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30.76% The100 / Chapter 4: Murphy's Law

Chương 4: Murphy's Law

Shadow POV

It had been a few days, Wells being killed hit hard. It was hitting Clarke hardest, I could see it on her face. "Charlotte, need help?" I asked her. "N-No thanks" she stuttered out. I knit my brows together "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Hey!" Murphy yelled, causing me to look over my shoulder. A guy is resting on the ground "You think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish this wall?" Murphy asked. "I don't know, maybe I should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" Murphy asked him. "I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine" He tells Murphy. "Murphy, get this guy some water" Bellamy ordered him. "Hey, you got this?" Bellamy joked with Charlotte. She went to jump on it, Bellamy stopping her. "Hey...I'm kidding" he smiled at her. He lifted without any problem and walked away with it. I begin helping Charlotte and Murphy walked over to the guy, whipping out his dick and pissing on him. "What the fuck!" I shouted, shoving Murphy back as the guy shot up. "The hell is wrong with you!" I shouted, shoving him again. "He said he wanted water..." He smirked. "Get back to work!" Murphy ordered. He then looked at me "What? Do I have to get Bellamy out here to order you?" Murphy asked me. "Fuck you, I don't take orders from you" I informed him. "Really? I hear your sister could certainly take orders" He smirked. I knit my brows together "How do you know about my sister?" I asked. "Everyone knows...The twin sister...the slutty sist--" I didn't let him finish. I ran at him, jumping on top of him, beginning to punch him in the face. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I screamed at him. Suddenly strong arms ripped me off Murphy, causing him to shoot up. "Shadow! Stop!" Bellamy's voice boomed but I didn't care, I wiggled free and ran at Murphy again. "I will murder you! Fucking swear!" I screamed before I'm pulled away again. Bellamy dragged me into a tent, pushing me back a little. "What the hell are you thinking?" He hissed at me. "I lost it! Okay? But he deserves it, he pissed on someone and called my sister a slut" I tell Bellamy. "He's trying to provoke you, you're letting him" he pointed out. I scoffed "You're unbelievable...When are you going to stop and realize Murphy is bad to have around?" I asked him. Suddenly Octavia and Jasper come running into the tent. "We have a problem..." Jasper whispered. I knit my brows together as Clarke then entered the tent.

My stomach turned when I see the Wells missing fingers sitting on the made-shifted table. I reached over, scanning the knife for only a moment. "Can I see that?" Clarke asked. I handed it over to her "This knife was made of metal from the dropship" She explained. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked his sister. "No one" She shakes her head. "We brought it straight here" She added. "Clarke?" I asked, looking at her. "This means the grounders didn't kill Wells" Clarke answered me. I gasped "So it was one of us?" I asked her. "So, there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper asked. Bellamy scoffed "There's more than one murderer in this camp" He pointed out. "This isn't new. We need to keep it quiet" He added. Clarke went to leave, Bellamy stopping her. "Get out of my way, Bellamy" Clarke ordered him. "Be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved. The wall, the patrols" He pointed out, causing me to sigh. Bellamy back to his old ways once again. "Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us" He stated. Clarke narrowed her eyes "You mean good for you" She hissed at him. "What? Keep the people afraid and they'll work for you?" Clarke asked. "Is that it?" She asked. "Yeah, that's it," Bellamy says. "But it's good for all of us. Fear of the grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do. as the killer to come forward?" Bellamy suggested. I grabbed the knife from Clarke, examining the engraving on the knife. "You don't even know who the knife belongs to" he added. "Oh, really?" Clarke takes it from me, turning it around. "J.M. John Murphy" She announced, leaving the tent. "Sorry, The people have a right to know Bellamy" I shrugged, following Clarke out of the tent. "You son of a bitch!" Clarke hissed, shoving Murphy back hard. "What's your problem?" He asked her. "Recognize this?" She asked, showing him the yellow and silver knife. "It's my knife. Where'd you find it?" Murphy asked, trying to grab it from her. I walked over, standing next to Clarke. "Where you left it after you killed Wells!" She accused him. "Where I what?" He asked, seeming a little shocked. "The grounders killed Wells, not me" He informed her. "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it" Clarke treated. "Wait, Clarke hold--" Murphy cut me off. Something didn't feel right about this. "Really?" Murphy asked Clarke. "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy asked him. I glanced over at him, but he doesn't say anything. "You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells" Clarke pointed out. "Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up" Murphy pointed out. "Yeah! But you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him!" She yelled in his face. "Yeah! I didn't kill him then, either" Murphy pointed out. He is right, he didn't kill him then. There's so many time he could've killed Wells. "Clarke...wait" I whispered, trying to pull her back. "Think about this...Murphy had every chance to kill Wells before" I pointed out. "Tried to kill Jasper, too" Octavia chimed in, making things worse. "What?" Jasper asked. Everyone stared at him "Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone!" Murphy yelled. "Come again?" Bellamy asked. "Bellamy look. I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this" Murphy begged. "They found his fingers on the ground with your knife" Bellamy pointed out. "Is this the kind of society that we want?" Clarke shouted. I shake my head, grabbing my bow. I didn't want to hear any more of this but when I tried walking away Bellamy stopped me, pulling me to him and turning me to the crowd. "You say there should be no rules!" Clarke shouted at Bellamy. "Does that mean we can kill each other without punishment?" Clarke asked. "I already told you! I didn't kill anyone!" Murphy screamed. I didn't want to watch this anymore, I knew this wasn't gonna end up well. "I say we float him!" The guy who Murphy pissed on this morning shouted. "Yeah!" A bunch of them agreed. "That's not what she's saying!" I shouted at them. "Why not? He deserves to float! It's justice!" He shouted back, others agreeing. "Revenge isn't justice!" I hissed at him. "It's Justice. Float him! Float him!" He chanted, bringing a lot of the workers in. Murphy knew this wasn't good anymore, going to take off but someone tripped him. "Hey!" I shouted, trying to dive to help Murphy. People begin to kick him around. "No!" Clarke screamed. Bellamy pulled me back "Let me go!" I screamed at Bellamy as the rest of the people kicked Murphy down the hill, gagging and ting him up along the way. I get away from Bellamy and watched as I stand at the top of the hill as they put a loose around his neck. I grabbed my bow and arrow, lining the arrow as I pulled it to my cheek. Everything is so loud as I take a deep breath. I watch Clarke and Bellamy scream at each other before Bellamy stepped forward, kicking the crate under Murphy's feet. Finn passed by me and I watched "What the hell are you doing!" Finn screamed. "Cut him down!" Finn screamed. I let my arrow go, letting it fly and it hit the rope, causing Murphy to fall to the ground. "Stop! Okay?" Charlotte shouted. "Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did!" She confessed, causing my heart to drop to the ground. I rushed over to Charlotte, grabbing her. "Let's go!" I shouted.

