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Chương 26: Basara and Vali

(In DxD Vali is only 5'6, and Basara is 5'7 as he is still growing in Shinmai. Jin is 6'1 so ouch for Vali. [] is for when Apophis Speaks, {} is for when Ddraig Speaks, <> is for when Albion speaks.)

While Jack was receiving his daily morning service from his girls, Vali and Basara were meeting up at Grigori. The two boys were similar in age with Vali just being two years and a couple months older than Basara. 

That age advantage was where his benefits over his rival ended. His Devil bloodline may come from Lucifer himself with his grandfather being a Super Devil, but that was all he had. His human half wasn't anything special, he wasn't a descendent of a Hero, he had no godly ancestors, and he didn't have any Monster blood flowing through his veins.

Basara on the other hand was the son of Jin Tojou one of the strongest humans ever to be born. On top of that, he had inherited the draconic bloodline his Father stole from the Evil Dragon he killed in the Dimensional Gap.

His second Mother, Raphaeline, was a powerful Goddess who carried him to term. As a result of having his fetus gestate completely enveloped in her Divine Energy, all his bloodlines were basked in Divine Energy. 

He had been informed of the fact he had two Mothers by Sapphire and Jin two years ago. They felt he was mature enough to know and at first, he had been angry at it being kept from him. However, he quickly calmed down as it wouldn't bring her back. 

He at the minimum knew she wasn't dead, so it was one of his goals to save her even though he barely knew of the danger that came with that goal. That was the main cause of his nonstop training.

All his bloodlines already made him dangerous, but the Boosted Gear when added to the mix turned him into a Nightmare. As such, Vali in the past four years had increased his training severalfold just to not be left behind.

While Vali's raw talent was second to none and he improved as a result of his harsh training, he was being left in the dust by Basara. Currently, the two Dragon Emperors were meeting up for one of their usual spars that almost always went Basara's way.

Vali, unlike Jack, didn't swap out any of his organs with Albion. His Pride in his body kept him from doing that, but he had been working further on refining his Balance Breaker. Much like Jack had done he too wanted to create a unique Sub-Species Balance Breaker which would increase his power severalfold. 

He hadn't quite figured it out yet though as it wasn't easy. As for Basara, who Jack considered a younger brother, he followed Jack's example. He traded his heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. He didn't let pride or arrogance cloud his mind as he had a goal for the sake of his Mother. 

He had to be stronger. The benefits of Basara's new organs made of Ddraig's flesh allowed the rest of Basara's genetics to begin to fuse rather than hold each other back. There were also benefits to this aside from pure strength gains.

At age ten, Basara was already 5'6 and would grow taller than his Father just not as tall as Jack. His hair was slightly longer in the back, and his two green Devil Horns also grew larger when he allowed them to appear as a result of his Dragon bloodline.

His eyes were slit like a dragon and bright green. Vali at age 12 was shorter as he was only 5'3. It was something he was bitter about, but unless he swapped out his main growth-related glands like Jack he could only hope to grow taller as he got older.

Basara also had a much more robust build from his constant training in the Hero Village. Basara though wasn't an arrogant guy even if he just didn't like Vali. As the two met up he brought up their sparing record. 

With a slight smile on his face, Basara continued. 

"Vali what was the count again? 100 to 22?"

Vali squinted his eyes in bitterness as those wins on his side were when he just met Basara. When Basara was weaker than him and still getting a hang over his abillities. Over the past four years, Basara's power had grown at such a rapid pace that it was absurd. It was just as fast as Jack someone else that Vali had no chance in a direct fight against.

"It won't happen again, Basara. Albion and I will win this time."

Basara didn't believe that.

"Then, let's get to it."

Basara placed his hand on the black-sheathed sword on his hip. Grigori centuries ago had managed to claim the Demonic sword Arondight when its previous owner Lancelot died. 

Azazel had given it to Basara in exchange for letting Azazel study the Boosted Gear and Basara himself. Basara had agreed since owning the sister sword to Excaliber was worth the trade. While the sword now was cursed by the madness of Lancelot, Basara's potent Demonic Power, Hero Power, Draconic Aura, and Divine Energy allowed him to control the madness in the sword. 

