"Ready to go, Chopper?" Luffy asked, his signature grin still plastered across his face despite his recent recovery.
Chopper wiped his tears and nodded firmly. "Yes! I'm ready to be a pirate doctor!"
"Shishishi! That's the spirit!" Luffy laughed.
As they boarded the Going Merry, Nami began giving orders for departure. "Sanji-kun, Zoro, raise the anchor! Usopp, unfurl the sails!"
"Yes, Nami-swan~!" Sanji twirled with hearts in his eyes.
"Tch, bossy woman," Zoro muttered but moved to help anyway.
Vivi and Robin helped guide Chopper around the ship, showing him where everything was located, including the medical bay that would now be his domain.
"This will be your workspace, Doctor-san," Robin explained with a gentle smile.
"Amazing!" Chopper's eyes sparkled as he examined the medical supplies. "But... don't call me doctor, it doesn't make me happy at all, you jerks!" He said while doing his happy dance.
As the Going Merry began to pull away from the shore, a familiar voice rang out from the castle.
"OI, CHOPPER!" Dr. Kureha's voice echoed across the water. "DON'T YOU DARE CATCH A COLD, YOU IDIOT SON!"
"DOCTORINE!" Chopper called back, tears streaming down his face again. "THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!"
The crew watched as Drum Island grew smaller in the distance, the pink cherry blossoms still falling like a farewell blessing from Dr. Hiluluk himself.
As the Going Merry sailed further from Drum Island, Nami turned to Vivi and Robin with a practical question on her mind.
"How long until we reach Alabasta from here?" she asked, already thinking about their navigation route.
Vivi looked thoughtful. "I'm not entirely sure... maybe three days?"
"Actually," Robin interjected, "considering the current patterns and wind direction, it should take about five days."
"Hmm, okay," Nami nodded, then glanced at Luffy who was sitting on his special seat atop the Merry's figurehead. "Oi, Luffy! Since you know what's coming, should we be careful of anything else besides what we already know? Any more surprises waiting for us?"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy grinned widely, turning to face his crew. "I'll meet my brothers there! Shishishi!"
"Sabo and Ace, right?" Nami confirmed, already used to Luffy's revelations.
"EHHH?!" Vivi's jaw dropped. "Brothers?! You mean there are more people related to Dragon the Revolutionary and Marine Hero Garp?!"
Robin's eyes widened slightly. "This is... quite unexpected. The implications are rather significant."
"Shishishi! They're not blood brothers!" Luffy clarified with his signature grin. "We shared sake cups to become brothers!"
"Sake cups?" Chopper tilted his head curiously.
Zoro smiled, understanding the significance. "It's an old tradition. Sharing sake makes you sworn brothers, bound by something stronger than blood."
"You should have told us that earlier!" Nami scolded. "We thought Dragon had three children!"
"Shishishi! You never asked!" Luffy laughed, picking his nose casually.
Chopper looked around at everyone's reactions, confusion evident on his face. "Ne, Sanji, why is everyone so shocked about Luffy's family? Are they famous?"
Sanji took a long drag from his cigarette. "Famous is putting it mildly, Chopper. His grandfather is a Marine Hero who's caught countless powerful pirates, his father leads the Revolutionary Army that fights the World Government, and his sworn brothers are a Whitebeard Second Division Commander and the Revolutionary Army's Second-In-Command."
"Ohhh!" Chopper nodded, though he still didn't fully grasp the magnitude of it all.
"Wait a moment," Robin's normally composed demeanor showed hints of genuine surprise. "Are you saying one of your brothers is Sabo, the Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff? The one they call 'The Blue Gentleman'?"
"And Fire Fist Ace?" Vivi added, equally amazed. "The man who turned down a Warlord position?"
"Yep! That's them!" Luffy beamed proudly. "They're super strong!"
Vivi furrowed her brow, processing this information. "But Luffy-san, why would they be meeting us in Alabasta specifically? Is it related to Crocodile?"
Luffy's expression turned slightly more serious, though his smile remained. "It's because of Sabo. When we were kids, he was shot in his boat when he was trying to escape. He lost all his memories of me and Ace."
The crew fell silent at this revelation. Robin's eyes darkened, knowing all too well the cruelty of the World Nobles.
"So... you want to help him remember?" Vivi asked softly.
"Shishishi! Yeah! I don't have Ace's den-den mushi number, but I know he'll be in Alabasta looking for Blackbeard," Luffy explained, swinging his legs from his perch. "So I asked Dad to tell Sabo to meet us there! And if seeing us doesn't help him remember..."
Luffy cracked his knuckles with a mischievous grin. "I'll give him one of Grandpa's Fists of Love! That'll make him remember! Shishishi!"
The entire crew shuddered, remembering Luffy's stories about Garp's training methods.
"That's... that's your solution?" Nami asked incredulously. "Hit him with your grandfather's signature move?"
"Yep! Works every time!" Luffy nodded confidently.
Meanwhile, somewhere on the Revolutionary Army's ship heading toward Alabasta, Sabo suddenly felt an inexplicable chill run down his spine. He stopped mid-conversation with Koala, breaking out in a cold sweat.
"Sabo-kun? Are you okay?" Koala asked, concerned by his sudden pause.
"I... I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like I'm in danger," Sabo muttered, adjusting his cravat nervously. "Like something terrible is waiting for me in Alabasta..."
Back on the Going Merry, Usopp raised an eyebrow. "Oi, Luffy, are you sure hitting your amnesiac brother with a super-powerful punch is the best way to restore his memories?"
"Well, if it doesn't work, at least it'll be funny! Shishishi!"
"YOU'RE THE SCARIEST BROTHER EVER!" the crew shouted in unison.
Sanji took another drag from his cigarette, leaning against the railing. "So, let me get this straight - all we have to do is beat Crocodile and meet your brothers? That's our whole agenda in Alabasta?"
"Nope!" Luffy shook his head. "We gotta take Merry to a shipwright after this! She needs fixing!"
Everyone stared at Luffy in shock, not used to him being so... responsible.
"Luffy..." Nami blinked several times. "That's... surprisingly thoughtful of you."
"Indeed," Usopp nodded, patting Merry's railing affectionately. "I've been doing my best with repairs, but a professional shipwright would be better."
Robin stepped forward, her expression serious. "Luffy-san, does something happen to the Going Merry in the future? Is that why you're concerned?"
Luffy's usual grin faltered slightly, his eyes shadowed by his straw hat. "Merry... Merry is nakama too. In the future I saw, we didn't take good care of her until it was too late. She sailed until she couldn't anymore, just to save us."
The crew fell silent, feeling the weight of Luffy's words. Even those who hadn't experienced it could hear the pain in their captain's voice.
"She... saved us?" Chopper asked quietly.
"Yeah," Luffy nodded, reaching out to touch Merry's figurehead. "She came by herself to rescue us. But her keel was already broken by then. We... we had to say goodbye."
Usopp's eyes welled up with tears. "No... not Merry..."
"That's why this time will be different!" Luffy declared, his determined grin returning. "We'll take better care of her! Right, Merry?"
As if in response, a gentle breeze swept across the deck, making the sails flutter softly.
"Shishishi! See? Merry agrees!"
"Then it's decided," Nami said firmly, wiping away a stray tear. "After Alabasta, we find the best shipwright we can!"
"Yosh!" the crew cheered in agreement, while Robin watched with a small smile, noting how this captain's love extended not just to his human crew, but to their ship as well.
Sanji, noticing the somber mood settling over the crew, clapped his hands together. "Alright, enough gloom! I'll whip up something special to celebrate our new nakama!"
"FOOD!" Luffy immediately perked up, drool already forming at the corners of his mouth.
However, Chopper's attention was caught by something else. His eyes widened as he processed Luffy's earlier words. "Wait a minute... Luffy, you said 'the future I saw.' Does that mean you actually saw the future?"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy grinned. "I told everyone before we got to Drum Island! I saw some stuff that's gonna happen!"
"EHHH?!" Chopper's jaw dropped. "Then... then... did you see if I succeed in creating a cure for all diseases?!"
Luffy tilted his head, thinking hard. "Hmm... dunno! I only saw like two or three years ahead."
"TWO OR THREE YEARS?!" The crew exclaimed in unison.
Nami smacked her forehead. "How did we never ask how far ahead you actually saw?!"
"Now that you mention it," Usopp stroked his chin thoughtfully, "we just kept asking about specific events..."
"That's quite a limited timeframe," Robin observed. "Though it explains why you were able to change things, like recruiting me early and meeting Mr. 2 at Little Garden."
"Shishishi! Yep!" Luffy nodded. "But it's more fun this way! The future's already different, so now everything's a mystery adventure!"
"YOU'RE TOO CAREFREE ABOUT THIS!" everyone shouted.
"Well, whatever happens," Zoro smirked, "we'll just have to get stronger to handle it."
"Speaking of handling things," Sanji called from the kitchen doorway, "someone better handle Luffy before he raids the pantry while we're talking!"
"MEAT!" Luffy was indeed already stretching his arm toward the kitchen.
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Sanji kicked the rubber arm away, leading to another typical chaotic scene on the Going Merry as the crew tried to restrain their food-obsessed captain.
Chopper watched it all with sparkling eyes, thinking that even if he hadn't learned about his dream's outcome, he was exactly where he wanted to be.
As the chaos settled down, Vivi couldn't help but giggle at the crew's antics. "You know, even knowing about the future, you're still the same Luffy-san."
"Shishishi! Of course! Why would I change?" Luffy grinned, now sporting several bumps courtesy of Sanji and Nami.
"Speaking of changes," Robin interjected thoughtfully, "you mentioned Blackbeard earlier. Is he significant in the future you saw?"
The atmosphere suddenly grew tense as Luffy's expression darkened slightly. "Yeah. He's really bad news. That's why I want to warn Ace about him."
"How bad are we talking about?" Zoro asked, his hand unconsciously gripping his swords.
Before Luffy could answer, Sanji emerged from the kitchen balancing several plates. "Oi, heavy conversations can wait. Food's ready!"
"FOOD!" Luffy's serious expression instantly vanished as he launched himself toward the plates.
"WAIT FOR EVERYONE ELSE, YOU RUBBER IDIOT!" Sanji yelled, somehow managing to keep all the plates safe while kicking Luffy away.
As everyone settled down to eat, Chopper looked around at his new crew with wonder. "Is it always this lively?"
"This is actually a calm day," Usopp laughed. "Just wait until we have a party!"
"Party?" Chopper's eyes sparkled. "When do we have those?"
"Whenever Luffy decides we should celebrate something," Nami sighed fondly. "Which is pretty much any excuse he can find."
"Like now!" Luffy declared through a mouthful of food. "We got a new nakama and we're gonna see my brothers! That's worth celebrating!"
"YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO GET MORE FOOD!" everyone shouted, though they couldn't help but smile.
The conversation continued as they ate, the earlier heavy mood completely dispelled by good food and better company. This was the Straw Hat way, after all - facing whatever came their way with smiles on their faces and faith in their captain, even if said captain was currently trying to steal food from everyone's plates.
"But I'm still hungry~!"
Just another normal day aboard the Going Merry.
As the meal continued, Chopper suddenly remembered something else he wanted to ask. "Ne, Luffy, if you saw the future, does that mean you already knew I would join?"
"Yep!" Luffy beamed. "You're an awesome doctor! In the future I saw, you even learned to make your transformations bigger and stronger!"
"R-really?" Chopper tried to hide his excitement with his usual backwards compliment dance. "That doesn't make me happy at all, you jerk!"
"Oh yeah," Usopp chimed in, "you mentioned something about that before. What exactly happens with Chopper's abilities?"
"Shishishi! He gets super big! Like a monster!" Luffy stretched his arms up to emphasize. "And he can control his transformations better!"
Chopper's eyes sparkled. "That sounds amazing! How do I do it?"
"Dunno! It was during the two years we were apart!"
"Two years apart?" Robin raised an eyebrow. "What caused that separation?"
Luffy's expression became slightly more serious. "That's... complicated. But it hasn't happened yet, and maybe it won't happen the same way this time!"
"Still," Zoro interjected, setting down his drink, "might be worth knowing what kind of training led to these improvements. Could be useful even if things play out differently."
"That's surprisingly thoughtful coming from you, Marimo," Sanji smirked.
"What was that, Ero-cook?!"
Before they could start fighting, Nami bonked them both on the head. "Focus! This is important information!"
"Yes, Nami-swan~!" Sanji immediately complied, while Zoro just grumbled.
"Well," Luffy put his finger to his chin in thought, "I know Chopper trained with some bird people..."
"Bird people?!" Chopper exclaimed.
"And Zoro trained with Hawkeye!"
"WHAT?!" everyone shouted.
"The World's Greatest Swordsman?!" Usopp's jaw dropped.
"Hmm, that actually makes sense," Robin mused. "Who better to train someone aiming for that title?"
Zoro grinned wickedly. "Now that's interesting information..."
"And what about the rest of us?" Nami asked curiously.
"Weather science island for you, Nami! Usopp got super strong on a weird plant island! Sanji was with some okama..."
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Sanji interrupted, his face pale. "I don't want to know anymore about that!"
"Shishishi! But you got really strong there!"
The crew burst into laughter at Sanji's reaction, while Vivi looked thoughtful. "It's amazing how much everyone grows. I wonder what kind of adventures led to all of this..."
"That's the fun part!" Luffy declared. "Even if some things are the same, we'll make new adventures too! Like having Robin with us earlier and meeting Bon-chan at Little Garden!"
"Bon-chan?" Chopper tilted his head curiously. "Who's that?"
"Mr. 2 Bon Clay," Vivi explained. "He's one of Baroque Works' officers, but..." she looked at Luffy questioningly.
"He's our friend!" Luffy grinned widely. "Bon-chan helped us a lot! He's a good guy!"
"A good guy who works for Crocodile?" Usopp asked skeptically.
"Trust me!" Luffy nodded firmly. "Bon-chan is nakama!"
The crew exchanged glances, but they'd learned to trust their captain's judgments about people, especially with his future knowledge backing it up.
"Speaking of Baroque Works," Nami interjected, "we should probably discuss our strategy for Alabasta. Even with your future knowledge, Luffy, things might be different this time."
"Shishishi! Don't worry! We just need to kick Crocodile's ass!" Luffy said confidently.
"IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!" the crew shouted in unison.
Vivi stepped forward, her expression serious. "Luffy-san, my people are suffering. We need to stop the rebellion before it starts and expose Crocodile's true nature."
"Oh yeah!" Luffy nodded. "Last time we went to... uh... that place with the casino..."
"Rain Base," Robin supplied helpfully. "That's where Crocodile's base of operations is located."
"Right! But this time we have Robin, so it'll be easier!" Luffy grinned.
"Indeed," Robin smiled. "I know all of Crocodile's hideouts and plans. Though he might have changed some things since I betrayed him."
"Ne, Robin," Chopper looked up at her curiously. "Why did you work with him in the first place?"
Robin's expression darkened slightly. "That's... a complicated story, Doctor-san."
"It's okay!" Luffy interrupted cheerfully. "Robin's our nakama now! The past doesn't matter!"
Robin's eyes widened slightly before softening with a genuine smile. "Thank you, Captain-san."
"Still," Zoro crossed his arms, "we should be prepared for anything. Even if we know what might happen, we can't get careless."
"Marimo's right for once," Sanji agreed, lighting a new cigarette. "We should make sure we have enough supplies and water for crossing the desert."
"And we need to figure out how to handle both your brothers showing up," Nami added. "That wasn't part of the original timeline, right Luffy?"
"Nope! Just Ace was there last time!" Luffy confirmed. "But it'll be more fun with both of them! Shishishi!"
"FUN ISN'T THE POINT!" Nami shouted, bonking him on the head.
"Shishishi! Don't worry about my brothers!" Luffy grinned, adjusting his straw hat. "They won't help with Crocodile. This is my adventure! Besides, I've got Haki now, so I can kick his sandy butt easily!"
"Haki?" Chopper tilted his head curiously. "What's that?"
"Oh!" Usopp puffed out his chest proudly. "It's like a mysterious power! There are three types - one lets you sense attacks coming, another lets you hit Logia users like Crocodile, and the third can knock people out with just your willpower!"
"SUGOI!" Chopper's eyes sparkled with stars. "That sounds amazing! Can... can I learn it too?"
"Shishishi! Of course!" Luffy laughed. "We can start training tomorrow! Everyone can learn it!"
"REALLY?!" Chopper started doing his happy dance. "That doesn't make me happy at all, you jerks!"
Zoro cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand. "For now, we should focus on our plan. Luffy and Robin will handle Crocodile since they know his abilities. The rest of us will deal with the rebellion."
"Eh?!" Usopp's jaw dropped. "Just the two of them against a Warlord?!"
"Don't worry!" Luffy punched his palm with a confident grin. "I'm way stronger now! And Robin knows all his tricks!"
"Indeed," Robin smiled mysteriously. "This time, things will be quite different."
"YOSH!" Luffy jumped up excitedly. "Let's kick Crocodile's ass!"
"YOU'RE TOO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!" the crew shouted, though they couldn't help but smile at their captain's enthusiasm.
In Rain Base, within the luxurious confines of the Rain Dinners casino, Crocodile sat in his hidden underground chamber, smoking his signature cigar.
Miss All Sunday's unexpected betrayal had forced him to accelerate his plans.
"Sir," a Baroque Works agent knelt before him, "we've received reports that the Straw Hat Pirates are heading this way. And..." the agent hesitated.
"Speak," Crocodile commanded, his hook gleaming in the dim light.
"Fire Fist Ace has been spotted in Nanohana. But that's not all... there are also reports of Revolutionary Army activity in the kingdom."
Crocodile's eyes narrowed dangerously. "The Revolutionary Army? Here?"
"Yes, sir. Their Chief of Staff, Sabo the Blue Gentleman, was seen heading toward Alabasta."
"Interesting..." Crocodile exhaled a cloud of smoke. "First Miss All Sunday betrays us, then two of the most dangerous young people in the world one is Whitebeard high-ranking, and a high-ranking Revolutionary show up..." He crushed his cigar in the ashtray. "Something's changed."
"Sir!" Another agent burst into the room. "We've received word from our informants in the Marines!"
Crocodile turned, irritation clear on his face. "What now?"
"Due to Fire Fist Ace's presence, Marine Headquarters has dispatched additional forces to Alabasta. Captain 'Black Cage' Hina and Captain 'White Hunter' Smoker are both en route!"
"Tch," Crocodile clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Those self-righteous Marines... always sticking their noses where they don't belong."
He walked to the window overlooking Rain Base, watching the sandstorm brewing in the distance.
"Smoker's already been a thorn in my side, sniffing around Alabasta. And now Hina..." He let out a dry laugh."This kingdom is becoming quite crowded."
"Should we take measures against the Marines as well?"
"No need," Crocodile smirked. "Let them chase their precious pirates. By the time they realize what's happening, Alabasta will already be mine." His expression darkened.
"Though having two Marine Captains here could complicate things... especially that damn Smoker and his Logia abilities."
The agent shifted nervously. "There's one more thing, sir. The Marines... they seem particularly interested in the Straw Hat boy. Apparently, he's..."
"Garp grandson," Crocodile finished, his eyes narrowing. "Yes, I'm well aware. This game just keeps getting more interesting..."
Crocodile's smirk faded as he paced the room, his mind working through the complications. "We need to accelerate our plans. The game has too many players now."
He turned sharply to his agents. "Contact Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas immediately. They are to provoke the rebels before the Revolutionary Army's Blue Gentleman arrives. Tell them to spread the word that they discovered more Dance Powder in the royal palace - make it seem like they're acting on behalf of the people."
"Yes, sir!" One agent quickly departed.
"As for Fire Fist Ace..." Crocodile took another drag from his cigar. "Have our agents track his movements. When they locate him, leak his position to the Marines. Let Smoker and Hina chase him around - it'll keep them distracted."
He moved to his desk, examining a map of Alabasta. "And Mr. 1..."
"When the rebellion reaches its peak, eliminate King Cobra. Make it look like he was killed in the chaos." His eyes gleamed dangerously. "And I want immediate reports when the Straw Hats arrive. Track their movements - I want to know exactly which route they take."
"Understood, sir!"
"The pieces are in place," Crocodile muttered to himself as his agents hurried to carry out his orders. "Let's see how they handle this game when we change all the rules..."
"One more thing," he called to his remaining agents. "Have Miss Doublefinger position herself near Alubarna's water supply. If the rebels start losing momentum, she knows what to do with the Dance Powder."
He walked to the window, watching the desert winds swirl outside. "The timing must be perfect. When the people see 'rain' falling near the capital while their own towns remain dry..." His smirk returned. "Their rage will be unstoppable."
"Sir, what about Miss All Sunday's betrayal? Should we be concerned about what she might reveal?"
Crocodile's expression darkened. "That woman knows too much. She's likely with the Straw Hats now - I'll eliminate her along with them."
"And if we encounter the Revolutionary Army's forces?"
"Avoid confrontation with the Blue Gentleman. Let the rebels and Marines do our work for us. The more chaos, the better." Crocodile crushed his cigar. "By the time anyone realizes what's truly happening, Alabasta will be burning - and from its ashes, I'll build my kingdom."
His laughter echoed through the underground chamber, cold and calculating, as his agents dispersed to set his plans in motion.
Five days passed aboard the Going Merry, filled with intense Haki training sessions and preparation for their arrival in Alabasta.
"Land ho!" Usopp called from the crow's nest. "I can see Nanohana!"
"Finally!" Luffy bounced excitedly. "I can smell Sanji's food from here!"
"That's because I'm cooking right next to you, idiot," Sanji grumbled, preparing special bento boxes for their desert journey.
Nami studied her maps carefully. "Remember everyone, we need to be discreet when we dock. Baroque Works probably has agents watching every port."
"Especially since they know I've betrayed them," Robin added, adjusting her cowl. "They'll be looking for us."
"Shishishi! Don't worry!" Luffy grinned. "I can sense if anyone strong is nearby now!"
As they approached the port, Luffy suddenly perked up, his Observation Haki tingling. A wide grin spread across his face just as a shadow leaped high over the ship, briefly blocking out the sun.
A tall figure landed gracefully on the Going Merry's deck, his blue coat fluttering in the wind and top hat secured firmly on his blonde head. The crew immediately tensed, except for Luffy who was practically vibrating with excitement.
"Sabo!" Luffy shouted joyfully, launching himself at his brother.
The Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff smoothly sidestepped the rubber missile, causing Luffy to crash into the mast. "I apologize for dropping in unannounced," he said politely, adjusting his cravat. "But I received some rather interesting orders from Dragon-san about meeting his son here."
"Shishishi! You're still so formal!" Luffy bounced back, undeterred. "But you're gonna remember everything soon!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow. "Remember? What do you mean-"
Before he could finish his question, Luffy pulled back his fist, coating it in Armament Haki. "GRANDPA'S FIST OF LOVE!"
"Wait, what-" Sabo's eyes widened in recognition just as Luffy's fist connected with his head.
"What... what was that?" Sabo touched his head, his eyes distant. "For a moment, I thought I saw... children running through the forest..."
"Shishishi! It's working!" Luffy cracked his knuckles. "Just need to hit you harder!"
"Wait, Luffy-kun," Sabo raised his hands defensively, stepping back. "I don't understand what you're trying to-"
"GOMU GOMU NO FIST OF LOVE!" Luffy launched another Haki-coated punch.
Sabo's training kicked in as he smoothly dodged, his pipe appearing in his hands. "Oi oi, what's gotten into you? Dragon-san's son or not, I can't just let you-"
"STOP BEING SO FORMAL!" Luffy stretched both arms back. "YOU'RE MY BROTHER!"
"Brother?" Sabo's eyes widened, another flash of memory - sake cups, promises, laughter - before it slipped away again.
"JUST STAND STILL AND LET ME HIT YOU!" Luffy whined, throwing more punches that Sabo continued to evade.
"THIS IS THE WEIRDEST FAMILY REUNION EVER!" Usopp screamed from behind the mast where the rest of the crew had taken cover.
"Shouldn't we stop them?" Chopper asked worriedly.
Robin chuckled. "I think this might be working, Doctor-san. Look at Mr. Chief of Staff's eyes..."
Indeed, with each near hit, Sabo's expression grew more confused, more conflicted, as if something was trying to break through the fog in his mind.
"GOMU GOMU NO GATLING FIST OF LOVE!" Luffy unleashed a barrage of punches, each coated in Haki.
Sabo weaved through them with practiced grace, but his movements were becoming less certain as fragments of memories kept flashing through his mind. "These moves... they're like... like when we were..."
"When we were kids!" Luffy grinned. "Remember? Training in the forest! Fighting the Tiger Lord! Stealing from bandits!"
"Bandits?" Sabo's pipe lowered slightly. "Dadan... that name, why do I..."
Luffy's fist finally connected, sending Sabo crashing into the ship's railing.
"LUFFY!" The crew shouted in panic. "YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!"
But Sabo didn't get up immediately. He sat there, hand pressed to his head, eyes wide and unfocused. "That punch... just like... Garp's..."
"Shishishi! Remember now?" Luffy bounced closer.
"I... I remember..." Sabo's voice trembled. "A tree house... a promise... Ace..." His eyes suddenly cleared, filling with tears as he looked up at Luffy. "Lu...?"
"SABO!" Luffy launched himself at his brother, this time successfully wrapping him in a rubbery hug.
"LUFFY!" Sabo hugged back fiercely, tears streaming down his face. "How could I forget? How could I forget my own brothers?!"
The crew watched in amazement as the normally composed Revolutionary Army officer broke down crying while their captain laughed joyfully.
"I can't believe that actually worked," Nami muttered, shaking her head.
"The power of Garp's Fist of Love," Zoro smirked. "Terrifying in its own way."
As the brothers embraced, the rest of the crew slowly emerged from their hiding spots, still in awe of what they had just witnessed.
"Well," Sanji lit a cigarette, "I guess that's one way to cure amnesia."
"Luffy's methods are... unique," Robin chuckled softly.
Suddenly, a column of fire erupted from the nearby port, followed by shouts and the sound of buildings collapsing.
"What the-" Usopp's jaw dropped as he peered through his goggles. "Guys, you're not gonna believe this, but there's another guy made of fire fighting the Marines at the dock!"
"Shishishi! Ace is here too!" Luffy grinned, still hugging Sabo.
Sabo wiped his tears, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Well, little brother, shall we go greet our hot-headed sibling?"
"Yosh!" Luffy pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go!"
As the three brothers prepared to leap off the ship, Nami called out, "Wait! What about our plan? The rebellion? Crocodile?"
Luffy turned back, his trademark grin wider than ever. "Don't worry! We'll kick Crocodile's ass, save Vivi's country, and have a big party with my brothers! It'll be an adventure!"
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