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Chương 22: Master Servant Pact

(In Shinmai, Jin can transform into a Dragon. He ate the Leader of the Vatican who cloned him making Shiba. He is more dragon than he is human. Plus, you can draw out more power by calling out the sword's name. Kind of like in Fate to activate a Noble Phantasm.)

These days, Jin placed a large part of his time and energy on training Basara. Basara was not just young, but he had so much innate potential with his bloodlines and Longinus that anything less would be foolish. 

Basara activated the Boosted Gear when he was 4 years old as Ddraig had more than enough energy to awaken. Now, at age 5, Basara was on his way to becoming one of the strongest of the next generation. 

As such, Jin and Basara were in the front yard of their house. Basara despite his young age and small size was holding a full-sized Bastard Sword. The weapon seemed far larger in his small hands, but his strength was more than enough to lift it.

His left had the Boosted Gear so Jin was about to let Basara Boost a few times to give Basara more of an advantage. With the bulky nature of the Boosted Gear Basara wouldn't be able to fully hold a sword correctly with his left.

As such, Basara had to make do with one hand. It would be worse if he was a regular human, but he was not. Jin smiled as he rested a regular longsword on his shoulder. Watching the spar about to start were several children as learning from Jin was a good experience. 

Among them with Basara's friends Takashi, Kuruimi, and Yuki. The four of them were the closest and considered the best prospects of the next generation of Heroes. Jin smiled as he addressed the kids first. 

"Alright kids, pay attention as this may be useful later on."

He then put his attention on Basara. 

"Basara, before we start I want you to Boost up about four times for now. I will hold back as this is for you to learn how to fight in that Boosted state."

Basara nodded with a serious look on his young face. 


Basara focused on the Boosted Gear and from the green gem, the deep voice of Ddraig bellowed out.


As Basara's abilities were Boosted, a bright green aura began to surge from his body. He could only access his Hero powers at the moment because the nature of his birth meant that the God bloodline was keeping the other bloodlines restrained as a safety net. 

Basara was much too young to control that power, but the Boosted Gear could undo those restrictions temporarily. When ten seconds passed, Basara boosted again resulting in 4 times his abillities.

The green aura around his body doubled and his eyes began to glow bright green. 

{Basara, keep your wits about you. One so young as you would normally lose control.}

'I won't' 

As Basara focused, in a dark surge of blue magic, Jack and Amara teleported near by. Everyone turned their heads as Jack stepped out from the dark blue flash of mana.

Jack glanced at the kids, Basara and then Jin. 

"Ah, just who I was looking for. Jin, I got a favor to ask."

Jin relaxed as if it was just Jack. He did wonder what he needed though.

"Sure. If I can help, I will do it. What do you need?"

Jack explained his situation and why he had come to the Village. 

"I need someone to test my sword skills on. My dad is unavailable and Baraqiel is with his family. You up for helping me test Brynhildr?" 

Jin didn't mind, but he did want to wait.

"Sure, I don't mind, but I was training Basara. Can you give us a moment?"

Jack nodded as he wasn't in a hurry.

"No problem. I can wait."

Jack decided to go wait by the side and watch how Basara did. As he passed Basara he patted him on the head. 

"Try your best, ok?"

Basara smiled.

"I will." 


With that, Jack ended up leaning on one of the pillars of Jin's house. He was a decent distance from the children, but it seemed one of them was curious. A small girl with light blue hair walked up to him. 

She was around Basara's age so quite young. 

"Excuse me?" 

Jack looked down as she was short. 


She pointed at Amara who was on his shoulder as normal. 

"Why is your cat so fat?" 

Amara hissed from his shoulder expecting the girl to run. That did not happen as she continued to stare at Amara. He placed a hand on Amara's side as he could feel she was offended. 

"She isn't fat, she is just big. Never heard of a Maine Coon?" 

The girl shook her head. 

"No. What is that?" 

"Biggest cats in the world can grow up to 12 kilos(25 Pounds.) What is your name anyway?" 

She pointed at herself. 


"I am Jack. Nice to meet you. Now, pay attention. You might learn something." 

She nodded as she focused on Basara who had reached the required 4 Boosts resulting in a 16 times increase to his physical and magical abillities. The green aura was quite dense as it rolled off him and his sword. 

He took a deep breath and brought it under control. Jack's eyes warped as his sclera turned black and his eyes became dark blue dragon eyes. He got a look at how the mana, ki, and other latent powers in Basara moved around. 

There was no balance so Basara wasn't as strong as he should be. Of course, he was just 5, almost 6 so he had time to correct this. Jin grinned as he saw Basara somewhat stabilize his energy. 