Basara had been working on refining the Madness inside to allow the Holy aspect of the sword to return to its peak. He wished to perfectly combine the properties of a Holy and Demonic Sword like Brynhildr.

It was a work in progress, but it was progressing nicely since Arondight didn't have the soul of Lancelot. Just shreds of his ego and madness that turned it into the Demonic Sword it now was.

Basara stelled his will as he drew the sword from its sheath causing a black chaotic aura to surge from the blade. His left hand was encased in the Boosted Gear while on Vali's back, the Divine Dividing emerged.

Observing the spar was Azazel as he had been worrying more and more over Vali. The pride that came with his bloodline was constantly causing him trouble as two people more talented than him were around him all the time.

One was his rival who was leaving him in the dirt and the other was Jack, whom Basara was catching up to. Azazel shook his head as Vali was too rigid. Even after never winning a match against Jack and constantly loosing to Basara recently, he still remained prideful. 

"Are you two ready?"

Basara nodded.

"I am."

Vali nodded with a determined look on his face.

"I won't lose this time. Albion, let's do this."

<You will need to break your limits this time Vali. Balance Breaker: Scale Mail.>

A shimmering blue energy enveloped Vali as his Demonic Power and his Sacred Gear synchronized themselves. As for Basara, he began to grin as he had developed something new.

'Ddraig, let's show him what we have come up with.'

{He won't know what hit him. Sub Species Balance Breaker: Mail Of The Demonic Scales.}

Basara's Devil, Hero, and Draconic Energies all fused into a black, crimson, and green set of armor formed around him. It was a mix of the Boosted Gear's Scale Mail and Basara's bloodlines.

It was new and unstable, and he only created it a few days ago. He had been tuning it with his powers as his God bloodline was holding it back. He had yet to fully control it, but he was working toward it.

When he fought he went all out from the start. 

{Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost."

As his power rose to 128 times itself, a pillar of green and black Ki and Demonic Power surged from his body. Arondight's Madness Enhancement began to try to eat at his mind, but he didn't let it.

Vali blasted toward Basara as he just needed to touch him once. Several magic circles opened around him as he bombarded Basara with spells. Basara kicked off and he ran at staggering speeds at Vali. While the Divine Dividing was made for speed, Basara was even faster.

He swung his sword and destroyed Vali's spells before he appeared behind Vali. He spun around and he struck Vali in the back with the pommel of Arondight. The blow caused the Scale Mail to break apart into shards. As for Vali himself, he plummeted to the ground in an explosion of dirt and dust.

Azazel sighed as that was the result that had been eating at Vali's Pride. Basara was just Faster, Stronger, and more talented. Now that Basara had achieved his Sub Species Balance Breaker he would just become stronger than ever.

Basara landed on the ground with his blade on his shoulder. However, his unstable Sub-Species broke apart as well. He exhaled as he returned Arondight to its sheath.

"We got to work on that, it won't let us beat Jack."


As for Jack, after he finished his morning exercise with Raynare and Kalawarna, they shared a shower to clean up. Once they were done, they went downstairs and since Jack didn't like to cook, Raynare and Kalawarna had taken up cooking for his sake.

While the two put on their aprons and got to making breakfast he sat down at the table. Amara seemingly coming out of nowhere jumped onto his shoulder. He ran his hand down the gigantic cat as now fully grown she was 28 pounds. It was good his shoulders were so big.

"How is my fluffy girl?"

She rubbed her face against him as cats liked to do. While he happily played with his cat, the front door opened. He glanced at the entrance and saw Aya, Moka, and Akeo walk inside.

 Akeno now that she could teleport, often visited in the morning. As for Aya and Moka since they lived so close they just visited him every morning as well. He looked up from his seat as the three girls walked into his house with the key he gave them. Aya and Moka now that they were 15 the same age as him had become youthful beautiful girls.

