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22.22% The Seidr / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Chương 4: Chapter 3

Tony Stark couldn't resist throwing in one last quip as the Ancient One prepared to lead Harry away. "First aliens, now wizards? Is there anything this world doesn't have?" His tone was playful, as if he were mentally tallying up the universe's oddities on a cosmic checklist.

The Avengers burst into laughter, the room's atmosphere lightening instantly. It was as if Tony's remark had flipped a switch, making everything seem a little less serious.

Natasha Romanoff, with her signature dry wit, rolled her eyes and smirked. "I suppose we'll just have to add it to the list," she said, her tone as amused as it was sardonic.

Steve Rogers chuckled softly, shaking his head in a fond, almost resigned manner. "Just another day in the life of an Avenger," he quipped, his voice reflecting a sense of weary acceptance.

The Ancient One, with an air of serene authority, corrected Tony's mistake with a gentle smile. "I'm not a wizard, Mr. Stark. I'm a sorcerer!"

Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by the correction. "Ah, my bad," he said with a smirk. "Sorcerer it is. Thanks for the clarification."

Clint Barton, ever the opportunist, muttered a quip under his breath. "Looks like someone needs to brush up on their magical terminology," he said, earning a knowing glance from Natasha.

The Ancient One, observing the exchange with an amused glint in her eye, offered a patient smile. "No harm done," she said calmly. "But let's not get bogged down in semantics. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

With a graceful nod, the Ancient One beckoned Harry toward the portal. "Come along, Harry," she said, her tone both inviting and urgent.

The Avengers watched with a mix of curiosity and concern. Nick Fury's expression remained as unreadable as ever, though there was a glimmer of trust in his eyes. "Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it," the Ancient One assured them with a serene confidence.

Fury gave a simple nod, his tone firm yet respectful. "We'll be here," he said, underscoring the team's readiness to support their friend.

As Harry followed the Ancient One through the shimmering portal, the Avengers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. With a new chapter about to unfold, they could only wait and see how their friend's journey would impact the world—and their lives.

As Harry followed the Ancient One through the portal, the Avengers stood in a semi-circle, their expressions a cocktail of curiosity and anticipation. The portal snapped shut with a dramatic whoosh, leaving the room eerily quiet—except for Nick Fury, who couldn't contain his frustration any longer.

"Motherfucker," he muttered under his breath, his voice a gruff whisper of pure vexation.

Steve Rogers, ever the paragon of propriety, turned with a stern look. "Language, Nick," he said, his tone like a teacher scolding a misbehaving student.

Tony Stark, never one to miss a chance for a quip, leaned in with a grin. "Looks like someone needs to wash their mouth out with soap," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Natasha Romanoff raised an eyebrow, feigning concern. "I thought we were setting a good example for the kids," she added, her voice dripping with mock sympathy.

Clint Barton's smirk widened. "Guess even super soldiers have their limits," he chimed in, his tone light and teasing.

Thor's laughter boomed through the room, a hearty sound that was as infectious as it was loud. "Ah, Captain, your adherence to propriety never fails to amuse," he roared, his tone jovial.

Steve rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile as his teammates ribbed him. "Alright, alright, laugh it up," he said with a chuckle. "But let's try to keep it PG from here on out, shall we?"

Quietly, Steve muttered, "It just slipped out."

The Avengers shared knowing glances, each one recognizing the universal truth that even Captain America wasn't immune to the occasional slip of the tongue.

Natasha Romanoff gave Steve a reassuring smile. "We've all been there, Cap," she said, her tone warm and understanding.

Tony nodded, his smirk turning into a genuine grin. "Just think of it as a moment of relatability for the rest of us mere mortals," he quipped, keeping the mood light.

As the Avengers continued to exchange playful banter and camaraderie, the room felt warmer and more united. Despite the gravity of the situation, they found comfort in their shared humor and the bond that came from facing the unknown together.

As Harry followed the Ancient One through the swirling mists of Kamar-Taj, he felt like he'd stepped into a magical travel brochure—if such a thing existed. The air buzzed with an electric charge, and every step revealed a new marvel that made Harry's eyes go as wide as saucers.