Basara lowered his stance before he ran forward toward his Father. He gripped the handle of his sword tightly before he slashed downward toward Jin's head. Jin almost lazily lifted his sword, caught it, and parried it making Basara's swing hit the ground. 

A slash of green energy tore the ground open, but it didn't achieve anything as Jin pointed his sword at Basara's throat. 

"You're dead. When you put all your power into a downward swing, make sure you can stop mid-swing if you need to. Again." 

Basara lifted his sword again and while he was still Boosted, he began to run circles around Jin. Jin didn't move from his spot and the more Basara ran, the faster he got. Eventually, Basara felt it was right and he charged at Jin from behind. He lept into the air, he spun around increasing his momentum before thrusting his blade. 

Jin moved to the left, dodged the stab, and as Basara flew through the air hit him with the pommel of his sword on the gut. Basara gasped and the blow knocked him out of his enhanced state. 

Basara crashed on the ground and he dropped his sword. Jin shook his head as he walked toward Basara before helping him up. 

"When you jump in the air you make yourself vulnerable. Learn the ability to kick off the ground, or fly before you commit to a jump act. Other than that, if it were anyone else than me, that could have done it." 

Basara rubbed his stomach, but he had a smile. 

"Thank you, Dad." 

Jin smiled back with a grin of his own. 

"No problem, in another 5 years, you will get far stronger than I was at that age. Now, go join the others. Watch how Jack does it?" 

Basara picked up his sword before running over to the other children. As for Jack, he Amara jumped off his shoulder to get onto the ground. The kids were all instantly looking at her, but one glare from her and they stayed away. 

He stepped toward Jin before he held his arms out. The Abyssal Eclipse Gear appeared on his right arm while Brynhildr and its armor encased his left. Jack held Brynhildr forward as a pitch-black aura enveloped his body. 

His Ki had rapidly been taking on the properties of Apophis meaning it was starting to lose the blue shimmer to it. Now, there were only a few traces of blue left as pure darkness enveloped him and Brynhildr. 

Mana and Ki simultaneously surged through his body causing Brynhildr and Ahramina to both begin to awaken. When Jin saw that, he grinned as he knew he could go far harder than with Basara. 

He tossed his training sword away before he held his hand out as Balmung which he had leaning against the house came flying toward him. 

"I see I can take you more seriously."

Jack nodded. 

"I wouldn't have sought you out if you couldn't." 

Jin pulled Balmung out of its sheath before he stabbed the sheath into the ground. As a result of drinking and bathing in Dragon's blood, Jin had gained most if not all the powers of a Dragon. He could even turn into a dragon, and since Jack was quite strong himself, he drew on his Dragon abilities which he only did when he got serious. 

His heart began to overflow with power, as a pillar of green Mana and Ki together surged out from him. It clashed against Jack's dark aura making Jack grin in a way that exposed his teeth. As he grew more amped, his teeth began to extend into fangs. 

Black and blue scales grew around his face and neck. The kids watching tensed, as Jack and Jin kicked off toward each other. Jack channeled his Mana and KI into his sword before he slashed up from below. Jin swung down clashing against Brynhildr causing a burst of energy from the point of contact. 

Amara's eyes glowed bright gold as she created a barrier of gravity around the kids to keep them safe. As for Jin and Jack, rather than get into a sword lock, they both pulled their swords back and they began a rapid exchange of sword clashes.

Jin was blindingly fast and he wielded Balumg like an extension of himself. Many thought Jin was a Speed Type, but they were wrong. He was a Power Type and his best attribute was his strength. 

With each sword clash, Jack began to feel himself being put on the defensive. Just blocking Jin's slashes made him feel like his arms were rattling. 

"Come on Jack, put your back into it." 

"Fine then. BRYNHILDR!"

By yelling the name of his blade, he released more restrictions on it. He drew more power from his sword causing Divine Energy from Brynhildr herself and Cursed Energy from Ahramina to flow into his body. He got faster, and stronger, and he could feel how Ahramina began to passively try to encroach on his mind. 

Apophis instantly was there to put the Cursed Spirit in her place allowing Jack to focus. As his speed doubled he weaved under Jin's sword slash and he slammed his Abyssal Eclipse Gear into Jin's stomach. 

Jin clenched the muscles in his stomach, but that was a hard punch. Jin grinned as he brought his knee up and slammed it into Jack's solar plexus. Rather than gasp, Jack clenched his teeth as he sucked in more air. 

He struck Jin on the side of the head with the pommel of Brynhildr. Jin's mind blanked which gave Jack the time to kick Jin away from him. He finally let himself gasp for air as Jin shook his head to get rid of the dizziness. 

