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92.85% The Red Rose and The Black Rose / Chapter 52: Chapter 35

Chương 52: Chapter 35

The Lion King, Lehonyds, growled as he slammed the table of the impromptu strategic meeting between the surviving Tribe Leaders.

"How can it be that we already lost contact with 11 fortress cities that we took…? WE SHOULD EVEN HAVE RECEIVED SOME KIND OF WARNING OR SOMETHING!" He roared, staring with his piercing yellow eyes at the group of 4 Beastmen, his 4 main war commanders.

There used to be 5 of them, but one of them no longer sent any kind of information, nor was there any knowledge of their location, nor whether they were successful in their skirmish.

The entire army originally numbered up to 300,000 soldiers, but they had lost one of their divisions… Or at least they were absolutely non-responsive, not even messengers returned. So they could say that their actual strength was 260,000 men.

40,000 Beastmen… This… Was worrying… And his commanders seemed just as shocked and confused as he was.

"It's possible that they had reinforcements from another kingdom. They caught the Werewolf Leader off guard, and thus defeated his division, which was made up of men from all the other divisions…" Lord Taserghaus, the Cheetah Man, acclaimed for his great combat ability thanks to his tribe having come from the jungle of the northwest, explained his theory… But for something like that, an army twice as large as the lost division would be needed…

A Beastman was worth at least 5 human men, in combat they were not inferior, they were in fact far superior, so it was certain that it was not something that the Draconic Kingdom had done alone…

"They required a force twice or three times that of the Werewolf Leader! Something very powerful must have done that! What if it was those 'Slanes'!?" The Leader of the Eagle Men added as he pondered instead.

Well… Although the 'Slane Theocracy' would have the power to do something like that, they had no incentive whatsoever…

It was true that they sought racial and religious supremacy, but they were not stupid enough to get into that kind of battle…

Still, considering that the Slane Theocracy was bordering the Draconic Kingdom, it was possible that they felt threatened, and thus sent their strongest warriors to support this kingdom…

It was a possibility that became somewhat dangerous… But he trusted that his army was strong and large enough to overcome such an obstacle.

However, of course, such a possibility was not the case. But in the Beastmen's ignorance, but their own blindness of simply being superior to humans, they could not see it, and they had information, nor ways to obtain it regarding human countries, but they had some or several warriors capable of fighting on equal terms with Beastmen. They were few, but threats nonetheless, which the strongest leaders should deal with, and with great care.

"If that is the case, we should resort to less direct war tactics. Although the Theocracy has lost some Scriptures, it is still a place with creatures of such great power, it is not wise to face such power face to face." The Foxmen Leader said, experts in the century and guerrilla warfare, as well as the most informed, being the information specialist… Or well, the only one who cared about it, being from a race that was not especially strong, but fast, it was a big possibility, and perhaps the most effective for now. But another spoke up.

"That is stupid. We must go straight to the capital of the Draconic Kingdom, leave them without supplies and without soldiers. No matter how powerful these 'Scriptures' are, they cannot fight without resources, soldiers, and at a disadvantage of 10 to 1." The Bearmen Lord exclaimed loudly.

The Lion King then thought… All of them were possible… Still, guerrilla tactics were not the most suitable for someone like him, for the Beastmen in general. They had to defeat their enemies directly and forcefully, with brute force and destructiveness. But it was effective, and if the Theocracy was involved, he had to make decisions.

"Get your men ready, we will attack tomorrow at dawn with 3 divisions to different sections of the capital, south, east and west. Leader of the Foxmen, take your division to the North of the Capital of the Draconic Kingdom. It will be the complete destruction of this inferior government, and the Beastmen will reign over these foolish humans again." The Lion King exclaimed, making everyone nod their heads, but a rumbling sound was heard outside the big tent.

And suddenly, explosions did as well.

"Dragons!" They heard a soldier alert outside the tent…

The leaders, for the most part, did not properly register the soldier's words. After all, it was something impossible.

"What!?" Lehonyds roared in disbelief. Again, it was impossible.

If the Draconic Kingdom had Dragons, they would have deployed them long ago. If the 'Slane Theocracy' had Dragons, they wouldn't be so 'supremacist' so to speak. And if the so-called Dragons who founded the Draconic Kingdom were so concerned about their nation, they would have come to defend their people long ago.

