It had been some time since they left on their new ship. The warm afternoon sun cast long shadows across the Going Merry's deck as the crew went about their activities. Zoro dozed against the railing, his swords propped carefully beside him. At her desk, Nami studied her maps, occasionally glancing at the shifting clouds overhead. Near the bow, Usopp swung a pole around, acting out an imaginary battle against invisible foes.
In the corner, Luffy hunched over something, his tongue sticking out in concentration.
"Done!" Luffy suddenly shouted, drawing everyone's attention.
Zoro cracked open an eye. "With what?"
"Our mark," Luffy proudly held up his attempt at a Jolly Roger. The other three stared in horror at the bent and disfigured creation.
"This is our...mark?" they asked in unison as Luffy beamed.
"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?" Luffy grinned.
"Shouldn't our mark strike fear into our enemies?" Zoro asked dryly.
Usopp sighed and stepped forward. "Here. Let the artist show you how it's done." He quickly painted a new symbol, but it looked suspiciously like himself.
'Just like I saw,' Luffy thought, giving an annoyed look before he and Zoro simultaneously hit Usopp. "Rejected," they declared.
Usopp tried again, this time creating what would become their true mark - a skull and crossbones wearing a straw hat.
"That's very good," Nami approved.
"That's the one. Draw it on the sails too, Usopp," Luffy ordered, pointing upward. After completing the task, Usopp collapsed on the deck, exhausted.
Luffy looked up at the sails with satisfaction. "Now the pirate ship Going Merry has everything she needs." As if on cue, clouds began gathering overhead.
Before anyone could comment on the weather, Luffy's expression turned serious. "Everyone, there's something you need to know. We're heading to the Baratie restaurant first, but after that, we have an important mission." He glanced at Nami before continuing, "Usopp, there's something you need to know. Nami's village is under the control of a Fishman pirate named Arlong. We're going to help free her people."
Usopp's hands trembled slightly. "F-fishman? Like the ones who are ten times stronger than humans?"
Dark clouds gathered overhead as Luffy finished his explanation about Arlong. The sea grew choppy, making the Going Merry sway gently.
"Don't worry," Luffy grinned, stepping into an open space on the deck. "I've gotten stronger too. Watch this!"
Steam began rising from his body as he called out, "Gear Second!" His skin took on a pink hue, and the rising steam created an almost mystical effect against the darkening sky.
Usopp stumbled backward, his jaw-dropping. "H-he's steaming! Is he on fire?!"
"No," Zoro's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively tightening on his sword hilt. "This is different. The air around him... it feels heavier somehow."
Nami gripped the railing, her knuckles white. "Luffy, what did you do to yourself?"
Before anyone could blink, Luffy vanished from sight. A sudden gust of wind whipped past them, and he appeared behind Zoro, then above the mast, then by the figurehead - moving so fast he left afterimages in his wake.
"Amazing..." Usopp whispered, his eyes struggling to track their captain's movements. "He's like a ghost!"
"No," Zoro corrected, a slight smirk forming on his face. "He's just that fast now."
Nami's analytical mind was already working. "But there must be some drawback. Nothing comes without a price..."
"You're right," Luffy said, reappearing in front of them, still wreathed in steam. "It uses a lot of energy. But wait until you see this next one! Gear Third!"
The crew watched in stunned silence as their captain bit into his thumb and began to inflate his arm to massive proportions.
Luffy's arm swelled to gigantic proportions, dwarfing the Going Merry's mast. "Gear Third! Bone Balloon!"
"EHHHHH?!" Usopp shrieked, falling backward onto the deck. "His arm is huge! How is that even possible?!"
Nami's eyes widened in disbelief. "He's... he's blowing air into his bones? That's impossible!"
"Gomu Gomu no..." Luffy raised his massive fist toward the sky, the giant limb casting a shadow over the entire ship. "Giant Pistol!"
The force of Luffy's punch created a massive gust of wind that rocked the Going Merry. When he finished the demonstration, his body suddenly shrank down to a tiny, chibi version of himself.
"And this is the downside..." his voice squeaked, causing Usopp to burst into laughter despite his earlier shock.
"You're tiny!" Usopp wheezed between laughs. "Like a rubber doll!"
