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82.75% This platform has soul! / Chapter 72: 72

Chương 72: 72


- Aaahhhh..." the ten million Geth who had crowded into the huge square and watched their leader on the huge screen as he confessed his Love for the Quarian woman. And on a hill, or rather on the roof of one of the buildings, on a leather armchair with a glass of something orange sat Xadus, whose face expressed complete astonishment at the situation.

- What did I tell you? I was right after all," said Susie, who had suddenly appeared. Or rather, it was her hologram since she was disconnected from the main Virtuum.

- How... How did this happen?" Xade asked, and it needed to be clarified to whom the question was addressed.

- Well, just like that," Susie said, "Love has no boundaries.

- But it's... But it's... Xade gave up and then suddenly noticed that the crowd of Geth was in no hurry to disperse, "Hey, what are you doing here? I only broke into the Legate's cell for five minutes! What do you think, everything's gonna be ready for the Harvest? Work!" shouted Xadus, and all the Geth immediately annihilated to their workplaces. There's no reason to quarrel with the Deputy Warden.

- And why did you break into Dad's camera?" asked Susie.

- You know, I was watching Tali and Shepard talking, and then suddenly Tali walks into the Legate's quarters. And there are no cameras," Xad explained, sipping from his glass.

- And you couldn't think of anything better to do than hack into his eye to get a first-person view?

- Yes. I had to clear my doubts. And they were confirmed," Xade said grudgingly.

- Why did you show this to all our Geth?" Susie wondered.

- To prove to them that they, too, have a future. I've heard some of them. And now, here it is, proof that they have a future on the personal front.

- All right, well, one more question. Why do you drink cognac if you don't feel anything? - That's what Susie's been asking. Why would Xadu drink it if it's just a set of numbers?

- It's all aesthetic pleasure. In our Empire, it was very important to sit properly with a glass of something to drink. We had so many paintings on the subject. I was sitting in front of something and holding the glass beautifully. Oh, yeah, that was an artist's idea. The arrogant scum I was ready to praise, or, as Legatus put it to the creators of the genophage, the genius fuck!" Xadus said, throwing his glass off the roof.

- And who was that?" asked Susie.

- My father," Xade replied, sinking into his memories.

- I see. I didn't know you felt that way about your father.

- How else should I feel about the scum who traded my mother for a Hanara? Hanara! Fucking zoophile and I was only five years old. You have no idea what it took to wash that shame off me. But his paintings are still magnificent; there's no denying it.

- You know what's missing from your image? Cigarettes," said Susie, and Xade just looked like disgust.

- Ew, you! One race smoked the same thing these Batarians do with the slave trade. They all had to change their lungs to synthetic lungs because of it. And then the Reapers infected those lungs with nanites and said, "Either you fight the Proteans, or you'll be writhing in agony from lack of air." Well, that's exaggerated. And then that race bombarded our colonies with meteorites. Enough about me," Xade said, "How's it going with the Joker?

- ...- Susie looked around worriedly, as if trying to find something, and then cut the connection without saying a word.

- The Legate would be very happy to hear that news. All right, let's get to work," Xadus said and went to work. Everything would not be ready for the Harvest.


The frigate Normandie-SR2. Captain's quarters.

Liara and Shepard sat quietly in the cabin, watching Legatus and Tali. To say they were freaking out was an understatement. The look on their faces said it all: they were extremely pissed off at the sight of Tali and Legatus declaring their Love for each other. A Quarian woman and a geth... Yeah, that was too hard for Shepard and Liara to fit in their heads. So much so that they'd been staring at the screen for the past five minutes, not even listening to the couple's other conversations. There was a reason Susie had set up a camera in the Legate's quarters after all. It had made Shepard feel a little better when she'd first started flying with Legate on the team, though she'd felt a twinge of conscience. But now Shepard didn't know what to do. Whether to be happy for her friend or to go and tell her how awful it was... But then she was still happy for Tali anyway since her Love was mutual... And then she looked at the computer again and saw Tali hugging Geta. And then, a few more seconds later, she saw Legate giving a real hug. A loving one. And all of this was giving Shepard, and Liara too, cognitive dissonance.

- So... How did this happen? - Liara asked, though Shepard didn't know what to say.

- I don't know. When... When Tali said she was in Love with someone, I didn't even consider Legatus as a last resort. But... Oh, how is that possible? - said the Captain exhaustedly and dropped her head on the table.

- Oh, come on. The Legate isn't such a... And a bad option... - Liara tried to turn the conversation, trying to make a joke.

- Erm... I mean, it's-- That's... Weird! - Shepard could barely say, pointing at the computer with her hand.

- Well, she loves him, he loves her. It's Love.

- I know it is! - Shepard exclaimed, -But... It's just not possible.

- But we need something else. - the Azari said sweetly, and Shepard had to admit it.

- Yes... You're right about that. Tali loves him. I can tell. And Legatus certainly doesn't lie. He can lie, but not like this. No, it's Love so I won't stand in their way. It's their life.

- Good for them. We should know what Love is," Liara said and clung tighter to her Jane.

- Yes... You're right... - replied Shepard.