This was… Unheard of…

With pure fury, and wishes that the soldier was really just delirious, he stepped out of the tent, being welcomed with sunlight, which was constantly obscured by piles of leathery wings and scaly bodies that circled around like a swarm…

"… It can't be…" His jaw dropped.

Indeed, they were Dragons… But there weren't two or three… There were just over 100… Each one being at least the size of an Adult Dragon… Followed by thousands of Wyverns…

Several Dragons and Wyverns even had humanoid knights on their backs… Or Dragons with humanoid shapes and armor…

And towering over the entire swarm, a monster.

It wasn't even a Dragon.

A Dragon wouldn't be so horrifying. So terrifying. So unnatural.

The Lion King growled loudly as he looked to the side at the pile of weapons and quickly approached it, taking out a spear made entirely of iron.

"[Enhance Strength: Lion Rage]! [Accuracy Burst: Predator Sight]!" He roared before firing the weapon with all his might, which released a thunderous sound as it broke the sound barrier instantly.

The spear headed straight for the winged monster. Its power was such that nothing known could withstand its attack.

Even the toughest armor would perish, a spear with a power behind it that would pierce through an entire wall, hit the castle, and hit the wall behind it. But…

Despite his meticulous precision, the weapon, upon impacting the chest of the monstrous being, simply broke at its tip, falling to the ground… Without having left a single mark on the creature…

It was impossible… Nothing in this world… With few exceptions… Could have such toughness and resilience… It shouldn't…

The cloudy eyes, coated in thick, pasty oil, that seemed to not even be there stared at Lehonyds intently.

The Lion King, even with the enhancements that gave him a small mental enhancement, felt his mind being observed like an open book… Before being immediately thrown into a bonfire made from the flesh of his peers, mothers, fathers, and children, until it was nothing more than a pile of ashes without meaning or value. With nothing…

The soldiers watched as the Lion King, Lehonyds, the leader of the entire invasion operation into the Draconic Kingdom was expelling darkness and blood from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth, as he staggered limply in place, before letting himself fall into a heap of convulsions while vomiting and choking on his own viscera.

The first fortress city taken by the Beastmen, Draulios, in honor of the powerful and impenetrable lineage of the Dragons, was plunged into horror as the Dragons began to plummet.

"Mm? You say that one was strong…?" Suryt, or rather, Brynhildr, asked her mount, Siegfried.

Siegfried let out a sound like a drowning man mixed with the howling of the wind, which came out from between its slimy jaws and full of murky teeth inside like a whistle.

"Ah, well, sure. Strong among the others, but still weak. Hm… Well. I'll have them take the weak bodies and send them to extract experience in a separate group. They'll have the fate of the others anyway." Brynhildr shrugged, pointing her staff to the side, and chanting. "[Napalm]"

A column of whitish fire rose from the ground above a bunch of Beastmen who thought they might run away.

Once the column disappeared, only a pile of charred bodies remained.

"Well, this is disappointing, as always… But fun~" The Draconic Knight smiled. "There aren't many humans, so we can just take them all and say that there was no one here anyway. If they ask, we got rid of the bodies."

Siegfried let out a sound again, as he vomited a pile of dark tar, which fell like an anvil on a group of Beastmen who were about to launch arrows and spells at the Eldritch Dragon.

The pile of 'slime' absorbed all the projectiles, and drowned the Beastmen in abysmal filth, making them scream in horror and agony as they were 'devoured' by the 'substance'.

"Yep~ Once we finish this, the time of conquering and cleansing the Beastmen Country begins. Just as the Supremes wish~" Suryt nodded.

This was very easy. But again, he would not be complacent. Her Ladies reminded her of this many times.

Eyesight herself was watching her for any threats, and the Commanders themselves would come to her aid if anything happened.

She felt somewhat spoiled by her Creator and her… Well, her partner, who was another Supreme Lord, which made it incredibly perfect… And in theory, it made Lady Black Abyss her… Stepmother…?

Brynhildr rolled her eyes as 'Suryt' shuddered at it.

After all, technically, according to her flavor text at least, Suryt was Brynhildr's stepdaughter. Now, well, they were 'one', in a sense.