Clarke, Finn, Bellamy. Charlotte and I hide in the tent. "Bring out the girl Bellamy!" I heard Murphy shout. "Why Charlotte?" I asked her. "I was just trying to slay my demons as Bellamy told me to" Charlotte explained. "What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke hissed out. "She misunderstood me" Bellamy sighed. "Charlotte that's not what he meant," I say, leaning down her to height. "Bring the girl out, Bellamy!" Murphy shouted. Fear was written all over her expression. "Please! Doe don't let them hurt me!" She begged, sobbing as she wrapped her arms around me. "If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up," Bellamy tells Finn and Clarke. Silence fell over the tent "Now you wanna stay quiet!" he hissed. "Those are your boys out there!" Finn shouted. "This is not my fault! If she had listened to me, they'd still be building that wall!" Bellamy yelled back. "Hey! This isn't helping!" I shouted, getting them to stop. "You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society!" Murphy screamed. "Bring her out!" He added. "No! Please!" Charlotte hugged me harder. "Charlotte, Hey listen, It's gonna be okay" I whispered, kneeling down to height again. "Just stay with them" Bellamy nodded to Clarke and Finn. "Shadow , follow me" Bellamy instructed. "Behave please?" I suggested to her before placing my hand softly on her cheek. I stepped outside the tent with Bellamy, holding onto my bow. "Well, Well. Look who decided to join us" Murphy smirked, approaching us. "Dial it down and back off" Bellamy warned him. "Or what? What are you and your little princess gonna do?" Murphy asked him, glancing over at me for a moment. I arched my brow high "Hang me?" He asked. Bellamy ignored his comment about me "I was just giving the people what they wanted" Bellamy pointed out. "Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" Murphy suggested. He turned to the crowd "So, who here wants to see that murderer hung up?" He asked. "All in favor?" Murphy asked, Only the people apart of his group raised their hands. "I see, So it's okay to string me up for nothing! but when that little bitch confesses, You wanna let you walk?!" he shouted. "Cowards! All of you are cowards!" he screamed. "Hey! Murphy! Murphy!" Bellamy shouted, approaching him very closely. "It's over" He simply says. Murphy sighed "Whatever you say boss" He stated. "Let's go" Bellamy grabbed my elbow before I knew it Murphy picked up a log and hit Bellamy over the head with it. "Son of a bitch!" Octavia screamed. Jasper went to protect her but Murphy hit him down. Octavia run for Bellamy as he hit the ground, knocked out hard. "I think he'll be alright," Octavia says as I knit my brows together. "When he wakes up, tell him I went for Charlotte" I stated. Octavia nodded and I head for the woods. "Charlotte!" Murphy screamed on top of his lungs. "I know you can hear me! And when I find you. You're gonna pay!" He screamed louder.