They meandered through winding streets, where towering buildings seemed to be in a perpetual game of "who can look more mystical." Intricate symbols and glowing runes adorned every surface, making Harry feel like he was walking through an enchanted art gallery. The whole place was like something out of a high-fantasy novel, and Harry half-expected a dragon to swoop down at any moment.

The marketplace they passed was a cacophony of colors and sounds, with merchants selling everything from enchanted trinkets to exotic spices that made Harry's nose tingle. The air was filled with a blend of languages that sounded like a magical version of gibberish, making Harry wonder if he needed a universal translator.

As they continued, they came upon sorcerers practicing their craft in open courtyards. Their movements were so smooth and graceful it was like watching an elaborate dance. They wove spells into the air, creating dazzling displays of light and energy that made Harry feel like he was watching the world's most impressive magic show.

Finally, they reached the heart of Kamar-Taj, where a towering temple stood like an ancient skyscraper, its spires stretching toward the heavens as if trying to tickle the sky.

The Ancient One turned to Harry with a smile that suggested she knew all the secrets of the universe—or at least the ones that involved keeping Harry on his toes. "Welcome to Kamar-Taj, Harry Potter," she said, her voice echoing with the weight of centuries.

They walked through a series of grand corridors, which Harry assumed led to the Ancient One's study. The corridors were lined with artifacts that looked like they had been borrowed from a museum of magical curiosities. As they walked, Harry couldn't help but wonder what otherworldly secrets and adventures awaited him in this strange and wondrous place.

As Harry followed the Ancient One into her study, he felt like he'd just stepped into the coolest magical equivalent of a secret lab. The room was cluttered with artifacts that looked like they'd been borrowed from a fantasy museum. It was like entering a set for an epic fantasy movie, minus the annoying extras.

The Ancient One, all calm and mysterious, drew Harry's attention to the amulet hanging around her neck. It was a serious piece of jewelry, glowing with a deep green light. Without a word, she gave a subtle flick of her wrist, and the amulet's orb opened like a high-tech gizmo, revealing a gemstone that sparkled with enough intensity to light up the entire room.

Harry's eyes widened, his curiosity spiking. He instinctively reached for his own pendant, a golden gemstone that had been his trusty sidekick through thick and thin. With a little flourish, he opened his amulet too, and suddenly the room was filled with a dazzling interplay of golden and green light, as if the gems were having a light show all their own.

For a moment, Harry and the Ancient One stood there, bathed in the glow of their respective gemstones. The two lights seemed to be in perfect sync, like they were exchanging cosmic secrets that Harry couldn't quite grasp yet.

The Ancient One, the grand master of the Time Stone, looked at Harry with a mix of recognition and approval. It was like the universe itself was giving them a nod of approval, acknowledging their new partnership in this magical power struggle.

With a solemn nod, the Ancient One welcomed Harry. Her gaze was steady and full of unspoken understanding. Clearly, she recognized the gravity of their shared duties as guardians of these cosmic artifacts. Harry, on the other hand, was just trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was now part of this magical elite.

"Welcome, Harry Potter," the Ancient One said, her voice like the calm before a storm. "It's not every day we meet someone with such a profound connection to the Soul Stone."

Harry tried to sound as if he had it all together, even though inside he was still trying to figure out what being the bearer of the Soul Stone really meant. "Thanks, Ancient One. I'm still trying to get a grip on all this power and what it means for me."

The Ancient One gave him a thoughtful look. "The Infinity Stones are ancient and incredibly powerful," she explained. "It's our responsibility to use them wisely and with caution."

Harry nodded, taking her words seriously. "Got it," he said. "I'll do my best not to mess it up."

As they continued their conversation, the room seemed to hum with the promise of new adventures and challenges. Harry, feeling a mix of trepidation and excitement, knew that he was stepping into a whole new world of cosmic drama.

As Harry stood before the Ancient One, his thoughts drifted back to a rather unsettling encounter he'd had after taking a nosedive into the Veil of Death. It had been a bit like crashing into a cosmic party where everyone had RSVP'd "No" except for the grim reaper herself.

