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27.27% The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Special-A Rank 【Re-edited】

Chương 3: Chapter 3: Special-A Rank 【Re-edited】

He found himself in front of a human, standing within the walls of the Free Guild's premises. The person behind the counter, who had been waiting patiently to assist him, finally spoke up. "You have the choice of three main occupational paths to choose from."

"Firstly, there's foraging—an uncomplicated choice. The second is hunting, which requires no further explanation. Lastly, there's subjugating."

"Simply put, subjugating entails assuming the responsibility of confronting formidable creatures that have posed a challenge to others. While there are alternative options, they tend to be more generic in nature."

As the individual behind the counter concluded their explanation, he didn't hesitate to express his preferred occupation. Without a second thought, he declared, "I'll go with the combat division."

She paused for a moment, her gaze lingering on the man in front of her. He appeared neither remarkable nor unremarkable, yet she felt compelled to inquire. With a curious tone, she asked, "Are you absolutely certain about this choice you've made?"

Upon receiving a confirming nod from him, she exhaled wearily. Yielding to his choice, she reluctantly agreed to initiate the evaluation test for his chosen occupation.

He remained silent, prompting her to set a document down on the counter in response to his quiet demeanor. "Now then, please proceed to write everything about yourself on this piece of paper right here," she instructed.

She gestured towards the paper, commencing her explanation about what he needed to write down. "You may include your name, age, specialty, place of birth, and anything else that you consider relevant. If you happen to omit any particular detail, it will be left blank without any issue or concern. Rest assured, this won't pose a problem."

Immediately after concluding her explanation, her tone underwent an unnatural shift. "We are pleased to inform you that you may join our organization if you so wish," she stated.

She paused briefly before continuing, "You need not worry about being a part of multiple guilds, as this group was established and continues to be operated under the auspices of the Free Guild in Ingrassia. Every individual who identifies as an adventurer and seeks to align themselves with a faction can opt to do so within our organization."

He responded with a slight nod, picking up the paper.

After picking up the paper, his gaze shifted to the section labeled 'Name'. The empty space designated for him to fill in his personal title or name seemed to carry great significance and importance.

The title could potentially serve as a means to identify and honor his achievements, as well as signify his role as a guild member within this establishment.

With remarkable swiftness, he engaged his intellect and mental prowess, swiftly crafting the fitting and appropriate name to serve as his identifier or personal alias. After a brief yet productive moment of consideration, he arrived at the conclusion that the perfect and fitting moniker for him would be 'Veltaios'.

The name struck the right balance of might, elegance, and authority, making it a fitting designation as this was now his introduction to the world.

Yet, in this realm, within the Central World, he opted for an alias that carried a distinct meaning. Following extensive thought and contemplation, he settled on a name symbolizing both chaos and wisdom. Thus, he chose the name 'Eon', a title that encapsulated an aura of mystery and unpredictability, while also conveying insight and intellect, aligning well with his role and purpose within the guild.

Having completed the required and crucial details, Eon handed the document back to her. Only a few lines remained to be filled in—his chosen name (Eon), age, and specialty. These particulars were entered with care, considering he had limited knowledge beyond the borders of this kingdom.

"As a fresh recruit entering the guild, you're placed at the lowest rank, which is 'Rank E'. This is the starting classification for everyone here. Following this, you'll undergo an examination to gauge your abilities. Subsequently, you'll be required to face off against a monster in combat, showcasing your skills. It's through this process that you can earn recognition and advance to higher ranks."

Considering whether he should convey something to her, he nodded to himself and responded, "Thank you." Just then, a middle-aged figure with disheveled hair and a peg leg emerged from a nearby tunnel.

This individual introduced themselves as the test administrator, responsible for supervising and assessing new adventurers. With a gesture, he signaled for Eon to accompany him, as he would guide and oversee the test procedure.

Eon and the test administrator proceeded through a fairly lengthy tunnel, emerging on the other side, where the designated test site awaited.

Indicating towards a marked circle with a laid-out magical pattern, the disheveled man directed his gaze towards Eon and instructed, "Step into the circle and wait for the test to commence."

The man stood mere inches from the circle, poised to commence the test. Eon's presence in the area drew the attention of a gathering crowd, curious to witness the unfolding assessment and gauge how this newcomer's skills and capabilities compared to their own.

As Eon stood within the magic circle, he quickly discerned the intended purpose and function of the magical barrier. Through a meticulous analysis of the magicules etched onto the surface, he deduced that the magic circle was primarily designed for protection.

It offered a shield of safety to those outside the circle, guarding against internal threats and ensuring the well-being of those within. Moreover, the barrier served as a means to create a contained and secure space, warding off interference from external factors and safeguarding those within from disruptions or outside influences.

