Lily's words successfully provoked Mu Qingling. She almost snapped back at Lily but held her tongue in the end. Mu Qingling knew that it wouldn't benefit her if she lost control. Moreover, no one could fault what Lily has said; it was a harmless and innocent remark.
Mu Qingling took in a deep breath and smiled. "Of course, Miss Lily. I would love to. But my schedule is very hectic, and I'm fully booked for the rest of the year. People usually reach out to me at least half a year in advance. I'm afraid I will have to recheck my schedule before I can commit to anything."
"Alright, fair enough." Lily nodded. "How about you give us another performance right now, Miss Mu?"
"I… that…" Mu Qingling felt like she was put on the spot.
Alright, Don't forget to vote and send some love.
I might give a surprise mass release this week. Hehehe... If I love my ranking. Huehuehue
Hugs and kisses,