Thursday, October 20
"President, I heard that the Lin-Smith Construction changed their estimates last night," Mr. Han said as he pursed his lips.
"Don't worry about it. I made some slight changes in our document too," she smiled, her eyes were scanning the people who were busily talking to one another as they waited for the result to be announced.
The bid evaluation panel would need another three hours to half a day of deliberation before announcing the result of the final phase of the bid. After that, the winner will be announced in public and online as well. When that happens, every construction company which had ever qualified throughout the phases would be invited to a small banquet once again where snacks and cocktails would be served.
"Everyone is already anticipating that LSC would win," Mr. Han murmured loud enough for Lily to hear.
Super Late!
My internet is not very good! T.T
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't forget to vote.
Hugs and kisses,
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