Again, all thanks to her divine majesty, the Demon Queen of Titania Palace, Lady Dont-Say-My-Name.

She saw one of the Drakes hunting and frolicking with a Werefox, who seemed to be able to at least sneak around a bit more than usual, but she shrugged it off again. Even air units attempting to flee the Beastmen were hunted down in mid-air.

None would escape. None would survive. Such was Their will. The will of the Supremes.

Lady Nyx, or rather, Dont, walked through the upper districts of Deorum Regnum's capital, the Great Charity Modeus, which is a pun on the name of the Goddess of Black Abyss, and… Well, there wasn't much to do, obviously.

Why? Well, Deorum Regnum's territory was massive. It was literally the entire extent of the once-named Baharuth Empire.

More or less, the size of France or a bit less.

However… Well, its population was hardly worthy of a small country. Or not even.

After all, Deorum Regnum's population was based on small tribes of Demihumans from the Great Lake, POPs, a small percentage of the total Fairies of Titana, which was at most a large City-State, and a few travelers who came and went, or decided to settle here for the good deals and possibilities, and well, many other things.

Basically, Deorum Regnum needed a lot of time to have its inhabitants giving each other a lot of love to start filling the available gaps. Or function as a good refuge country and take immigrants for that very thing.

The basic things of the cities that were populated were taken care of by summons or POPs. But still, there was also a shortage of work due to the shortage of employers themselves.

Thanks to Titania's divinity and her vast amount of resources and ability to generate a massive GDP in less than a week thanks to the power of magic, and the incredibly huge and fertile biomes within several rooms, food, water, and some magic items were not a problem.

Even with the shortage of work, POPs or summons sold food at very low prices, but the economy was being stimulated in one way or another.

They were in the process of transferring money from Re-Estize, i.e. Lady Nyx's accounts in the Kingdom, to Titania to have legal capital, as well as the creation of the national currency itself. Which would be called 'Morgan'. Why? Because Dont was fascinated by the Witch from Arthurian Legends, and had a long-standing crush on the NPC of Yggdrasil that was Morgan Le Fay.

S-She was very pretty! Okay!?

Regardless, even in the capital, most of the streets were empty.

The upper district was only for the 'nobles' and successful businessmen, at least for the future, because… Nyx and a few others were the only ones able to walk around these places.

And since it's not like Black Abyss was really into giving privileges to the rich people who aren't from Titania, it was being planned to have the few nobles in the capital, namely Nyx, Black Abyss, and the Commanders, live in the Marble Palace. Meanwhile, the upper district would be for the workers. Not that they would live there, but that's where they would work.

Houses and buildings could be demolished and rebuilt in a single day, and the rest of the Grand Charity Modeus was a middle district. There was no place for the poor in Deorum Regnum, because no one would be poor under the rule of the Supremes~

Or well, publicly, the Marble Queen.

Of course, the economy wasn't stagnant within Deorum Regnum. It was slowly flourishing thanks to alliances with the surrounding countries. Namely, the Argland Council, the City-State Alliance, Karsanas, and the Minotaur Kingdom.

Basically, they had, slowly but surely, an economy that would emerge to be one of the most prosperous in the world~

Well, it was to be expected in part considering Dont and Black Abyss's mixed knowledge of capitalism thanks to their very long existence on Earth…

And well, thanks to Dont giving all the economic knowledge needed to run a country like the United States or Russia to good old Bachelory.

Whatever the case, the upper district was empty, and it was… Well, basically a tourist attraction for the upper-middle class, meaning all the citizens of Deorum Regnum, who were interested.

After all, unlike Re-Estize or something, there was no fee to enter and exit the upper district.

She hummed, going over a bit of the 'landlords' they had established so far. At least in the New World.

A couple of Lizardmen, an albino and another who was her partner, along with her brother by blood ties and such, were declared landowners of the Great Lake.

A huge mansion was built for them in the middle of the lake and everything. Nothing that really disrupted the ecosystem, since it was a floating palace, and it had several Titania Druids taking care of everything.

Gondo Firebeard… No, that was something like the Assistant Blacksmith. Black Abyss had met him in the Dwarven Kingdom, and he said something about Runes, so he assigned him to Din Mandalore, along with all the Runesmiths Gondo could gather.