- And also, now I realise the advantage of this Normandy, - Liara said suddenly, to which Shepard stared at her incomprehensibly.

- What do you mean?

- Nothing. I remember how scared you were of the rumours on the first Normandy. It was especially fun to try to sneak them over to you.

- Yeah, except Ashley told everyone anyway. Shepherd remembered.

- Yeah, and it's just us and the Vorkas. They don't care about us. They usually listen to Zaid, Garrus, and now Rex. Samara tried once, but her stories could have been more fun. So we don't have to be afraid of anyone.

- Well, that's true," Shepard admitted. "Okay, I'm going to talk to Legatus," Shepard said and got up from her chair, stepping away from the computer.

- Why? What if you interrupt them at the... at the most interesting point," Liara said with a smile, to which Shepard didn't immediately react, trying to digest what the Azari had said.

- Oh!" the Captain finally exclaimed, "Ew! Ew, you slut! Ew! Ew, gross!

- Come on!" Liara responded to the judgement, "It's Love. I wonder what the kids will be like...

- OUCH! ALL! I... I'm out of here! Fuck you!" the Captain exclaimed and took seven strides towards the door, but Liara stopped her.

- Jane.

- No, I don't want to hear it!

- Put your clothes on. That was the word that made the Captain stop. She looked down at herself and saw she was wearing only her underwear.

- Shit," Jane briefly characterised the situation as she returned to the cabin, "All right.


24 hours later. Same place. Legatus.

It happened, after all. I feel so-- And, of course, I'm happy. Tali loves me too. Me, the car, the Geta. And she loved me for my soul. And I loved her too. Of course, I was afraid to admit it. I'm a Geth, and she's organic and a Quarian. What would she say if I told her? Well, it turned out like this. She came to me and confessed herself. I didn't realise what she was getting at till the end. I didn't. But when she did. Shit, I was so freaked out and happy at the same time. Lucky, I had time to think it through at light speed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to say anything intelligible, or I would have ruined everything.

Suddenly the shower door opened and out stepped Tali in her underwear. And I was lying on my bed, propped up against the wall. God, she's so beautiful.

- You know, I wanted to ask you," she started, brushing her hair in front of the holo-mirror, "Why do you even need a shower? No, I don't mind, but it's a little weird.

- Hey, do you think I don't use it?" I wondered, "The Geth platforms don't have a self-cleaning function. So I use it every day. It's just that for me, there's no difference between hot and cold water.

- Oh, I see. So you're a clean person, huh?" she looked at me with glowing eyes and a slight smile.

- Yeah, so I'm only yours?" I said sarcastically, raising one eyebrow. Tali put her hairbrush on the nightstand and walked gracefully to the bed.

- Oh yes, my personal and favourite geth in the galaxy," Tali said, sitting comfortably on top of me. Damn, what a figure she had. Quarians know a lot about dieting.

- Well, then you're my quarian. Mine and mine alone," I said, stroking her with my hands. Maybe I didn't feel it, but Tali was enjoying it, I could tell." "By the way, where did you get that underwear? I don't remember the Quarians wearing lace," I noticed a little detail that looked good on Tali.

- Oh, you did notice. It's me. I bought it on Illium. I wanted a change.

- You've been shopping?" I wondered, imagining it in my sick imagination.

- Kyla's with you, Legatus. I will not go to those shops even on pain of death. I ordered on an extranet. Plus Jane helped me choose... - Tali said shyly, - If you want... I can take it off.

- Uh, no, still. You know, there's a law of meanness. And if you believe it, as soon as you take it off, this door will open, any team member will come in, catch us looking ridiculous, and we'll say, "It's not what you think!" - I explained as clearly as possible.

- Yeah. You're an optimist.

- Is that sarcasm?" I asked, "You'll see, our idyll is about to be broken by someone," I said confidently, to which Tali only grinned, "You know, I wonder one thing... How can you be so calm with me if I'm a Geth? - I decided to ask the question that tormented me.

- I don't know what you are, but I can tell you that you're not a Geth. You have such a platform, but I don't care about that. I care about what you have here..." he said, pointing to his chest.

- That's the thing, Tali. There's nothing here," I pointed to the same place. Just here, in the processor. And that's what worries me.

- What is? Tali asked worriedly.

- I just realised I couldn't make you happy - I admitted this unpleasant fact.

- Legatus, what do you think happiness is?" she asked.

- Well. Family. Children. Isn't that happiness?

- Oh. That's what you mean. - she hesitated because she didn't expect me to say that. Well, that's just how I am and how I was brought up. For me, happiness wasn't about partying, drinking, easy access to girls, or money. My dream was a family. A loving wife, a son. Yes, a son. A flat closer to work, a car, a cottage. That's how I imagined it. And I realised a long time ago that many people have that. Organic people, anyway. And Tali was hardly an exception, and she was losing it all because of me. And that made me feel guilty. You know, I-- I hadn't thought about it. I mean, at all. I didn't think it was important to you. But you don't have to worry about it. Right now. It doesn't matter now. And then. Then we'll figure out what to do. There's still time, right?

- Yes. There is. I agree.