Aya for her part was taller than before now 5'9 which was probably as tall as she was going to get. As a result of her constant training, she had an athletic yet feminine body.

Her long red hair trailed down to her hips and she almost always had a big smile on her face. Moka as a Vampire followed the same trend just that she was shorter. She was 5'5 and just like Aya, not going to get much taller. Though, both girls had gone from flat-chested kids to well-endowed young women.

Moka also kept her hair long and her pink hair seemed to shimmer. Even Akeno at age 13 as a result of being the daughter of Baraqiel, already had most of her wings. She had four pairs of wings and just needed a push to become a Cadre like her Father. 

Due to her not suppressing her bloodline as she had done in Other Jack's life, she didn't lose out to either Aya or Moka. He had to admit the three of them had become model-worthy ladies.

"Good morning girls, come to eat breakfast?"

Aya shrugged as she sat down across from him.

"Good morning to you too and yes. Thanks for offering Jack'O."

Akeno smiled as she walked toward him and handed him a bag. 

"My mom told me to give you this." 

When he opened the bag he saw a bunch of vegetables and herbs that Shuri liked to grow in her garden. Most of them were Magical Varients so he took them. 

"Thanks, tell your Mom I said that. Raynare, can you prepare this?" 

Raynare waved her hand and pulled the bag toward her. 

"Of course, we were going to make beef stew so this will go great." 

Kalawarna pulled the vegetables and herbs from the bag before using magic to wash, skin, and chop them up. While the two of them prepared breakfast, Moka who was always bubbly jumped at him. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face against his. He returned the hug and wrapped his large muscular arms behind her. 


She was just so sweet that it was diabetic. For a Dragon, receiving this kind of attention was therapeutic.

"The feeling is mutual. Glad to see your smile in the morning." 

Suddendly the Prideful and haughty voice of Inner Moka emerged from the Rosary. After four years of feeding on Jack's blood, she was almost always awake. Inner and Outer could now switch without needing to remove the seal. 

However, removing it would allow her full access to her Shinto powers which she couldn't use even when Inner took over with it.

"Moka, have some shame. You're not ten anymore."

Moka raised her head high as she ignored her 'sister'. Just as Esmeralda had thought, by consuming the highly potent energy in Jack's blood, the two Moka's had begun to become separate entities. 

Outer Moka had begun to form her soul that was still linked to her Inner self. As such, Jack never hesitated to give either Moka his blood since even Inner with her more prideful demeanor was still someone he cared about. 

"So what? He doesn't mind, right Jack?"

He smiled as he held her tighter. He pulled her onto his lap and compared to him she was tiny. Moka didn't get embarrassed at all as after he became this tall he had this habit when girls hugged him.

However, Aya began to squint her eyes as she saw the lovey-dovey atmosphere around the two. She short distance teleported until she was sitting next to him. 

"Where is my hug?" 

Moka suddenly had an idea and she moved to his left leg. 

"Jack had really strong legs, sit on his other one." 

Aya without a hint of shame did just that. Now he had Moka on his left and Aya on his right leg. Akeno smiled as she sat down at the table. 

"Rossweisse will get jealous if she sees you two like that." 

Aya just shrugged. 

"Her loss, she should be here if she has a problem with it. My question is what about you little cuttie? Aren't you jealous?" 

Akeno shook her head. 

"Jealous? Why would I be? The Monster Manual said that Dragons like to form big harems. Plus, he is not just any Dragon, he is an Evil Dragon and those guys are even more honest with their feelings. Jack, do you think I am pretty?" 

"Sure do." 

She smiled as she pushed her quite large chest forward. Fallen Angels simply matured faster in puberty. 


Aya shrugged. 

"So what? That wasn't because he was a Dragon, Jack is just the honest type." 

Suddenly, everyone turned to look at Jack's right hand as Apophis spoke up. 

[That isn't just that Jack is honest, most Dragons are. Evil Dragons are no exceptions, why lie when we can do as we please with our own power.] 

Akeno nodded to herself. 

"Thanks, Apophis." 

[No problem.]

