In Nanohana, the three brothers finally finished their meal (and the subsequent chaos) and found a quiet rooftop to plan their next moves.
"So," Sabo adjusted his hat, his expression turning serious. "What exactly are we dealing with here, Lu? You mentioned seeing the future - what happens in Alabasta?"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy perked up. "Crocodile tries to take over Vivi's country! He makes everyone fight each other with fake rain!"
"Dance Powder," Ace nodded. "We heard rumors about that."
"But this time it's different!" Luffy grinned. "Robin's on our side now; she knows all his plans! And I'm way stronger!"
"Robin?" Sabo raised an eyebrow. "Nico Robin? The archaeologist?"
"Shishishi! Yeah! She's my nakama now!"
"You recruited the Devil Child?" Ace whistled. "You do attract interesting people, Lu."
"Speaking of interesting," Sabo leaned forward, "Who taught Haki in the future,"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy bounced excitedly. "In the future, Rayleigh taught me Haki! So this time I already know how to use it!"
"RAYLEIGH?!" Both brothers' jaws dropped. "As in Dark King Rayleigh?!"
"Yep! He's super strong! Shishishi!"
"Lu..." Ace rubbed his temples. "You can't just casually mention being trained by that man's first mate..."
"Shishishi! Why not? Rayleigh's cool!" Luffy grinned, picking his nose casually.
"That's not the point!" Ace bonked him. "And stop picking your nose!"
"But Aceeeee," Luffy whined, rubbing the new bump.
Sabo chuckled at their antics before turning serious again. "So, what's our plan? We can't just let Crocodile continue his scheme."
"Oh! I know!" Luffy pumped his fists. "We kick his ass!"
"THAT'S NOT A PLAN!" Both brothers hit him simultaneously.
"But it worked last time!" Luffy protested, sporting two new bumps.
"Last time?" Ace raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah! I punched him hard and sent him flying through bedrock! Shishishi!"
Sabo adjusted his goggles thoughtfully. "Well, with your Haki now, you could probably handle him alone. But what about the civil war? And the Marines?"
"Don't worry!" Luffy grinned. "My crew's super strong! And Robin knows all of Crocodile's secrets!"
"Still," Ace crossed his arms, "we should-"
"Ah! I'm hungry again!" Luffy announced.
"YOU JUST ATE ENOUGH FOR AN ARMY!" His brothers shouted with shark teeth.
"Shishishi! But fighting makes me hungry!" Luffy patted his stretched stomach.
"Everything makes you hungry," Ace sighed, though a fond smile played on his lips.
"Speaking of fighting," Sabo twirled his pipe thoughtfully, "we should probably move soon. Those Marines won't stay down forever."
"Oh yeah!" Luffy jumped up. "I need to find my crew! They're probably getting supplies and stuff!"
"Your crew..." Ace's expression turned slightly protective. "Are they taking good care of my little brother?"
"They're the best!" Luffy beamed. "Zoro's super strong, and Nami's super smart, and Usopp tells cool stories, and Sanji makes the best meat, and Chopper's an awesome doctor, and Robin knows everything, and-"
"Breathe, Lu," Sabo chuckled.
"MEAT!" Luffy suddenly shouted, his nose twitching. "I smell Sanji's cooking!"
Before either brother could stop him, Luffy stretched his arms out. "GOMU GOMU NO ROCKET!"
"OI!" Both brothers shouted as Luffy grabbed them. "WAIT-"
The three brothers soared through the air, Luffy laughing while Ace and Sabo screamed (though they'd later deny it).
"LUFFY YOU IDIOT!" Ace's flames trailed behind them.
"SHISHISHI! This is fun!"
The three brothers landed (or more accurately, crashed) onto the Going Merry's deck, creating a small crater in the wood.
"MY SHIP!" Usopp cried with white eyes.
"Shishishi! We're back!" Luffy announced cheerfully, completely unfazed by the crash landing.
"YOU COULD HAVE USED THE LADDER!" Nami punched all three brothers, leaving matching bumps.
"Scary..." Ace and Sabo muttered in unison, impressed by someone actually disciplining their little brother.
"Ah!" A new figure landed gracefully on the deck, contrasting with the brothers' crash landing.
"SABO-KUN, YOU IDIOT!" Koala's fist connected with Sabo's head, leaving a steaming bump. "Do you know how long we've been looking for you?!"
"K-Koala!" Sabo clutched his new bump. "I can explain-"
"We had to follow the trail of EXPLOSIONS to find you!" Koala's teeth became shark-like. "What happened to being discreet?!"
"Shishishi! Who's this?" Luffy tilted his head.
"I'm Koala, this idiot's partner in the Revolutionary Army," she bowed politely to the crew before turning back to glare at Sabo.
"Oh?" Ace grinned mischievously. "Just partners?"
"YES!" Both Sabo and Koala shouted, faces red.
Robin observed the newcomer with interest. "Another Revolutionary? This is becoming quite the gathering."
"Anyway," Nami clapped her hands, "we need to prepare for the desert-"
"That won't be necessary," Robin interrupted, her expression serious. "My intelligence network indicates Crocodile has accelerated his plans significantly. The rebellion is about to begin in Alubarna."
"We intercepted some Marine communications," Koala reported, her expression serious. "They're temporarily withdrawing from Nanohana, but they're sending at least three Vice Admirals as reinforcement."
"Three Vice Admirals?" Usopp's knees started shaking. "Isn't that overkill?"
"There's more," Koala continued. "There's a possibility that Garp the Fist might come personally."
"GARP?!" Most of the crew shouted in panic.
Luffy just picked his nose. "Eh, Gramps is coming?"
"G-GRAMPS?!" Koala's jaw dropped, looking between Luffy and the others.
"Oh right, you didn't know," Sabo chuckled nervously. "Garp is our grandfather... well, Luffy and Ace's by blood, mine by trauma."
"The Hero of the Marines... is your grandfather?" Koala stared at them in disbelief.
"Shishishi! Yeah! His fists of love hurt!" Luffy chirped, while Ace and Sabo shuddered at the memories.
"This... explains so much," Koala muttered.
"More importantly," Robin interjected smoothly, "it seems Crocodile is becoming careless. He's leaving obvious evidence of his involvement."
"The pressure must be getting to him," Nami observed. "Between the Marines, the Revolutionary Army, and having Fire Fist Ace show up..."
"He's probably rushing his plans," Zoro added, hand on his swords.
"The rebellion could start any moment," Vivi wrung her hands anxiously.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Sanji lit a cigarette. "Let's go kick that sandy bastard's ass!"
"YEAH!" Luffy pumped his fists. "Let's go!"
"Wait!" Chopper spoke up. "Shouldn't we make some kind of plan first?"
"Since when do Luffy's plans ever work?" Usopp muttered.
"Oi!" Luffy pouted.
"He's got a point though," Ace grinned. "Lu's more of a 'punch first, think never' kind of guy."
"Like you're any better," Sabo teased.
"Says the guy who blew up half of Nanohana," Koala deadpanned.
"That was an accident!"
"FOCUS!" Nami bonked them all. "We need to move NOW!"
"Right!" Everyone straightened up.
"Are you coming with us, Koala?" Nami asked. "Or do you need to return to your Revolutionary friends?"
Koala shook her head. "We'll stay here. There are still bounty hunters lurking around, and someone needs to protect our ship. We don't know when the Marines might show up."
"Good point," Nami nodded. "Robin, is there any shortcut to reach the capital quickly?"