Zoro shook his head, though a small smile played at his lips. "So each of these powers has a serious drawback. You've got to be careful with how you use them, Captain."
"The shrinking only lasts as long as I stay in Gear Third," Luffy explained in his high-pitched voice, bouncing around the deck. "But yeah, I have to time it right in fights."
Nami rubbed her temples. "Just when I think you can't surprise us anymore... you turn into a giant and then shrink into a child. What's next?"
"Well..." Luffy grinned mischievously, waiting for his body to return to normal.
"You're still working on controlling them better, aren't you?" Zoro observed, arms crossed.
Luffy nodded. "Yeah, when I master it completely, I won't have any side effects with Gear Third!"
The following day brought clear skies and steady winds - perfect training weather. The crew gathered on deck each morning, their determination varying with each passing day.
While Luffy thinking if he should tell his crew about haki or not. It wasn't that big of a secret for him, but he wasn't sure if they could awaken it in just 4 months. 'Maybe Zoro if I pushed him hard enough,' he thought, glancing at his first mate. His eyes then drifted to Nami and Usopp, 'but those two...' He shook his head dismissively.
"Everyone," Luffy announced, standing before his assembled crew. "Today we're going to try something new with the Haki training."
"Ow!" Luffy yelped as Nami's fist connected with his head. "What was that for?"
"I saw that look!" Nami fumed, her fist still raised. "You were thinking something rude about us, weren't you?"
"No, no, I wasn't!" Luffy protested, waving his hands defensively while sporting a fresh bump on his head. "I was just thinking about... uh... meat!"
"Liar!" Nami growled, raising her fist again.
Zoro watched the scene with mild amusement, while Usopp took several cautious steps back from the angry navigator.
"You're as scary as ever, Nami," Luffy mumbled under his breath, only to receive another bump on his head.
"Haki?" Zoro asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah. That's what it's called," Luffy said with a grin. "Haki is like... a power that everyone has, but most people don't know how to use it." He furrowed his brow, trying to explain it clearly. "There are three types. One lets you sense things and people's feelings, another lets you make your attacks stronger, and the last one..." he paused, thinking of Shanks, "lets you knock people out with your willpower."
The crew had varying reactions to this revelation. Zoro's eyes narrowed with interest, while Nami looked concerned, and Usopp started sweating nervously.
"H-how dangerous are these Haki users exactly?" Usopp stammered. "Maybe I'm coming down with my can't-go-to-the-Grand-Line disease..."
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. "Don't worry too much! We'll get stronger as we go. That's how pirates work! Besides, I believe in you guys!"
Luffy then explained each type in detail: "Observation Haki lets you sense things - like where attacks are coming from, or where people are even if you can't see them. Armament Haki is like invisible armor, makes your attacks stronger, and lets you hit Logia Devil Fruit users. And Conqueror's Haki, the rarest one, can knock out people with weak willpower!"
"So how do we start training?" Zoro asked eagerly, his hand resting on his sword.
"Well..." Luffy crossed his arms thoughtfully. "The best way to awaken Haki is through real battles. But there are some exercises we can do! For Observation Haki, we can start with blindfold training. Try to dodge attacks without seeing them!"
"And for Armament," he continued, "it's about focusing your will into a part of your body. Like making it hard as steel!"
Nami interjected, "Shouldn't we be careful about training? We're still in East Blue, and we don't want to attract too much attention..."
"Don't worry!" Luffy assured her. "We can practice while we sail. Besides, the stronger we get now, the more ready we'll be for the Grand Line! Though awakening Haki will take time - maybe four to six months for me and Zoro, and you and Usopp... well, we'll see!"
A week had passed since they began their Haki training. The initial excitement had waned, replaced by varying degrees of frustration and, in some cases, resignation.
Nami had already returned to focusing on her maps, muttering something about "impossible abilities" and "waste of time." Usopp, after numerous failed attempts at sensing attacks while blindfolded (and several bumps on his head), had retreated to working on his inventions instead.
Zoro, however, remained determined. During his training sessions, there were moments when he felt like he was on the verge of something - brief flashes of awareness that seemed promising - but they always slipped away before he could grasp them fully. These near-misses only fueled his determination, leading to longer training sessions.