Now that the nature of his honesty was discussed, Moka hugged his neck tighter. 

"Can I drink your blood now?" 

"Sure, go ahead." 

She opened her mouth causing her fangs to extend as she bit down on his neck. As he grew stronger, she needed less and less of his blood. As a result, she had gained several unique abillities.

She was no longer affected by Water a big weakness of pure-blooded Vampires thanks to the blessing of Oceanus that Jack inherited in his bloodline. Holy and Light Magic no longer hurt her as a result of his assimilated Fallen Angel bloodline. 

Her Vampire powers had become stronger and she even gained Blood Magic on top of her incredible strength. Now, Outer Moka was not defenseless and could defend herself from most threats.

However, by feeding on his blood it caused Inner Moka to take her place. Her hair became silver, her eyes red, her breasts increased a cup, and her ass grew in size. When her transformation ended, Inner pulled her mouth off his neck. 

She didn't get off of him though and instead spun around still on his lap and crossed one of her legs over the other.

"Dragons are fascinating creatures are they not? Quite similar to Vampires in that regard. Similar pride, bloodlust, and savagery. Creatures that humans should have no means of beating, but our weaknesses get taken out."

Aya shook her head as she looked at Moka's bigger breasts.

"How is that fair? Those things are huge." 

Moka held her chest high. 

"My body is perfect is it not? What do you think Jack? Show me that honesty, who is the most attractive?"

He grinned as he was never one to shy away from the truth. 

"Most attractive you say?" 

Raynare, Kalawarna, Aya, Akeno, and both Moka's were now paying attention. He could give the safe answer and say it himself, but he would just go out and say it. 

"I will be honest about this and say that is an impossible question to answer. You Moka have the regal, noble attitude of a Vampire that is quite appealing. Outer is adorable and wears her feelings on her sleeve. 

Aya, here with her red hair and her tomboyish attitude is cool. She is also really lovely so it just completes her. Akeno while still growing is going to grow up into a carbon copy of her Mother and her shimmering violet eyes are mesmerizing. Her long black hair gives her the Japanese Lady vibe.

Did I answer well?" 

Moka crossed her arms as she leaned back. 

"You pass. You answered correctly and didn't piss me off. Though you didn't say anything about Raynare and Kalawarna." 

Raynare turned around with a prideful smile. While she did change and become more easygoing, she still herself. 

"He doesn't have to. Unlike you virgin children, I and Kalawarna are mature, attentive, and most importantly ravishing. We attend to his needs, unlike you girls." 

Moka stopped smiling as she bared his fangs. 

"Know your place, Servant. You forget your standing." 

Raynare nodded as she forgot she wasn't and would never be one of Jack's lovers. She would always just be his Servant and she was fine with that.

"I apologize." 

Moka didn't address her further as Raynare apologized. She wouldn't pursue this further as that would be beneath her. As for Jack, he glanced at Raynare. 

"Raynare, don't go causing trouble again." 

She bowed as she understood. 

"Yes, Master." 

Regardless, once he got that clear, Kalawarna who knew better just shot Raynare a side-eye. After serving the breakfast, everyone sat down to eat forgetting everything that Raynare had said. 

Following this, Jack was planning to return to Asgard as his Sworn Brothers wanted to go on a trip to Alfheim as another war between the Light and Dark Elves was brewing. Then Baldur wanted Jack to go with him to Nidavellir. 

The sons of Ivaldi had agreed at last to make Baldur his Divine Weapons. He just wanted Jack and his brothers there. It was nice to have friends in the Norse and that wasn't all. 

His sword, Brynhildr was currently unusable. After four years of constant practice and Odin's research, the two souls inside had essentially fallen comatose. He could use the sword, but not the power inside. 

From what Apophis said the blade itself was evolving to become better suited to his needs. Whatever the result he just hoped it was awesome and powerful. He might finally get the chance to meet Brynhilr and Ahramina at last. 

(Here is a question I have, would you get with a Centaur girl? Or other Monster girls? Like in Daily Life With Monster Girls?)

next chapter
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