Thanks to the good treatment, the diversity of species, and the good remuneration, he could see reports of more Dwarven blacksmiths coming to Deorum Regnum every day, so it was good news, he could revive some blacksmithing classes if it was the case.

Aside from that, a rare animal called Pe Riyuro was declared as one of the two landowners of the areas of the Azerlisia Mountains that were now Deorum Regnum's from its peaks to the east, obviously leaving the Dwarven Kingdom's territory intact.

Basically, the Mountains acted as an obvious border between Deorum Regnum and Re-Estize. Like the Andes Mountains between Argentina and Chile.

Outside of Pe Riyuro, there was the former Leader of the Ice Giants.

To be clear, the 'Quoagoa' or whatever it was pronounced, had the inside of the mountains. Mines, tunnels, caves, and part of the foot of the mountains, having the Myconids as citizens practically.

On the other hand, the leader of the Ice Giants, subdued by Black Abyss, was put in charge of official diplomatic relations with the Dwarf Kingdom, due to its proximity, and the territory that was pure mountain, where it was so cold, that not even the Dwarves could really live there.

It was necessary to teach him many things, but thanks to Lord Magister, Cristofer Mc Gorilla and Black Abyss, he was able to be taught to behave appropriately and control his Giant temper.

Supposedly, according to the Ice Giant, there were 'Mountain Giants' further north, but that is where the Argland Council territory began, so they would not inquire about it for now.

There were some Mermaids who were in the giant inland sea north of Baharuth, which was in their territory, and they were eternally grateful to Deorum Regnum for cleaning up the poison that had contaminated the water, and for curing their people of the effects of such poison.

Obviously, no one told them that Dont and Black Abyss were the cause of such 'poison', i.e. radiation, so they simply annexed them to the port cities, and named the Merrow Queen.

They were basically like River Mermaids or something, but they had to move to that inland sea, or rather, a giant lake, because of the Empire.

They were promised to be able to return and repopulate the rivers, so they were even more grateful.

They built an underwater mansion for the Queen at the mouth of a river, to act as a customs for Mermaids or other intelligent marine species that took an interest in Titania.

Rivers were freed, rivers were expanded so that Mermaids and other species could enter without problems, etc.

Obviously, many magical items had to be used to create water to fill the free space.

At least there would be no flooding.

At the moment, those were all Dont could remember as she was followed by the Dark Hero Armor, acting as her bodyguard… Besides the invisible and hidden Mercenary NPCs around her.

They would soon be at war, so Dont assumed that these moments of walking were the only frustration-free moments she would have for a while. Or at least without having to resort to Black Abyss.

Mm~ Thinking of her cute little dove sent a shiver of happiness down her spine, and made her smile.

She had been so happy ever since… Well, they started that… It was in the heat of the moment, basically. Even Dont wasn't sure what happened for her to come to love Black Abyss. Sure, she had her internal debate at the time, but it mattered little now. Right now, she only knew that she loved Black Abyss with all her being, and just thinking about her brought her immense happiness.

She didn't even notice when she left the upper district, and entered the middle district. It could be said that the middle district wasn't really even there, as all the inhabitants of Titania would be minimally of what would be upper-middle class. It was a strange thing to compare, but well, there was no poverty in Deorum Regnum~ At least as long as people worked to get their things and such.

If they wanted to be supported but not have luxuries, then they would be the equivalent of lower class, and would barely have the basics to survive.

The residences for those people would be outside the walls of the capital, meaning, even the farms would be more luxurious.

Regardless, she hummed, seeing that there was more life.

Those who didn't know who she really was, only saw her as the gentle Lady Nyx.

But those who did know, that is, the Fairies of Titania, saw her as if she were a Goddess on earth… Well, she WAS a Goddess on earth~ She was the Demon Queen~ The Daemon~ She was sure that Black Abyss would agree~

Speaking of which, she could buy something for her little dove. Maybe a cat collar or something… Although there were better collars on Titania right away… Something to eat…? No… On Titania there were countless things better than anything made here…

Thinking about it like that, it was difficult…

She looked to the side, seeing what would be a pet store.