But the most surprising development came from Luffy himself. During their practice sessions, he occasionally managed to dodge attacks without seeing them coming. At first, he thought it was just luck, but it kept happening.
"Hey, Zoro!" Luffy called out excitedly after successfully avoiding another swing. "I think I'm starting to get it! It's like... I can feel where the attack is coming from!"
Zoro paused his training, wiping sweat from his brow. "How are you progressing so fast?"
'Maybe because of what happened before?' Luffy mused, then quickly replayed, "Maybe I'm just naturally good at it! Shishishi!"
From her spot, Nami observed the exchange with curiosity. "You seem different when you train now, Luffy. More focused than usual."
"Really?" Luffy scratched his head. "I just remember what Ra- I mean, what I learned about Haki. It's like... feeling the world around you, not just seeing it."
Zoro's eyes narrowed slightly at Luffy's slip-up but said nothing. Instead, he resumed his stance. "One more round, Captain?"
"Sure!" Luffy grinned, though internally he was relieved no one pressed him about his almost-mention of Rayleigh. He needed to be more careful about revealing things he shouldn't know yet, It would ruin the fun after all.
As they continued training, the Going Merry sailed steadily toward their next destination, the floating restaurant Baratie, where Luffy knew another important member of their crew awaited them.
The afternoon sun glinted off the waves as Luffy positioned himself by the ship's cannon. A distant rock formation caught his eye, and a knowing smile played across his face.
He thought to himself, 'Perfect. This is exactly where I saw it.'
"Perfect target practice," he muttered, positioning the cannon. With a resounding boom, the cannonball soared through the air, missing the rock by several feet and creating a large splash in the water.
The sound drew his crewmates' attention. Nami looked up from her maps, Zoro cracked open one eye from his nap against the mast, and Usopp poked his head out from below deck.
"What are you doing, Luffy?" Nami called out, a hint of exasperation in her voice.
"Target practice!" Luffy replied cheerfully, scratching his head as if confused by his miss. "But I'm not very good at it."
The rock formation stood silently in the distance, and Luffy could barely contain his excitement. He knew that behind that rock, a chance encounter awaited - one that would lead them closer to finding their future cook.
"Hey, Usopp!" Luffy called out, still looking at the rock he'd just missed. "Can you help me practice with the cannon? I'm not very good at it."
Usopp perked up, glad to focus on something he was confident about rather than the frustrating Haki training. "Leave it to me! I'm an expert marksman, you know! They used to call me 'Cannon Master Usopp' back in my village!"
From his spot against the mast, Zoro observed the scene with half-lidded eyes. Though he appeared to be dozing, his mind was active, noting how their captain seemed to be orchestrating events with subtle purpose. It was becoming a familiar pattern - Luffy's apparent randomness that somehow always led them exactly where they needed to be.
"Really?" Luffy asked with genuine excitement, though he knew Usopp was embellishing as usual.
"Watch and learn!" Usopp declared, adjusting the cannon's position slightly. He took careful aim at the rock formation and fired. The cannonball flew true, striking the target dead center. "See? That's how it's done!"
"Wow! That was amazing!" Luffy cheered, genuinely impressed despite knowing about Usopp's skills beforehand.
However, their celebration was cut short by an angry voice shouting from the direction of the destroyed rock. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"
A small boat emerged from behind the remnants of the rock, and a man with sunglasses and a distinctive hairstyle was rowing furiously toward the Going Merry.
"Uh oh," Usopp gulped. "I think someone was using that rock as a landmark."
Luffy's grin didn't fade, knowing exactly who was approaching. "Don't worry! This might be interesting!"
The man reached their ship and climbed aboard, drawing his sword. "I'll teach you to destroy my napping spot! Do you have any idea how many of my fellow bounty hunters you could have killed?!"
"Sorry about that!" Luffy called out cheerfully. "We were just doing some target practice. I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates! Who are you?"
The man's expression shifted from anger to slight surprise at Luffy's direct introduction. "Johnny. I'm a bounty hunter. And if you're pirates..." He reached for his pocket, presumably for his bounty posters.
The man's hand froze halfway to his pocket as a familiar voice called out from behind him.