"Ow, that actually hurt." 

Basara who was watching felt worried, but Ddraig reassured him. 

[Relax, this is a sparing match. Jack hasn't used the Boost Apophis stole from me, or the abilities of Apophis. Likewise, your Dad hasn't used his full capabilities.]

'I know, but he is my dad?'

When Jin recovered he smiled as he looked at Jack. 

"I got one word for you, Jack. BALMUNG!" 

Just as Jack had done, Jin drew more power from Balmung. Not to be outdone, Jack did the same. 


A bright gold and black aura surged from the sword which buffed his physical abillities more than they already were. Suddenly, the two charged at each other once more. Jin's eyes turned into a mirror of Jack's as they turned into draconic slits. 

When the two of them reached each other and their swords clashed, a spiritual clash of Jin and Jack's auras occurred. The two of them held even, until Jin stopped holding, back for just a moment. 

"Banishing Shift." 

When Jin used his most powerful ability, the force and the energy in his attack ceased to be as Jin sent it to the Zero Dimension. Jin smiled as he tapped Jack on the head with Balmung. 

"And I win." 

Jack smiled as he rested Brynhildr on his shoulder. 

"You're lucky I didn't use my full powers." 

He hadn't used his Porcellen Phantom, the Boost, his Darkness abillities, Divine Energy, Dark Light, or his Balance Breaker. If he was honest, he probably could have won if he simply went all out.

Jin shrugged as he didn't have a Sacred Gear. 

"I will give you that, if you had used the Boost, your Balance Breaker, or your second Sacred Gear then yes. You would have won. Maybe." 

Jack shrugged as he dismissed Brynhildr and his gauntlet. Amara ran at full speed before jumping into his arms. 

"Thanks for your help Jin. I learned a bit more about sword fighting today." 

Jin patted him on the shoulder. 

"Glad to be of help. You also helped the kids learn something, right kids?" 

All of the kids who were watching nodded. They began to make big promises about being as strong as he was. Of course, out of them, only a few could even reach a portion of his power as they were lucky to have a Sacred Gear. 

"Good luck kids." 

With that, he teleported back to Tokyo in a much better mood. When he appeared in his room, he walked over and he fell onto his bed with a beaming smile on his face. 

"Damn, that was fun."

[Fighting is a dragon's favorite pass time. How do you feel?]

"I feel amazing, my heart is racing, by blood is boiling and I want more." 

[You might want to try to calm yourself. Your starting to dragon out already." 

He raised his arms and saw already that from his fingers to his wrist his hands had been encased in scales. 

"Ah, my bad." 

He focused on them and slowly, they began to retract with the scales on his face. At this rate, in a few months, he would be able to turn into a dragon. Until then, he would have to prepare himself since he would be going to Asgard in a week or two. 

For now, he closed his eyes and decided to take a well-deserved nap. Amara curled up next to him snoozing away as like most cats, she liked her sleep. Most Dragons also liked their sleep so the Dragons and Cats shared some similarities. 

Once he was out, he didn't wake up for an entire day. All the while, Azazel was getting things hammered out with Asgard. 


The next 6 days following his spar with Jin Jack, Aya, and Moka continued to go to the Underworld to learn under Grigori. At that time, Azazel kept in contact with Odin as Jack already said he would be fine going to Asgard. 

However, as those 6 days continued, things got worse for Jack as his turning three more major glands in his body into Dragon ones made him even more irritable. Thankfully, he had an iron will so he could keep his wild instincts in check. 

It was just a bit annoying, but Azazel as a friend pulled through for him. Currently, Jack and Azazel are hanging out in Azazel's lab. Amara as always was hanging around, but they were not alone. 

Sitting on the couch were two women who seemed very uncomfortable to be here. Jack recognized them as Other Jack had taken them in as his sexual relief maids. As Azazel sat behind his desk he had a big grin. 

"Raynare, Kalawarna, you know why I called you here?" 

(Image here)

Raynare glanced at Jack who had a small problem at the moment. He couldn't revert his eyes to normal so his scelera were now pitch black all the time. His eyes were still dark midnight blue and slit like a dragon. 

As time passed, his many bloodlines were merging increasing the power of them all. Especially his Dragon bloodline making him more Evil Dragon than ever. Amara was sitting on his lap while he ran his hand down her fluffy back. Raynare finally shook her head.

"No. Did we do something wrong?" 

Azazel stopped smiling. 

"Yes, you did do wrong. When I told you to obverse that boy in Texas, I meant to keep an eye on him, not kill him. His Sacred Gear could have been useful, but now it is gone. You cost me a future member." 