It gave her the creeps for a moment, but she remembered the incredible law she ordered to be implemented to make dogs illegal… God… The thought alone made her want to curl up in her bed with Black Abyss until she calmed down…

She shook his head.

Now that she thought about it, thanks to the fact that they were basically something new for the inhabitants, since cats were common in Titania as decorative POPs, parrots, etc., and those from the New World generally could not afford to have pets, or for different reasons, like the Lizardmen or Dwarves, pets were very popular. At least that's what she read from a report.

And sure enough, looking through the shop window, it was empty, with a sign that said 'We don't have any more for the rest of the week.'

However, that seemed to be a lie. For there was a… Rabbit? Yes, it was a rabbit.

It was a black rabbit. The blackest rabbit Dont had ever seen. It wasn't like she had seen many anyway.

It was calm, but… Its gaze…

It was brutal. With eyes as white as the very emptiness of nothingness in the middle of darkness, the final light you see when the afterlife claimed you, staring intensely at its target as if it were going to go and tear its head off and dress in its skin while it feasted on its organs and drank from its heart…

{Visage of Hellspawn or something IDK PNG}

The rabbit stared at Dont. Dont stared at the rabbit.


Gazef Stronoff stared silently as he leaned against the walls of E-Rantel.

He saw the large militias resting and training within E-Rantel, and outside the Fortress City.

E-Rantel was a military city, made to deal with days of attacks from any flank and without access to replenishment of supplies.

However, it was not a city made to withstand such a large army. But of course, it did not matter, in a few days, everyone would move towards the Katze Plains, where they would surely face the Deorum Regnum army face to face…

He looked at his hand, and clenched his fist.

There was… There was a high possibility that he would find himself against Titania or Lady Nyx. Either of the two were threats of his level or higher.

They saved his life. They saved Re-Estize… They did much more than he ever did in his life…

He felt pathetic, but oh well. He was comparing himself to two great women.

Lady Nyx was a renowned merchant, with very high power, capable of controlling an extremely strong knight, in addition to her economic power, which must be very large, since he heard that she always had magical objects of great power to sell…

Meanwhile, Titania was an Adamantite class adventurer, the strongest he had ever met…

She was credited with very great achievements, including being the only one capable of dealing with the Komodo Demon… She was someone out of her league…

"Everything okay there, Gazef?" He heard the familiar voice… The voice of his old rival…

No, his friend.

He put on a bad face, and gave a smile to the man, who was followed by the blond man he also appreciated so much.

"Ah, Brain. Climb. What brings you here?" He smiled at them.

"Well, I wasn't interested in training these weaklings, and the boy here was worried about you, so we came to pay you a visit." The blue-haired man let out a light laugh, while Climb blushed a little from the embarrassment of being a little exposed.

Gazef just smiled at this.

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm perfectly fine, Climb." He said to the boy…

"… I'm sorry for being so hesitant, Mr. Stronoff… But…"

"I'll tell you again, Climb. Only Gazef is fine." He wanted to laugh. This boy was so formal and upright… He was a good warrior.

"Y-Yes! M-Mr. Gazef!" He said, standing up straight, and only earning a pat on the back from Brain, and the joint laughter of the pair of higher caliber warriors.

"So, what is your hesitation, Climb?"

"… Mr. Gazef… Deorum Regnum… We don't know where they came from at all. We don't know if they even exist… But if they really have Miss Titania… Well… We also don't know at all how they will attack or defend… We don't know anything about them… What if… You have to fight Miss Titania…?" He asked with much doubt and… Worry.

Climb really wasn't someone who showed much concern, but it only made Gazef appreciate the gesture of coming to see him more.

Brain also looked at Gazef, really waiting for an answer.

"Well… If Titania really is with an enemy, I really don't think I can win… Still, I will try… At least talk to her… And if the worst happens… Although it's obvious that I'm no match for her… I will fight with everything I have." He said firmly and determinedly.

Brain could only stare in amazement at Gazef for a moment, before snorting with a smile, and Climb only looked uneasy… But… He also felt incalculable respect.

Climb's blue eyes met Gazef's brown ones.

The Warrior Captain nodded at him.

"Take care, Climb. Please protect the king in my absence, and the princess." He smiled at him, making the blond blush a little at the second implication. Looking at Brain now, he spoke. "Brain… I just want you to know… That if I die… I want you to be my successor."