"Johnny? What's going on up here?"
Everyone turned to see Zoro approaching, having finally decided to properly join the commotion. Johnny's eyes widened in recognition behind his sunglasses.
"Big Bro Zoro?!" Johnny exclaimed, immediately dropping his aggressive stance. "Is that really you?"
"Been a while, Johnny," Zoro said with a slight smirk. "Where's Yosaku?"
"He's..." Johnny's expression suddenly turned grave. "He's in our boat. He's sick, Big Bro. He was fine a few days ago, but then his old wounds opened up and his teeth started falling out. I don't know what to do!"
Nami, who had been watching the exchange with interest, suddenly stepped forward. "Let me see him. It sounds like scurvy."
"Scurvy?" Johnny looked confused.
"It's a simple fix," Nami explained, already heading toward the side of the ship. "We just need to get him some citrus fruits. Luffy, Usopp, help me get him aboard!"
Luffy's rubber arms extended across the water, carefully lifting the sickly Yosaku onto the Going Merry's deck. Within moments, Nami had them treating him, practically force-feeding him limes while Yosaku weakly protested.
Suddenly, color returned to Yosaku's pale face. He sprang to his feet with unexpected vigor, joining Johnny in an impromptu celebration dance.
"I'M CURED!" Yosaku proclaimed, spinning joyfully.
"HE'S CURED!" Johnny echoed, matching his partner's movements.
"HOORAY!" they shouted in unison.
Nami's fist came down on both their heads. "YOU DON'T RECOVER THAT FAST, YOU IDIOTS!"
The bounty hunters composed themselves, straightening their clothes with exaggerated dignity. "Allow us to properly introduce ourselves," Johnny began with a formal bow.
"I'm Johnny."
"And I'm Yosaku."
They struck a synchronized pose. "We're bounty hunters!"
"Big Bro Zoro used to hunt with us," Johnny added, grinning at their old companion.
Zoro smirked from his position against the mast. "Never thought I'd run into you two again..."
"...especially as a pirate," Yosaku finished, moving to clasp Zoro's hand. The moment was cut short as his face turned ashen, and he collapsed mid-handshake.
"PARTNER!" Johnny's panicked cry rang out across the deck.
After settling Yosaku in to rest properly this time, the crew gathered in the lounge. The incident had sobered their mood considerably.
"Let this be a lesson," Nami said, making careful notes in the logbook. "The sea isn't forgiving of poor preparation."
Zoro nodded sagely. "You need to be ready for anything out here."
"That's exactly why we're the floating...resta...urant Bar...atie," Luffy declared through a mouthful of bread. He turned to Nami, eyes bright with anticipation. "Did you figure out where it is?"
"Yeah," Nami replied, looking up from her maps. "According to my calculations, we should reach the Baratie in a couple of days, assuming the weather holds up."
"A floating restaurant?" Johnny perked up from where he sat. "You mean the Baratie? That place is famous! They say the food there is incredible, but the cooks are all tough former pirates."
Luffy grinned widely at this, knowing exactly how tough one cook in particular was. "That's perfect! We need a cook for our crew anyway!"
"A cook would be good," Usopp agreed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "We can't keep living on bread and whatever we can catch from the sea."
"Plus, someone needs to make sure you don't eat all our provisions in one sitting, Luffy," Nami added with a pointed look at their captain.
Zoro observed Luffy's excited expression with interest. There it was again - that look that suggested their captain knew more than he was letting on. But as usual, he kept his observations to himself.
"Well, if you're all heading to the Baratie," Johnny said, straightening up with pride, "Yosaku and I can show you the way. We've passed by there plenty of times during our hunting." He paused, turning to Zoro with a knowing look. "Oh right, Big Bro! We heard some interesting rumors. That Hawk-Eye guy you've been searching for? Word is he's been spotted around those waters."
Zoro's hand instinctively moved to his white katana, his expression sharpening with interest. The mere mention of Hawk-Eye made his blood stir with anticipation.
"Great!" Luffy exclaimed, his trademark grin spreading across his face. He could barely contain his excitement, knowing full well what awaited them at the restaurant. "Then it's settled! To the Baratie we go!"
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