Breaking into his ongoing analysis, the man promptly notified Eon of the imminent commencement of the 'E' rank examination. He emphasized that even a single step beyond the designated area would lead to failure or disqualification from the assessment.

In a rapid motion, the test administrator gave the peg portion of his prosthetic limb two sharp taps, capturing Eon's focus. He then pronounced the command, "Manifest now... Hound dog!"

It became evident that the individual possessed the ability to summon or conjure specific creatures or entities from a distinct location or dimension. The usage of the term 'Hound dog' likely indicated the nature of the entity the test administrator intended to summon. Guided by the instructions of the assessment administrator, the summoned entity was compelled to materialize within the confines of the magic circle. These realizations crossed Eon's mind in a mere fraction of a second, lasting 0.001 seconds.

The hound dog materialized within the limited space of the magic circle, prompting Eon to rapidly ready himself. Grasping his magical sword, a manifestation of his power crafted to counter potential threats, he was poised to confront the oncoming challenge.

Displaying lightning-fast reflexes and speed, he unleashed a devastating strike upon the hound dog using the keen edge of his weapon. The blow immediately disintegrated the summoned creature, erasing it from existence.

In the brief moment he glanced at the summoning spell, Eon received a significant message from [Wisest One]. The message conveyed that he had accessed a portion of the potential within summoning magic. He now possessed the ability and strength to conjure lesser, medium, or even greater monsters, provided he had the necessary amount of magicules to fuel the process. This newly acquired skill would undoubtedly serve as a valuable asset on his journey, enhancing his capabilities and aiding him in various situations.

Intrigued by the message regarding summoning magic, Eon chose to set it aside and not delve into it deeply for the present moment. He recognized other matters that demanded his attention and prioritization, and he concluded that contemplating how to make use of this newfound skill could be deferred for a later time when he felt more adequately prepared to do so.

The majority of onlookers observing the assessment were hushed, their attention either riveted or stunned by the spectacle they had just witnessed. Amidst the spectators, one individual seemed to be in a state of disbelief, their eyes rubbing at the display. They then voiced their astonishment, saying, "What happened? I couldn't even follow his movements..."

Within the gathered crowd of spectators, two distinct reactions emerged in response to the showcased skill that had led to the demise of the summoned hound dog. Some watched the outcome with incredulity, attributing his success to the rarity or uniqueness of his sword, suggesting it played a significant role in his achievement.

On the other hand, there were those who appeared unimpressed, convinced of their own strength surpassing his. This divergence in responses highlighted the varying viewpoints and judgments within the audience. The true extent of the participant's abilities and potential remained a topic of speculation and discussion among the spectators, illustrating the diversity of opinions present.

Standing with his arms crossed and a self-assured stare, an A-rank adventurer who had been observing the E-rank assessment exuded an air of entitlement and pride. Confidence in his abilities and strength emanated from him, leading him to believe he could vanquish the new member with ease.

His arrogance was rooted in the conviction that he stood as the mightiest among the assembled, leaving him certain that the new candidate posed no challenge to his prowess.

As Eon shifted his gaze towards the A-rank adventurer, he found himself both puzzled and intrigued by the individual's unwavering confidence. It struck him as curious that this adventurer displayed such assurance, even though they had yet to witness his true capabilities in action.

Lost in his contemplations, Eon inadvertently cast a penetrating gaze at the arrogant adventurer, unintentionally evoking a wave of fear that overcame the individual. The intense dread caused the adventurer to involuntarily release a small stream of urine in a moment of panic.

Despite not having triggered his true aura or the skill known to emit a dreadfully potent dragon aura, it became evident that his gaze alone was sufficient to instill fear and unease in humans, even if he didn't mean to cause harm.

Turning away from the startled and pee-stained adventurer, Eon directed his attention back to the test administrator, issuing a succinct and straightforward command.

"Next test." The faint irritation detectable in his tone might be attributed to his eagerness for the forthcoming challenge and the wish for the assessment to progress promptly, potentially stemming from his youthful disposition.

The test administrator, now displaying a renewed energy, spoke out, saying, "Very well... Step forward, Dark goblin!" His tone held a notably heightened level of vigor and enthusiasm, potentially reflective of the growing curiosity and anticipation as they readied themselves to observe the forthcoming events.

It appeared the administrator was also eager to witness how Eon would contend with this newly summoned entity, curious to ascertain if he could dispatch it with the same rapidity and ease he had demonstrated with the hound dog.

The dark goblin that appeared in the enclosed magic circle was clad in a set of heavy armor, which included a metallic shield in his left hand, a sharp sword strapped to its back, and various pieces of iron armor covering the rest of its body. The equipment appeared to be a robust and sturdily constructed set, designed to provide adequate protection and defenses to the goblin's body.

Additionally, the facial characteristics of the dark goblin were distinctive, highlighted by a notably prominent, bulbous nose. Furthermore, an impressive and attention-grabbing mohawk adorned their head.

