In front of her — was nothing. No furniture, no books, nothing. Aside from a small stack of paper on the left side of the room, nothing else was there. No sofa, so bookshelves, not even a table.
Lily started scanning the rest of the room before she frowned. This space seemed significantly smaller than the room that she remembered before. A hint of suspicion started sprouting in her mind.
It was possible that her grandmother would change the space. But why? And removing all those stuff from this room would be extremely difficult. Was it possible that she had help?
She remembered her grandmother telling her that aside from her and Lily, no one else knew about the underground house, so hiring someone to clean the space made little sense. Sighing, Lily walked towards the stack of paper and realized they were some old newspapers dated over twenty years ago. She tried to pick it up, only to realize that it was stuck on the floor. Another sigh escaped her.
No one got it right. Hahahahaha