Raynare flinched as Azazel didn't like losing Sacred Gears. Taking it would have been better than simply killing him. However, she felt humans didn't deserve the power of a Sacred Gear. 

"Sir, it won't happen again, we swear." 

Kalawarna agreed with Raynare. 

"Exactly, it was a hasty decision and we won't do it again. Are we going to be punished?" 

Azazel nodded. 

"You will. It won't be too bad though, it could be a reward depending on how you see it." 

Raynare smiled inside as it seemed her idle Azazel wouldn't scorn her. As he stood up he walked over to Jack. 

"This is my friend, Jack Owens. He is going to be your master and you two are going to be his servants." 

Kalawarna and Raynare for a few moments, couldn't process what he said, but at that moment the person Azazel contacted for this arrived. A purple magic circle opened on the floor and in a flash of purple a gorgeous woman appeared. 

She had pale fair skin, golden eyes, and a pair of ram-like horns, and her dress revealed much of her cleavage. When she appeared, she had an air of authority and grace. She turned to Azazel before she gave a polite bow. 

(Image here)

"Sir Azazel, you called for me?" 

Azazel nodded. 

"Thank you for coming Albedo. Raynare, Kalawarna, meet Albedo. She is a Fallen Angel Succubus hybrid. Unlike you two, she is strong." 

Kalawarna and Raynare suddenly had a bad premonition. As Jack stood up, Azazel gazed at the two with an annoyed look on his face. 

"You two have disobeyed me, so now, you get to serve Jack for the rest of time. Not a bad trade. Albedo, start the ritual." 

"On it." 

The Master Servant Pact magic while on Earth could only be done on a Full Moon. In the Underworld, it could be done at any time. With Albedo starting the Magic, the magic symbol of the Master appeared on the wrist of Jack. 

Azazel knew what was coming next so he had somewhere ready.

"Now, kiss his hand." 

Kalawarna and Raynare both refused. It was even worse for Raynare who despised humans. 


Kalawarna felt the same way. 

"You can't force us to do this." 

Azazel shrugged. 

"I don't have to." 

The thing was even if they refused, once the magic was activated, it would find its target anyway. When the time ran out, and the symbol on Jack's hand vanished, the curse of a sucubbus activated. 

Around the necks of Raynare and Kalawarna, a magic collar with a heart over their necks appeared. The two were suddenly hit with the effect of a Succubus' blessing. They turned bright red, extremely aroused, and officially Jack's servants. 

Azazel smirked to himself as he patted Jack on the back. 

"They are yours now. You have to make them submit otherwise the curse will never stop. Here, I reserved a suite for you in one of my hotels in Paris. Take your game and deal with your dragon troubles. 

Be ready for tomorrow as Odin is coming by for you." 

Azazel handed him a paper that had the coordinates which Jack noted down in his head. Jack didn't need to be told twice as he walked toward Raynare and Kalawarna before grabbing their arms. 



Just a simple touch made them feel like he touched an erogenous zone. Amara didn't go with him as she felt it was better she stuck around with Azazel. In a flash, Jack teleported away with his two new servents. 

When he was gone, Albedo smiled to herself as this was never not funny. 

"Ah, Azazel. Don't you think you went too far with those two girls?" 

He shrugged. 

"They disobeyed me, Jack needed a stress reliever and I find it funny." 

Albedo sighed. 

"No wonder they say you are the most evil Angel God ever made." 

Azazel took that title with pride. 

"I do what I can."

Without more delay, Albedo waved and teleported away. Once she was gone, Azazel turned to look at Amara. 

"So, going to turn human any day now?" 

Amara sat down and licked her paw before wiping her face. Azazel rolled his eyes as he pulled open his drawer. He had more secret pictures of Gabriel and another poor Angel sap in Grigori. 

Meanwhile, in Paris, Jack appeared in the hotel that Azazel sent him to. Kalawarna and Raynare were both mature, beautiful women which Other Jack had subjugated as his servants. 

Jack was just following in his footsteps so he tossed them on the bed. They struggled to move as the Master-Servant Pact made it impossible for them to betray or attack him. 

"Ladies, let's have fun ok." 

He removed his shirt in one go before he walked toward the bed. Raynare gulped as she saw his eyes lock on her first. Her mind was fuzzy and far more aroused than ever. She couldn't help but appreciate that Jack wasn't ugly at the minimum. 

As for Kalawarna, she wanted to blast his handsome face, but just thinking of that made her almost 10 times more sensitive and aroused. They were about to be boned. 

(Raynare and Kalawarna subjugation, Asgard and Time Skip next chapter.)

next chapter
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