"Huh!? What are you talking about!? Did you lose your temper from the stress of war or what!?" The swordsman shouted at him, only earning a laugh from Gazef.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Gazef gave him a smile again.

"I know it may seem strange… But I trust you, Brain. Take care of Climb if the worst happens. I'll say it now, before I can't say it anymore."

Brain fell silent, and lowered his head.

"… I'll think about it…"


"Tch. You're so annoying." Brain clicked his tongue and acted angry… But really… He felt his heart sink. "… I'm going to go get something to drink. Come if you want. Are you coming Climb?" He asked the blond.

"I-I shouldn't be drinking… But I'll be there anyway." He smiled at them with a slight bow.

"Fu~ Alright, kid. Let's go!" The blue-haired boy said as he started to head towards the slope.

"Haha. I like how you've improved these days, Brain… Climb… Thank you…"

"H-Huh? W-Why…?"

"For being there for Brain… Helping him out of the abyss he was in… I'm sure he wouldn't be like this if it weren't for you."

The blond just stared at Gazef, incredulous, not knowing what to say… Master Brain… Well… Gazef really should thank Titania for everything… She helped Climb and Brain back in the day… But the mere mention of Titania was… Bitter nowadays…

He didn't really know much about her, only that she was a good person, very good in fact, more than he could ever imagine being…

Perhaps fighting her wouldn't be so bad… It would be a noble death… But he wanted to avoid such a fate as much as possible… Even if Gazef wanted it… Climb didn't want to see him fight her… He didn't want her to die… For his two pillars in this world, whom he admired so much, to kill each other…

He clenched his fists. He would do everything he could to get the three of them back safe and sound.

"Well, I'll go get Brain. He may be changed now, but it doesn't mean he can control himself when drunk." He chuckled.

Climb nodded silently, and Gazef gave him one last pat on the shoulder, before following where Brain had gone…

He was beginning to hide…

Climb looked at the horizon, towards where the Katze Plains were…

He feared what was to come… But he was Princess Renner's guard! He would make sure not to disappoint her and would return to her side!

Black Abyss•White Flower stood on a beautiful balcony, looking out over the Silver Citadel, cutting a piece of steak and bringing it to her mouth.

Titania's wonderful view was always nice to look at, but she was thinking of something else.

"Let's say you love someone, Maria. In a hypothetical case, let's say it's an evil person with -500 karma, what would you give them?" The Supreme asked Maria, who was with her today along with her daily maid.

The lower-ranking Angel blinked, and looked to the side.

"Er… I'm sorry, my lady. I'm not an expert on matters of love… But based on experience considering the Commanders and other entities in Titania… And based on Lady Dont's personality… I suppose some chocolates with dulce de leche wrapped with a coffee and a flower would please her when she wakes up from a nap…" She said with the most professional tone possible regarding the subject while standing next to Black Abyss, ready to serve her tea or coffee if she wanted more, or well, fulfill any of her whims.

Black Abyss blushed a little. She didn't know from what moment her relationship with Dont became so public, any time she tried to say it indirectly, the maids knew she was talking about Dont…

It's true, she made many displays of affection and love in front of some Maids. But… Didn't they gossip too quickly…?

"I-I see…" Black Abyss murmured with a droplet falling from her forehead.

Dont and her were the perfect couple according to all of Titania… And well, for her, they were too~ Dont probably thought the same, so she couldn't be more perfect in her opinion.

She wanted to do many things with her, chat, play, eat, sleep and so on~ Well, she couldn't stop thinking about that Demon~

How strange… Were there stories on Earth about an Angel falling in love with a Demon…? And vice versa…? She didn't know but… She hoped to be the first in this world~ And she was going to show all her love~

It was strange anyway. How could an Angel with a karma of 500 fall in love with a Demon with a karma of -500?

She didn't know from what moment she started to really love her... But... She did know that a long time ago she had started to feel jealous of her...

Seeing her with others made her a little angry...

She never mentioned it, she believed that it was something wrong with herself, she shouldn't feel that kind of need to control her, and she didn't want to do it before but... That was before.