As the goblin charged towards him, he swiftly seized the goblin's substantial head with his left hand and forcefully slammed it into the ground. In the course of this action, he inadvertently shattered the magic circle.

It took a few moments for the test administrator to process the situation. Upon noticing the shattered magic circle, he reluctantly spoke, "It seems we'll need to postpone your trial," his tone tinged with disappointment.

Acknowledging that his unchecked strength had caused the rupture of the magical barrier during the skirmish, he turned to the test administrator and uttered, "I'll repair this."

Concluding his statement, the shattered magical barrier reconstituted itself from the ambient magicules. This reconstruction resulted in the barrier becoming not only whole again but also ten times more resilient and improved compared to its state prior to the incident.

Observing an individual, unfamiliar to him, not only repairing the circle but also making it stronger, he seemed to slump with a mixture of surprise and disappointment in himself.

Still grappling with what Eon had accomplished, the test administrator uttered in a subdued and barely audible tone, "I'm advancing you by two ranks."

"You possess considerably greater strength than I anticipated. Based on what I've observed, it would be a waste of both your time and mine to progress through each rank in a step-by-step manner," he explained.

With a smile, the test administrator proposed, "Would you like to initiate the test for rank A?" Despite Eon's lack of familiarity with these ranks, he responded with a confirming nod, signaling his agreement to proceed.

The curious onlookers, who were initially intrigued, transformed into a worried and agitated group of adventurers. A rapid flurry of conversations erupted among them, triggered by the realization that he was about to summon an A-rank monster without the guild master's authorization. Some attempted to breach the barrier to intervene, but their efforts were thwarted by the intangible barrier that blocked their path.

On the flip side, some individuals were intrigued and eager to witness the outcome of this situation involving an unknown yet evidently potent individual.

In an effort to quell the commotion outside the circle, he attenuated his presence to align with that of the dark goblin's, compelling everyone except the test administrator to kneel on the cold concrete floor.

Despite drastically reducing the intensity of his haki, he still observed individuals fainting due to his residual aura. Moving swiftly, he deactivated his aura entirely and redirected his attention to the administrator, signaling his readiness with a simple command, "Proceed."

Seeking to avoid antagonizing the evidently formidable individual, the test administrator gulped nervously and uttered, "Very well. We are about to commence the final test I can provide you. Summoning this monster will likely leave me unconscious due to exhaustion. Therefore, I wish you good luck."

With a sigh, the test administrator called out, "Manifest now! Greater demon!"

As his gaze settled on the summoning circle for the demon, he received another message from [Wisest One]. This time, it was about summoning demons of varying ranks—lesser, medium, and greater. He disregarded this message as well, opting to wait for the summoning process to reach its conclusion.

True to the test administrator's prediction, he lost consciousness during the summoning process. However, just before he collapsed to the ground, Eon employed his magic to yank him out of the circle, preventing any harm from befalling him.

Upon observing the greater demon emerging from a medium-sized circle that nearly spanned the entirety of the battle area, Eon enlarged the summoning circle and anticipated the demon's emergence.

When the greater demon materialized completely into the physical realm, its gaze fell upon Eon. Upon locking eyes with him, a profound chill coursed down its spine. Instinctively, the demon recognized that it stood no chance against him. It made a swift attempt to retreat back to the demon world, yet its escape was thwarted by an unseen force.

The demon's attempted escape was forcibly halted, and as it turned to witness the destruction of its exit, its gaze met Eon advancing with his immensely potent sword in hand. Approaching the demon, Eon's resonant voice cut through the air as he declared, "You're not getting away."

Retreating in fear, the demon stumbled backward, collapsing onto the ground. It hastily brought its arms and hands together, forming a defensive barrier to shield itself from the impending threat of death.

Unexpectedly, the greater demon commenced an evolution process, a transformation spurred by its proximity to Eon, who emanated a surplus of magicules.

Despite having just undergone transformation into a newly evolved arch demon, this entity possessed heightened power surpassing that of an average newborn. This augmentation was attributed to the influx of magicules originating from a True Dragon like Eon.

Although the demon had undergone an evolution, it refrained from launching an attack on Eon. It recognized that any such attempt would ultimately lead to its demise, given Eon's overwhelming strength.

Just as he was on the brink of obliterating the spiritual form of the newly evolved arch demon, Wisest One intervened, halting him from delivering the fatal strike.

"I orchestrated the demon's evolution. Rather than exterminating it, why not consider making it your subordinate? Given its absorption of your magicules, it's evident that with proper nurturing, it could develop into a strong and obedient ally."

Upon hearing the suggestion, an idea flashed through his mind. Swiftly raising his sword, he swung it downward. In that fleeting moment just before the arch demon's demise, his stomach sub-skill activated, enveloping the sword and swallowing the arch demon whole.