In that shadowy, mysterious realm, he'd found himself face-to-face with Lady Death, a figure of such otherworldly power and ethereal beauty that it felt like meeting a living, breathing paradox. She'd looked at him with eyes that seemed to slice right through his soul. It was both terrifying and mesmerizing, like staring at a black hole while riding a rollercoaster.

"I've been waiting to meet the Master of Death for a while now," she'd whispered, her voice a haunting melody that could send shivers down even the bravest of spines.

At the time, those words had hit Harry like a bucket of cold water. The title "Master of Death" wasn't exactly his idea of a good time. It was more of a cosmic joke—an unwanted mantle that came with more baggage than a bad reality TV show.

To Harry, the title was a bitter reminder of all the heartache and loneliness he'd endured. It wasn't so much a badge of honor as it was a heavy, rusted anchor dragging him down through a sea of endless losses and unending battles.

"Master of Death"? Seriously? Harry thought. Death wasn't something you mastered; it was a part of life—an inevitable end that came knocking for everyone. Trying to control it seemed as sensible as trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

But despite his annoyance with the title, Harry knew he couldn't just shrug it off. It was part of him now, like an unwelcome tattoo that refused to fade. 

Turning inward, he sought answers from the enigmatic Lady Death. "Why am I here?" he asked, his voice echoing in the eerie void of the Veil.

For a moment, silence reigned, like Death herself was reading the fine print of some cosmic manual. Then her voice, soft yet commanding, filled his mind.

"You are here because you've been chosen," Death said, her words like a decree from the universe's HR department. "Chosen to complete a task for me. Complete it, and you will earn three boons, one for each Hallow."

Harry's brain did a quick mental dance at the mention of boons. The idea of using one to reverse his immortality sounded like a golden ticket to freedom. If he could get out of this endless loop of existence and finally find some peace, he'd take it, no questions asked.

With a steely resolve and a glimmer of hope in his eyes, Harry prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. He was ready to face any challenge, confront any obstacle, and outwit any foe. After all, if it meant finally earning the chance to escape his eternal curse, then bring it on. Harry Potter was ready to play ball with the universe.

"What task do you have for me?" Harry asked, trying to sound cool and collected, even though inside he felt like he'd just stepped into a cosmic rollercoaster without a safety bar.

Death's voice echoed around him like a chill breeze. "There is a being in another universe," she began, pausing for dramatic effect, "One who is so obsessed with the idea of being with me that he conquers worlds, sacrificing half the population just to get my attention."

Harry's brain did a triple somersault at that. This was not your average villain; this guy sounded like he'd read way too many self-help books and decided that total destruction was the way to win over a date. 

"Thanos, the Mad Titan," Death said, as if announcing the name of the universe's biggest drama queen.

Harry's eyes narrowed. The Mad Titan? Apparently, he was the galactic equivalent of a villain with a "World's Greatest Monster" mug. If Thanos was out there tipping the cosmic scales just to impress Death, then Harry had his work cut out for him.

"I get it," Harry said, his voice gaining a steely edge. "Thanos is messing with the balance of everything just to get a cosmic high-five from you. Not cool. But how do I go about stopping this cosmic catastrophe?"

Death's response was a slow, thoughtful smile that seemed to say, "Glad you asked."

Death held up a shimmering golden gem, and Harry's jaw nearly dropped. It was like something straight out of a cosmic jewelry commercial—if cosmic jewelry had the power to rewrite the universe.

"This," Death intoned with a dramatic flourish, "is the Soul Stone. It's got enough power to make your average superhero look like a kid with a squirt gun."

Harry's eyes widened. "The Soul Stone?" he repeated, a mix of awe and determination lighting up his face. He reached out and touched the gem, feeling its energy practically hum with a life of its own. "I'll use this to take down Thanos and his whole misguided quest for cosmic overreach."

Death gave a solemn nod, her approval almost palpable. "You've been chosen for this, Harry. With the Soul Stone, you've got the tools to go toe-to-toe with Thanos and put an end to his little universe-altering tantrum."

Harry nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Death continued with her cosmic lecture. "The Infinity Stones are six powerful artifacts scattered across the universe. Each one does something unique and can, when combined, mess with reality itself."

Harry listened intently, trying not to let his mind spin out of control.

