After settling the problem with the Yu Family, another wonderful news reached their ears. George is awake! Isn't this something that warrants a celebration?
When Lily heard that George is already awake, she instantly went to the hospital where they transferred him. It was a very jovial day. However, Lily's excitement was short-lived. Telling George about what happened to Jack is making her anxious.
Jack was supposed to be George's heir. He was training him to follow in his footsteps and lead the mafia. Jack's death would surely devastate him.
As expected, when Lily informed him about the events that happened when he was in a coma. George got quiet. He lowered his head for a few seconds before turning to meet Lily's eyes. "Did he hurt you?" he asked, his hand clutched the blanket in his hospital bed.
My apologies. This is late.
My tonsils are swollen and its so painful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also afraid to go to the hospital. Tried water and salt but its still painful!