For the observers, it appeared as if the demon had been obliterated from existence. However, unbeknownst to them, the demon was being concealed deep within him.

Storing his immensely powerful sword, he exited the barrier and approached the unconscious test administrator. Crouching down, Eon tapped the man's forehead, promptly rousing him from his unconscious state. In a swift motion, Eon gestured toward the vacant space with his thumb, awaiting the administrator's reaction.

Chuckling softly, the administrator spoke, "The guild shall now officially recognize you as an A-rank adventurer."

"What's going on?!" someone exclaimed loudly, forcefully pushing their way through the crowd to reach the center of attention.

Gasping in astonishment, the test administrator exclaimed urgently, "Fuze?!" He struggled to rise from the ground, but his attempts proved to be futile.

Infuriated by the summoning of a high-ranking monster without his consent, Fuze launched into a tirade against the test administrator. He admonished the administrator for potentially causing havoc and damages, emphasizing that the responsibility would fall squarely on their shoulders.

Having concluded his reprimand of the test administrator, Fuze turned his attention to Eon and spoke apologetically, "I apologize for my unbecoming conduct, sir. You see, I have quite the temper."

"Ah! Please pardon my impertinence. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fuze, the guild master of Blumund," Fuse stated, under the impression that Eon held a high-ranking position.

"What do these 'ranks' signify in this context?" Eon inquired, his arms crossed, his presence growing even more imposing despite his lack of overt action.

Pausing briefly to consider his response, Fuse swiftly formulated an answer, drawing upon his mental reservoir of information. "The ranks range from the lowest, F rank, to the highest, which is special S rank," he explained.

"What lies between rank A and special S?" Eon inquired, displaying a clear interest in delving deeper into the nuances of this rank system.

"Above rank A, we have special A and rank S. Individuals designated as special A possess the potential to lay waste to a small-sized nation, necessitating an entire nation's army or a Champion to counter the threat. Rank S, on the other hand, is reserved for demon lords," Fuze elucidated.

Intrigued, Eon pondered his options, eventually devising a plan. Enshrouding both himself and Fuze within a mental-distorting barrier, he grasped Fuze's head, subsequently exerting his influence over the guild master's thoughts.

A haze formed in Fuze's eyes, but it was soon replaced by a newfound clarity. "Given your demonstrated ability to challenge Champions hailing from diverse nations, we shall confer upon you the special A rank," Fuze declared.

Following Fuze's pronouncement, he delved into his pocket and handed Eon a card. Seemingly blank at first, as Eon took hold of it, the card began to populate with information.

"Well, considering your busy schedule, I won't burden you with the matter I had initially intended to discuss. Farewell, and I look forward to encountering you again."

Acknowledging the sentiment with a nod, Eon exited the guild. Once outside, his gaze fell upon a woman donning skin-tight pants, white gloves, a white shirt embellished with a symbol on the abdomen, and a white cape.

Approaching the woman with curiosity, Eon was on the brink of uttering something when she suddenly drew her sword and launched an unprovoked attack. Swiftly, he intercepted the sword's trajectory, clutching its tip just centimeters away from his neck. Without a word, he merely inclined his head to the side.

Observing her confusion even beneath her mask, Eon detected her uncertainty about the situation. "Uh, pardon me," she began, attempting to retract her sword, only to encounter an inexplicable strength emanating from the man before her.

Sensing her attempt to retrieve her sword, Eon released his grip and awaited her next move. As she sheathed her sword, a mixture of embarrassment and concern evident, she joined her hands and offered a bow.

"I offer my sincere apologies for my recent actions," she expressed with contrition. Pausing briefly, she stole a glance at him before continuing, "I'm not entirely sure what prompted my behavior. It's unlike me to act in such a manner, so I extend my regrets for the aggression."

Shaking his head gently and extending his palm in a gesture of disagreement, he fixed his gaze on the mask concealing her features. After a moment of scrutiny, he spoke up, saying, "It was an instinctual response."

Her voice carried a clear tone of puzzlement as she inquired, "Instinct...?"

With a low grunt, he began to respond, but his attention remained fixated on the mask she wore. Swiftly, before she could react, he incapacitated her with remarkable speed, and then crouched near her unconscious form.

Methodically, he lifted the mask, handling it with great care, and proceeded to scrutinize it attentively. Detecting a trace of chaos emanating from the mask, he perceived a distinction between this chaos and his own.

Following his examination of the mask, he pondered his next course of action. Choosing to store the mask within his stomach sub-skill, he then utilized his chaos magic to recreate the mask and gently placed it back on her.

Right afterward, he employed magic to rouse her from unconsciousness and expunge any memory of their interaction. Without delay, he utilized teleportation to exit the kingdom.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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