"You've got the Soul Stone," Death said, pointing to the golden gem in Harry's hand. "Then there's the Space Stone, the Mind Stone, the Reality Stone, the Power Stone, and the Time Stone. Together, they're like the universe's ultimate remote control."

Harry's brain was doing a marathon as he tried to keep up. "So, Thanos wants to collect all these stones to…?"

"Wipe out half the population with a snap of his fingers," Death finished with a grim expression. "He thinks that's how he'll achieve balance. It's like trying to solve a math problem by setting half the numbers on fire."

Harry's resolve hardened. This wasn't just about cosmic power; it was about stopping someone who thought balancing the universe meant playing an incredibly high-stakes game of cosmic roulette. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Harry stared at the Soul Stone, trying to wrap his head around the idea that he was now holding a gem that could, in theory, let him control the fabric of the universe. He shook his head, as if that would make the absurdity of the situation any clearer. "Seriously? Thanos is out there thinking he can fix the universe by doing a cosmic headcount and just erasing half of everything?"

Death nodded with the gravity of someone who's seen one too many universe-altering disasters. "Yep, that's his plan. He believes that wiping out half the population will bring balance. It's like trying to fix a broken vase by smashing the rest of it."

Harry smirked, trying to lighten the mood. "So, I'm basically the universe's cleanup crew now? Fantastic. I was just hoping to enjoy a nice cup of tea, but apparently, saving existence is on the menu today."

Death's expression softened just a hint, acknowledging the burden Harry was about to shoulder. "Exactly. But remember, Harry, you have the Soul Stone now. It's your ace in the hole. Use it wisely, and you just might be able to stop Thanos before he snaps his fingers and makes half the universe go poof."

With a determined nod, Harry tightened his grip on the Soul Stone. He might be up against a cosmic tyrant with a god complex, but he was ready. "Alright, Thanos," he muttered under his breath. "Let's see if you're up to dealing with a guy with a cosmic gem and a serious attitude problem."

As Harry geared up for his epic showdown with Thanos, Death drifted over with a look of solemn gravity that would make any soap opera character jealous. "Before you dash off, Harry," she intoned, "I need the Hallows."

Harry's eyebrows practically shot off his forehead. The Hallows were his magic tricks up his sleeve, symbols of his legendary status. "Uh, why exactly?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady while his curiosity did cartwheels.

Death's gaze was like a poker face on a high-stakes game. "I'm planning to merge them with you," she explained, "to boost your powers for the fight ahead."

Harry thought about it for a second. The Hallows had been part of his cosmic toolbox for ages, but if giving them up meant getting supercharged for his battle with Thanos, it was worth it. He nodded solemnly and handed them over. "Alright, let's do this."

Death's process of merging the Hallows with Harry felt like a magical car crash. The energy crackled around him, and he could practically taste the power. The pain was intense, like a thousand electric needles jabbing him simultaneously. Harry gritted his teeth and thought of it as a necessary evil—pain now, glory later.

As the magic swirled and merged, Harry felt like his very essence was being overhauled, like someone was remodeling his soul. Amid the chaos, Death's ethereal presence was a calm in the storm, like the soothing voice of an overworked teacher telling him to hang in there.

Eventually, the sensation of merging faded, leaving Harry with a power boost that made him feel like he could bench-press a mountain. He took a deep breath, his body trembling from the magical workout. He felt like he could take on Thanos, a fleet of Death Eaters, and a few bad hair days, all at once.

Death's spectral hand rested on his shoulder in a gesture that was almost as comforting as a big bear hug. "Farewell, Harry Potter," she said, her voice echoing with that eerie charm. "May the Hallows' power guide you and keep you safe."

Harry's throat felt like it had a lump the size of a small dragon. "Thanks, Death. Really," he managed, his voice cracking a bit. "I won't forget what you've done."

With a final nod, Death faded into the shadows, her job here done. Harry took one last deep breath and stepped through the portal, feeling ready to take on whatever universe-bending challenges awaited him.

As the portal snapped shut behind him, Harry felt a surge of excitement and nerves. But with the Hallows' combined power thrumming through him, he knew he was geared up for a showdown with Thanos. With Death's words echoing in his ears, he stepped into the unknown, heart full of resolve and a sense of destiny ready to unfold.


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