Silence followed her words as Claude, Lily and Qin Yuanfeng stared at her in awe.
Ghost? Really a ghost? The sad thing about this is that the three of them could not really tell if the older woman was joking or if she really believed the words that she was saying. Victor was a ghost?
"A ghost?" Lily was the first one to recover. "That is not a very nice joke." She used to live in that mansion and was even planning to go back there to check out some of her grandmother's things. However, after this conversation, there was no way that Lily would go back to that house!
"You don't believe me, do you? But trust me, I am telling the truth. The man would just appear and disappear in corners! I am sure he could travel through walls!" She then looked at Claude. "Grandson… these people think that I am spouting nonsense. Please tell them that I am really serious about this."
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