It's dark, almost pitch black as I walked through the forest. I'm running through the forest, not really knowing where I am. Suddenly I'm yanked down, I try to scream but a large hand covers my mouth. I elbow the person, stomping on their foot when I'm shoved up against a tree. "Who knew you could fight," Bellamy said lowly. I turned around his face inches away from mine. "You scared the shit out of me Bellamy!" I hissed, shoving his shoulder. He chuckled, smirking a little as he stared at me, his eyes flickering to my lips. I turned my head, glancing over to see a small figure in the trees. "Bellamy..." I shoved him back. "What's wrong?" he asked. I pointed to Charlotte and Bellamy and I ran for her, Bellamy picked her up she began to scream. "Shh! Shh!" Bellamy shushed her, placing his hand over her mouth. Thunder rumbles through the air, warning a storm was coming. "Let me go!" Charlotte screamed as Bellamy and I begin to drag her away. "I'm trying..." Bellamy grabbed a hold of her better. "Hey! We're trying to help you!" I hissed at her. "I'm not your sister! Just stop trying to help me!" Charlotte yelled at me. I can't say that didn't hurt. "I'm over here!" She shouted as she got away from me. Bellamy grabbed her roughly by the shoulders. "Are you trying to get us killed?" He asked her. "Just got, okay? I'm the one they want!" She yelled. "Okay, Charlotte listen to me" I kneeled down to her height. "We won't leave you..." I whispered to her. "Please...Doe" She begged. When we didn't give her what she wanted she tried to take off again, screaming. "Pick her up" I ordered. Bellamy picked her up as I see the light from Murphy's troches. "Murphy! I'm over here!" Charlotte screamed as we both ran off with her. It begins to lightly rain. "No! Murphy! Over here!" She screamed louder. We get to a dead end as Bellamy puts her down. "Damn it!" I shouted, running my hands through my long hair. "Bellamy!" Murphy shouted. "You cannot fight all of us! Give her up" Murphy ordered as more of his friends showed up. "Maybe not but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me," He said, pulling out his knife. "Bellamy stop!" I ordered him, stained between him and Murphy. "This has gone too far. Just calm down and we can talk about this?" I suggested to Murphy. He glanced at Charlotte and Bellamy. Suddenly Murphy grabbed me roughly, pressing his knife against my neck. My breath hitched as my heart pounded in my chest. "I'm sick of listening to you talk!" He hissed at me. "Let her go!" I hear Clarke scream. "Stop! I will slit her throat!" Murphy threatened. "No please!" Charlotte begged, breaking my heart as she sobbed. "Please! Don't hurt her!" Charlotte shouted. "Don't hurt her?" Murphy asked. "okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I'll let her go" Murphy offered. "Don't do it Charlotte!" I shouted at her. She went to take a step forward but Bellamy stopped her. "Don't do it Charlotte!" I shouted again. "No! No! I have to!" She screams, fighting against Bellamy. He then turned around to us "Murphy! This is not happening" Bellamy ordered. "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did" She explained. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. She turned around "Charlotte!" I screamed as she jumped. Murphy let me go and I ran to the edge as I felt my heart break. "NO!" I screamed as I watch her body fall. Tears poured down my cheeks "No no no!" I shake my head as I clenched onto the ground, sobbing. "Nooo!" I sobbed harder. Bellamy got up slowly "Bellamy..." I hear Murphy whisper. "No!" I hear him scream as Bellamy ran for Murphy, getting on top of him and punching him over and over in the face. "Stop!" I screamed through my sobs. "You'll kill him!" I shot up, grabbing Bellamy's arm. "Get off me! He deserves to die!" Bellamy screamed. I felt his pain, Charlotte was like a little sister to me. I stand between Bellamy and Murphy. "No! We don't decide who lives and dies!" I shouted at him. "Not down here!" I added, shaking my head. "So help me God if you say the people have a right to decide--" I cut him off. "no! no! I was wrong before! okay? You were right" I tell him. "Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want" I explained to him. He sighed "We need rules" I added. "Who makes those rules? huh? You?" he asked. "For now, we make the rules," I tell him. "Clarke, Finn You and me," I said. "Okay?" I asked him. "So what then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" Bellamy knit his brows together. Even I could go every day seeing Murphy's face and reminding me of Charlotte. "No!" I shouted at Bellamy. I looked over towards Clarke and Finn for support. "We banish him" Clarke spoke. Bellamy walked around me, grabbing hold of Murphy. "Get up!" he growled. "Bellamy!" I shouted at him as he takes Murphy over to the edge of the cliff. "If I ever catch you bear camp, we'll be back here, understand?" He threatened Murphy. He then shoved Murphy to the ground. "As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me or go off with him to die" He explained to them. I followed Bellamy as he began to walk away.