"Yes," Robin replied thoughtfully. "There's a canal that divides Alabasta. It's not meant for ships, but if we take a small vessel, we could row through it."
"Row?" Usopp's shoulders slumped. "In this heat?"
"With our captain's and everyone's strength, it shouldn't take too long," Robin smiled.
"No need for that," Ace interrupted with a confident grin. "I can just drag the boat with my fire. It'll be much faster."
"You can do that?" Chopper asked with stars in his eyes.
"Of course!" Ace's fist burst into flames. "I've gotten pretty good at using my powers for transportation."
"That would certainly save time," Robin mused. "And the heat won't be an issue with your fire powers."
"Then it's settled!" Luffy bounced excitedly. "Let's go kick Crocodile's ass!"
"Hold on," Nami raised her hand. "We still need to decide who's going. We can't all fit in a small boat."
"I'm definitely going," Vivi said firmly. "This is my country."
"And I need to punch that sandy bastard!" Luffy declared.
"Someone needs to keep an eye on these idiots," Zoro sighed.
"If Marimo's going, I'm going too!" Sanji announced.
"What was that, Ero-cook?!"
"You heard me, Mosshead!"
"ENOUGH!" Nami's fists connected with both their heads. "We don't have time for this!"
"Alright," Nami took charge. "Luffy, Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Vivi, and Robin will take the small vessel. The rest of us will stay with the Merry."
"Eh? Why can't I go?" Usopp protested weakly, though clearly relieved.
"Because someone needs to protect the ship," Nami explained. "And you're our brave warrior of the sea, right?"
"O-of course!" Usopp puffed up his chest. "Leave it to Captain Usopp!"
"I should stay too," Chopper added. "In case anyone needs medical attention."
"Good thinking," Sabo nodded. "I'll stay as well. Between the Marines and bounty hunters, you might need backup."
"Shishishi! Then it's decided!" Luffy grinned. "Let's go!"
"Wait!" Nami called out. "Robin, where exactly is this canal?"
Robin pointed towards the east. "There's a hidden entrance about two miles that way. We can acquire a suitable vessel from the local fishermen."
"No need," Ace smirked, jumping down to the dock. He returned moments later with a decent-sized rowing boat. "Found this just sitting there."
"YOU STOLE IT?!" Everyone except Luffy shouted.
"Borrowed," Ace corrected with a grin. "We'll return it... probably."
"Like brother, like brother," Sabo sighed fondly.
"Alright, everyone going to Alubarna, get in!" Nami ordered. "And please try not to destroy half the country while you're at it!"
"No promises!" Luffy laughed as he jumped into the boat.
"That's what we're afraid of," Usopp muttered.
As the others boarded the small vessel, Ace's flames began to wrap around the bow like fiery ropes.
"Hold on tight!" He warned with a mischievous grin.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Nami wondered aloud.
"Because you're smart," Koala replied dryly.
The boat shot forward like a rocket, Ace's flames propelling it at incredible speed while the others held on for dear life.
"YAHOO!" Luffy cheered.
"THIS IS NOT SAFE!" Vivi screamed.
"Since when has anything involving these brothers been safe?" Robin chuckled, using her powers to secure everyone.
Back on the Merry, the others watched the boat disappear into the distance.
"They'll be fine," Sabo said, though his tone suggested he was trying to convince himself.
"Define 'fine'," Koala deadpanned.
"Well, at least they can't cause more trouble than they already have..." Usopp offered.
Everyone stared at him.
"I just jinxed it, didn't I?"
"Yep," they all nodded.
The small vessel continued its blazing path toward Alubarna, leaving a trail of steam in its wake as Ace's flames pushed it to impossible speeds.
At a temporary Marine outpost in Nanohana's port, Captain Hina stood before a Den Den Mushi, her expression unusually tense. The snail's face mimicked the stern expression of Fleet Admiral Sengoku as his voice came through.
"This had better be important, Captain Hina," Sengoku's voice crackled through the Den Den Mushi. "I don't appreciate being disturbed during a war council meeting."
"Hina apologizes," she spoke in her characteristic third-person manner, "but the situation in Alabasta has become significantly more complicated. Fire Fist Ace has been confirmed in Nanohana."
The Den Den Mushi's eyes widened. "Whitebeard's Second Division Commander? Are you certain?"
"Yes. And there's more," Hina continued, lighting a cigarette. "He was seen with Straw Hat Luffy and a high-ranking Revolutionary Army officer. And... Hina has discovered something disturbing."
"What is it?"
"They're brothers," Hina reported. "All three of them. They were quite vocal about it during their... destructive reunion in the marketplace."
The Den Den Mushi's expression froze. "What did you say?"
"Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, and the Revolutionary - they're brothers. Hina heard it clearly."
A long, heavy silence followed.
"Are you absolutely certain about this?" Sengoku's voice had become dangerously quiet.
"Yes. They showed... familiar behavior. And their fighting styles... Hina sees similarities."
"This changes everything," Sengoku growled. "I'm sending Vice Admirals Momonga, Doberman, and Onigumo to your location immediately. And..."
The Den Den Mushi's expression shifted to one of resignation.
"I'll have to inform Garp. Though knowing him, he'll probably insist on coming himself."
"Should Hina attempt to engage them?"
"No. Maintain surveillance only. If they're truly brothers... this situation is far more complicated than we initially thought."
As Hina was about to end the call, Smoker burst into the room, his usual cigars trailing smoke.
"Captain Hina," he growled, barely acknowledging the active Den Den Mushi. "My surveillance on Crocodile has confirmed it. He's directly connected to the rebellion."
"Smoker?" Sengoku's voice came through the snail. "Explain."
"My men intercepted communications between Baroque Works agents," Smoker reported gruffly. "They're planning to trigger the rebellion in Alubarna today. And those three pirates we were tracking are heading straight there."
"The brothers?" Hina asked.
"Yeah," Smoker's expression darkened. "They took a small vessel through the canal. Fire Fist is propelling it with his powers. At their current speed, they'll reach Alubarna before us."
"Request permission to pursue," both Captains spoke simultaneously.
Sengoku's voice grew stern through the Den Den Mushi. "Denied. The nearest Vice Admiral is at least a day away from your position. You don't have the firepower to engage a Warlord and those three simultaneously."
"But sir-" Smoker started to protest.
"Listen carefully," Sengoku cut him off. "Your priority is to secure all ports and prevent any ships from leaving Alabasta. We can't risk letting any of them escape before reinforcements arrive."
Smoker's fists clenched, smoke billowing more intensely from his cigars. "With all due respect, Fleet Admiral, I'm going after them with or without permission."
"You dare to-" Sengoku's voice rose dangerously.
"They're heading straight into whatever Crocodile has planned," Smoker pressed on. "We can't just sit here and wait!"
A long, tense silence followed before Sengoku spoke again, his voice heavy with resignation. "You're as stubborn as Garp sometimes, Smoker. Fine. You can pursue them, but only with volunteers. I won't risk ordering marines into what could be a suicide mission. And understand this - there will be no backup coming."
"One more thing," Sengoku added. "While you're there, gather accurate intelligence about the situation in Alabasta. We need to know exactly what's happening with the rebellion, Crocodile's involvement, and..." he paused, "...those three brothers."
"Yes, sir."
"Don't die, Captain Smoker. The Marines need good men like you."
As the Den Den Mushi clicked off, Hina turned to Smoker. "Hina thinks you're crazy."
"Probably," Smoker grunted, already heading for the door. "Time to see who's willing to follow me into this mess."