Nowadays, the thought of Dont being only hers in every sense of the word belonging, was a very big happiness~

She wanted all her attention, all her love, everything about Dont~ Just for her~ And in return, she would give her double the happiness and love~

She couldn't help but think about a future together, many doubts came to her head. "Could we have children together?" Was the main one, although she didn't really realize that she thought such a thing out loud.

A sound of glass cracking was heard, and she looked to the side, seeing the static Maria with several unruly and messy hairs, her glasses strangely very white and covering her eyes, and with cracks along them.

The senior maid shook her head, making her hair and glasses return to normal, clearing her throat as she seemed to… Process the idea…

"M-My lady… T-That would be…" She didn't seem to have words… But she didn't seem against it… Quite the opposite. "It would be very wonderful if such a thing happened~" She gave a tender and kind smile to her lady, giving a slight bow.

"Hm? What would be wonderful?" Black Abyss looked somewhat confused by Maria's sudden words.

"Well. To be able to have a child born from the Supremes roaming around Titania… I'm sure, my lady, that it would be something that would fill every single one of the inhabitants of the Palace with pure joy~"

Black Abyss froze for a moment, looking at Maria with white eyes, before blushing more than ever, putting her hands on her face.

"Wah…" She blurted out, not realizing that she was thinking out loud…

Maria, on the other hand, only smiled somewhat tenderly at the Supreme, enjoying the small embarrassment that the Supreme seemed to let show in the name of her love for Lady Dont.

Still, the head maid received a [Message] from Eyesight. Lady Dont had returned, therefore it was time for her to manage the maids again. Which made her a little sad to not be able to continue seeing the tenderness of the Supreme, but she was happy at the same time, if she left them together, they could fulfill the dream of many maids to serve the offspring of their Goddesses~

"My lady~ I have to go, Lady Dont has returned~" Maria exclaimed, smiling at the happy face of the Sacred upon hearing such news, so she did not waste any more time and bowed, then leaving the room.

Black Abyss came out of her happiness in a moment, looking to her side and seeing that Maria was no longer there, and had left… With the gossip in her hands…

"W-Wah!" Surely in an hour the entire palace will know about what she said…

The divine Queen of Titania walked through the halls of the palace, followed by the dear Bael, the first maid of the 50.

She looked at her from the side, and smiled at her.

"Bael~ Dear~ How are you~?" She smiled at the Demon, who only froze for a moment, before regaining her stride.

"I am in perfect condition, my Queen." She said with her usual professional tone.

"Good, good~" She hummed. "I haven't been keeping up with your growth lately due to the administration regarding the war with Re-Estize. What level are you currently at~?" She asked, rather curious.

"My current level is 41, my Queen. With Lord Bachelory, Lady Maria, and Lady Juliana helping me select the most appropriate route based on how you Supremes dictated to me." She informed with an attempt to remain professional, but she was able to keep a small smile from escaping.

The Demon Queen, stopped, and looked at Bael.

"Fu~ That's lovely news~ You really grew up a lot, Bael~ I'm so happy and proud of you~" She smiled at her, patting her on the head.

Of course, this caused a reaction of pure transcendental shock in the number 1 servant of Titania's Ars Goetia, before Dont walked again, heading in one direction.

Bael shook her head, her thoughts, her nervousness, embarrassment, happiness, joy, brutally excited feelings, etc, and followed her Queen like a good servant with a firm and elegant step, although skipping slightly.

She really liked the pat~

"Bonjour~ My little dove~" With a kick, Dont opened the door to one of the balconies of the Upper Mansion of the Silver Citadel.

Black Abyss looked surprised as she was biting into an apple, giving it to her and waving with her hand, as well as giving a happy smile to the Demon Queen.

The number 1 maid of the 50, Bael, was behind Dont, but she gave a polite bow, and waited outside the room.

The little dove pointed her hand to a chair next to the table, indicating to Dont where she could sit.

"Hello, my love~" She murmured to her as she practically appeared next to Black Abyss, leaning over her and giving her a nice hug from the side. "Was everything okay in my absence~?"

Black Abyss swallowed the apple and gave Dont a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello dear~ Yes~ Although there might be a controversy soon…" She murmured with a droplet on her forehead.

"Hm?" Dont murmured, but shrugged.