The whole way back nobody said a word. I was on the brink of a breakdown as we returned to camp. Bellamy, Clarke, and I had explained everything to the group. Clarke doing most of the speaking. "Anybody got a problem with that?" Bellamy asked. Nobody objected, walking away. I needed air away from everyone. I felt like everything inside was broken again. Every time I tried to close my eyes I'd see Charlotte. I see her jumping off the cliff. I feel lost again, like nothing matters anymore. I wander around for a moment before I find myself knocking on Bellamy's tent. "Go away!" I hear Bellamy call out. I open the tent flap and he whipped around. "What?" He asked. sighing. I stepped into the tent, walking up to him. "I-I" My bottom lip trembles uncontrollably as I close my eyes. My mind flashes back to Charlotte jumping off the cliff. I lowered my head to see Bellamy split knuckles. "Let me clean those?" I suggested, grabbing hot water and a cloth. "No.." I cut him off. "Sit" I ordered him. He looks like he was going to say something but sat on his bed. I dipped the cloth in the hot water before sitting inches away from him. I grab his hand, pressing the hot cloth on his knuckles. He winced, hissing a little I didn't say anything causing him to place his other hand on top of mine. I didn't date lift my head, knowing I would break down and sob at any moment. "Shadow..." Bellamy's voice breaks a little, causing me to sigh. "I...I should probably check on the wristbands..." I go to stand up but soon as I do Bellamy grabbed my hand. "Shadow..." Bellamy's voice sound like he was pleading. "No.." I say. "You can talk to me" Bellamy pointed out. "No! Bellamy!" I shouted at him, whipping around and jerking my hand out of his grasp. "I don't want to talk about it!" I shouted. "Because I don't understand! I don't understand the point of trying to survive if we're gonna end up dead?!" I screamed at him. "I don't get how a sweet girl can kill someone! I don't understand how she could throw herself off a cliff! Like that was her only option!" I screamed, sobbing as the words leave my lips. Bellamy stepped closer to me. Soon as his arms wrapped around me my knees gave out, falling into him as his arms tighten around me. Tears rushed out of my eyes and poured down my cheeks. I let out a heart-wrenching muffled scream into Bellamy's chest as my hands gripped tightly onto his jacket. "Ahhh!" I screamed, the hurt and sorrow weighing me down. "God I don't understand" I sobbed harder, causing Bellamy to run his hands through my hair. "Shhh...It's going to be alright" He whispered. Bellamy placed both of his hands on both sides of my face, causing me to look up at him. His eyes are soft and sad, but I didn't want to feel this pain. I quickly crushed my lips onto his and the moment I do electricity surged through them, traveling over my face. Butterflies danced in my stomach as he kissed me back. His soft rose petal lips almost made for mine. Bellamy pulled back "We shouldn't..." He whispered. "I don't care, make me feel something other than this pain," I tell him. "Please?" I begged him. "Please? Bellamy?" I asked. He quickly crashed his lips back onto mine, grabbing the back of my knees. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Ow!" I hissed, feeling an electric shock in my wrist. "What?" Bellamy asked. I shrugged it off "Nothing" I shake my head, crashing my lips back onto his. He placed me on the bed as I began to unzip his jacket and shoved it off his shoulders. My lips then went to his neck, kissing and biting roughly. "Fuck.." Bellamy growled. Something deep inside stirred, something I had never felt before. Bellamy grabbed my hands, roughly pinning them above my head as his lips went to my neck this time. My eyes rolled in the back of my head, seeing Charlotte jumping off the cliff. I didn't want to remember, switching us around. I straddled Bellamy, shoving off my jacket. CRASH! I jumped, Bellamy stopped kissing my neck. "What the hell was that?" he asked, breathing heavily. "Bellamy! Get out here!" Octavia shouted. I rushed off Bellamy, grabbing my jacket and rushing out of his tent. Octavia pointed to the sky and I see a pod. "Look up there!" She shouted. "They're coming to help us!" Someone shouted. "Good" Jones chuckled. "Now we can kick some grounder ass" he added. "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo?" A woman asked. I rolled my eyes "Yes because Shampoo will fix everything" I shake my head. "I'm gonna go find Clarke" I stated, glancing at Bellamy before leaving.

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