At Marine Headquarters, Sengoku massaged his temples, dreading the conversation to come. "GARP!" he bellowed. "GET IN HERE!"
A crash echoed through the office as Garp burst through the wall, leaving yet another Garp-shaped hole.
"Can't you use the door like a normal person?" Sengoku grumbled.
"Bwahaha! Where's the fun in that?" Garp laughed, plopping down in a chair and pulling out a bag of crackers. "What's so urgent?"
Sengoku's expression turned serious. "It's about your grandsons."
"Luffy causing trouble again?" Garp munched on his crackers, seemingly unconcerned.
"All three of them are in Alabasta."
Garp froze mid-bite. "What do you mean 'all three'? Sabo..." his voice cracked slightly, "Sabo died years ago."
"He's alive, Garp. And he's with the Revolutionary Army now. My reports confirm he was seen with Ace and Luffy in Nanohana. They were... quite vocal about being brothers."
The crackers fell from Garp's hand, scattering across the floor. For once, the boisterous Vice Admiral was completely silent, his face a mix of shock, joy, and worry.
"Those stupid grandsons of mine..." he finally muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "All this time... Sabo was..."
"This complicates things significantly," Sengoku said. "A Whitebeard Commander, a Revolutionary officer, and an up-and-coming pirate - all brothers, all in one place."
"Bwahaha!" Garp's laugh suddenly returned, though it sounded slightly forced. "Those brats are going to give me a heart attack one of these days!"
"Garp, this is serious-"
"Of course it is! My grandson is alive!" Garp stood up, his usual energy returning. "I'm going to Alabasta!"
"You will do no such thing," Sengoku started, then sighed heavily. "That's what I wish I could say, but with Whitebeard's recent movements, we're spread too thin. I've already assigned Vice Admirals Momonga, Doberman, and Onigumo to handle the situation."
Garp's expression darkened. "Onigumo? That man's too extreme. He might-"
"I know," Sengoku cut him off. "That's exactly why I need you there. Keep them in check, Garp. We can't afford to turn this into a full-scale war with both Whitebeard and the Revolutionary Army."
"So you're sending me after all?" Garp's serious demeanor cracked into a wide grin.
"Don't look so pleased," Sengoku growled. "This is a delicate situation. Try to remember you're a Marine Vice Admiral first, and a grandfather second."
"Bwahaha! Of course, of course!" Garp laughed, though there was a glint in his eye that made Sengoku uneasy.
"I mean it, Garp. Don't make me regret this decision. We need to handle this situation delicately. A Warlord potentially going rogue, a country on the brink of civil war, and now your three grandsons in the middle of it..."
"Don't worry so much, Sengoku! Your goat will get indigestion!" Garp was already heading for the hole he'd made in the wall. "I'll keep things under control!"
"Use the door to leave at least!" Sengoku shouted after him, but Garp was already gone, his laughter echoing through the halls.
Sengoku slumped in his chair, feeding a cracker to his goat. "Why do I feel like I just made things more complicated?"
Meanwhile, in the canal heading towards Alubarna, Ace's flames continued propelling the small vessel at incredible speeds.
"YAHOO!" Luffy cheered, perched precariously on the bow. "This is awesome!"
"Get down from there, you rubber idiot!" Sanji yelled, trying to keep their supplies from flying overboard.
"Fufufu," Robin chuckled, using her powers to create a safety net of arms around the boat. "This is certainly an interesting way to travel."
"Is this really safe?" Vivi asked nervously, clinging to the side.
"Probably not," Zoro grinned, seeming completely unbothered by the wild ride.
"We're making good time though," Ace called from the stern, his flames blazing. "At this rate, we'll reach Alubarna before sunset!"
Suddenly, Luffy's expression turned serious. "Someone's following us."
"Marines?" Zoro's hand moved to his swords.
"No..." Luffy closed his eyes, focusing his Observation Haki. "It's... Smokey!"
"Captain Smoker?" Vivi looked worried. "He must have figured out where we're heading!"
"Let him come," Ace smirked, his flames burning brighter. "We've got more important things to worry about."
"Indeed," Robin's expression turned serious. "My contacts report that Crocodile has already started moving his pieces. The rebellion could begin any moment."
"Then we better hurry!" Luffy punched his palm. "I'm gonna kick that sandy bastard's ass!"
"Language!" Sanji automatically scolded, then blinked. "Wait, why am I acting like the responsible one?"
"Because someone has to," Zoro smirked.
"What was that, Marimo?!"
"You heard me, Ero-cook!"
"FOCUS!" Vivi shouted, surprising everyone. "My people are about to kill each other, and you're fighting about nonsense!"
Both men immediately looked ashamed. "Sorry, Vivi-chan..."
"Don't worry, Vivi!" Luffy grinned confidently. "We'll stop Crocodile! I promise!"
As they continued their high-speed journey, none of them noticed the small figure flying high above them.
In Crocodile's private transport heading to Alubarna:
"Sir," Miss Doublefinger reported, "Our spy birds confirm the Straw Hats are using the canal route. They'll reach Alubarna before nightfall."
"Perfect," Crocodile exhaled a cloud of cigar smoke, his hook gleaming. "And the rebels?"
"Already mobilizing," Mr. 1 answered from his position by the window. "They'll reach the capital gates within hours."
"Kuhahaha!" Crocodile's laugh was cold and calculating. "Everything is falling into place. Those fools are playing right into my hands."
"But sir," Miss Doublefinger hesitated, "What about Fire Fist Ace and the Revolutionary? They weren't part of the original plan..."
"Those brothers?" Crocodile's expression darkened. "They're powerful, yes, but they have one fatal weakness - each other. When the time comes, they'll be too busy trying to protect one another to stop what's coming."
He turned to his subordinates, sand swirling menacingly around him. "Mr. 1, you know your position. When the rebels breach the gates, eliminate anyone who might expose our true plans. Miss Doublefinger, prepare the Dance Powder. When I give the signal, make it 'rain' near the palace."
"Yes, sir!"
"Let them come," Crocodile smirked, watching the desert landscape pass by. "I'll bury them all in this kingdom's sand."
The transport continued its journey toward Alubarna, where Crocodile's final plans were about to unfold. Meanwhile, in the canal:
"Uh... what was that?" Usopp asked nervously as the boat made an ominous sound.
"The wood's starting to dry out from the heat," Robin observed calmly, watching as the planks began to warp.
"Ace! Slow down!" Vivi called out.
"No way!" Ace grinned, his flames burning even brighter. "We're having a great time!"
"But the boat-" Sanji started.
"Shishishi! This is fun!" Luffy laughed as pieces of the boat began flying off.
"THIS ISN'T FUN AT ALL!" everyone else shouted.
The boat hit the shore at full speed, somehow staying intact just long enough to start skidding across the desert sand, leaving a trail of broken planks behind it.
"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Vivi screamed as they bounced over a dune.
"No, we won't!" Luffy grinned, stretching his arms to hold the rapidly disintegrating boat together. "This is just like a roller coaster!"
"What's a roller coaster?" Zoro asked, somehow managing to look completely unbothered despite hanging halfway off the boat.
"The boat's not going to last much longer," Robin noted with amusement, using her powers to keep their supplies from flying away.
"Then we'll just have to go FASTER!" Ace's flames erupted with new intensity.
"THAT'S NOT THE SOLUTION!" everyone screamed as the boat literally started falling apart beneath them.
"YAHOO!" Luffy cheered as they hit another dune, the boat now more splinters than vessel.
The remains of their boat hit another dune at full speed, finally shattering completely.
"HOLD ON!" Luffy stretched his arms, grabbing everyone as the boat disintegrated beneath them.
"TO WHAT?!" They all screamed as they went airborne.
"Shishishi! To me!"
Ace's flames propelled the now boat-less group forward, while Luffy acted as a rubber safety net, bouncing them across the dunes.
"THIS IS NOT PROPER DESERT TRAVEL!" Vivi wailed as they bounced over another sand dune.
"But it's faster!" Luffy laughed, stretching to absorb another impact.
"I think I'm going to be sick..." Sanji turned slightly green.
"Weak," Zoro smirked, though his face was suspiciously pale.
"What was that, Marimo?!"
"Fufufu," Robin chuckled, using her powers to stabilize their trajectory. "At least we're making good time."
They crested another dune, and suddenly Alubarna's walls appeared on the horizon.
"There it is!" Vivi pointed, momentarily forgetting her terror.
"YOSH!" Luffy grinned. "Ace! Maximum speed!"
"You got it, little brother!" Ace's flames erupted even brighter.
"WAIT NO-" The others started to protest.
Too late. The human projectiles shot toward Alubarna like a rubber-wrapped meteor, their screams (and Luffy's laughter) echoing across the desert.
"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Sanji yelled.
"WEEEEEEE!" Luffy cheered.
The guards on Alubarna's walls stared in confusion at the approaching fireball wrapped in rubber.
"Should... should we sound the alarm?" One asked uncertainly.
"For what? A flying rubber band on fire?" His companion replied.
They were still debating when the Straw Hat meteor shot over their heads.
"INCOMING!" Luffy shouted gleefully as they approached the city proper.
"WE CAN SEE THAT!" Everyone screamed back.
The group crash-landed in Alubarna's main square, creating a small crater as Luffy's rubber body cushioned their impact.
"Land ho! Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, bouncing back to his feet.
"WE'RE NOT ON A SHIP ANYMORE!" everyone shouted.
"Is... is everyone alive?" Vivi asked dizzily, her hair completely disheveled.
"Unfortunately," Sanji groaned, lighting a miraculously unbroken cigarette.
"That was fun!" Ace grinned, his flames flickering as he helped Robin to her feet.
"Your definition of fun needs work," Zoro muttered, though he was smirking.
Suddenly, Luffy's expression turned serious. "Someone's coming. Lots of someone."
As if on cue, the sound of marching feet and angry shouts filled the air. The rebels were approaching from one direction, while royal guards mobilized from another.
"We're too late!" Vivi's eyes widened in horror. "The rebellion is already starting!"
"No," Robin stepped forward, her arms crossed. "There's still time. Crocodile hasn't arrived yet - he'll want to watch his plan unfold personally."
"Then let's split up!" Luffy punched his palm. "Vivi, go stop the rebels! Zoro and Sanji, protect her! Robin, you and Ace find that bomb! I'm gonna beat Crocodile!"
Everyone stared at Luffy in shock.
"That's... a good plan," Sanji admitted.
"Shishishi! I can make plans sometimes!"
"Are you sure about going alone, little brother?" Ace asked, flames flickering around his shoulders.
"Yeah! I promised Vivi I'd kick his ass!" Luffy grinned, punching his fist into his palm.
"Fufufu," Robin crossed her arms. "I know where they're keeping the bomb. Fire-san, shall we?"
"Be careful, Luffy-san!" Vivi called out as she mounted Carue.
"Don't do anything too stupid, Captain," Zoro smirked, hands resting on his swords.
"Just leave the rebels to us," Sanji lit a fresh cigarette. "We'll keep Vivi-chan safe!"
"Shishishi! I know you will!" Luffy adjusted his hat. "Now let's go! We've got a country to save!"
The groups split off in different directions - Vivi, Zoro, and Sanji heading toward the approaching rebels, while Ace and Robin dashed toward the Clock Tower. Luffy watched them go for a moment before turning toward the Palace.
"Alright, Crocodile," he cracked his knuckles. "Time for round Four!"
Luffy made his way through Alubarna's streets toward the Palace, where he knew Crocodile would be waiting. His expression was determined, no longer showing his usual carefree grin.
"This time will be different," he muttered, his fist clenching as he coated it in Haki. "I won't let him hurt anyone."
Meanwhile, at the city gates, Vivi rode Carue toward the approaching rebel army, with Zoro and Sanji flanking her on either side.
"Kohza!" she called out, spotting her childhood friend leading the charge. "Please, you must listen!"
In another part of the city, Ace and Robin raced toward the Clock Tower, knowing time was running short.
"The bomb should be hidden in the tower's highest chamber," Robin explained as they ran.
"Right," Ace nodded, flames flickering around him. "Let's disarm it quickly so we can help Luffy."
The pieces were set, and the battle for Alabasta's future was about to begin.
Vivi ran at full speed toward the advancing rebel army, her heart pounding as she recognized the familiar figure leading the charge.
"Kohza!" she shouted, her voice carrying over the sound of marching feet. "Please stop! This is all a misunderstanding!"
Behind her, Zoro and Sanji kept pace, ready to protect their friend if needed.
"Leader!" some rebels called out as Kohza raised his hand, bringing the army to a halt.
"Vivi?" Kohza's eyes widened behind his glasses as he recognized the princess. "What are you doing here?"
"Listen to me, please!" Vivi, taking a step forward. "This rebellion - it's all part of Crocodile's plan! He's been manipulating both sides!"
"Crocodile?" Kohza frowned. "The Warlord who's been protecting our people?"
"No!" Vivi shook her head desperately. "He's the one behind everything! The dance powder, the false rain, all of it!"
The rebels murmured among themselves, uncertainty spreading through their ranks.
"Can you prove this?" Kohza asked, though his voice held less hostility now.
"Yes! We have evidence-" Vivi started, but was interrupted
"But was interrupted by a strange sight that made everyone pause - green smoke began rising from the palace direction, curling up toward the sky. Suddenly, rain started falling, but only around the palace area.
"Rain?" Kohza's eyes narrowed. "But how..."
"No!" Vivi's eyes widened in horror. "That's Dance Powder! Crocodile is trying to-"
But the rebels weren't listening anymore. The sight of rain falling only around the palace while their towns remained dry was the final straw.
"They're hoarding the rain for themselves!" "The royal family betrayed us!" "ATTACK!"
"Kohza, please!" Vivi reached for her friend, but he was already turning away.
"I'm sorry, Vivi," Kohza said grimly. "But we can't let this continue. CHARGE!"
The rebel army surged forward, their anger drowning out Vivi's desperate pleas.
"Let's go!" Kohza raised his sword.
"NO!" Vivi screamed, watching helplessly as her people rushed toward mutual destruction.
From atop the palace, Crocodile's cold laughter echoed across Alubarna as he watched the chaos unfold. Behind him, King Cobra sat on his throne, iron rods cruelly impaling his hands and feet to keep him in place. Royal guards lay scattered around, severely wounded but still breathing.
"Kuhahaha! Watch, 'Your Majesty,' as your kingdom tears itself apart!" Crocodile grinned maliciously.
Back at where the rebel army was charging, tears streamed down Vivi's face as she watched her people charge toward civil war.
"Princess-san," Zoro stepped forward, his hand resting on his swords. "Don't worry."
"We'll handle this," Sanji finished, taking a long drag from his cigarette. "Just watch."
Zoro unsheathed his swords, a dangerous glint in his eye. "Sorry about this, but they're not giving us much choice."
"Try not to hurt them too badly, Marimo," Sanji loosened his tie. "They're still Vivi-chan's people."
"Tch. I know that, Ero-cook."
The two warriors stepped forward, facing the charging rebel army. Despite their usual rivalry, they moved in perfect sync.
"Party Table Kick Course!" "Oni Giri!"
Their combined attacks sent rebels flying, careful to use just enough force to incapacitate without seriously injuring them.
"What... what are you doing?" Vivi asked, torn between horror and hope.
"Keeping a promise to our captain," both men answered simultaneously, continuing to hold back the rebel charge.
Meanwhile, Ace and Robin raced through Alubarna's streets toward the Clock Tower, its massive face looming above them.
"The bomb should be in the highest chamber," Robin explained as they ran.
"Right," Ace nodded, flames flickering around his shoulders. "How much time do we have?"
"Not long. The plan was to detonate it once the fighting reached its peak." They reached the tower's base, where several Baroque Works agents stood guard.
"Intruders!" one shouted, raising his weapon.
"I'll handle them," Ace grinned, his fists igniting. "Hiken!" The guards scattered as flames engulfed the entrance.
"This way," Robin led them up the winding stairs, her expression serious. "Be careful - Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day are likely guarding the bomb itself."
"More Baroque Works agents?" Ace asked as they climbed.
"Yes. They specialize in explosives."
They reached the top chamber, finding exactly what Robin had predicted - two agents standing beside a massive bomb. "Miss All Sunday!" Mr. 7 raised his rifle. "You traitor!"
"Fufufu," Robin crossed her arms. "Seis Fleur: Clutch!" Arms sprouted from the agents' bodies, quickly subduing them while Ace examined the bomb.
"This is... bigger than I expected," he muttered, studying the complex device.
"Can you disarm it?" Robin asked.
Ace looked at Robin with a serious face. "Nope, never learned how."
Robin stared at him for a moment, finding it hard to believe these brothers weren't blood-related - they shared the same reckless confidence.
Ace's serious expression suddenly broke into a familiar D grin. "But we don't need to disarm it. Can you get it out of that barrel? I'll take care of the rest."
Before Robin could respond, a heavy impact shook the tower.
"FOUR!" A deep, slow voice boomed.
"You're not going anywhere with that bomb!" A shrill voice followed. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas emerged from the shadows, the large man hefting his baseball bat-gun while his partner burrowed up through the floor.
"Fufufu," Robin crossed her arms. "This could be troublesome."
"Leave them to me," Ace's flames flickered dangerously. "Just get that bomb ready to move."
"You think you can handle us?" Miss Merry Christmas cackled, her body shifting into her mole form. "We're not like those weaklings downstairs!"
"Yeah..." Ace smirked, his entire body erupting into flames. "That's what makes this fun."
Back at the rebel army, Zoro and Sanji continued holding off the rebels when two figures emerged from the chaos.
"My my, what do we have here?" Miss Doublefinger smirked, her fingers transforming into deadly spikes.
"These are the ones interfering with the plan," Mr. 1's body gleamed like steel.
"Tch," Zoro glanced at the Baroque Works agents, then at the continuing rebel charge. "We can't fight them and hold back the rebels at the same time."
"A lady..." Sanji's visible eyes turned to hearts despite the situation. "I cannot possibly-"
"Shut up!" Zoro snapped, his patience wearing thin. "Take care of the rebels. I'll handle both agents."
"Don't you dare lay a hand on a lady, you brute!" Sanji shouted back.
"JUST PISS OFF!" Zoro roared, his temper finally breaking. "We don't have time for your chivalry!"
Vivi watched helplessly as chaos unfolded around her, feeling utterly useless. "I... I can't even stop my people..."
"Vivi-chan," Sanji's voice softened as he continued kicking back rebels. "You can rely on us. Find Kohza - make them listen. We'll handle things here."
Vivi wiped her tears, remembering all they'd been through together. All the times Luffy and his crew had come through for her.
"You're right," she straightened up, determination replacing despair. "I'm going to find Kohza. I'll make both sides listen - I have to!"
"Go," Zoro grinned ferally, drawing his third sword. "We've got this."
Luffy crashed through the palace roof, landing in a crouch before Crocodile. His eyes narrowed as he saw King Cobra impaled to his throne.
"Crocodile!" Luffy's voice was filled with rage. "I'm gonna kick your ass!"
"Straw Hat," Crocodile exhaled a cloud of cigar smoke, looking unimpressed. "You think learning a little Haki makes you a threat to me?"
"Yes!" Luffy coated his fists in Armament Haki.
"Let me show you the difference between us," Crocodile's smirk turned cruel. His hook gleamed as he slammed it into the ground. Suddenly, the entire floor began turning to sand as Crocodile used his powers to drain all moisture from the stone itself.
Luffy stumbled as his footing disappeared, sinking into the rapidly expanding desert.
"Ground Death," Crocodile laughed coldly. "This is the power of a real pirate. Your pathetic Haki won't save you when you can't even stand!"
"We'll see about that!" Luffy grinned, readying his attack despite the unstable ground.
"GOMU GOMU NO..." Luffy wound up his arm, coating it in Haki despite sinking into the sand.
"Futile," Crocodile sneered, raising his hook. "Desert Spada!" A blade of compressed sand shot toward Luffy, who barely managed to dodge by stretching his body.
"PISTOL!" Luffy's Haki-coated fist rocketed toward Crocodile. But Crocodile was ready. He dissolved into the sand, reforming behind Luffy.
"Is that all? Ground Secco!" The sand beneath Luffy's feet suddenly became even drier, causing him to sink faster.
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned despite his predicament. "You're still using the same old tricks!"
"What?" Crocodile's eyes narrowed.
"GOMU GOMU NO..." Luffy stretched both arms back, coating them in Haki.
"BAZOOKA!" This time, Crocodile couldn't dodge completely. The Haki-infused attack clipped his shoulder, drawing first blood.
"You..." Crocodile's expression darkened as he touched his bleeding shoulder. "How dare you..."
"I told you," Luffy's grin turned fierce. "I'm going to kick your Ass!"
The two fighters faced off, sand swirling around them as the fate of Alabasta hung in the balance.
At the Clock Tower, Ace's battle with Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas was going smoothly.
His flames kept the mole woman from getting too close, while Mr. 4's slow movements made him an easy target.
"Too slow!" Ace taunted, dodging another baseball-bomb.
"FOUR!" Mr. 4 wound up for another pitch while his dog gun, Lassoo, aimed.
"Careful!" Robin called out, still working to extract the bomb from its housing. "One stray shot could-" Her warning came too late.
Lassoo launched a baseball directly toward the bomb barrel.
"NO!" Everyone shouted in horror.
"Veinte Fleur!" Robin's arms sprouted instantly, catching the explosive ball and hurling it out the window just before it detonated.
"That was too close," Ace's expression darkened, all playfulness gone. "Time to end this. Hiken!" A massive column of fire engulfed both agents, taking them down before they could cause any more trouble.
"Got it," Robin announced, finally freeing the bomb. "Now we just need to-"
"Hold it right there," a gruff voice interrupted as smoke began filling the room. "What do you think you're doing?" Captain Smoker emerged from the haze, his jitte at ready. "Fire Fist Ace and Nico Robin... what are you planning with that bomb?"
"Tch," Ace stepped forward, flames flickering. "We don't have time for this, Smoker. That bomb needs to be disposed of before it destroys the city."
"And I'm supposed to just trust the word of pirates?" Smoker's eyes narrowed.
"Actually," Robin interjected smoothly, "you might want to hear what we have to say about Crocodile's true plans for Alabasta..."
Smoker's eyes narrowed as he looked between Ace and Robin. "Crocodile? What does he have to do with this?"
"He's the one who planted this bomb," Robin explained calmly. "It's meant to destroy Alubarna once the civil war reaches its peak."
"And why should I believe you?" Smoker growled, though his grip on his jitte loosened slightly.
"Because," Robin says with her usual calm demeanor, "you've been investigating him too, haven't you? You know something's not right about a Warlord being so interested in a single kingdom."
Smoker was silent for a moment, cigars trailing smoke as he considered their words. "Fine," he finally grunted. "What's your plan with the bomb?"
"I'm going to fly it high enough that the explosion won't harm anyone," Ace explained, moving toward the massive explosive.
"That's a suicide," Smoker stated bluntly.
Ace looked at Smoker with an amused grin. "I'm a Logia, remember?"
Smoker's face reddened with embarrassment before quickly shifting to anger. "I'll do it!"
"Back off, this is my fun," Ace smirked. "Go find something else to do."
Tashigi burst into the room, panting from her run up the tower stairs, only to freeze at the scene before her.
"Captain Smoker! What's-"
"Enough," Robin interrupted smoothly, crossing her arms. "Ace-san, please take the bomb to the sky. Marines, if you want to help, there are numerous undercover agents among the soldiers. Each Baroque Works agent has their organization's tattoo as identification."
Smoker and Tashigi looked at Robin seriously, weighing their options.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Tashigi asked, hand on her sword.
"Because right now," Robin smiled mysteriously, "we all want the same thing - to prevent this kingdom's destruction."
Smoker grunted, turning toward the stairs. "Come on, Tashigi. We have rats to catch."
"Yes, sir!" Tashigi followed though she cast one last suspicious glance at the pirates.
"Well," Ace grinned, hefting the bomb. "Time to light up the sky!"
"Be careful, Fire-san," Robin cautioned.
"Always am!" Ace's body erupted into flames as he launched himself through the tower's window, carrying the bomb high into the desert sky.
Back at Nanohana's port, the remaining crew members gathered on the Going Merry's deck.
"Alright," Sabo adjusted his hat, "we should hide the ships before the Marines arrive. We can't risk them being destroyed."
"Are you sure about this?" Koala asked, concern evident in her voice. "Even with Garp-san potentially coming? He may be your grandfather, but..."
Sabo's face went slightly pale at the mention of Garp, but he maintained his composure. "Don't worry. His fists of love don't scare us brothers anymore."
Despite his brave words, his slight trembling suggested otherwise.
"You're shaking," Koala pointed out dryly.
"N-no I'm not!" Sabo protested, adjusting his cravat nervously.
"Even the great Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff is afraid of his grandpa?" Usopp teased, then quickly hid behind Chopper when Sabo glared at him.
"You haven't experienced his training," Sabo muttered, unconsciously rubbing his head as if feeling phantom bumps.
"Joking aside," Sabo twirled his pipe thoughtfully, "Gramps will come once he hears I'm alive and we brothers are together. But don't worry too much about him - he'll just give us his Fists of Love and leave." Despite his casual tone, Sabo unconsciously rubbed his head again.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE NOT WORRIED ABOUT?!" Usopp's eyes bulged comically.
"Sounds like Garp is scary!" Chopper giggled nervously from behind the mast.
"It's the other Vice Admirals I'm concerned about," Sabo continued, his expression turning serious. "We don't know who they'll send, and the Revolutionary Army needs to leave quickly. We can't risk confrontation with the Marines right now."
"Sabo-kun..." Koala crossed her arms, giving him a stern look. "You just want to escape before Garp-san arrives, don't you?"
"N-no!" Sabo's face went blue with fear. "I mean... that's not... IT'S TACTICAL RETREAT!"
"YOU'RE SCARED!" everyone shouted with shark teeth.
"TACTICAL RETREAT IS A VALID STRATEGY!" Sabo protested, his dignified Revolutionary Army persona completely shattered.
"Sure, sure," Koala patted his shoulder condescendingly. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"But Sabo-kun is right," Koala said seriously. "The Marines are already closing the main ports until reinforcements arrive. Our ship has camouflage capabilities, but the Going Merry..." she looked at the caravel with concern. "She's not built for these seas, much less breaking through a Marine blockade."
"Merry's stronger than she looks!" Usopp defended passionately.
"That may be true," Koala smiled gently, "but we need to be practical. The Marines won't hesitate to open fire, and with multiple Vice Admirals coming..."
"She's right," Nami nodded. "We need to hide Merry somewhere safe until this is over."
"I know a hidden cove not far from here," Sabo offered, then quickly added, "Which is TOTALLY not where I'm planning to hide from Gramps!"
"Quack!" Carue agreed emphatically.
"A-anyway," Sabo coughed, trying to regain his dignity, "we should move quickly. The Marines will be here soon."
"Right!" The crew began preparing to move, while Koala just shook her head fondly at Sabo's transparent attempts to maintain his cool image.
Meanwhile, in Alubarna's palace, Luffy and Crocodile's battle continued to escalate.
"Desert Girasole!" Crocodile snarled, creating a massive sinkhole beneath Luffy.
"Not gonna work!" Luffy grinned, using Gear Second to propel himself out of the trap. "Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol!"
His Haki-coated fist slammed into Crocodile's chest, sending the Warlord crashing through a wall.
"You..." Crocodile emerged from the rubble, blood trickling from his mouth. "How dare you..."
"I told you," Luffy cracked his knuckles. "I'm way stronger now!"
"Sables Pesado!" Crocodile created a dense sandstorm, but Luffy's Observation Haki let him dodge easily.
"My turn!" Luffy wound up his arms. "Gomu Gomu no..."
"Ground Death!" Crocodile tried desperately to sink Luffy into the sand.
"GATLING!" Luffy's barrage of Haki-infused punches overwhelmed Crocodile's defense, each hit connecting solidly.
"This is impossible!" Crocodile spat blood. "You're just some rookie!"
"Nope!" Luffy grinned fiercely. "I'm the man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!"
Outside the city walls, Zoro stood with all three swords drawn, Wado Ichimonji clenched between his teeth as he faced the two Baroque Works agents.
"Tch, you think you can handle both of us?" Mr. 1's entire body transformed into steel blades.
"Quite confident, aren't you?" Miss Doublefinger's body sprouted deadly spikes.
"Three Sword Style," Zoro's voice was muffled by his sword, but his killing intent was clear. "You're not getting anywhere near the city."
Mr. 1 charged first, his blade arms slashing in deadly arcs. "Atomic Spurt!"
Zoro deflected the attack, steel ringing against steel. "Oni Giri!"
The powerful slash sent Mr. 1 skidding backward, while Miss Doublefinger tried circling around.
"Stinger Fleur!" Her spiked fingers extended toward Zoro's back.
"Tiger Hunt!" Zoro spun, his three swords creating a whirlwind that forced both agents back.
"You're in our way," Mr. 1 growled.
"That's the idea," Zoro grinned ferally around his sword. "And if you want to pass, you'll have to do it over my dead body."
"Spar Break!" Mr. 1's blade arms slashed in a cross pattern.
"Stinger Step!" Miss Doublefinger's spiked legs struck from the opposite direction.
"Dragon Twister!" Zoro spun, creating a tornado of slashes that deflected both attacks. Sand whirled around them from the force of his technique.
"How can he block both of us?" Miss Doublefinger gritted her teeth.
"He's stronger than our intel suggested," Mr. 1's eyes narrowed.
Zoro adjusted his grip on his swords, his bandana casting shadows over his eyes. "You haven't seen anything yet. Three Sword Style..."
He crossed his arms, swords gleaming in the desert sun. "108 Pound Phoenix!"
The flying slash attack forced both agents to dodge in opposite directions, cutting deep trenches in the sand where they had been standing.
"Atomic Spar!" Mr. 1 charged again.
"Thorn Garden!" Miss Doublefinger's entire body became a forest of spikes.
Zoro met their attacks head-on, his three swords dancing as he fought both assassins simultaneously. The clash of steel and spikes echoed across the desert battlefield.
"Time to end this," Zoro growled around Wado Ichimonji. "Demon Slash..."
"Atomic Slicer!" Mr. 1's arm transformed into a blade, catching Zoro with a quick slash across his shoulder. The swordsman hadn't sensed the attack coming.
Blood trickled down his arm, but Zoro's expression remained unchanged. If anything, the cut only seemed to focus him more.
"Thanks for the wake-up call," he said, a dark smile forming. "But playtime's over."
His three blades began to turn black with Armament Haki, causing both Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger to step back in surprise.
"What's happening to his swords?" Miss Doublefinger gasped.
"Three Sword Style: Dragon Twister!"
The Haki-infused attack tore through Mr. 1's steel defenses, sending him crashing down. Before Miss Doublefinger could react, Zoro appeared behind her.
"Lion's Song."
One swift strike was all it took. Both Baroque Works agents lay defeated in the sand as Zoro sheathed his swords.
"Should've picked a different swordsman to fight," he muttered, walking away from the battlefield.
The desert sky erupted in a blinding flash, a massive explosion painting the heavens in brilliant oranges and reds. The shockwave rolled across Alubarna like thunder, sending sand swirling through the air.
The charging rebels stumbled to a halt, their weapons lowering as they stared up in awe and fear.
"Damn you, Nico Robin!" Crocodile cursed, realizing his trump card had been neutralized.
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned widely. "Looks like Ace had some fun!"
Outside the city walls, Sanji paused mid-kick to admire the fiery display. "those brothers, sure know how to make a scene."
Zoro reached him, looking slightly annoyed. "Tch, weak. Couldn't even stop them all by yourself?" he commented, nodding toward the scattered rebels.
"Shut it, Marimo! I was being gentle with Vivi-chan's people!"
"What in the world..." Kohza's voice trembled, his cracked glasses reflecting the apocalyptic display above. The same sky that had moments ago shown Crocodile's false rain now bore witness to something far more terrifying.
The rebels' momentum had completely stalled, their anger momentarily forgotten as they tried to comprehend what they were seeing. The Dance Powder's artificial rain had been completely dispersed by the explosion's shockwave,
"KOHZA!" Vivi's voice pierced through his despair like a blade. "Look up there!" She pointed at the sky where Ace had just detonated the bomb. "That was Crocodile's true plan! He meant to kill everyone - rebels, royal army, innocent civilians - EVERYONE!"
The rebel leader looked up at the dissipating explosion, then back at his defeated army. His knees hit the sand as the weight of their near-catastrophe crashed down on him.
"My people..." Kohza's voice shook with rage and despair. "Everything we believed in..."
"Damn it..." Sanji gritted his teeth around his cigarette. "To manipulate an entire country like this..."
"These people were just his pawns from the start," Zoro's eye narrowed dangerously.
"CROCODILE!" Kohza's anguished cry echoed across the battlefield, the sound of a man who'd realized how close he'd come to destroying everything he'd fought to protect.
Vivi rode one of the horses toward the royal army's position forgetting to take Zoro and Sanji, the subdued rebels following behind her with Kohza at their head.
"Alabasta guards!" she called out. "Please, lower your weapons! The rebellion is over!"
The royal guards looked uncertain, their spears still raised, until Chaka stepped forward.
"Princess Vivi... is this true?"
"Yes!" Vivi dismounted, standing between both armies. "Crocodile has been manipulating us all! We must stand together!"
As the two sides began lowering their weapons, a glint of metal caught the sun - a hidden Baroque Works agent among the royal guards raised his rifle, aiming at Vivi.
A cloud of smoke wrapped around the would-be assassin, slamming him into the ground.
"White Blow!" Smoker materialized from the smoke, confiscating the agent's weapon. "Trying to shoot a princess in the back? Pathetic."
"Captain Smoker!" The royal guards exclaimed in surprise.
"Check everyone's arms for the Baroque Works tattoo," Smoker ordered gruffly. "There might be more rats hiding among you."
Meanwhile, back at the Clock Tower, Ace landed gracefully on the balcony, his usual grin in place.
"Well, that was fun!" he dusted off his hands. "Think I'll go see how my little brother's doing."
"I'll accompany you," Robin stepped forward. "There's something I need to confirm in the palace."
"Oh?" Ace raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"
"Just a want to make sure what luffy said," Robin smiled mysteriously. "Shall we?"
"Lead the way!" Ace gestured grandly, flames flickering around his shoulders as they headed toward the palace.
In the palace, Luffy and Crocodile's battle reached its peak.
"Desert La Spada!" Crocodile unleashed a barrage of sandblades.
"Not gonna work!" Luffy dodged with his Observation Haki, his body moving fluidly between the attacks. "Gomu Gomu no..."
"Ground Death!" Crocodile tried desperately to sink the entire palace into sand.
"JET GATLING!" Luffy's Haki-coated fists rained down on Crocodile like machine gun fire, each hit connecting solidly through his sand defense.
"Impossible!" Crocodile spat blood. "I am a Warlord! You're nothing but a rookie!"
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned fiercely. "I told you - this time's different!" He wound up his arm, coating it in Haki. "Gomu Gomu no..."
"DESERT APOCALYPSE!" Crocodile roared in desperation, unleashing his ultimate attack.
"Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol!"
The massive Haki-infused fist tore through Crocodile's sandstorm, connecting squarely with his face. The impact sent the Warlord flying through multiple walls and high into the sky, disappearing with a twinkle.
Just then, Ace and Robin arrived at the destroyed throne room.
"Oi, Luffy!" Ace called out. "Where's Crocodile?"
"Shishishi!" Luffy pointed up through the massive hole in the ceiling. "I sent him flying! He should land somewhere in the desert!"
"That's my little brother!" Ace laughed, ruffling Luffy's hair.
"Fufufu," Robin chuckled, then turned serious as she saw King Cobra still impaled to his throne. "Your Majesty!"
They quickly freed the king, Robin using her powers to carefully remove the iron rods while Ace cauterized the wounds.
"Thank you," Cobra said weakly. "But my people..."
"Don't worry!" Luffy beamed. "Vivi and the others stopped the fighting! And Ace blew up the bomb!"
"The bomb?" Cobra's eyes widened. "So that explosion in the sky..."
"Shishishi! We did it! We saved Vivi's country!" Luffy cheered, pumping his fists in the air.
"Indeed," Robin smiled, helping King Cobra stand. "Though there's still much to be done."
"Right!" Luffy nodded. "Like having a banquet! SANJI! MEAT!"
"He's not here, idiot," Ace bonked his brother's head. "He's still at the city gates with the others."
"Oh yeah! I'll go find him!" Luffy stretched his arms, preparing to rocket off. "Sanji makes the best victory feasts!"
"Wait-" Ace started, but Luffy had already launched himself through another hole in the palace wall.