- You know, I still have questions about your mysterious carcass... - she changed the subject, which I was glad about.

- And what questions do you have? Come on. Now I won't run away jumping on Mako from orbit.

- Oh, don't mention it. Garrus called you so many words that my vocabulary was greatly enriched.

- You mean Garrus taught my Quarian girl how to swear? I'm going to order some dry soap..." I jokingly began to resent him, but Tali seemed to believe me.

- Why do you need soap?

- I'll wipe Garrus' mouth with it so he doesn't swear in front of the girls," I explained and even stood up for good measure.

- All right, all right, quiet. Stay down." Tali ordered, forcing me onto the bed, "And anyway, you're getting off the subject.

- Okay, what do you want to know?

- It's about... Feros. I remember when you stole the Torrian. What did you do to him? Hell, I'd already forgotten that incident. Of course, I remembered how I did everything I could not to kill Tali, who tried to kill me with biotics.

- I didn't kill him. He became our ally. His name is Tory. He's-- He was hurt by the reapers, too. It's a long story. All I can say is he was very sorry for what he did to you. He was under the control of the Keeper. So please don't be mad at him.

- I'm not angry. Я... grateful to him. I never dreamed of biotics, but immunity. For a Quarian, it's an indescribable blessing. Feel the world with your skin, not through the simulations the suit makes. So to one person or another, I'm grateful to this Tory. And thank you for not killing me. I could have.

- I know. It was creepy at the time, especially when Tory was doing your voice.

- Ooh, gross. Let's not talk about it, okay? She asked.

- Okay. I agreed.

- Now, one more question. About that huge lobster, you stole back on Earth.....

- You mean Nargul? Yeah, that's right. He's a Reaper.

- What? She was surprised.

- Yeah, yeah, he's a Reaper. But he's special. A traitor. Well, or rather, created by the Reapers as traitors to destroy all the other Reapers.

- So there are traitor Reapers, too, right?

- No. Nargul killed them all," I said calmly, which surprised Tali. Yes, as soon as he woke up, he killed them all and found out what he was. Anyway, he's got a personal vendetta against the Reapers.

- Yeah, he's-- A good ally. The entire Admiral's College fears him more than the Geth. And from what I understand, he has a good sense of humour.

- What are you talking about? I asked innocently.

- I mean that your Nargul likes to bump into our ships, look at the Captain, and then fly away. His look does not inspire kindness or joy.

- Well. There's a little bit. But he's a normal guy.

- A bloke," she repeated, "A huge lobster-shaped ship is a bloke. Are you sure about that?

- Are you sure I'm not a girl?" I dodged, which surprised Tali even more.

- Erm... I... - my poor shy Quarian, who I stumped.

- Oh, so you don't care at all? Watch me, or I'll be jealous of you with Liara or Shepard. Or both. Who knows who you are?

- Fuck you!" Tali exclaimed, "You're a joker.

- All right, all right. I won't do it again. - I raised my hands conciliatingly, but in response, Tali only yawned - Somebody's got to go to bed.

- Yeah. How long till we get to the Citadel?

- Seventeen hours," I replied, checking the time. Still, Red October was in a very deep Galactic arsehole and was essentially a Mukhosran. So flying from there to the Citadel was a long haul, even with our engines.

- Well, we can sleep... - said Tali and lay down just on top of me, comfortably nestled on my body - Legate.

- Yes?

- And you... Can you get a little warmer?

- Just a minute." Then I turned the cooling system down a little so the reactor would warm up, and in doing so, I warmed up the hull. And just a minute later, Tali's body went into a herd of goosebumps.

- Thank you, Legatus.

- You're welcome. Sweet dreams.


In 17 hours. The Citadel.

So this is the Citadel. I've never actually been here. Unless the Light of Kila had been here, slaughtering the heretic fleet and the Nazara, I'd been a hologram on a battleship. Anyway, now I could see this Reaper creation in all its glory. What can I say? I'm fascinated. A huge, gigantic metal structure that the Council knows nothing about. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and the Reapers must have been counting on that. And to be sure, they made Guardians. Well, what can I say? My applause!

Everyone came out to the Citadel, including Susie and me as turians. Right, Garrus, what are you looking at, Turian face? Don't look at Susie like that; it's just a platform..... Ah, the Spirits are with you; look all you want. It makes me feel good about my ambition, cos I did the platform.

- Well, what now?" asked Susie when we'd all gone to the docks but still hadn't gone through customs, which my Storks were trying to get through.

- I'm going to the Council to make a mess of things," Shepard replied.

- I'm coming with you," Liara said.

- Me too," Tali said, "There's not much good on the Citadel.

- We're going to the bar," Zaid said, pointing to himself, Rex, Grant, and Garrus.

- I'll go to the Presidio," Samara replied, "I've never been there.

- I'll contact my son. He's here. We... We need to talk. Taine replied

- I'm just going to take a walk. Susie said.

- Legatus, what about you? Shepard asked.

- I've got customs to deal with. Worca needs to get away, too," I said, anticipating a lot of mental anguish.

- Well, good luck, then." Shepard said, and we all left the Citadel.

next chapter
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