Sia had been swamped with work at the store lately, leaving her little time to truly enjoy life or the wealth she had steadily accumulated. Not that she had much need for it—cultivation resources were often provided to her for free by the store owner, which covered her needs well enough. The only things she ever spent her units on were combat training sessions and the cozy new house she'd recently bought in a much better neighborhood than her previous one.
But even her new home felt underused; she only ever spent nights there, not doing much of anything. The monotony of her life was beginning to wear her down, leaving her feeling drained and restless. Adding to her frustration was the lack of attention she'd been getting from Kevin, the store owner. She'd grown used to him casting his gaze her way, and now, as he finally turned some attention back to her, she couldn't even savor it fully.
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá