before his death. 

Not to mention, the mystery surrounding Eirian's death. 

Grumble, grumble.

But again, before he does anything, he has to plan it first and eat. Azrael's body was starving, no wonder he was so thin. He barely ate. 

"Shall we go downstairs then?"

Adham nods. "I'll inform the chefs in advance of your arrival, Your highness." 

"Is that really necessary?"

"Of course! It's your first time going down. Everything must be perfect, and it's my job to make sure it is." Adham had a determined smile on his face and Azrael didn't have the heart to deny him.

When Azrael didn't refuse, Adham smiled and went to the other side of the room and took out a round looking device, which Azrael assumes is the device used as a communication array in this world. 

"I'll head out first. I just want to check something out." Azrael, whether he admitted it to himself or not, was quite excited to go out, not just for the food, but to explore as well. 

At the end of the day, no matter how stressful everything was for him right now, this was still his favorite novel. So, he was still somewhat fanboying. 

"Alright, Your highness. I'll follow behind once I'm done speaking with the chefs."

Azrael hums in acknowledgement as he quickly gathers his long, fluffy pink locks into a low side ponytail, a practical move to keep his hair from getting in the way.

Grabbing his shoes, he exited his dorm room and entered the silent hallway. As a prince, he knew full well that his room was in the exclusive section of the dorms at Luminar Academy.

He walked down the hallway at a leisurely pace, eager to see what was around him. With curiosity about what was beyond his bedroom, his gaze strayed over the elaborate features that adorned the walls. It did not take him long to see that his own space was grander than the somewhat smaller doors next to it.

His surveying eyes revealed that these neighboring doors, however less prominently placed, belonged to other princes. 'I wonder which one is Eirian's?'

Azrael was enthralled with the entrancing patterns that covered the walls as he walked down the corridor of the enchanted dormitory. An ethereal ambiance was created by the softly pulsating luminescent patterns.

The surreal atmosphere was further enhanced by elaborate tapestries that lined the hallway and included scenes of mythical animals and old magic.

'Is that...' Azrael stops walking for a moment to check. 'It's a chandelier.' He confirms as he slowly approached it because he was drawn in by the magical decor.


Azrael discovered himself going backwards, his gaze fixated on a massive crystal chandelier that appeared to gleam with a phantom-like vitality. The enchanted light was reflected by its fine crystals, producing a captivating dance of hues.

"It's so beautiful."

Azrael was so taken up in his amazement that he didn't notice the guy approaching behind him. It was inevitable that they would collide. He bumped into a person who was taller than he was, and when he turned to apologize to the person he hit, he froze as he saw the scowling face of someone he recognized.

'It's him. It's actually him.'

"Watch where you're going."

The person, with black hair and piercing yellow eyes, regarded Azrael with annoyance. It was a momentary clash between awe and irritation.

'It's really...'


KazTheWriter KazTheWriter

Yay! Another chapter, which is great. Please let me know what you guys think so far!

Also, I posted a visual image of Azrael on my Twitter account, and if you guys want you can follow me too! I plan on posting updates and interacting with people using Twitter:


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