Black Abyss then noticed that Dont had a kind of cage with a black blanket covering the inside in her hand.

"Don't worry~ You'll find out later~" The Angel told her with a wide smile, giving her another kiss. "By the way, did you buy anything?" She asked looking at the cage.

"Ah~ Yes~ I was passing by the streets of the Great Charity Modeus and it occurred to me to buy you a little gift~" She smiled at her. "I was a little hesitant at first, since crafts or food wouldn't make sense… And I found this little bug~ Very cute by the way~"

As she explained, Dont placed the cage on the table, still covered, of course.

"Little bug?" Black Abyss tilted her head slightly, looking curiously at the cage.

"Fu~ Look~" And with a smile and a flourish, Dont pulled out the cloth that hid the inside of the cage.

It was a creature… Dark… Whose eyes were staring directly at Black Abyss' soul… Its jaws had two teeth waiting to devour her entire soul…

Or at least that's how it looked to Dont, as Black Abyss smiled widely with a ':D' face upon seeing the bunny.

{Nightmare of the Void or Something IDK PNG}

"Wah~! How cute~!" The Angel said as she opened the cage, taking the small dark creature in her hands and bringing it to her chest, laying the rabbit there while patting it. Black Abyss looked at Dont with great happiness. "Thank you, love~" She said before giving her another kiss on the cheek.

"Mo~ I knew you would like him~" She smiled lovingly as she happily received the kisses. "He was alone at an adoption center. So people didn't want him. I took him because he looked cool~ And I wanted to give him to you because I love you~" She said sweetly as the Demon Queen herself gave her little dove a kiss on the cheek.

"He's black~ What should I name him~? Snowflake~? White Flower~?" Black Abyss asked playfully.

"Mm~ Maybe something in reference to your beautiful name and in mockery of its color~ But still referring to it… Mm… How about Black Flower instead of White Flower~?" She proposed with a smile.

Black Abyss lifted the rabbit a little, staring at it, to which she smiled, the name suited it well~

"Perfect~ You will be Black Flower then~ Welcome to Titania~" She said to the bunny, rubbing her cheek against it.

On the other hand, the renamed Black Flower, cursed that insignificant woman for having freed him from his prison, only to put her in another.

The evil in his eyes twisted as he looked at the black-haired woman, who did not even flinch at the gaze capable of stealing souls, while the woman in white only took him out of the cage, in a mockery of his lack of freedom, and began to caress him tenderly.


The Lernaean Young, the monster that roams the forests of Helheim, cursed his prison in this body that all his brothers had also been subjected to.

He roared in pure fury and thirst for revenge towards this pair of women, while a small screech came out of his mouth that only made the so-called 'Black Abyss' let out an 'Awww~'...

It doesn't matter. Someday, he, Black Flower, would break out of his prison, and destroy this disgusting place that he would be forced to call 'home', which was nothing more than another prison above the prison outside his initial prison...

Ugh... Damn Odin... If only he hadn't locked all the Lernaean Youngs in these pathetic bodies until such bodies die... Tch...

Black Flower cursed again among the endless curses he had released since he was imprisoned, at everything.




Name: Bael




DontSayMyName DontSayMyName

Greetings~ As promised, here it is~ The awesome chapter 35~ Muajajajajaja~ Some action from our beloved Suryt and her faithful companion from beyond the stars granted by the Supremes~

Dont finding a super curious rabbit that has its connection with her people in some way. Some Gazef, Brain, Climb stuff, although honestly it was tedious for me. As such, Gazef doesn't attract me much as a character, Brain either, and Climb even less. But hey, literary quality demands it.

Some slice of life with the Maids, who doesn't want that~? And not much else~ Besides Bael's 2nd Character Sheet~ She's growing so pretty~ Ah~ And so fast~

Anyway~ Next week I'll post an interlude on Wednesday as it should be, before posting chapter 36 on its respective Friday. Of course, you can go to my Wattpad to already read the interlude and the chapter 36, in spanish though, but with images~ Or go to my Webnovel or Archive of Our Own to read the same as here, but with images~ Or just to support the story in other platforms~ Vote, comment, ask, etc, etc as much as you want~ See you then~ Have a nice day or night~ Bye~ Kisses~

next chapter
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