"MEAT!" Luffy's voice echoed as he disappeared.
"He never changes," Ace sighed fondly.
"Your Majesty," Robin turned to Cobra, "perhaps we should gather your people and explain what truly happened here."
"Yes," Cobra nodded weakly. "My people deserve the truth about Crocodile's manipulation."
"I'll look after him," Ace offered, heading for the door. "Better make sure Luffy doesn't cause too much chaos looking for his cook!"
Luffy landed at the city gates with his usual lack of grace, creating a small crater in the sand. He looked around at the scene before him - royal guards and rebels standing together, their weapons lowered, talking like old friends.
"Shishishi! Everyone's getting along now!" He grinned, then spotted a familiar blue-haired figure. "Oi! Vivi!"
"Luffy-san!" Vivi turned, relief flooding her face. "Did you defeat Crocodile?"
"Yep! Sent him flying!" Luffy looked around, frowning slightly. "Hey, where's Zoro and Sanji? I can't sense them here..."
Vivi's eyes suddenly widened in horror. "Oh no! I... I left them outside the city! I was so focused on stopping the armies that I completely forgot about them!"
"Shishishi! That's pretty clumsy, Vivi!" Luffy laughed at her embarrassed expression.
Just then, familiar voices drifted from beyond the gates, growing louder by the second.
Two figures emerged through the settling dust - Zoro and Sanji, bickering as usual while covered in sand and looking slightly battered.
"Shishishi! Found them!" Luffy waved enthusiastically. "Oi! Sanji! I'm hungry! Make meat!"
"IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT?!" Both men shouted with shark teeth, though they couldn't hide their grins at seeing their captain victorious. As Zoro and Sanji approached, still arguing, something unexpected happened. Small droplets began falling from the sky, quickly turning into a steady downpour.
"Rain?" Vivi looked up, her eyes widening. "Real rain... not Dance Powder..."
"The rain Crocodile stole..." Luffy grinned, letting the water soak his straw hat. "It's finally returning!"
The rebels and royal guards stopped their conversations, all looking up in wonder as the precious water fell freely for the first time in years.
"RAIN!" People began shouting joyfully. "IT'S REALLY RAINING!"
"The drought..." Kohza removed his cracked glasses, letting the rain hit his face. "It's finally over..."
"Shishishi!" Luffy stretched his arms wide, spinning in the rain. "See? I told you we'd kick Crocodile's ass and save your country!"
Vivi couldn't hold back her tears, which mixed with the falling rain. "Thank you... thank you all..."
"Tch, getting all wet," Zoro grumbled, though he was smiling.
"Shut up, Marimo," Sanji lit a somehow-still-dry cigarette. "You're ruining the moment."
"SANJI! MEAT!" Luffy bounced over to his cook. "We need a victory feast!"
"YOU'RE STILL THINKING ABOUT FOOD?!" Everyone shouted, but their laughter joined the sound of falling rain - the sound of Alabasta's salvation.
Ace landed near the group, flames sizzling in the rain as he approached. Just then, Den Den Mushis throughout the city crackled to life, carrying King Cobra's tired but determined voice:
"My people," his voice echoed across Alubarna, "today we nearly lost everything to deception and manipulation. The drought that plagued our land, the conflicts that divided us - all were orchestrated by those who sought to destroy our kingdom. But thanks to Princess Vivi and her brave companions, the truth has been revealed."
The crowds fell silent, listening to their king's words as the rain continued to fall.
"Shishishi! Vivi's dad is pretty cool!" Luffy grinned, while Vivi wiped tears from her eyes.
"Let us rebuild what was nearly destroyed," Cobra continued, "not as rebels and royals, but as one people - the people of Alabasta!"
Cheers erupted throughout the city, mixing with the sound of falling rain.
"Now," Ace grinned, throwing an arm around Luffy's shoulders, "about that victory feast..."
"MEAT!" Luffy cheered, making everyone laugh despite their exhaustion.
The rain continued to fall, washing away the last traces of Crocodile's reign as Alabasta's people celebrated their reunion.
"Are we there yet?" Usopp whined, his feet dragging in the sand.
"For the tenth time, NO!" Nami snapped, adjusting her cloak against the desert wind.
The small group trudged through the desert toward Alubarna, all wearing concealing cloaks. Sabo led the way, occasionally checking their direction with his compass.
"I still can't believe we ran into Igaram," Chopper commented from atop Carue.
"Quack!" Carue agreed enthusiastically.
"At least the Marines didn't spot us," Koala added, walking beside Sabo.
As they crested a dune, Alubarna's walls came into view. The city seemed peaceful, with no signs of the earlier chaos.
"Look!" Usopp pointed through his goggles. "People are celebrating in the streets!"
"Then... we missed everything?" Nami's eye twitched dangerously.
They made their way into the city, eventually reaching the palace where sounds of festivities echoed from within.
"MEAT!" Luffy's familiar voice carried through the halls.
Following the noise, they found a massive banquet in progress. Luffy was inhaling food while Ace dozed in his plate. Zoro and Sanji were arguing over the last bottle of wine, while Robin watched in amusement. Vivi sat beside her father, both looking tired but happy.
"YOU'VE BEEN FEASTING THIS WHOLE TIME?!" The newcomers shouted with shark teeth.
"Oh! Hi guys!" Luffy waved cheerfully, his cheeks stuffed with food. "Shishishi! You missed all the fun!"
WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE MISSED ALL THE FUN?!" Nami punched Luffy, leaving a steaming bump.
"Shishishi! The fighting's over! We kicked Crocodile's ass!" Luffy grinned despite the bump.
"And you started the party without us?!" Usopp complained.
"Actually," Robin smiled mysteriously, "this is still continuing from last night."
"Fufufu, indeed. Though some haven't lasted quite as long..." She gestured to Ace, who was still face-down in his food, snoring loudly.
"MEAT!" Luffy stretched his arm to grab more food. "Join us! Sanji made tons!"
"Of course I did, knowing your appetite," Sanji lit a fresh cigarette. "There's plenty for everyone."
"Thank goodness," Chopper sighed in relief. "I'm starving!"
Sabo approached his sleeping brother, poking Ace with his pipe. "Oi, wake up! You're getting mashed potatoes in your hair!"
"Huh? Wha-?" Ace jerked awake, food stuck to his face. "Did someone say food?"
"Shishishi! It's a victory party!" Luffy declared, already pulling the newcomers toward the feast.
"IGARAM!" Vivi's eyes filled with tears as she spotted her old guardian among the newcomers. She leaped from her seat, running to embrace him.
"Vi-vi-vi... Princess!" Igaram's voice cracked with emotion, his usual vocal stutter more pronounced. "I'm so relieved to see you safe! Mamama~!"
"We thought you died in that explosion!" Vivi sobbed into his chest. "When Luffy said you survived, I could hardly believe it!"
"It takes more than that to stop your loyal guard, mamama!" Igaram patted her head affectionately. "Though I must apologize for taking so long to return."
"Don't apologize!" Vivi shook her head, wiping her tears. "You're here now, and Alabasta is safe! That's all that matters!"
"Indeed," King Cobra smiled warmly at the reunion. "Welcome back, old friend."
"Your Majesty!" Igaram bowed deeply. "I'm honored to return to your service!"
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned through a mouthful of meat. "See? Everyone's happy now!"
The celebration continued with renewed energy, Igaram's return adding another reason to feast. Stories were shared, toasts were made, and laughter filled the palace halls as the sun rose on a new day in Alabasta.
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