The following morning, Breanna woke to a horrible pounding in her head, quickly exceeded by the overpowering shame over the way she'd acted the night before.
Oh by the Higher Powers, I'm a light skirt - one who can't handle her pixie drink apparently. Throwing herself at her wizard like a bitch in heat. And oh by all the gods it had felt soooo good.
As for Terrence - the bloody cad - he'd behave like a perfect gentleman, well almost. Those lips sure could drive a girl wild. To give the rake credit, he'd put a halt to the most pleasurable thing she'd ever felt. Stupid man just had to suddenly decide he had morals, that, or he didn't want her anymore, a thought that had her sitting up too quickly.
Bad idea. The spinning meadow made her gut churn and she only had a second to throw herself sideways before she vomited indelicately in the grass.